Owner Pose
Clint Barton There's nothing like chilling out at the Avengers Mansion. Game room, free grub - well, not free, but as long as Hawkeye doesn't have to pay, it's free.

For now, Clint is alone in the game room, shooting pool. Now, that's fun in itself, although far from being challenging for the marksman. No matter what, he's focused on his solo game, clearing the table again and again.
Jennifer Walters Almost as giddy as a School girl, She-Hulk bounds in, hurtles the sofa, and then shrinks down to her more compact and cute caucasian form, placing a disc in one of the game systems as she grabs a controller and the tv remote. A grin practically from ear to ear on her face, as all six TVs become one giant dislay for the PS6. The game takes a few moments to get updates and load up, and then Avengers vs Justice League vs Fantastic Four vs Titans Royale comes on.

Taking a moment to put on her headset and get comfortable, Jennifer begins the intro, her eyes welling up with joy as she sees nearly live-action looking renderings of heroes and villains clashing on screen. She barely acknowledges the perfect precision pool player with a quick nod, then as an after thought, "You want to try it? Pre-Orders were allowed to get their copies and digital downloads a week before it is available to anyone else, and I have the full access pass, so it has tons of costumes... even some embarrassing ones." giggling a bit at a thought.
Clint Barton Among other things, one can also find good company at the Mansion. The smile on Clint Barton's face as he sees Jennifer walking in the game room is a proof of it. The solo pool game is automatically a thing of the past, as the marksman glances at the multiple screens. Costumes? Embarrassing? Heck yeah!

"Greenie," he says, "You always know how to get my attention." Would it be by her words or otherwise.

That said, he joins Jennifer on the sofa, his feet quickly resting on the coffee table in front of the couch. Placing his half-broken Starkphone by his side, Clint then grabs one of the controllers, ready to play.

"Show me the costumes," he says, trying hard to hide the mischief that is showing in his eyes, "Anything pink? I mean, c'mon, who doesn't want to see Shellhead in pink? Or Thor!"
Jennifer Walters Scrolling through, Jennifer brings up the alternate costume gallery, finding a sort of Pinkish-Purple Costume ( https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/2/24/Clinton_Barton_8Earth-6169_from_Avengers_Vol_1_98_0001.jpg ), then giggling as the model pops up. She looks over, "What do you think? I was so glad to get this one from the pre-order, cause the way to unlock it otherwise is a perfect bullseye run, not missing a single target, and getting all bullseyes, on the character's Insane Difficulty Target Challenge.

Waiting a few moments to let the image sink in, Jenn switches it to another character ( https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000447962076-scrwsm-t500x500.jpg ), giggling, "This one requires some help to normally unlock, you have to be kicked off the map 258 times as the character while you've taken less than 40 percent damage." she rotates it to show the full silliness, with the 'Kick Me' sign on the back, having it do a few demo animations, then scans through the list of what seems like hundreds of costumes.

Looking conspiratorial, "We can't play with this one, cause he'll probably destroy the console, tvs, and game, if he sees it, but..." she brings up the image ( https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/029/480/template5.jpg ) and tries hard to stifle her laughter, "Might be the only way to make him ever angrier than Bruce." she pauses, "Want to see more, or just play? Though, we could check out costumes from the other three rosters."
Clint Barton Eyes wide open and focused on the screens, Clint is visibly enjoying himself. There are so many possibilities! Nothing more than a large grin appears on his face as he looks at the first two costumes.

"Y'know," he says, "If you need a perfect bullseye, just ask me." Yeah, that simple. Perfect score in game and in real life.

But then appears the last costume... of Thor, slumped in a chair, soda or beer in hand, looking like a real tramp.

The room is suddenly filled with laugther, the Hawkster's own, guenine, full laughter. Almost bent over with laughter, Clint swiftly reaches for his Starkphone and quickly captures the image from the screen.

"Priceless," he laughs, "Damn, real blackmail stuff! Awright... Anyway to put Cap in pink, or anythin' compromising? Not that it'd take much to embarass him."
Jennifer Walters Looking at Clint, Jennifer gives him a bit of a hard glare, "I want your word, sworn that if you break it, I get to break everything you own that you can shoot with... Everything!... that you don't admit I was the the one that showed you this. I know a someone who already did crazy work on player made content, and I think his work is exactly what you are looking for, even if he is using an alias. He is nuts, and can't know I told anyone, and if you get someone angry at you, I don't want to be responsible. Are we clear?"

She holds out her hand in anticipation, waiting, appraising, judging if she thinks she can trust Clint. Despite her more delicate form, her eyes sparkle green, and there is a fierceness behind them. She isn't laughing, she isn't kidding, she is serious, and the attorney is there, "You understand this is a verbal agreement, and I will enforce the terms, whether you like it or not, if you breech."
Clint Barton "Ah, c'mon, Greenie, you know me!" replies the archer, a mocked hurt look on his face. Yeah, that's the problem, she knows him!

He's not going to anger Jennifer. Not because he's afraid of her - he's seen so many things in his life, things that would have scared the strongest of heroes. And he survived. Again and again. If he's afraid of anything at this moment, it would be to hurt their friendship with something so stupid. Thinking about this kind of brings him back to the serious tone in her voice.

"Jennifer, no one will know where I got it," he starts, serious. "'sides, I could have found it anywhere, really."

He then leans back against the sofa, serious for a moment. Just for a moment, then the large grin reappears on his face. "You got to admit, it's a killer!"
Jennifer Walters Shifting the game over to the user created content directory, Jennifer puts in the name 'Justin Page' but the image of Deadpool unmasked is the profile picture. After hitting a few folders and subdirectories, it pops up a gallery of alternate costumes ( https://laughingsquid.com/marvel-superheroes-with-pink-hello-kitty-makeovers/ ). Smiling, Jennifer gestures, "Go ahead, see Cap, Tony, Thor, a stoic SHIELD Agent, yourself, and a former sidekick... all in one of Wade's favorite nerdoms."

She has his word, which is almost as good as a handshake. Especially cause she doesn't want a written record of the agreement, or anything else that could trace the matter. She does check something on her phone, then puts it away, "You can download them to your PS6 profile if you like. I'm happy with the ones I already got." she pauses, "I might try to see if I can find some alternate Wonder Woman and Supergirl costumes, but I can do without the pepto abysmal attired Avengers."
Clint Barton These costumes are even more outrageous. He's good sport and doesn't react to seeing himself in a pink "Hello Kitty" outfit. Yes, download. Once done, he'll be able to play a bit with them and transfer them on his phone. Hrm, would Jarvis be able to trace back the source if he shared them on the Avengers' database... He's lost in thoughts - mischievous ones - for a moment.

At the mention of Wonder Woman and Supergirl, the archer seems to want to add or ask something, but in a very rare occurence, he visibly refrains and shuts up. Better, safer, to shut up at times. Even *he* can learn.

"Too damn funny," he comments, "Thanks for a good laugh, Jenn." He pauses, placing the controller back on the table. "I'll have to ditch soon, this place is so quiet. Where is everyone? Did I miss yet another End of the World?"