Owner Pose
Spike      The night has settled and Spike has been going for a while. When you arrive the place seems empty. The main room anyway and it's not like he asnwered when you knocked, assuming you knocked. No sign of his duster, cigarettes, or Zippo so it's a pretty good bet he's not in right now.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers was pretty worried about this whole Spike thing. And she hated how he was getting super chummy with her BFF and her sister. Dammit, what's he up to, why's he trying to ruin her life..And did he steal that coin..?

That last part is what's got her worried th most, and so she steps back into his room, late at night, when he is (hopefully) out and about..Hunting or..Getting drunk or doing whatever it is that he does.

All the same, she does knock on the door, just to make sure. "Spike? You home..?" But somehow, maybe he just left the door unlocked and she slips inside. Hmm, no duster, no ciggies and no zippo. Yeah, he's not home. Breathing a sigh of relief, Buffy starts searching aroud. She's not sure if he'd take the coin with him or leave it here, but if he DID leave it here, now's a good time to go searching for it.

She heads the washroom first, searching through the cupboards and draws.
Spike      Coming back from a quick trip to a blood bank since he can't really hunt anymore, he pauses as he notes the door into his place open. Furrowing a brow he eases inside and pulls the door just enough to see what might be going on. Old school Spike would have jumped into the bathroom and had a meal regardless, this Spike knows that isn't his option anymore so he waits.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers hasn't found anything in the bathroom, so she turns to the bedroom, wrinkling her nose. "I really don't want to look in his underwear drawer, but.." with a sigh, she steps in and starts searching around.

Waaait, was that a door that just openned? She freezes, holding her breath, waiting to see if she can hear any other sounds. If he's home and he heard her, this could be bad. But does she hide, or make a run for it or...Or maybe he didn't hear her?
Spike      There is a old phrase that Spike is living up to. Silent as the tomb. He doesn't move and watches. A smirk touches his lips as he realizes his invader is the Slayer. Might as well wait and take a shot when the timing is better. Some things are too good to pass up and a chance to bust the high and mighty at simple breaking and entering will likely be the highlight of his night.
Buffy Summers Maybe she doesn't give him enough credit, but Buffy relaxes when she hears no further noises and continues searching through his *ahem* drawers. But obviously finds nothing. Which is both relieving and frustrating (really, why is she doing this?).

And hopefully she didn't stumble upon anything weird or embarrassing as she realizes the last time it happened, it was *Spike* searching through her drawers (dont look at her that way!).

"Well, that was a big waste of time." she sighs as she steps out of his bedroom, and heads towards the exit. Only to see him just standing there. And she freezes, looking a bit sheepish.

"Oh...Spike! There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" she laughs a bit nervously. Well. This is awkward....
Spike      He pushes the door in enough to be seen as she continues to work through his things. Placing a cigarette in his mouth he continues to watch and gets his Zippo and watches a little longer. Is he annoyed? Sure. Will she pay for it? Probably.

     Just before she starts to turn and look his way he clicks the Zippo open to reveal his position a little easier too. He doesn't answer at first, instead lighting the Zippo and drawing the fire into his cigarette. His gaze never leaves her eyes and after the Zippo is closed and put away he takes one long drag, exhaling into the room.

     "You know I'm of two minds right now. The first would be the thrashing I took for doing the very thing you're doing." he comments,"I mean I'm the villain and you are the hero so I guess that one works itself out yes?" Oh when he's annoyed or plotting something that accent gets a little deeper and sharper,"So the other part of me is of a mind to say something sarcastic and ask you what the hell you're looking for."

     He takes another slow, deep drag and exhales again. Contemplating he finally,"So I guess it comes this dunnit? You know Slayer if you want in my pants there's more direct ways to get there." Lucky her, smart ass is on the rise tonight with a chance of insufferable nuisance,"What would Thomas think?"
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers just..Stares at Spike for a moment or two. "..Uh.." she swallows, trying to think of something appropriate to respond with. "Well...I was just checking in to see if you were here because..You know..I was..worried..About you?" yeah that's it. Worried. She forces a smile, taking a step towards him. "Besides, the door was unlocked, so I thought..May as well just wait for you, right?"
Spike      "Uh huh." he comments, the second syllable drawn out longer than the first. He holds his arms out to his side and tales a slow 360 degree turn so she can see he is fine,"Worry no more love. William the Bloody, present and accounted for."

     He looks at the dresser and back at you with a point,"Were you looking for me in my chest of drawers then? Did you check under the bed and in the loo?" He pauses and nods,"I mean you were right there, I might have been flushed or something."

     When she doesn't address the question at hand he swings the door shut, hard. He crosses his arms and leaves the cigarette smoulder between his fingers,"Why were you tossing my place love? It's a straight forward question and no need to beat around the bush. Did you lose something or did I steal something?"
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers shakes her head, taking another step nearer to him, a strange smile on her face. "Well...I dunno, guess I was just..Curious? Wanted to know more about you. Is that such a bad thing?" she tilts her head, her smile swett, moving right up in his face now. Last time she came this close, he ended kissing her.

"C'mon, you've been obsessed with me like, forever, now I'm giving you a chance and you're chickening out? What are you afraid of?" she reaches up to rest her hands on his shoulders if he'll let her.
Spike      That's low. Not that he cares mind you, but that's low. Maybe he's too thick to catch on. Another drag off the cigarette and he exhales away from you at least. There is a hint of suspicion in his eyes, but he pushes it away,"Yeah? A forensic learning method?"

     He considers the words you add and he replies,"Well then. Back to the direct method love." he replies and oops he's a creature of habit and she got too close and gave him too much hope. His hnads rest on her hips,"We're almost dancing. Ask me what you want to know." Too stupid to be scared or suspicious suddenly.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers licks her lips, peering up at him. He's smart, she knows that. He'd kill her in an instant if he had the chance. Or rather, if he was able to. If he had the coin though, or found more than one, that could be really, REALLY bad.

"Yeah..Guess we are..All those near misses.." she sighs, swaying her hips slowly back and forth, her hands sliding from his shoulder to under that duster of his, running up and down his back.

"What I wanna know? Well..Why dont you tell me more about you, Spike. About the *real* you, not the demon you. You never really..You never recited any of your poetry for me. You DID say you were a poet once, right?"

Meanwhile, her fingers brush over his pockets, both on his duster and his pants. Totally trying to search for that coin still, under the pretense of turning him on of course.
Spike      Wow, she is really taking advantage of his blind spot. Later, once the annoyance wears off, he's going to be very proud of her. Instead he is too busy enjoying the attention. The thoughts of killing her are far from him.

     "Too many near misses." he agrees softly. His eyes are totally lost in her and so he's oblivious to what she is really doing,"You know the called me 'the bloody' because the locals said I was a bloody terrible poet right?" She's too close for too long and so he takes advantage of her apparent willingness and presses a kiss to her lips. Sorry Thomas, some things can't be resisted.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers is totally gonna kick herself for this later. But y'know, that coin has been bugging her for a long time..And maybe, if she wasn't already head over heels in love with Thomas, and if Spike actually HAD a soul, he might stand a chance. As it is though..

She swallows, feeling her heart beating a bit more anxiously as he gets too close, and dares to kiss her, dammit. For a brief moment, eyes narrow and she pulls away, holding back her anger, pressing a finger to his lips instead, a more nervous smile playing on her trembling lips and she swallows.

"So they say, but why dont you let me decide for myself, hmm?" Buffy tilts her head, watching him curiously. She'd gone through all but his back pockets, and still no coin. She's not sure how much longer she can fake it, but maybe just long enough to try the pants...

"Please..?" the last part is asked with the sweetest batting of her eyes.
Spike      He isn't really surprised she pulls away, but he got what he was wanting, for the moment anyway. He sighs softly and closes his eyes to try to reach back over a lot of years to try and come up with something.

     He clears his throat a little, only starting to realize where he hands have been and still not caring.

"The night beckons and a hear.
The one I love holds another dear.
She tempts me in her own way
ever keeping me in her sway.
I'm lost and there's naught that can save
the heart I so foolishly gave.

     So maybe not horrible, but not great by any means. Maybe he's a little rusty or he's just that bad.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers listens, no she really does listen, still swaying slowly side to side on her heels, and she hasn't let go of him either, although her hands are slowly creeping to his pants...No, not there you sicko!

Ahem, her hands very lightly brush over his back pockets, but not actually sliding them inside, just in case he's got the coin in there..Which of course he doesnt.

With a sigh, she stops swaying, stops trying to flirt with him and takes another step back, letting go. Oh but there's the poetry, and..Hey, it's actually not that bad, but kinda sad.

"wow..Spike, that's really..Kind of sad. Were you talking about yourself in those lines? I'm...i'm sorry." no, she really does feel sorry for him. Hey, she's not totally heartless. And she actually was moved by that poem. "Guess I never took you for a sensitive type, you know? Not with all the walls you put up all the time around you.."
Spike      "I could get used to this you know." he mutters softly. Yup, he's gone and she's taking total advantage. Who's the villain in this story again? There is no sign of a coin no. He's completely oblivious to what she is actually doing of course.

     He smiles a little bit and shakes his head,"I was talking about myself yes. That was over a hundred years ago though." he admits,"One of the last things I wrote. Maybe I should try again. What do you think?" His eyes hold yours for the longest of time.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers blinks slowly, arching a brow, acting all innocent. "Use to what..?" okay, so he doesn't have the coin and she should really just ditch him and go but..Buffy is..Curious, maybe too curious for her own good.

As for the poetry, she just nods slowly, biting her lip. "Poetry speaks from the heart, doesn't it? Maybe even the soul. I think it would do you good to tap into your poetic roots again, remember who you really were. William Pratt wasn't it? I wonder what he was really like?"

Apparently a very sad, sad person that she cant help but feel sorry for, in spite of herself.
Spike      "Just this. Close and quiet." he replies,"The two of us. Nobody around and no need for posturing." Yup. She's sunk her hooks in deep this time,"I know you think I'm a monster...well I am in a sense. Still. This is nice."

     The second part gives him a moment of pause as he turns his head to the side a little,"Poetry speaks from the heart and you have no idea how long its been since anyone remembered my last name." Try not to dwell on the fact she got in from a book when preparing to fight him. He sighs softly and shakes his head,"I don't know. Maybe someday I might try. I might have inspiration again. As for William, he was a sad man that existed alone without a person to care for him other than his mother."
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers sighs, shaking her head slowly. She should leave, make her exit real soon. Now that she knows he doesnt have the coin..But.."Never said you're a monster. I mean...Well, you ARE but that chip's changed you, maybe for the better. At least a little. It's a start." she shrugs and smiles, "At least it means I dont have to kill you."

As for William, Buffy frowns, "So what, William needs other people to make him whole? How about standing on your own two feet, Spike? It's what you do now, or rather, it's what the demon has taught you what to do. Maybe it's time you didn't rely so much on the demon.."
Spike      "You don't have to say it Buffy. It's the truth." he comments softly,"The chip is something. It was made to change behavior." There is a moment of consideration and he adds,"You don't have to, but there are a lot of people think you should."

     "Unfortunately William needed other people, he just didn't have any around him." he explains,"He was a flacid little wanker in the world of elites and was going to die alone and miserable the same way that he lived. It was pathetic. The demon inside me saved me from hanging myself." Nothing like putting it all out there.
Buffy Summers "I know.." she shrugs, peering back at him curiously, still hovering nearby but at a safe distance. "It bothers you, doesn't it? You'd do anything to get rid of it wouldn't you, even...Even that coin..?" She frowns at talk of William. "So what, you think he was weak..?"
Spike      He looks down then looks for his cigarettes again. Since you two have a little distance he takes one out,"The chip is like instant pain for being what you are." he explains,"I know what I am, the chip sees to it I am not. It's taken my ability to be what I am, but it also made me notice some of the good things in the world."

     He blinks and turns his head,"The coin? Are you worried about the coin?" he pauses and something chages in his expression and he takes a deep breath, sighing,"You thought I lifted the coin from the church didn't you?" The rest of the night and conversation seems to vanish as he knows he's been had. He turns his back and walks towards the door, getting a cigarette out as he does.
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers shrugs, "Well...The thought had crossed my mind.." she sighs. Busted. "But more than that, I was worried that you'd be tempted, and if you went for it, it'd change you. Sure it'd take away the chip, but then you'd truly be a monster.."
Spike      He lights a cigarette and leans on the door,"There's no way to know that it would do anything to the chip. The thought crossed my mind." he admits and looks out the door and back to you again,"There is a not way to know if the demon would affect me or not."

     "I think I've been played long enough for one night and I have other things to do tonight." he tells you. There's no way he'd admit it, but this just cut him deep and it's clear he wants you to do away right now. A deep drag and he exhales slowly,"Thomas and the rest of your Scoobies probably need you. Thwart the forces of evil and all that."
Buffy Summers Buffy Summers shakes her head slowly as she heads for the door, reaching for the knob. Yeah, she's overstayed her welcome for sure. "Well for your sake..And mine. I hope you dont..Get tempted. And to tell the truth. I really was worried about you."

She opens the door, pausing only briefly. "Good night, Spike." And then she's gone.