Owner Pose
Poseidon "safer! Healthier! Better! The Rand Enterprises Chemical Plant is operative again..."
It didn't happen today, nor yesterday, come to think of it it happened a bit of time ago that the chemical plant reopened its doors and started working again, but on his defense, Poseidon can say he's been busy. Now, though, it is time to finally check if that place is, indeed, safer. Is it truly better or have humans just found another way to push dust under the carpet? It's not like Poseidon is a fanatic against pollution and such, but when it's too much, he certainly must intervene for the safety of his creatures, at the very least. And so now, in front of the bulky structure, the man is sitting on a bench, wearing smome old clothes that make him seem nothing more than a tired worker, but a tired worker with white hair falling down to his shoulders and framing a somewhat serious and ageless face.
Xiang Zhao Humans being humans, especially those out to make money, chances are more likely to lean toward dust under the carpet. Much like the ageless one on the bench, Xiang Zhao is also not a fanatic against pollution. He does pick up trash as he sees it when it's near his location, though. As he walks along the beach, not too far from that bench, he pauses now and again to crouch down and pick up this or that upon the beach, depositing the items into the closest bin. He doesn't appear to be anything other than what he is; some lunatic dressed in cosplay clothing walking along the beach. The beach goers that see him all eye him. Some of them eye him strangely, others with anticipation for something interesting to happen. A few with appreciation for the costume, thinking he's a fellow cosplayer. While noting the people he walks past, Xiang Zhao ignores them for the most part, taking note and nothing more unless problems should arise. He pauses to crouch down and pick up a wadded piece of paper. The wind gusts at that moment, and he catches it out of the air, a little amused smile emerging from his usual calm expression. That same wind blows his long, dark hair out to the side.
Poseidon "how's it going at the new school?" "Not bad, thought it would've been more difficult but Janette is adapting well and she even found a couple of new friends already." Two workers are walking out from the plant right now, one with an unlit cigarette between his lips. The man with the cigarette rummages in his pocket for a bit, but finally shrugs "must've forgot the lighter in the office." "there you go" the other man pulls out a lighter and hands it to the one with the cigarette, who lights it before passing the lighter back. Still chatting, the two men walk down the street as Poseidon stands, starting to walk towards the building, and unknowingly towards Xiang Zhao.
Shannon      The shores were not empty that breezy, clear afternoon, and neither were the skies above. What might be mistaken for a very large winged creature, perhaps a bird, was in fact, something quite different. The being in the heavens circles lazily in the breeze, and one might actually hear joyous laughter carried on wind tinged by the salty tang of the ocean. Lower and lower, the creature circled, until it became apparent that it was no bird, but what might be mistaken for... an angel? But what would a blonde-haired angel be doing in light blue jeans, white sneakers, and a white sweater? Spotting Xiang, Shannon descends to the ground, backwinging her way to a semi-graceful landing close by. She has a small-ish messenger style bag slung over one shoulder, and as always, has her little brown leather bag with her.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao glances toward the two chatting workers, then goes back to what he'd been doing. Enjoying a walk along the beach. The wind flutters his hair again, as well as his robes this time, and he can't help another smile. "Hao ba hao ba. Wo dédào ta. Nín hen kaixin. Dànshì qing, chúfei nín yào bang wo zhengli yixià, fouzé qing bùyào zài wèi ta fánnaole," he says in Mandarin, the words followed by an amused sounding laugh. But there's nobody near enough to him for Zhao to really be having a conversation with. He turns toward the nearest bin and deposits the wadded up bit of paper into it. He starts to resume his walk after, and his eyes fall upon Poseidon's figure. Zhao pauses and studies the man in his guise as a tired worker, some of the smile fading as he concentrates. The wind sets his hair and robes to flying again, and he waves his right hand vaguely to his side toward his windblown hair. "Hao ba, xiànzài tíngzhi. Ràng wo zhuanxin." With this last comment, his flyaway hair and robes both settle mostly down. They still blow in the breeze, but not like that breeze is playing with them. Probably nothing more than a coincidence. Even distracted as he is, Xiang Zhao cannot possibly miss the landing close by, and that smile comes back. He's distracted once again, but this time, away from Poseidon and to Shannon. "Shannon. Hello," he greets.
Poseidon Not just one, but two people Poseidon knows are nearby. He sees the first, Xiao, and just is aware of the second, Shannon, until he sees her as well. His steps alt, he turns, and starts walking towards the robed man and the winged woman, offering a wave "Shannon, glad to see you've your wings again" he starts with a smile "Xiang Zhao, well met again. I hope the wind isn't giving you too much trouble?"
Shannon      Shannon's face is rosy from the chilly wind high above, and from the exertion of flight, but she's grinning from ear to ear. There's a little flick of her wings, feathers ruffling as she settles them at her back. She does seem to be breathing just a little bit heavily, but does not appear to be in any undue distress. Noting Poseidon's disguise, she nods, and smiles. "Percy, good to see you. They've been back a couple weeks now, but oof, it's been a while since I've flown that far at a clip. I needed the exercise badly." Looking to Zhao, she smiles, cupping her hands together and bowing as he often did himself. "Zhao, it's wonderful to see you as well."
Xiang Zhao "Ah. I knew I knew you from somewhere," says Xiang Zhao as Poseidon greets. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Poseidon." That smile from before returns at the mention of the wind. "It is fine. Just playful spirits, I think. You are both well?" Almost as though that smile were permission, the wind flutters through his hair again. It's likely his imagination and nothing but the breeze being normal and doing that thing it does, and blowing. Zhao looks askance between the two at the nickname. "Percy?" He is clearly not getting the connection. But, "Excercise is good for you." Shannon's cupped hands and bow brings Zhao to do the same, and cup his hands before bowing to the winged woman in turn. "It is wonderful to see you as well, Xiao Mèimei."
Poseidon Poseidon nods with a smile in Shannon's direction, then asks "is the waterproofing still up as it should be?" then his gaze turns to Xiang Zhao, that receives a smile as well "that's the name I usually go with when people don't know who I am, one of the names at least..." he explains, before shrugging and glancing sideways at the chemical plant "I was ust checking this, here, to make sure it is not dangerous."
Shannon      "Yes it has, thankfully. I was really glad to see that. It would have been very upsetting to have had that gift destroyed." Shannon's smile is broad, lighting up her whole face. It's not taking her long to catch her breath, leaving little doubt that, even in the interim when she didn't have wings, it seemed unlikely that she ever missed 'leg day'. Zhao gets a curious look, and she has to think for a moment. There isn't much context for her to translate from this time. "Another word for familial relation?" she asks Zhao, furrowing her brows. "The last ones were mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather... but 'meimei' sounds cute and sweet. I'd guess... sister?"
Xiang Zhao And there's the explanation. "Oh," says Xiang Zhao. "I see. Would you prefer Percy to the other, then?" He's flexible, he can use whatever name is preferred! He looks curious about the waterproofing being mentioned, but does not ask. He can guess based on the answer given. Then a smile to Shannon at her curious look and the puzzling over it that follows. She gets an, "Mm," and a nod when she asks about familial relations. And another at her guess. "Mm. Little sister, to be precise. Xiao means little or small."
Poseidon "it's the same..." Poseidon replies at Xiao's question "whichever you prefer, though Percy works better when there are other people around for, obvious reasons." he explains. "in any case, do either of you need anything from me as I'm here? I have a meeting I must attend to in, mhmh... A bit less than a hour"
Shannon      "Just a hug as always, and surely there's time for a little bit of cocoa?" Shannon grins at them both, reaching into the messenger bag slung over her shoulder. Sure enough, a thermos is withdrawn, with a top that would serve admirably well for a cup. A second cup of similar style also is taken out, and she glances between Poseidon and Zhao. "I usually wind up sharing anyways. It just tastes better that way." Being called 'little sister' has her giggling, her smile widening and her wings flaring out. Apparently, someone's just made her day!
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao considers what is said, and then nods. "Percy it is, then. If I use that name, I will not forget at an inopportune moment." He considers the offer, and then shakes his head slowly. "Not.. that I can think of. I thank you, though." Then hugs are mentioned. The normally calm and collected Xiang Zhao takes an actual step back when hugs are mentioned. Nope. Nope. Someone clearly does not do hugs. Cocoa, however, gets a curious expression. "Cocoa? This is chocolate?" He thinks so, but doesn't sound entirely certain. Shannon's happy expression and body language is a clear indicator to Zhao that the nickname was appropriately chosen. He looks pleased.
Poseidon Poseidon has no problems with hugs, it seems, must be something rare for him or something! "to that one cannot say no I suppose." hugs or cocoa, or both? In any case, Poseidon spreads his arms wide, ready for Shannon's hug.
Shannon      Poseidon is, in short order, wrapped up in a hug that also involves wings forming a feathery cocoon around him for several moments. Shannon, for her part, looks happy as a clam (how can a clam look happy when they don't have a face?). Out of respect for clearly stated--if wordless--wishes, Zhao is not hugged. But, he and Poseidon are both poured out a cupful of cocoa from the thermos, once the winged healer in training disentangles herself from the hug of her own making. "Yes, hot chocolate. One of the best blessings there is."
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao can say no! To hugs, at least. He doesn't look certain just what cocoa is. Clams can look happy because the shell opening makes for one huge smile! He watches the hugging with a certain indifference to his expression. The calm is back now that he suspects he's not going to get pounced. He wrinkles his nose when the thermos is opened, and reaches up to rub that nose. "That smells very sweet," he says. The cupful of cocoa is accepted, and he eyes it, semi warily. "Best blessing? I have never had this. I may have had chocolate candy when I was small." He really doesn't look sure about the cocoa!
Poseidon Poseidon gladly accepts the cup once the hug ends, and lifts it to his nose as if savouring the sweet scent of cocoa. "good as always" he states before taking a small sip "do you always carry that around, anyways?" he asks, curiously, before looking towards Xiang "you really never had cocoa?"
Shannon      "On a chilly day like this? Figured I'd keep my thermos with me, enjoy a cup wherever I landed for a break." Shannon smiles to Percy and Zhao, the latter getting a look of mild surprise. The other cup is filled and offered to him with a smile. "Yes, it tastes like chocolaete candy, except this is hot liquId in a cup. Would you like to try some?"
Xiang Zhao The whole chocolate business is looked on dubiously. Warily. Xiang Zhao nods to Poseidon. "I have really never had cocoa. It is not impossible to get things that are not made on the mountain, but it is not done often, either, unless it is things we need." But the offer to try some? That he nods to. "Shi. I would. Xiexie." The offered cup is accepted. And sniffed. And blowed on, as it was said to be hot and burnt tongues are no fun! Then, a careful sip. A look of uncertainty, followed by surprise. "Ooh. Nà hen hao." That is so good, Zhao apparently forgot to say it in English!
Poseidon "right, it's quite good" Poseidon confirms in Xiang's direction, sipping some more of his cocoa. "makes sense, yes, though the shadow of a chemical plant isn't the most, mhm, suggestive spot to drink cocoa I suppose." a couple more sips, then Poseidon sighs and shakes his head, emptying the cup with two longer sips "I am afraid, though, that I must go soon... Even if gods are supposed to be powerful, stopping time isn't something we can't do." the empty cup, before being handed back to Shannon, is cleaned with just a bit of magic.
Shannon      "Few places are bad ones to enjoy cocoa. One would think this place would be in dire need of such a thing--especially if it gives a bit of energy for cleanup work." Shannon nods firmly at that, smiling as she accepts the cup back from Poseidon, to pour out her own portion of the sweet stuff to enjoy. Zhao's reaction to the cocoa has her giggling softly, a welcome sound in such a dismal, industrial setting.
Xiang Zhao "Mm." Another sip is taken. "It really is quite good," says Xiang Zhao in full agreement with that assessment. He shakes his head about the chemical plant. "The ocean and the beach are lovely, even with the chemical plant there." He finishes the cup in short order, and as Poseidon is soon to depart, he cups his hands in front of him, the cup still held in his right hand. He bows to the god. "It was good seeing you again." Shannon's giggles get a smile. "Now I can remember what the chocolate I had when I was small tasted like. It has been a long time. Have you ever had candied hawthorn?"
Poseidon Poseidon returns Xiang's bow with a bow of his head, then smiles to both and, taking a step back, he briefly looks around to make sure noone is glancing their way before, with a flare of magic, the man just vanishes leaving an empty spot where he was standing just a moment ago.
"Fashionably late? Nah, I like to be the one that points out when others are late..." he mutters, walking in the lare, still empty room in Atlantis. "see, everyone is late..." and here it goes, the start of boredom for him.
Shannon      "Be safe, Percy," Shannon says, reluctantly stepping back. She sighs a little bit but does smile some, a bit sad to see him go. But, after all, there were the world's waters to look after, and she was but one person! Zhao's question gets a bit of a funny look, her brows furrowing. "I didn't know hawthorn was edible at all?"
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao is used to magic. Magic that allows one to vanish, sure. But teleportation? Not something he's used to. "Interesting man. I think I like him. He's nice." He looks to Shannon and blinks. "Shi. Hawthorn berries are tart. They're coated in caramelized sugar, so you get sweet and sour. They are quite good. They are my favorite. I have not found any here, yet." He thinks for a moment. "Perhaps the hawthorn you are thinking is not the same as the hawthorn I am thinking. The berries are small and round. They grow on the mountain."
Shannon      Shannon just shakes her head. "I've only ever heard of hawthorn. Not sure if I've ever even seen it or not. I lived near the ocean for most of my life, up until the past year and a half or so." Tilting her head, she smiles somewhat, trying to imagine the taste of the treat Zhao describes. "It sounds like it'd be very good, though. I wonder if there's anywhere we could find something like that."
Xiang Zhao "I think it would be likely. Maybe. It was not a priority, so I have not asked. I will ask around in Chinatown." Clearly, he must have found Chinatown to know about it already! And the wind that had died down, at least as far as Xiang Zhao's person was concered, picks up again. His hair lifts and flutters on the breeze, his robes flowing with it in the same direction. "Ah. Looks like the wind spirits are at it again." He looks amused, and like he doesn't mind playful spirits. If there are any actual spirits here.
Shannon      If there are any playful wind spirits about, Shannon's in the mood to play, giggling and spreading out her wings to their full span for a moment. She only maintains this pose for a few moments, though, recalling all too well that not all were quite so friendly to mutants. Thankfully, the worst thing that happens is she gets a few odd looks, but that's the extent of it.
Xiang Zhao The chances of Xiang Zhao allowing anybody to hurt any of his friends whilst he was in a position to stop it are slim to none. But, there may well be wind spirits about, for they play with Zhao's hair until the moment when Shannon speads her wings. Then there are new toys for the wind spirits to play with! Feathers are always great fun! Those feathers get ruffled as the wind twirls about the pair. And as Shannon goes from playful to less so, Xiang Zhao considers. "Play. I will keep any ill wishers away."
Shannon      Shannon nods once, then spreads her wings a bit more, smiling again. "Feeling the wind on them is always nice. Especially knowing I can take to the sky again. I missed that a lot, the weeks my wings were gone." Indeed, how was it that somehow, Zhao always seemed to have the wind around him? Were there, in fact, spirits at work? The world may never know!
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao steps back a bit, the better to keep an eye on their surroundings. He smiles at the fun being had. "I can imagine. I know it was not easy for you. I am glad your wings are back and you are no longer sad." He remembers the first couple of times they'd met, oh yes he does. "Sometimes, playing is the best thing." Zhao really does always seem to have the wind around him except for on very rare occasions. And even then, sometimes it flies in on invisible wings to play through his hair. Now it has feathers to play with. And it is really doing so. Threading through those feathers like they are the wind's own personal playground.