Owner Pose
Andrea It's almost the weekend and Andrea is excited. That means no more college classes, a break from work, and a chance to just relax. But, for now, she has a piece of business to attend to. Having gave Josh a ring earlier to come by her place to meet up, she is currently parked on the couch with a folder of paperwork in front of her. Dressed in her NYU sweater and a pair of slim jeans, the popstarlet is sipping on a coffee and nibbling on a store bought donut.
Josh Foley Enjoying the cooler weather now that temperatures are dropping, Josh was out wandering the city when Andrea rang him up and asked that he stop by. Never one to pass up the chance of hanging out in a swanky penthouse suite with a pop star, he agreed. Heading up the lift to the top floor, he steps out and gives the door a knock. He's rocking a hoodie and tight black jeans beneath a long lightweight coat and a pair of trainers. A thin skullcap covers his head with a few stray blonde locks poking out.
Andrea Hopping up to her feet, Andrea heads over to the door to open it up for her fellow graduate. She gives him a big grin, followed by a hug. "Hey, Josh! Come on in. How is the morning?" She asks as she heads back into the living room to flop back down. "I got donuts and coffee if you want to snag something. I even got bear claws in there."
Josh Foley Not one to eat much, Josh simply smiles and shakes his head after giving his host a quick hug, "I'm okay, thanks." He follows Andrea into her apartment and shrugs off his coat, tossing it across a chair beside the couch before he takes a seat next to her. He sits on the edge of the cushion and glances at all of the paperwork spread out, "Uh." His face twists into a look of confusion. He's a smart kid but he's not business savvy by any means. "This all looks complicated."
Andrea Smirking at him, Andrea reaches out to pick up a single folder, then hands it over to him. "You suffered through Hank's physics and you're complaining about this looking complicated? Easily enough for you, everything you need is in there. That is the contract written up by Starlight's lawyers that includes your salary and benefits if you choose to have them. Though being that I don't think you can die, you probably don't need them. So, if you agree to your salary package, sign your life over to me."
Josh Foley Looking from the table to Andrea and then back down as she hands him a folder. He takes it slowly and opens the cover, glancing over the first page. His eyes glaze over a bit so he decides to just listen to her explanation of what he's looking at instead of reading it over. She is right, at least he thinks so. He may not be able to die so health insurance isn't really a big deal. "Signing myself over to you, huh?" He shoots her a sideways glance and grins. "I guess being indebted to a pop star isn't the worst thing in the world." He flips through a few more of the pages but isn't really reading it. He hates paperwork. Reminds him of school. "Gotta pen?" He glances around the table and spots a few so he grabs one and looks for the place to sign.
Andrea "I mean, I heard Madonna is a shrew and keeps her team locked in a sex dungeon. At her age, she still looks amazing." Andrea hands a pen over to him and grins. "Read the first page at least. I made sure to bold the important stuff, like your salary. Even though I know everything is good, I still want you to make sure to at least read some of it. Would make me feel better." She leans over and picks up her coffee mug again for a sip. "So, whatcha been up to? College going okay for you?"
Josh Foley Flipping back to the first page, Josh's eyes skim over the text for anything in bold. He stops when he gets to his salary and looks at it for a moment. Well, he's never really had money. And this is money. He looks over at Andrea for a moment and then gives her a 'not bad' expression before glancing back down and flipping over to the last page, signing it quickly before either of them can change their minds. Having steady income is going to be awesome.

Placing the folder back onto the table, he finally sits back and rests into the couch, "Yeah. I don't really like going to class but I'm doing well enough." He sighs, "I'd rather not go but I know I need to learn more about biology. It'll only help me in the long run. How about you?"
Andrea "I love going to school. It's like super normal for me. Even if I'm in a sorority now and trying to stack as many extra curriculars as my schedule allows me to. With my album out and my mini tour over with for the most part, I can actually focus on being a college student." Andrea takes the signed folder and adds it to the stack next to the other employees that will be hired on for staff.

"You always were a slacker." She says teasingly to him. "But school is important. It's just four years of your life. Once you get through it, you're done. Then you can work on building a career."