Owner Pose
Rosie McGowan     For some reason, people equivilent having a Southern accent to being lacking in the education department.

    ONe of the whiteboards in the classroom has been used to scribble (at her meager height) a bunch of thoughts and diagrams. Question marks next to formulas for terminal velocity and gravity, and overarching behavior of that liquid in your ears that tells you if right-side-up is actually right-side-up or not.

    Which is why, at just this moment, there was one of the tables with a viscous liquid in a closed-off volumetric flask sitting on it -- upside-down -- slowly rotating.

    The flask has been duct-taped to the table (safety first!) and there was a broom and dust pan off to the side.

    In the middle of the blue liquid, there is a gummy brain.

    And on the side of the room, opposite of the door, Rosie McGowan, the young mutant teen from a backwater Alabama town, was doing her best to control the rotation and affect the table, the liquid, the glass, and the brain as one unit.

     -- until the table catches on another table and gives an unexpected lurch to one side, breaking her concentration, prompting the table to fall, the glass to shatter, blue liquid and gummy brain to get squished out over the floor and a cry of alarm as the blonde attempts to catch the table to stop it from falling, and ends up in a heap with the whole shebang!
Megan Gwynn Megan Gwynn had finished classes for the day, and was just heading out from Sam's office which took her past a couple of classrooms, when she hears a loud clatter and cry of surprise. Naturally she is driven by curiosity and a bit of concern more than anything else, and veers towards said classroom, expecting to see maybe Beast performing some random crazy experiment like the last time.

"Heey! What's going on?!" she blinks as she flutters in on a scene of crashing gloopy blue gummy stuff. "Woah!"
Henry McCoy "Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!" This from the door of the classroom, which the man rather fills from edge to edge, to be fair. Doctor McCoy applauds genuinely though, a hearty thing. "Bravo, oh, Bravo! A little faster and the centrifugal force wouldn't flung blue goo and brains to the ceiling!" Oh, my goodness gracious what the heck happened to him? He's not wearing a shirt, because there are carefully wrapped abdominal bandages and a glutinous looking dermal patch over his right pectoral and his fur is only about a millimeter and a half long. Luxurious? Not! He looks as if he has acne in spots, thanks to frantic regrowth -- a weird kind of puberty at the age of thirty something. It's not on, it really isn't.
    Thankfully he does have a vest over this and loose but neat looking elasticated slacks on in an ordinary black. No shoes though. Who needs shoes?

    He steps into the classroom though, nodding to Megan and taking a proper assessment of the damage. "We weren't intending to explode it, were we?"
Jubilee Jubilee has moved back into the mansion, and is talking on her phone as she steps into this classroom, expecting it to be empty. "Yeah I don't know WHAT I was thinking. I mean, on one hand, it's good to be on your own. But at the same time... it's good not to be camping out there at the same time." But then seeing others in here, she stops abruptly. Gawking, sizing up what's going on. Especially Hank. Yes, gawking at Hank.
Rosie McGowan     "-centrifugal force wasn't the goal, Sir." comes the voice from under the table, and from beneath it Rosie, damp with imitation spinal fluid and broken up gummy brain wriggles her way out. And then she looks at the gathering -- Megan, Dr. McCoy and -- some... other person. Comings and goings were already confusing in the mansion, but she sheepishly reaches out to the table, and at her touch it lifts up, turning right-side-up.

    "Ah... Ah apologize 'bout the mess." she states, hazel eyes going from one 'adult' to the next and then --

    "Dr. McCoy, did... you lose a fight with that Logan feller...?"
Deadpool Wade comes to the door sniing.. "I know it was around here somewhere." he glances in to the room a masked head poking in rom the door. "Heeeey I know this is wierd but are antics up in here.. I know I smelled it.. Bit of fear, worry, and just unexpectiness." he steps in holding a bamboo stick behind his back as he grabbed it just incase. He didn't want to scare the kids with a make-shift weapon. "Is everything..." then stops looking at the state of tings. "Oh.. oh man.." and just starts laughing at the whole thing in general.

He stops tossing the make-shift weapon into the hallway as he didn't need it here, and he wasn't going to get in trouble yet again for carrying around something like that. Though there is a loud clacking noise from it hitting the floor.. "Ya know.. I expected as much from me, but it is glad to see I am not the only one."
Henry McCoy "Well, in that case, you have found a new and unusual way of making a voluminous mess, miss McGowan. I still applaud you and suspect that if you used sugar glass, that would be a -fantastic- april fool's prank. Not that I am at all suggesting that you do that, but if you do, let me know so I can set the cameras to recording," All very droll and deadpan, Hank looks at them all one by one, stooping a bit to spot Rosie, then smiles widely and THAT is the other thing. His face seems to have reverted back to more humanoid, except for the cat-like eyes. He's got a normal nose again and his spectacles are very happy about this.

"Happily though, I have never had a shave and a haircut--" he elbows the wall twice for the 'two-bits' "--from Logan. No, this is a slight miscalculation between the application of force, leverage, gravitational amplication of said force and a bad of Bobs. Nasty business involving Cloak and Dagger and roBOBadguys, hence the bobs, that neutralized your mojo. I landed wrong and only took one of their arms off, before I was depilliating enmasse and being shot point blank in the chest. I think I have taken about five dozen baths in calomine so far and it /still/ feels like I fell in a rosehip dust vat at a prank shop." Le sigh. He waves one large hand at Jubilee at the gawking, grins with teeth and puts the hand back at the small of his back and looks at Deadpool, gesturing palm up at the man as if this makes his case in point, for the fun of an april fool.
Jubilee Jubilee just barely resists the urge to give Hank a fuzzy wuzzy rub on the shoulder or something, and instead just comes around to see the scale of the mess. "I don't know anything about forces, but Iknow we have plenty of spray cleaner if you need it..." she snickers. "You know, on the scale of accidents, a mess that doesn't put a hole in the wall is pretty good around here."
Rosie McGowan     Rosie just... blinks at Deadpool.

    She gives a flat sort of expression to him. "Lookin' ta steel kitchen knives again, Mr. Pool?" she questions -- and then she gives a slight grin. "Careful, y'don't wanna step in any *spinal fluid* or *brraaaaiiiins." she greets him in a friendly fashion as she goes for the broom to try and gather up as much as the mess as she can, listening to most brilliant mind of the time. She gives a slightly embarrassed smile to him.

     "Ah caught 'bout... thirty per-cent a that... on account a' your speakin' English. Ah think." Rosie gives a wan smile to McCoy, and then with a small smile to Jubilee, she gives a wave. "Rosemary McGowan. Folks call me Rosie. Ah'm ah..." she looks around at the mess, and then rubs the back of her neck in embarrassment.

    "Still learnin' how ta control everythin', Ah think, is the best way ta explain all the mess."
Deadpool Wade gives hank a wave as he enters further into the room. He also grins at the Rosie, but doesn't interupt her and hank as he walks to Jubille. "Hey there.. I don't think we met." he holds up a card. The man wearing it is covered head to toes in a black and red outfit, though he holds out this card that has seen better days. It is torn, burnt a little, and has red flecks on it from who knows where. On it says 'My name is Wade and I have lost my memories. If lost do not call us.". He holds it out for her to read as it is his common greeting now.

He stops turning back to Rosie, and moves over to grab some towels to help her clean it up, "Hey listen you didn't tell them about the.." he stops looking at the others.. "You know what.. so I aint saying nothing about the menace that is Rosie." and chuckles a bit. He glances at the others, "So comon now you just going to stand there gawking.. If you have time to lean." he finishes just laughing at the situation again. He found no end of humor in that he didn't cause this one.
Henry McCoy "The lady has a point," Hank nods in slow agreement with Jubilee, twirling a finger at the mess. "SO overall, that could've been a lot worse," Hank ambles over to one of the cabinets in the class room then, opens it wide if carefully thanks to healing injury and looks around at the back. It looks like an equipment closet "Ah, there you are Wally..." reaching to the back he collects a small roomba with an odd looking powerpack that might have come from stark industries and sets it down, patting it gently on its sensor, then leaning over. "Glass Wally. You're hunting for the glass shards." ANd lo, the little thing **beeek-wees** and off it goes on its rounds.

He straightens up, eyes Deadpool with some amusement and heads to a blank portion of the chalkboard, to doodle a roof-top, himself, a broken metal ladder, the floor of an alley/base of a building and two figures. He then does a lot of mathematical parabola calculation, application of force equasions, draws and arrow over the side of the roof, does another of himself with the ladder as a pole-vault and --- --- --- lines of the arc of the swing and sweep, pointing straight down into the middle of the Bobs. "Unfortunately, they were heavier than I thought they were and only managed to knock one over and dis-arm him. Literally. And then boom."
Jubilee Jubilee nods and waves to Wade, then smiles to Rosie. "Rosie? I'm Jubilee, or Miss Lee if you're in my class," she smiles. "It's okay.I know you're embarassed, but this is normal here. You're normal. You're accepted. And I'll let you into the supply closet to get some gloves and paaper towels and stuff, okay?"
Logan     The ruckus as it was didn't really reach too far. There were some bangs and thumps and the sound of pseudo brains and spinal fluid spattering hither and yon. Yet for most of the mansion it occurs unnoticed, such is the magic of insulation and sound-proofing and the steady white noise of life in a school.
    Yet for a man who had been wandering up the steps after having dropped his ride off at the garage, a man with rather decent hearing all things told. A few things stand out. Like yells and crashes... and a particular grating voice.
    In the hall they might hear the rough gravelly tone as it precedes him, "Everythin' alright?"
    A voice not heard for a bit in the school, then it clarifies as a grim silhouette appears there in the rather high traffic doorway. One heavy hand resting on the doorjam and a narrowed eyed gaze leveled upon those within. Logan, man of mystery, stands there his head tilted to the side and a wary look in the way his brows lift.
    "What's goin' on?" A look over at Hank, however, gets him to knit those eyebrows together. He takes a sniff, inhaling slightly, then grunts. "Hank. You look like..." A glance at the kids in the area. "Crap. I heard voices."
    And then the realization of one of those voices has his face going dead.
Rosie McGowan     "Ah got that part but -- Bobs. Dagger and Cloak?" the teenager asks, picking gummy brains off herself as she watches the little glass-eating roomba go to work.

    "... well. Ain't that a thing." she remarks quietly.

    The parger parts are elevated as Rosie reaches down to touch them, and then sweeps a bin through the air to collect them.

    "... ain't an issue about bein' normal, Miss Lee. More an issue that if Ah wanna be able to use my powers on an ally -- gotta come up with a way that they ain't gonna need an airsick bag to--"

    She quiets as Logan appears in the doorway. Her shoulders draw up, and she draws back a little bit, her lips pressing into a thin line.

    "Jus' an accident with tryin' ta sort somethin' out with my powers, Mr. Logan. Cleanup is in progress." she states quietly, the dimunitive Southerner shrinking a little.
Deadpool Just wipping it with his hands and some paper he found he stops with a wince.. "See that is why your the Doc... doc." holding up a bloody hand with all kinds of glass in it he laughs at it a bit. "I hurt myself today... to see if I could feel." and as he says that in a sing-songy voice he watches as the glass falls back to the floor again. He looks over to Jubilee like he is going to talk again then he hears it... a voice like an angel a voice he actually remembers. He stops what he is doing frozen in place for just a moment before he turns and looks at the voice. Deadpool was in full Deadpool outfit though it had seen better days. He hears Rosie talking in the background but it sounds wah wah wah... as he stares at Logan not breaking eye-contact as he stands. He slowly approaches the man.. he only says one word.. "Logan." though it doesn't sound like a threat more like he is learning the word again.

He still has that serious look on his face, as he seems to lean over falling but actually it is a sprint.

Deadpool attempts to run at Logan to grab him in a bear hug, and lift him a little with a large smile on his face "Logan I remember... Logan!" of course this might seem threatening. But DP actually smiles a wide smile on his face. He had forgotten everything, but all of a sudden someone he kind of remembers. Well it was a name and only that, but it was something he remembered this persons name. Were they friends, related, he didn't think he swung that way and could do way better so it must not be that. He pondered all of this while trying to hug the gruff man.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy helps just a little as the math explanation is understood, by writing above the two people on the floor 'ro-BOB-adguys' with a little smiley face emoji and a small print beneath that states 'warning: Bobs are dense in the wrong way and do not appreciate the gravity of the situation'. He then sets the chalk down, dusts it off and looks over at the door. He heard footsteps and that smell of very specific cigars that linger to the olifactorily enhanced has him expecting the face he sees. Another sunny smile, but this one a bit brittle, greets Logan. "I have definitely had less excrement-impersonating days, that's for certain. But..."

He keeps very still. There is a charge of a Deadpool and things could so very easily go into even more interesting places. Out of the corner of his mouth: "...nobody make sudden moves." Very slow and calm.
Jubilee Jubilee hops "Logan!" giving him a wave as she finally just shoves her phone into the pocket. But then yeah, her offer to help Rose trying to clean somewhat mitigated by modern science and technology, she laughs. "Well, that'll help." And finally, settling down from juggling phone call, mess, and FUZZY HANK!!!! all at once, she realizes Wade had said something. Slowly approaching Wade and Logan both, she grins "Oh, your card? You know someone here might be able to help with memories, I bet. Unelss it's a hard case and I just don't know what I'm talking about."
Logan     That grim figure squints a little at Rosie, and for those that know him half-way towards decent might sense he's not really angling some ire her way. But he has a reputation to maintain. He lifts his chin, then gives a slow nod. "S'alright. Looks like you got it under control."
    That last word lilts up a little at the end adding a phantom question mark that might be more telling when he looks at Hank, making sure that the other X-Man verifies it with him through perhaps a glance or body language. Though that doesn't stop him from letting a smirk flicker over his lips. "Jubes. When did you get back into town?"
    Only for that smirk to be completely supplanted by a scowl by a sudden onrush of Deadpool. The other Weapon X operative gets a nice helping of splayed hand planted in the middle of the man's chest /keeping/ him at that arm's length even as Wade goes for the hug and gets maybe a shoulder, or the arm. Even as the Wolverine draws a finger back to point at him as if giving a non-verbal /NO!/ command to a wayward dog.
    All while Wade keeps on trying to hug he looks back at Hank, grunts a little at the exertion needed to keep a Deadpool at bay and asks, "What the hell is his deal?" Then glances again at Jubilee. "Memories?"
Henry McCoy "Apparently, he got rather evacuated on the grey matter. Not that there was copious amounts of it to lose, but there are apparently limits..." Hank nods oh-so-faint to Logan. This is under control, anxiety was popped with application of humour to a degree, at least so he hopes and nobody's dead. The ceiling isn't on fire and we're not dealing with any unexpectedly created gravity wells in the middle of the school.

"Ix-nay on any Octor-day. Not keen. It's probably problematic on recovering from the amnesia. Honestly, I really don't know how it happened and a lot of me is rather too disturbed to ask."
Rosie McGowan     "Ah think maybe either his head got 'sploded or he's got a mighty case of Amnesia. Miss Jean asks that he be given curtesy an' for him ta not steal kitchen knives." Rosie explains likt the dutiful good student she is. She does not tell Logan about how she knows about the kitchen knives.

    She does however, pick up a jug of the viscous tropical blue liquid that she had used in the flask, and she gives it a look in its gallon bottle -- then unscrews the cap and drinks some.

    She then turns back to Henry's diagram, and she gives a slight smile at it.
    "So these bob things don't understand gravity, huh?" she asks, and she purses her lips.

    "Ah've got an understandin' for 'em."
Deadpool As Deapool struggles against the arm to hug his new friend, he falls back a little. He fakes to the left... he fakes to the right. He keeps his eyes on Logan as he speaks to Jubilee, "Jean wasn't sure if the theropy was working, but I remember this guy," he fakes to the right again. "It ends up as far as I can tell it was magic!". This time he steps right, spins in a juke to try to get around the arm for the hug. He had no idea why his friend was fighting it maybe he was just playing hard to get. as he is reppelled again.

He circles now this person knew what they were doing... How good were they at what they did that was the question. He smiled the whole time, "I am not a complete idiot Big Blue. I know what you are, and accepted it remember we are good." he grins a bit. "The question is who are you... I know you.. You are Logan, but why." he tilts his head as if listening to a voice, "They say I should be worried about you.. that your like me... well kinda." he smiles a broken crazy smile.. "So are you like me?"
Jubilee Jubilee takes in Hank's warnings, snickers at Logan's, well, characteristic attitude about the whole thing, and listens to Deadpool carefully. "Well, Wade, I'm Jubilation Lee. Jubilee. I'm with the X-Men. I live here now. Again." Which has her realizing, and nodding to Logan. "I took my vacation back to California but I got back this week. And I'm like, hsutting down the cabin for renovation. I decided that... well. A cabin really isn't me. I tried, and it was good for a time but... nah. So I get to be around all the time now."

Then glancing back to the bots and rosie, she laughs. "When you're smart enough, gravity can be... adjusted, I guess."
Logan     Shaking his head with a scowl, Logan finally just /pushes/ Wade back but keeping the NO! finger pointing in his direction, all the potential violence encompassed in that single gesture. Perhaps trusting that'll keep him at bay. Though at Hank's words he grunts, "Well damn."
    A glance is spared Rosie's way as he nods and murmurs, "Hnh," Before he encompasses Beast in that glance as well, "Did people check him out, make sure he's not full of it?" Though he likely assumes everyone already did. Considering what it'd take to let a Deadpool run around free.
    It's only then that he refocuses his attention fully on Wade as Jubilee gives him the run down, then he lifts his voice. "Settle down, Wilson. Good for you, you remember me. Thing is we haven't always seen eye to eye. So let's get one thing straight for the record. No huggin'. No touchin'. You settle down. Keep quiet. We'll have a talk tonight where I tell you what went down. Won't be nice, but it'll be the truth. Deal?"
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy eyes the liquid, narrowing his gaze just a fraction or two, looking at the mess with a trail of attention and back at the liquid. He licks his lips. This may or may not be because of salivation, you never can tell with Doctor Sweet tooth. He looks to Logan then though, an gives the man a nod of what is quite clearly a level of admiration, gingerly folding his arms over his chest with it. "It's good to see you back Jubilee. I missed you, little firecracker."

He considers though. "Gravity is a constant. As is the specific gravity of an object. Given this, you can work out what kind of application of force, no matter what that force happens to consist of, to any given object to effect it. Such things as human skulls are colloidal, which means that that specific gravity is dispersed and yet also contained under pressure. Because of that, you can actually work with the specific gravity as a whole, without taking specific account of the individual particulates. In other words, you might work better with different materials, Rosie."
Rosie McGowan     "Well... that's the thing, Miss Lee, Dr. McCoy. Gravity?"

    The small teenager lights up with delight

    "That's my power."

    Rosie walks forward again, and she reaches out, laying a hand on the table.

    "Ah can jus' 'bout affect anything smaller than a dump truck. Ah change its gravity, alter its mass..." she states, and the table rises up. She lifts her hand from it, and it sort of slowly moves through space, drifting.

    "Problem is, people? They got this fluid 'round their brain that tells 'em what way's up. You confuse it, an' that lizard brain starts ta thinkin' you ate somethin' bad and--" she winces. "Attempts to Eject."

    The table continues to float a bit.

    "Like poor Mr. Remy; I altered his gravity to attract t' the nearest rock. Still apologizin' for that one, but me usin' my power on anyone makes 'em have jus' the worst case of vertigo." she gives a smile, and she rubs the back of her head.

    "Doesn't seem ta affect materials, jus' the amount of mass Ah can affect.
Deadpool Deadpool sighs, and looks at his options here as obviously this wasn't going to work. As he listened he thought about it, giving up the circle for now he just eyes Logan. He gives Logan a grin though turns to look at Jubilee, "Your on the X-men?" he eyes her again, though sighs, "They just keep getting younger... Sometimes this place makes me wonder." though he just shrugs they all had their own reason and she wasn't a kid by any means so wasn't his place to say more. "Well I get it though sometimes it is nice to return home.. Wish I knew where mine was, but well ya know."

He steps back to give Logan room, lowering his hands in a sign on peace, "I seen it BB.. Float like no-ones buisness though don't pat her on the shoulder for it. She is as touchy as this one." and points a thumb back at Logan. He grins a bit as he says it though just to show he was having a bit of fun. He turns, and gets back to what he was doing before as to help clean up or look for any pieces they may of missed. He knew ya had to clean up the scene very well to get past a telepath, and he was just paying her back for last time.
Jubilee Jubilee winces as Logan lays down the law with Wade, but isn't going to intervene. Wade's gonna hve to learn the hard way. On the other hand, Hank goes into lecture mode, and oh my god, this is flashbacks to high school. She stares, and stares, and stares.... and then just nods when she feels like she's supposed to nod. "I'm just glad it works, Hank!"

To Wade, she winks. "I'm not 16 anymore, but, you know, some people will always see me as 16." She looks at the camera before Wade gets to.

And finally Rose. "Your power is gravity. I hope you understood Dr. McCoy better than I did though. Because once he tried to explain to me about light colors and frequencies and guh."
Logan     With Wade 'seen to', Logan finally ends the power of the NO finger! and just points at him a few times before lowering his hand to make sure he stays set. Before he turns back in time to undergo a particular pummeling of words thrown by none other than Hank McCoy, listening to the conversation already in progress.
    Another glance is given as he considers the room, the mess being cleaned up. And the floating table. He grunts slightly, "Looks good, kid. Looks like ya got this under control for now at least."
    Which might be his way of starting to step back and let the big brains have their thang. So he does, taking a step back toward the doorway, leaning back enough to peer into the hall to see if any other folks are about to roll up.
    He leans back in to check, "So everything alright?" He peers at Hank and Rosie making sure they are indeed alright.
Henry McCoy Meanwhile, Wally has been merrily hoovering up and homing in on the glass particles that are possibly too small for regular broom sweeping. Nobody likes a sudden glass-cut. Hank clucks his tongue to Jubilee, but winks at her nevertheless, eyeballing Wade and Logan and the truce that appears to have been reached, then just to help explain a little bit more why he looks like a two year old had fun with scissors all over him...

"Devil's kitchen has its own set of heros and villains, down on street level. Cloak and Dagger tend to run on that kind of level. They get where we don't end up usually. But they'd been dealing with some traffickers in well..." he glances at Rosie here, who is young. But he doesn't really believe in never breaking a bone, even if that bone is in the brain. "...children. Kids going missing off of the streets, usually in poor areas. I aquired my latest sartorial snafu by attempting, with several of the X-men, cloak and Dagger and Spiderman... to stop a human trafficking transfer before it happened. They have hypertech. Someone is supplying the bad folks with power-dampning robot badguys. Cybernetics, really, which is a whole different ballgame and I don't want to bore people's brains with explaining how that even works."

He looks down at his feet and back up. "Gravity would have actually helped. Just using ordinary physics didn't help and had it not been for the fact that Nightcrawler was there, I would've stayed human and bleeding out where I was shot. So, I rather admire the fact that a young mind wants to figure out further application of gravitational manipulation. The issue is a head has cillae in the ear. Tiny hairs that /react/ to gravity forces. Any effect on them has to be an effect on the whole, or the mass manipulation is just going to confuse them and they're going to pull down and make a person feel like they're flying high or sinking low."

He looks back at Logan. "Some point, Logan, I'd appreciate maybe being able to fill you in on that. It's good to have you back. And honestly, I think sometimes we might want to give our students... even our amnesiac ones," glance at Wade "...a chance in the field." He gestures at Rosie, the chalkboard and all. "JUst hard to do without field testing. You never know what you're going to do. So... the answer I suppose, is only moderately alright. This was actually a nice diversion from thinking about doom and how to smash very dense things without powers, other than with a wrecking ball."
Rosie McGowan     "... I heard about the traffickers." Rosie replies quietly. "ONe of the students, she was... was one of the victims." she states, and she looks down at her hands.

    "... AH wanted ta be a doctor. Wanted so bad to get outta my town and help people... but the way my town... the way my church is... they don't..." she trails off a moment, and she wraps her arms around herself, and she turns and she looks at Hank.

    She looks to his injuries, and then she looks him right in the feline eyes.

    "Ah kin make the massive, not. Affect lead so that it floats on water. Ah've done it. So... if there's any way Ah can help... ah know I'm jus' a student. But..." she frowns.

    "The Lord puts me in a new place, I figure it's gotta be for somethin'." she states quietly.

    "Ah know all the way adults can hurt kids. All of the ways." her expression darkens. "... whatever Ah can do to help."
Deadpool Wade holds up a hand to Jubilee.. "We were all 16 once, but your right.. your right. Better then ya robbing banks with light or whatever all that means." he glances at her for a moment before he continues though "though I am glad I am not the only one that doesn't understand half of what he says." giving her a wink beore finally a "Aha!" pulling a small glass shard out from a hidden spot. For some reason or another he has been around things breaking, and blowing up he knew there was always a few shards that hid well. He turns to Hank, "I think he ment in the room Big Blue, not in general... wow.." he shakes his head at that one. "They let me out once.. It was nice got into a bar fight, got kidnapped, and then kidnapped from them. Broke out Juggernaut, though I had no idea who he was, and met the Devil.. Good times.. Good Times." and laughs to himself at that.

It was no wonder they didn't let him out by himself anymore though he felt the call. It was tough to remain where he was at inside one place.. his finger tapped as he thought about it.. The call to get out there was very strong. "But! You can still be a doctor kid though I don't really likem myself. Listen to a lifer, get out while you can. This isn't a life for everyone it gets to you even I who can't remember it can still feel it. Believe me if you can it is better just to be one of those.. non-combatant types and live your life... then again I am crazy.. what do I know." he adds the last part with a grin and a shrug,
Jubilee Jubilee starts to get a little flighty. She does pay attention to Hank's story, but she fidgets a bit. Makes a big light ball, tossing it in her hand a bit. "It's good to help. I got helped. And stuff. So I try to help. You guys are my family. No matter how much hair you have!"
Logan     Logan lingers long enough to take in all of what Hank says, nodding slowly at first, then letting that not be more emphatic as he gestures to the man with a lift of a hand. "You got it, McCoy. Gimme some time to settle and then I'll be downstairs for the evenin'."
    As he says that he's already stepping back into the hall, but not before nodding to Wade, "Same goes for you, Wilson." That having been said he turns and unless there are other people following he'll shut the door behind him. But not before he gives a wave to Rosie and Jubes before he steps on out.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy exhales a long breath. "Well, I said a good deal more there than I probably should've. But I shall broach it with the other so-called adults." Yes, just a little bit of droll shade thrown there. Occasionally, it IS questionable. He does though, give Jubilee a smile, a nod. "Has a way of getting to you doesn't it, this place?" -- This said, he holds up a finger to Rosie and heads to the blue juice, pouring a measure of the thick syrupy stuff into a beaker. He then plucks three of his more whiskery head hairs from his sideburns and lays them in a specific way on the surface of the thick liquid; making a three dimensional right angle, one vertical one horizontal and one kind of diagonal because getting it to curve is really hard. "If the hairs bend when you're working on it, the jar is dizzy. If you can figure out how to make the jar float, spin, or pin without bending the hairs, you'll have figured out how to do the same to a person." He sets it infront of her, on a nearby table.
Rosie McGowan     "... ain't the first I've heard about it, Dr. McCoy. Ah know Indy was involved with it." Rosie gives a smile. "An' it'd be a fair shake more..." she thinks a moment "thereputic, being action instead a' reaction." she gives a smile, and looks to Wade. "Can't tell me Ah ain't meant to be here. Miss Ororo an' Mr. Sam got me outta a bad situation back at home. If Ah can make this world a bit better by fightin' for it? ... wouldn't mind that none." she states, and then she grins to Jubilee.

    "Blood o' the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." she smiles brightly at her, and then she watches as Hank heroically sacrifices three long hairs to float on the blue goo -- and she raises her eyebrows a moment.

    "... well. That is both more and less excitin' than rotatin' the table." she admits, and gives a bright laugh of utter delight over a simpler solution!
Deadpool Wade gives Logan a wave as he leaves "Don't forget you promised!" and turns back to face everyone else. "I can't call people here family, I don't know them that well.. But there are some.." he glances at Rosie almost unconciously "that I would help if they asked me for it without reward." he turns back and starts edging towards the window. "Call me a softie, but I appreciate those who can keep a secret or two from the stiffs especially about kitchen knives." and laughs a crazy laugh, "Or even a carpet." and nods to Hank as another person he thinks he wouldn't mind helping.

He opens the window for a breeze, and looks out of it.. "But the squirrels are calling me names again, and if I let them get away with it they will start throwing nuts at me!" he pops out the screen, and grabs a empty roll from one of the paper towels and jumps out the window. One can see him chassing a medium sized Squirrel across the yard back and forth in the background as he dissapears into the yard.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy just has to watch Wade, because: reasons. Gaze tracks left, tracks right, tracks left again, "...it takes all sorts. Sometimes they are licorice allsorts," he murmurs, then looks at Rosie one last time, inclines his head and smiles to her. "Do not give up on being a doctor, Miss McGowan," he is not an egotistical man, nor one prone to tooting his own horn, so all that Beast does, is tap his temple.

"Doctor McCoy at your service, MD, geneticist, physicist, masters in engineering, bio-chemistry and a few other degrees. I am aware my brain is a strange, bulbous thing that eats information for breakfast and spits it out for elevenses -- but there's so much in the world that's wrong. If you have a desire to make it right and fight, be it with words or fists, or knowledge... don't let the haters hate. They're always going to hate -- and I've stood up with this face, which is very hard to hide. You do you. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing you, whoever you are." He gives her a big ol' oversized fist with a thumb up and gestures to the cleaning cabinet. "Just make sure you use the mop on the ceiling too, or someone in some class is going to be staring at the blue blobs up there. We wouldn't want them to get distracting by the gummy brain, either." He indicates it by the light fixture and turns to saunter out. At least all the glass is got by wally, who trundles to his charging station.