Owner Pose
Vitali It had surprised him when the Atlantean had known about Siberia, and more than that, complimented the ocean there. Or seemed to compliment it. His village isn't the only one in that area, and they all do what they can to keep the ocean healthy. The survival of their people depends on it, after all. And then there had been the blue-skinned person on the great white shark, which was a curious thing. Which became a terrifying thing when the shark lunged and snapped at him, a thing that caused him to half jerk back in the water. He's soaked to the skin. Being fresh from his orca form, his first thought was that sharks of any kind shouldn't be attacking a creature like him! But then he remembered that he's nothing more than a fairly chompable two-legger.

He gave the Atlantean a nod and bid him farewell in turn, foolishly lingering in the water as he watched them disappear into the depths. Turning then, he swam over to the shore before getting out of the water. For the rush of adrenaline from the shark coming after him, he hasn't noticed how cold he is, as of yet. He starts to make his way from the water's edge, picking his way carefully amongst the rocks. Soraya is overhead, circling and keeping an eye on him. It's only once he's on more level ground that he thinks about the water that he's soaked with, and he concentrates for a moment before giving a soft murmur and a faint gesture in order to pull the water from his clothes, skin, and hair. The water gets returned back to the ocean, and he starts to head away from the ocean.

Soraya circles around Vitali, worried. The bond between them allows her to feel a range of different things. And whether he realizes it or not, he's shivering and cold from the ocean. Since he doesn't start to get any warmer, she makes the difficult decision of leaving him and winging her way towards the apartment. To look for Zhao.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao is... not in the apartment. He's out and about and doing things in this area's Chinatown. For it also has one. But all in all, he's only a few blocks from the city, and even here amongst his own people, he stands out. Because of the robes. Today, they are crimson red. Lighter and darker red embroidery stands out at the shoulders, down along the front edges where it hangs open, and over both long, flowing sleeves. Embroidery that looks like lilies made of fire. The red stands out even more, with the inner robe being a pale cream color.

He's not difficult at all to spot. His hair is pulled partially up in a sort of half twist, with a white hair stick holding it in place. He holds his fan in his right hand, waving it gently. His left hand rests at the small of his back. The first he knows of Soraya's presence is the call of an eagle. He looks up to her, and then around. He doesn't see Vitali, but that is often the case.

So Zhao continues to go about what he's doing, which is listening to the gossip. Finding out what's going on and where, and if there is anything bad going on that he might be able to do something about. His pce is enetirely unhuried, as it tends to be. Vitali had left a note, and so he's not worried in the slightest.
Vitali It isn't until Soraya gets to the apartment that she realizes that Zhao isn't there. Since she hadn't heard any sound from the apartment, she didn't even land. She simply banked a turn and kept flying. She knows where Zhao tends to go, thanks to Vitali having used her to follow him before. And so, she starts with the obvious place first, which is Chinatown.

Soraya circles around where he is, once she finds him, and she doesn't waste any time. She folds her wings and she dives somewhat in front of him, spreading her wings at what might seem the last possible moment in order to catch herself at around his shoulder level of height. At the same time, she shrieks to try to get his attention. And if she can, she'll gently snatch into her talons a bit of the extra length of his robe's sleeve, to tug on it. This is a different behaviour.

Vitali isn't bothered at all by the fact that Soraya isn't as near to him as she had been. She often seems to range around while he's walking. He keeps moving, albeit not very quickly, heading away from the ocean and in the relative direction of the apartment. He's shivering, and he's a bit pale from the cold.
Xiang Zhao That habit of the eagle following him is why, at first, Xiang Zhao takes note of her, but then more or less ignores her presence. He's used to her watching what he's doing, and through her, Vitali. It doesn't bother him and so he pays it no mind.

But then, theere's that different behavior. She has no difficulty snatching at Zhao's sleeve. He doesn't flinch away, but the people around him scream and back away. He looks more closely at the bird. He turns in the direction she had flown to after tugging on his sleeve, and starts to walk in that direction.

If it seems the direction she wants him to go, Zhao will speed up to a faster walk. If it seems urgent... His brow furrows, and now worry fills him. "Soraya. Tashenka?" Just those two words. Nothing more. But he follows her. Moving into a jog and a run where he can. It being evening and still daylight, he doesn't use his powers to take to the rooftops just yet, but follows on foot at ground level, weaving his way through the crowd.
Vitali Soraya doesn't pay any mind at all to the people around Zhao. Zhao is who is important. Zhao is who she has come for, after all. She has a purpose, it's just conveying what she wants. When he starts to head in the direction that she'd tugged his sleeve in, she clicks her beak and makes an encouraging sort of sound. She doesn't land anywhere or try to, she wings around him, giving one of his shoulders a little nudge with one of her wings.

She wings a short distance ahead, and then back towards him, snagging his sleeve again and tugging gently. There's a keening cry that comes from her when he speaks that nickname that he's chosen for Vitali, an attempt by her to agree with him, to affirm his question. She turns and wings along, to lead him, keeping an eye on him to make sure that he's following her as she goes and trying not to go too fast.

Somewhere around halfway between the apartment and the ocean, Vitali has stopped. It's a mildly wooded area, where he is. Not only has he stopped, but he's sat down at the base of a tree, hugging his knees to his chest. Just to rest for a minute. He's tired, so if he just rests for a minute, then he'll be able to keep going. He knows that's not right, but the sleepy little voice inside his head is ever so captivating.
Xiang Zhao Oh dear. Zhao is going to be unhappy, to say the least, when he finds Vitali. Never the less, he follows Soraya. Once he's free of the crowd, he runs after her. The fan had, at some point, been tucked beneath the outer robe and the sash. He doesn't need it just now. And it's swift to pull it loose again, should he need it.

He follows out of Chinatown, heading for that wooded area the eagle is leading him to. For the moment, he doesn't yet see Vitali. And so he does the only thing he can do. He follows Soraya as swiftly as his feet will take him.
Vitali Zhao is likely going to be unhappy. Vitali might be unhappy as well, considering that Soraya went off to get Zhao on her own. But that remains to be seen. Soraya guides Zhao through the crowd as best as what she can. And once he's free of the crowd, she gives a shriek and, when he starts to run after her, she wings her way a bit quicker. At least she was able to get him to follow her. That's reassuring to her. Vitali will be okay. Vitali has to be okay. That she's worried is likely apparent in the slicked set of her feathers, as well.

She doesn't see Vitali readily either, but she can still feel him in the bond that she has with him. She shrieks, the sound a more piercing note than what she'd done to get Zhao's attention. She wings her way past an old oak tree, then around the bushy branches of a pine tree. And she shrieks again, at spying Vitali where he is, sitting at the base of an old maple tree. He's shivering intermittently and if one were to look closely, he's a touch blue around the edges. He stirs only faintly at the sounds from Soraya, murmuring something that's not really comprehensible and which is also Russian.
Xiang Zhao Into the wooded area Xiang Zhao goes. Calling it a forest would be far too generous for what it actually is. Just secluded enough to hide the body that will likely become a corpse without intervention. Intervention that is precisely what Zhao means to do. Though, at this point in things, he doesn't know just what is going on.

Through the trees he goes, now he's lost sight of Soraya. He can only rely on her shrieks to guide him now. And guide hiim they do. Right to Vitali. Zhao skids to a stop and goes to one knee beside the man. He reaches out with his right hand, taking Vitali's left shoulder. "Tashenka!" he says sharply, his voice not overly loud, but sharp none the less. "Wake up! Wake up now!" He reaches with his left hand to pat the Siberian's right cheek. "Wake! Xing Lai! Huanxing!"

Translation: Wake up! Wake!
Vitali It hadn't been intentional, on Soraya's part, for Zhao to lose her amongst the trees. But at least she'd still been making sound for him to be able to follow her. Soraya is agitated, her feathers slicked back against her body. She lands on the ground near to Zhao and Vitali, her wings kept half open, and she clicks her beak agitatedly. She can feel him through the bond that they share, and there's nothing she can do about it. She is, overall, just an eagle. She hops forward, snatching one of Vitali's fingers in her beak and tugging a little bit at it.

There's a breeze that comes through the trees, off the ocean, and it's a fairly chilly sort of thing. The ocean water itself is still cold, and that's unfortunately where Vitali had been. There's only a slight sound from him at the feel of Soraya's beak to his fingers. He'd told himself that he'd just rest for a minute, but how long has it actually been? He should know better, given where he's from. But it had felt good to sit, to rest. Vitali tries to rouse himself from the fog of his brain, tries to stir himself out of it to respond to the voice that he could listen to until the end of time itself. He gives a soft murmur of sound that was likely intended to be 'Zhaoshenka', though it's quiet.
Xiang Zhao No, it wasn't intentional, but it was inevitiable. The trees are fairly thick and for all that she's an eagle, Soraya just isn't all that big. But that's okay. Xiang was able enough to follow her sounds. Knowing better is all well and good, but even knowing better, the cold will still take you. It's how the body works. Go into hibernation until it's warmer. Afterall, if you're going to die anyway, at least you won't feel it.

"Tashenka, qilai a.." But if Vitali hasn't woken up to this point, Xiang Zhao doesn't really expect him to now. Not just because he's pleading with the man to do just that. He slips out of his outer robe and reaches for Vitali, to lean him forward. The crimson robe is slipped around the man and tugged closed in the front. Xiang's creamy inner robe is revealed. It has a pattern similar to that of the outer robe, only in champagne and white threads.

Zhao slips himself behind Vitali, and pulls the man close against him, to use his own body heat from behind. Once thus settled, with one arm tucked around the Siberian, Zhao makes that familiar hand motion, of cupping something and lifting. The magic gathers, tangibly visible, that ghost-like pearescent wisps of mist. It coallescens upon his palm in a golden ball. The ball grows until it's easily a foot across, and there, Zhao holds it.

It doesn't take long for the strain of holding, controlling, that much fire starts to show. Minutes, if that. Sweat begins to bead on Zhao's skin. But at least Vitali is getting warmth from behind and from in front. All Zhao can do now is to keep ahold of it, speak Vitali's name, "Tashenka," over and over like it's some sort of chant that will let him hold on that much longer, and wait. Maybe pray.

Translation: please wake up..
Vitali Indeed, Soraya isn't a very large eagle. Other than her own small attempt to get Vitali to respond, she does stay out of Zhao's way. She brought him here to help, and now she just needs to wait and to let him help. She keeps her wings half out, and they sometimes flutter a bit much like a fledgling's would, for she's worried and a bit stressed. He's felt worse than this before, though not often -- the last time he had, he'd been trapped under the ice.

It's not for lack of wanting. Vitali very much wants to come awake for Zhao, but he can't seem to fight his way through the cold fog of his brain to manage it. His breathing his slow, as is his heartbeat, hovering somewhere on the edge of sleep and unconsciousness. His body is easy enough to move in the ways that Zhao wishes, his limbs nigh ragdoll like, for there's no resistance within him. He doesn't fuss or fight, though even if he had the awareness within him to do either of those things, it's unlikely that he would do so against Zhao.

As Zhao settles behind him to pull him close, to share his warmth, there is that tickle of the familiar scent of sandalwood to tease in his nose. It takes time for the warmth to start to seep into him, to start to have an impact. But the warmth is in the right places -- his back and at his chest. And each beat of his heart sends warmer blood through his veins, warmer blood to course through his cold self. At least he's dry, though.

The shivering becomes less intermittent and more steady, for he'd likely been near to the point where he would stop shivering had Zhao not intervened. His heart starts to beat quicker, and his breathing starts to stabilize. It might feel like longer than it is, but Vitali does finally stir a little bit, a soft sound slipping from him. And if Zhao had been praying, then his prayers are answered. Vitali's eyelids flicker a little bit, and then again, and he's finally able to bring his eyes open. And the first thing that he sees? Fire. He doesn't immediately connect that size of a fire to something that would be under control let alone under control by Zhao. There's a little almost whimper of sound as his brain is struggling to fit pieces of the puzzle together, dark eyes a bit wide and trying not to panic, and he weakly tries to scoot back from the fire. "Zhaoshenka...," he whispers quietly.
Xiang Zhao Dry is a very definite bonus. If he were wet, Xiang Zhao would be having a much harder time trying to get him warmer. It's hard enough as it is! But he's doing the best he can with the resources available to him. Which, in this case, are good resources to have. He tends to almost always be nicely warm when it's cooler out, his body running an little toward the warmer end of things. Plus the silk really helps retain body heat.

As Vitali starts to stabilize, Zhao breathes a sigh of relief. He was very definitely praying. "Ah'Tali," he murmurs. "Settle. The fire is mine. I will not let it harm you. Calm, and breathe. Close your eyes or turn your head to look at me if you must. But the fire stays until you are warmer." With the words, it might penetrate the panic, maybe, in Vitali, that there are little trembles running along Zhao's left arm that holds the flame, and in the right arm that's tucked around him. "I need you to be okay. That means warm. And that means fire." The fire? Stays exactly where it is. By this point, sweat is visible and obvious upon Zhao's skin, even to the point it's starting to drip down his face.
Vitali If he were still wet then it would be a bigger fight to get him warm again. Thankfully for both of them, he'd thought of getting rid of the water. He just hadn't managed to stir himself to be warmer afterwards. Maybe one of these days, he'll remember just how cold the ocean's waters are before he shifts forms whilst still in it. But that day was not today, alas.

The reassurance that Zhao offers with his words does manage to breach the panic that had been rising within him. Yet even so, it takes a moment for that panic to fully ease from him, and he gives a small little nod. The up side of that panic being caused is that it surely got his heart rate quicker, which meant warmer blood circulating faster. He shifts slightly, nestling his back a bit against Zhao and taking a moment to just appreciate the way that feels. He turns his head, to look to Zhao -- there's no 'if he must' about it for Zhao is very pleasing to his eyes, and he can not only see but hear the strain that controlling that much fire has on the Chinaman. "Zhaoshenka... otpusti ogon' ... pozhaluysta," Vitali whispers softly. Except that's not the right language, and it takes him a moment to realize it before he tries again. "Please... Zhaoshenka, let fire go," he whispers, a gentle note to his voice, a flicker of worry there, too. The blue that had crept to him has been pushed back and is no longer present, at least. "Not use too much of self, Zhaoshenka... please. Am okay... am hao. Am warmer," he offers, which isn't untrue. He is definitely warmer than what he was. "Have all warmth needed, in you," he whispers, the words sincere. He doesn't do anything that would distract Zhao from his concentration on that magic, since he doesn't want the fire to explode.
Xiang Zhao It's a good thing Xiang Zhao isn't overly distracted from his control of the fire. If he was, with this much, it could do a fair amount of damage before it puffed out of existence again. And if it caught something on fire so that there was a fuel source other than Zhao's own energy, then it wouldn't go out at all. "Wrong.. language.." Holding that much fire really is taking a toll on the mage. No fire mage is he. Energy mage, yes. Fire? Not in the slightest.

The pleading, once it's translated, gets a nod from Zhao. He concentrates on letting the fire go, and in moments it goes out, leaving them in the shadows under the trees. Zhao slumps back against the tree, letting it support him even as he still supports Vitali. His arms tremble so. His right still around the Siberian. His right is brought forward to join the other, around Vitali. "What were you thinking?" His voice is little more than a whisper, but there's calm to it, and no accusation. "You are from somewhere cold. You should know better than this. If Soraya had not come to find me and led me to you..." Sorry eagle. Tossed inadvertantly under the proverbial bus. Zhao doesn't mean to. It just happens.
Vitali It could only be hoped that if that amount of fire went out of control that Vitali would be quick enough to react with water. Which given his current fuzzy-headedness is a bit on the very unlikely side of things. With the trees and underbrush and assorted fall debris all about them, the fire would spread and no doubt quickly. When Zhao extinguishes the fire, Vitali is able to relax further. Fire will always be one of those things for him, most likely.

Soraya gives a soft sound, clicking her beak a little, and she hops a bit to the side of the pair of them, flipping her wings to her back and actually easing some herself. Her feathers floof up, the stress of the situation easing from her as Vitali feels better to her through the bond shared. Softly, Vitali slips his left hand out from beneath the silken robe, to rest his fingers on the fingers of Zhao's right hand. At Zhao's explanation of events, Soraya lowers her head and clicks her beak softly. Though she perks up a couple of moments later before tilting her head to eye her human companion. Perhaps Vitali isn't upset with her, and perhaps he forgives her -- it seems likely. "Mm... was not in right thinking," he whispers softly, his brow furrowing a little bit. Cold will do that to a person. But then, having a shark take a snap at one's self can be fairly distracting in and of itself. "Da, am knowing better. Are right, Zhaoshenka. Listened to little voice that say 'sit, rest'. Know better. Soraya make right choice, good choice. Was... mmm... akula... not see often in home," he says quietly, near a whisper, his brow furrowing a bit. He doesn't know the English word. "Mmm... akula... big fish, many teeth in rows, have skin not scale. Not knowing English word. It come and act like going to bite at me," he explains. It had been distracting, to say the least, and the rush of adrenaline had caused him to feel warmer than he actually had been in those moments.
Xiang Zhao There would be fire everywhere, and both of them would be doomed, and Soraya with them. Considering the eagle had saved her life, there's a very strong chance that if Vitali were upset with the bird, Zhao would have words to say to that. As Vitali brings his fingers to rest atop Zhao's, Zhao goes still, but for the faint trembles still able to be felt. Though even those are starting to ease, now that the strain of holding the fire has gone. It seems touching, skin to skin, is still a thing he is wary of.

"I know you were not," says Xiang, voice quiet. "Akula?" This is not a word he is familiar with at all. "Soraya did make the right choice. I am glad she found me. I am even more glad that I was near." He considers the description of the akula. "I am uncertain. Maybe shayu. I do not know the word in English either." He takes a deep breath and leans his head back to rest the back of it against the tree, closing his eyes. "Your life was worth the fire I used to help warm and wake you," he says softly, eyes still closed.

Translation: Shark
Vitali The Siberian doesn't move his fingers any further than just resting them upon Zhao's own. He doesn't push for more than that, and once his fingers are resting there, he doesn't move them very much either. A sort of testing of the waters, so to speak, without any intention of pushing at boundaries. Vitali stays resting against Zhao, at ease and comfortable to be held by him in the way that he does.

"Da... am also glad. Not want to die. Want to live. Cold make thoughts go not right. Cold sickness dangerous. Soraya know this. Soraya not know where to find, but... know where to look, know likely places. Soraya go to apartment first, not find there, so go Chinatown. Find there. Soraya give you thanks... ask me to tell you," Vitali says quietly, giving a small nod. There's a bit of colour that rises into his cheeks at the last comment Zhao makes, his chin ducking a bit. "Will not argue, da," he whispers. He would give everything he could to save Zhao's life, if the roles were reversed. He's quiet for a long moment then, just resting against Zhao. "Have been in cold sickness before... worse, before," he says quietly.
Xiang Zhao And yet, Zhao remains motionless. And no little tense. After a few breaths, Xiang Zhao slips his hand from beneath Vitali's. He pats Vitali's hand and then withdraws. Both the and and his person. Now that the Siberian is warm, there's no real need for him to remain in the ackward position half sideways hugging him.

First he straightens and rests on his knees, his right hand settled briefly upon Vitali's shoulder. He stays that way for a few breaths before shifting to get to his feet. He's less graceful than usual, simply for the fact that he's tired and had used a considerable amount of his spiritual energy with the fire he'd summoned.

"I do not wish for you to die either." He pats Vitali's shoulder before pulling his hand away. He tucks his left at the small of his back, and his right at his waist, both hands mostly obscured by how his long sleeves slide down with the position. "Cold sickness is not just dangerous," he says softly. "It is also very deadly."

Xiang Zhao looks to the eagle and inclines his head to her. "You are welcome, Soraya," he says directly to her. As though he considers her to be her own person and not just an extension of Vitali. He looks off out into the woods, after. "Much worse and you would be dead." He takes a breath before looking down to Vitali. "Let us go," he says softly.
Vitali And then Zhao's hand is slipping away from his own, and Vitali does nothing to stop it from happening. There's a little bit of a smile that finds his features when Zhao pats his hand, and he shifts a smidge to sit up as Zhao is moving away. It was a bit of an awkward position, and it had served the purpose of getting him warm, even if he might have wanted it to last for longer than what it had.

Vitali tilts his head a little to one side, watching Zhao get to his feet, and his brow furrows a little bit, a flicker of worry coming to his dark eyes. Yet he's seen the after-effects of Zhao using fire before, and so he doesn't say anything. There is a smile that tugs his lips at the touch of Zhao's hand to his shoulder, and he gives a small nod. "Da, am knowing cold sickness can kill. Almost did, before. Was young. Was hunting with others of village, in boat. Water have ice, very cold. Hunt black fish," he says softly, his brow wrinkling a bit. He pauses there, glancing towards Soraya when she clicks her beak, and he shifts a bit before rising to his feet, a bit unsteadily but seeming to regain his balance after a moment. Soraya looks t Zhao, tilting her head from one side to the other, and then she bobs a nod to him.

Soraya hops up and sweeps her wings down to push herself up into the air, easily bringing herself to Vitali's left shoulder. Once there, she teases a bit of his hair with her beak and then leans her head against his cheek. Vitali lifts his right hand, lightly stroking his fingers over her breast. "Da, should go," he agrees, giving a small nod to Zhao. "Tea, when home?" he asks.
Xiang Zhao The fire spell is the hardest one for him to control. It had taken many years to even master it to this point. Even now, he doesn't have any easy times with fire. He takes half a step closer to Vitali as the man seems unsteady, but the stops when Vitali seems fine after that moment. "Mm," replies Zhao with a nod, to the tea. He hasn't anwered any of the rest of what the Siberian had said. Probably mulling it over in his head.

"Black fish?" He has never head that term before. Not even that pair of words together as a name for a specific fish. To describe one, yes. But ot as a name. Xiang Zhao waits a moment, to be sure Vitali has regained is balance, and then starts walking. As slowly as he always does, calm and unhurried. For the moment, the fan remains tucked at his waist. There, it gives nothing away of his state of mind.
Vitali There's a glance towards Zhao when he steps closer, and then Vitali ducks his chin slightly. "Da, black fish," Vitali says, giving a small nod. Then he tilts his head a touch to one side. What was it that the man had called them? He thinks for a moment. "Orca. Mmm... killer whale," he clarifies, giving another small nod. Then he lifts his right hand, to touch the appropriate bead for it. "Water form," he says, a smile tugging his lips.

He starts to walk along with Zhao, keeping pace with him and not trying to go any faster than that. "Was group of them," Vitali says softly, his brow wrinkling slightly. "Were trying to separate one from others. Others get upset. Bump boat, boat wobble. Bump boat harder, boat turn over. Hit head on ice. End up under ice, not knowing how long," he explains, lifting his left hand to lightly stroke Soraya. "Wake up later. In hunt tent. Mother, father... both there. Come from village. Not there for hunt, but come for what happened. Come to heal me. Soraya go and bring," he adds. Soraya leans into his cheek a bit at that last part, making a soft sound.
Xiang Zhao The words about black fish receives nothing but confusion from Xiang Zhao. Until he touches the bead and specifies his water form. "Oh. Or.. cuh.. Hm. Interesting name." But it is what it is. Zhao keeps his pace nicely slow. He'll even slow down some if it looks at all like Vitali is flagging. Of course, he might be flagging himself, but it doesn't show in his expression or his stride. Maybe only in the fact that he's not waving his fan, or even holding it. HIs left hand remains at the small of his back.

His expression doesn't change as the story is told, about him winding up under the ice. He's silent through the lot. His eyes are straight ahead, though he watches around them with his senses.

In fact, Xiang Zhao is silent enough after that, that it might seem he has no intention of speaking until they have reached the apartment. But then... "There was.. one time. I went on a night hunt, higher up on the mountain. It was winter. There was an avalanche. I got trapped. I woke up in my bed with our physician sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand on my wrist." Feeling his pulse, though he doesn't say that part, it's implied.
Xiang Zhao The words about black fish receives nothing but confusion from Xiang Zhao. Until he touches the bead and specifies his water form. "Oh. Or.. cuh.. Hm. Interesting name." But it is what it is. Zhao keeps his pace nicely slow. He'll even slow down some if it looks at all like Vitali is flagging. Of course, he might be flagging himself, but it doesn't show in his expression or his stride. Maybe only in the fact that he's not waving his fan, or even holding it. HIs left hand remains at the small of his back.

His expression doesn't change as the story is told, about him winding up under the ice. He's silent through the lot. His eyes are straight ahead, though he watches around them with his senses.

In fact, Xiang Zhao is silent enough after that, that it might seem he has no intention of speaking until they have reached the apartment. But then... "There was.. one time. I went on a night hunt, higher up on the mountain. It was winter. There was an avalanche. I got trapped. I woke up in my bed with our physician sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand on my wrist." Feeling his pulse, though he doesn't say that part, it's implied.
Vitali "Prefer orca to killer whale, for name," Vitali says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. His brow furrows a little bit, and he does slow a little bit, and he takes a moment to adjust the silk robe around himself. He slips his hands beneath the robe, and he doesn't seem to mind having Soraya remain upon his shoulder. She had been worried for him, and she had saved him -- the least he can do is to reward her by letting her be close.

He glances towards Zhao once or twice along the way of telling his story about ending up under the ice. Zhao isn't an easy person to read, and even less so when he isn't using his fan. And with him being quiet for so long, Vitali starts to think that perhaps he shouldn't have shared the story. That he should perhaps have kept it to himself. Zhao is the only one, here, to know it.

And then Zhao shares that little bit from his past, which draws Vitali's dark gaze to him, watching as it's all said. "Snow slide. Worse danger than just cold," Vitali says quietly. "Am glad physician was there. Others, as well, to get you free," he adds, giving a small nod.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao nods his agreemet. "Killer whale sounds... evil, almost." Almost as bad as black fish. He does glance to Soraya, sitting on his crimson outer robe. "Watch the talons, please. That robe is not one I can replace if it is damaged." There's a sense that there's something special about it that he's just not saying. Something precious. It has /meaning/ to him. He's never commented on any of his clothing prior to this moment.

"It was... not something I really remember. I remember a rumble. A sound so loud there was nothing else. Darkness. And then the feel of fingers on my wrist. When I woke up, it was Wushi." Zhao was walking along just fine. Now.. he stops abruptly and closes his eyes, his left hand lifting to touch the side of his head, heel of his hand pressed to his temple. He heaves a breath, then another, and another, like he's not getting quite enough air.
Vitali "Da, has bad sound to name," Vitali says softly, giving a little nod. It does sound almost evil, like there would be a trail of blood and gobbets of flesh following in the wake of such a creature. He tilts his head slightly to one side at Zhao's words about the robe, and then he gives a small nod. "Da, will be careful with it. Promise," Vitali says softly, giving a small nod. He shifts slightly, lifting his right arm to hold it in front of Soraya, and the eagle very carefully (and without catching the silk of the robe) steps over to his arm. Despite feeling as though the robe is somehow special, Vitali doesn't ask about it, in the moment. He isn't sure that he should ask.

"Have see snow slide, from distance. Very loud, da," Vitali says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. When Zhao stops, Vitali only takes half a step behind him before turning to look to him, a flicker of worry in his dark eyes. Soraya lifts off and away from his arm, winging easily into the air to be out of the way. And then Vitali moves a little closer, but still beyond Zhao's space. Trying not to push his boundaries. "Zhaoshenka? What is wrong?" he asks quietly, worry in his voice. And then he's unable to stay beyond those boundaries, moving a little closer, attempting to lift his right hand to touch Zhao's shoulder, briefly. "Zhaoshenka, need breathe slower," he says softly.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao makes no response about the name killer whale, though it sounds like an evil thing. A thing of death and destruction. Black Fish sounds even worse. There's no response about his robe either, nor reaction to Soraya moving to Vitali's arm. Zhao continues heaving breaths, much too fast, and it's obvious something is terribly wrong. He's growing paler with every breath.

There's no agreement or disagreement about how loud avalanches are. There's not the slightest hint of a response to Vitali. Not his presence. Not his words. Nothing, at all. Until that touch comes to his shoulder. That? That gets a reaction. But probably not one Vitali is going to care for.

Xiang's eyes pop open and he brushes the hand off his shoulder. This before he shoves past Vitali, roughly, and runs up the path. With the creamy color of the robe, it should be easy to follow him. But he disappears around a tree, a glimpse can be seen as he goes around the next up the path, and then he's simply gone. This time, though, he hadn't simply gotten upset and walked away. No. This time he freaked out, panicked, and ran from Vitali. As though the hounds of hell were chasing on his heels.
Vitali With the breaths that Zhao is heaving and how quickly he's taking them, Vitali is worried. Something is wrong, he knows, but... unless Zhao gives him permission or passes out, he's not going to overstep his bounds. He's not going to try to push in order to try to work his healing. Something is wrong, and Vitali doesn't know what it could be or why. But somehow... he can't help but to feel as though he's done something wrong, or said something wrong. Again.

Zhao is just... quiet. Quieter than his usual variety of quiet. When his hand is brushed from Zhao's shoulder, Vitali doesn't resist it, doesn't fight it. He lets it happen -- he had invaded Zhao's space, after all, so in a fashion... perhaps he'd deserved it. But that isn't the worst of it, no -- the worst of it is when Zhao shoves him out of the way. He hadn't been expecting anything remotely akin to that. He stumbles back a bit, stunned and confused and hurt, in a way, and he sort of stares after Zhao even as he's disappearing around a tree. What...? He doesn't understand! What made Zhao run away? Even without him asking her to, though, Soraya is silently winging her way to follow Zhao. She prods at him, though the bond their share, and Vitali gives his head a brief shake before he starts to follow the path that she gives him. There's only one way to find out the answer to the question, after all. And that's to face Zhao and ask him.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao is running. Not necessarily from Vitali. Just... running. Exactly why he's running isn't at all obvious. Just that he is. And make no mistake about it. The way is head had been ducked, body leaning forward, Zhao was very definitely running. Away. From the demons inside his own mind. Demons that he logically can't run away from. But the comfort and concern had been offered at just the wrong moment for his tormented mind to do anything but go into flight mode. At least he hadn't gone into fight mode. That would have been worse.

At first, Xiang Zhao is running toward their apartment. But he seems to be running more or less in a blind panic. For soon, his path starts to veer toward the ocean. The zig zags a bit back the other way. Then back toward the coast. Then further toward the water, straight for the coast.

From her vantage point, Soraya will be able to see the cliff ahead. The cliff that Xiang Zhao runs straight toward. The cliff that he doesn't see. The cliff beyond which is open water, for it's at the southwestern end of the peninsula.
Vitali Indeed, Xiang Zhao is running. It's more than mildly annoying, at least at the moment. Zhao might be an inch shorter than Vitali himself (yes, he's noticed!) but he's pretty quick when he wants to be. Which seems to be right now. And in a footrace, Vitali doesn't have a lot of hope of winning against Zhao. Yet Vitali has a small -- and feathered -- advantage. Soraya. She sees where Zhao is going, and she shares that information with him.

Vitali takes a brief moment to slip his arms through the robe's sleeves in proper fashion. It's important to Zhao, which makes it important to him, and so he'll do what he can to keep it safe. To keep it intact. Zhao may not have seen him do it as of yet, but... Vitali can use his magic on the run. And that's what he does right now. He focuses his concentration and gives a soft murmur, a slight gesture causing a platform of water to come into being only a moment before he steps up onto it. He keeps his left hand held out, to be able to control the water, pulling it up into the air even as he settles his balance on it. This way, he can go much faster. And he can also take the shortest route possible since he doesn't really have to zig zag around buildings or people.

When he learns of the cliff, he knows that he doesn't have to beat Zhao to the cliff. He just needs to be able to see it. He guides the platform of water that he's on so that he can see it. Just over there. And since he's already in control of water, it doesn't take a lot of concentration on his part to alter that control in order to summon more water into it. He forms the water into a thick and soft sort of wall along the edge of the cliff -- a clear wall. It's designed along the lines of a blanket -- to catch him up in it and to keep him from harm, to bundle him up into, and to pull him back from the edge. At least it won't be a person invading Zhao's personal space. And it shoud buy Vitali the time he needs to be able to reach the cliff himself.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao might be an inch shorter than Vitali, yes he's noticed too!, but he's a trained martial artist. A master of his skills. A man who works out and trains every day. There isn't a day that goes by that Zhao isn't doing some sort of physical activity. And that includes running. Never know when you might have to run from a demon. Or a pack of them.

With the information shared by Soraya, it's quite easy for the Siberian to essentially cut the corners on Zhao's path of the moment. This allows him to cut the distance between him and the Chinaman fairly swiftly. There's a lot of things that Zhao hasn't seen Vitali do as of yet. And chances are, not a one of them will really surprise him.

Xiang Zhao might be running from his inner demons, flight mode kicked in, but he's not blind. The moment the water barrier forms, he sees it. And on the next stride, pivots to the right, to run along the cliff instead. The wall of water to his left. He's maybe ten or twelve feet from it and the edge. Ahead of him now, another barrier. A narrow river whos waters sweep toward the sea and over the cliff in a waterfall. It's not so narrow that it could be leaped, being easily three times the distance that even an olympic athlete can jump across.

Unfortunately, he has the presence of mind enough to use his magic... He gestures with his hands, and leaps into the air. And across the river. He lands lightly and keeps running. Now the land is angling downward, and there's at least a path that joins the beach a short distance ahead. It's toward this that Zhao goes. And then down the path. It twists and turns a bit, but he handles it just fine. His grace seems to be entirely intact.
Vitali Though he might not be a demon hunter, Vitali still keeps himself physically active. Whatever he does to keep active is generally done by himself and on his own, as up until this point in time, that's simply been his preference. It was no different at home -- he would set out from the village and practice and then return when he was finished. The behaviour isn't new.

The Siberian had harboured some small hope that the water barrier would serve the purposes that he'd intended it to have. But it didn't. Not fully, at least. The main reason for creating it had proven successful -- it had caused Zhao to not run off the edge of the cliff. But the secondary reason of gathering him up and catching him? Complete failure. Zhao didn't even touch it. Vitali exhales a bit of a sigh, and he lifts his right hand to give a slight flick of his fingers, releasing the water that he'd used to create the wall. The water simply falls back in the instant that it was released.

Vitali reaches the cliff, and he guides the water platform to the ground, releasing it a moment later. He doesn't want to use more energy at any one given time than what he has to, than what he needs to. Soraya still follows Zhao, and so he still knows where the Chinaman is. Lifting his right hand, he fingers the beads that he wears. One has already been used, and that form wouldn't work here. Two of the other forms are... less than the best, here. And that leaves one form that would be rather ideal. His fingers easily find the eagle bead that he wears, and he focuses his concentration and murmurs a quiet word. There is that soft wash of swirling light in different shades of green that passes over him, leaving him in his eagle form -- a greater spotted eagle. Swiftly, he jumps up into the air, sweeping his wings out and down to push himself up into the air. He easily wings his way across the river, and he starts to catch up to the smaller Soraya who follows Zhao.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao had practiced both alone and in company when he was with his Clan. Since coming to New york, he hasn't practiced with anybody, only by himself. That the barrier didn't catch Zhao shouldn't be terribly surprising. He's quite graceful and has many skills. And as Vitali knows, has some fear of water. So the physical barrier had stopped him well short of the cliff's edge, but he'd been able to see it. And thus been able to avoid it. He's not really thinking all that clearly. Somewhere in his brain, he knows the barrier was likely Vitali's. But on the surface, there's only the instinct to run. To flee.

Every now and again, Zhao can be seen to reach up with one hand or the other, to rest that hand against the side of his head, all but clutching at it, at his hair. Every time that happens he stumbles a very little bit. Then keeps going. Down the winding path to the beach. There's a spot that is about six feet above the water, with nothing else below it. He reaches this point and stumbles, reaching up to clutch his head again. He stumbles too close to the edge, and that edge crumbles. Down Zhao goes, falling toward the water. And then into the water with a splash, hitting somewhat on his left side. Definitely not ideal. The Chinaman flails, and it's obvious he doesn't know how to swim as he starts sinking like a stone.
Vitali It's more disappointing than surprising, that the barrier hadn't caught Zhao. Vitali had hoped, and then his hopes had been dashed. He moved on. Given Zhao's ability to sense Vitali's magic, he'd likely sensed the barrier as well. As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat -- and thus, there's more than one way to catch and to stop a fleeing Zhao.

Those touches to the side of Zhao's head are noticed, and they do draw Vitali's curiosity. He's seen Zhao make similar movements before, recently. He isn't sure what significance it has, what it means, but he's sure there's something behind it. He wings his way towards the beach that the Chinaman is headed to, still playing the part of catching up -- or trying to catch up. Then Zhao falls, which causes Soraya to give a shriek and him to make the 'yip' call that belongs to this particular species. It's a moment after Zhao hits the water when Vitali manages to be above the area. He's fairly high up, and he half folds his wings as he focuses his concentration. There's a shimmer of green light to wash over him, transforming him from eagle back to human form. He makes a slight gesture of his left hand, murmuring softly and pulling a platform of water up from the surface of the water to meet him and cushion his landing. He rides the platform down to the water, in front of Zhao, and he doesn't get wet in the process. Nor does he get the robe he's borrowing wet, either. "Zhaoshenka," Vitali says, a bit firmly, to try to get the man's attention. "Put feet down, stand." He knows that Zhao is taller than the water is deep, he can sense the depth of the water. He reaches out with his hands to try to help Zhao with finding his feet, if he'll allow.
Xiang Zhao It's.. really like the expectation had been that Zhao was simply going to run straight into something that sprung up straight in front of him. Like he was going to run into it... while looking at it. Yeah no. Not when that happened to be the direction Xiang Zhao was facing. Nope. Nopey nope. Pivot, turn! Part of his not running into the barrier is that he had indeed sensed the barrier going up. Not only is he unlikely to run straight into an object in front of him, he's doubly unlikey to run into a magical object.

Sadly for Vitali as he lands, the only parts of Xiang Zhao that are above the water are the lower portions of his right arm and leg. Flailing and splashing water everywhere but getting him absolutely nowhere. He's now been in the water for a good thirty seconds at this point. The flailing has slowed considerably, as though the Chinaman's muscles don't quite want to obey him. He doesn't hear what Vitali has said, and he certainly doesn't obey the words. The flailing slows further, and then stops as Zhao sinks further down, settling unresisting on the bottom. So close to the surface. Boy is he going to feel dumb if he survives this.
Vitali The Siberian tilts his head slightly to one side as he watches Zhao flailing in the water. So much for staying dry. Vitali makes a slight gesture with his left hand, releasing his control on the water platform and letting himself sink into the water. His feet settle to the bottom, and then he wades towards Zhao, the water somewhere around his mid-chest in depth. So much for keeping the robe dry! But he can make it dry later. After he's out of the water again.

"Zhaoshenka," he says, a firm tone to his voice, this whilst the flailing is still happening. It's not often that he actually takes such a tone of voice, especially with Zhao. Not often at all. He reaches out to try to grab at Zhao's flailing forearm, but he does miss the arm. Which is a bit frustrating. Settling his hand upon the water, he murmurs softly and gives a faint motion of his fingers to reach out through the water with his control on the water. The water pushes Zhao up from the bottom, and the water burbles up and out of Zhao's lungs, and as it does, Vitali steps forward to slip his left arm around the man whilst lifting his right hand to the side of Zhao's neck. Feeling for a pulse. "Zhao'gege, Zhaoshenka...," he says, his tone a bit firm, a bit pleading, worried, "pozhaluysta, prosnis' ... ya ne mogu tebya poteryat'... need to not lose you, Zhaoshenka."
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao is entirely limp when the water pushes him up from the bottom. He fights it not at all. As the water burbles up and out of his lungs, he coughs weakly, and then draws in an equally weak breath. He remains limp in Vitali's arms for close to half a minute, but his pulse is strong and his breathing continues to improve. He hadn't been under the water, really, for his heart to stop too. Just his breathing.

Finally, his eyes open, lashes glittering and wet with the seawater yet on them. His hair hangs in limp strands, faintly wavy from the water, and spreading out in a fan where it's in the water. It takes a few more seconds before his dark eyes focus on Vitali. "Wo.. Wo wufa lijie ni," he whispers, voice a little hoarse. This is about the point where Xiang Zhao starts to shiver.

A moment later and he realizes where Vitali's fingers happen to be. Weakly, he lifts a hand, his left, to try to bat the fingers away from the side of his neck. "Not.. losing me." Ooh, he managed to speak in English! "Please, not the neck. Wrist if you insist." He's been twitchy about his neck being touched since the first time Vitali had used that point to check his pulse.

Translation: I.. I cannot understand you.
Vitali Thankfully, Zhao hadn't fought Vitali's magic. That, in and of itself, is a very good thing. The cough that he gives is reassuring, and it's even better the fact that he's breathing. He keeps his left arm around Zhao, and his magic as well. The water won't let Zhao sink back into it, even though he could easily put his feet down on the bottom. At least, it won't let him until Vitali allows it to.

Vitali turns his dark gaze to Zhao, worry in his eyes. He uses his control on the water to pull the water from the part of Zhao that's out of the water, including his hair, the water trickling down. This has apparently become one of those days where things seem to keep on happening no matter what either of them do. There's been more than one of those days.

There's a hint of a smile that finds his lips as he turns his hand to catch Zhao's that seeks to deflect his hand from his neck. He doesn't keep Zhao's hand captive for long, though, his fingers moving softly to his wrist. "Had better not lose you, Zhaoshenka," he says softly, a touch determinedly, giving a small nod. He's a bit stubborn about that, it seems. "Stay still, da? Will get us home," he promises, giving a small nod. He keeps an arm around Zhao's back, then reaches to slip one beneath his knees in order to be holding him sort of cradled in his arms. And then he uses the water to push them both up out of the water, draining the water from both of them, and creating a platform beneath them which he'll control and lift away from the water.
Xiang Zhao In that moment, there hadn't been any fighting the magic. Not that Xiang Zhao would have had the ability to fight it even if he had been conscious enough to actually do so. Even better than coughing and breathing is eyes being open. And speaking, even if it had been in Mandarin to start. In this moment, Zhao isn't trying to do anything. He looks.. confused. "What.. happened?" To be truthful, only the one thing's happened to him thus far on this day. Of course, there's still more of this day for things to go sideways!

Zhao doesn't fight either Vitali holding his hand, for as short as it is, nor his wrist. HIs pulse there is no weaker than it had been at his neck. Perhaps not quite as easy to feel, for it's a smaller vein to be felt there. He looks to the shore, and the crumbled spot not that far above them, and understanding can be seen the moment he realizes what had happened.

That placidity is not to last, however. As Vitali's arm goes to move under his knees, Zhao shakes his head. "Let me up," he says. "I am not a woman, needing to be carried." So what if he had to be rescued? "You carrying me like this when I am alert and aware is embarassing." Demeaning is what it is, and he moves his right hand to swat Vitali's chest. "Up. Please." If his protest isn't listened to... well, there's something about Xiang Zhao that says that protest will get far stronger if the initial one is not heeded.
Vitali One of his eyebrows quirks up slightly at the question of what happened. "Was following you, me... Soraya. Both," Vitali says softly, taking a moment to look back towards the beach. He gives a small nod towards the crumbled spot, and his brow furrows slightly. "You were running. Step on spot, it crumble. You fall into water. Try to tell to stand, water deep as middle of chest. Maybe not hear. Nearly drown. Make water spit you out. Clear water from lungs so can breathe again. Now, here," Vitali says, frowning at more than one part of that. If Zhao had any blanks in his head about what had happened then perhaps Vitali covers them with what he says. At least Vitali had still had enough energy to be able to use his magic, and he still does have energy left.

He seems pleased with the pulse that he finds, for he lets go of Zhao's wrist not that long after he'd originally captured it, giving a small nod as he does so. He tilts his head a touch to one side at Zhao's arguements to being carried, and then he gives a faint nod. And he complies with Zhao's wishes, settling him to his feet but keeping an arm around him for a moment to ensure that he has his balance properly. "As are wishing, Zhaoshenka, da," he says softly. "Did not mean for embarass you," he adds, his chin lowering slightly.
Xiang Zhao Judging by his expression, Xiang Zhao had absolutely no idea he'd been followed. He glances to the sky, to try to see Soraya. His dark eyes drop, from the sky to look at Vitali instead. He listens to what had happened. "I.. remember falling, and then being unable to breathe," he says, with a nod. At least, now that he's being reminded of what had happened, it's all coming back. "I... ran. I do not remember why..." Zhao's brow furrows, as he tries to think of why.

It's a good thing Vitali keeps his arm around him, for Zhao's balance isn't the best when he's first put down. But he finds it quickly enough. Only.. he doesn't stay standing, but instead sinks down with a ghost of his usual grace to sit on the platform instead. His cheeks hold a touch of pink to them, the first Vitali would have seen him blush. "I nearly drowned, in water I could have stood up in? Feh." He grimaces and glances to the Siberian, shaking his head. "You have not, yet. If any one else saw, though..." There's a ghost of a smile. "Thank you for saving me."
Vitali Soraya is there to be seen, gliding in wide circles some distance above them almost as though she's scanning the water in search of a fish for a meal. Vitali gives a small nod as Zhao speaks of what he remembers, and his gaze strays back for a moment towards the spot that had crumbled under Zhao. If he hadn't been here... if he hadn't followed Zhao, then Zhao would have drowned. It's a dark thought, really. "Am not knowing why, Zhaoshenka. Did not say. Just... ran," Vitali says softly, his dark gaze turning back to Zhao. "Were speaking of things, walking... then stop. Breathe faster. Push me out of way, then run," he says quietly. He doesn't particularly like saying that part of it, but... he tells Zhao how things had happened, at least.

Vitali willingly keeps his arm around Zhao until that balance is found, reclaimed. Once Zhao has lowered to be sitting, the Siberian lowers to his knees near to Zhao, bringing his hands to rest upon his thighs. He notices the blush, and takes a bit of a moment to simply admire it. "Da," he says softly, giving a small nod to affirm what happened. "Maybe should teach to swim," he offers, tilting his head slightly to one side. He lifts his hand nearest to Zhao before reaching out, and he very lightly and briefly touches Zhao's knee. "Will always save you, Zhaoshenka. Always," Vitali says softly, giving a small nod. No matter what the cost to himself, he always will.
Xiang Zhao Xiang Zhao had seemed to feel almost reassured that the eagle is there, flying in the skies above them. He looks to where Vitali is looking, at the spot that had obviously crumbled. It's easy to see it, for the soil beneath the crumbled spot is darker than that of the soil around it. "I am glad you were here," he says softly, looking from that spot back to the Siberian.

He is quiet as Vitali explains what he knows of what happened. "We were talking of cold sickness. And I..." He closes his eyes, squeezes them closed, and turns his head slightly as though suddenly dizzy. "Wushi," he whispers. His right hand lifts to the side of his head. Then lowers, and he shakes his head hard. His breathing is too fast again, but not to the point it had been before, when they were still in the trees.

Zhao blinks his eyes open again, and that ghost of a smile reappears, juuuust touching his mouth and around his eyes. "Maybe you are right, about the swimming. I.. will try." He nods, smile gone, at the promise that isn't spoken as a promise but is one none the less. And returns it with one of his own. "I will always save you as well, ah'Tali." Almost certainly, much as the Siberian, no matter what the cost to himself.
Vitali Soraya is nearly always wherever Vitali is. The only exceptions seem to be if things have gone a bit sideways, like they had earlier today. Then she had struck off on her own, in order to save Vitali. He takes a moment to look up towards the eagle, and there's a small smile that touches his features as he does nothing more than watch her fly. It's freeing, to be able to fly. He knows what it feels like. His dark gaze turns back to Zhao, and he gives a small nod, a smile tugging his lips. "Am glad was here, too. Am glad had Soraya follow, and followed as well," Vitali says softly. He'll have two beads to recharge, in a week's time.

Then he nods, at Zhao's words. "Da, we were," he agrees, and he slips a hand to Zhao's back to offer support when he seems to be dizzy in that moment. He's worried in that moment, his brow furrowing a little bit, watching over Zhao as his breathing turns too fast. He's perhaps a bit hesitant to ask, since he doesn't want to make Zhao run again, but he keeps his hand softly resting on Zhao's back. "Who is Wushi?" he asks softly, a gentle tone to his voice. He's curious, and he genuinely does want to know. His fingers slide gently through Zhao's hair, and then he softly slips his hand away in order to bring it back to rest upon his thigh.

"Will try when water is warmer, da? Better, then," Vitali says softly, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips. "Even if only learning little bit, will help. Can only ask for trying," he adds, giving a small nod. He tilts his head a touch to one side at Zhao's promise also offered, and then he gives a small nod, accepting that. "Xiexie ni, Zhaoshenka," he says softly, the words a touch more solemn, at that. He does understand the gravity of the promises made between them, even though the full of them haven't been spoken. His chin ducks slightly, and then looks over the water for a moment before turning his dark gaze back to Zhao. "If am in danger, Soraya will always find," he says, giving a small nod. Today proved that easily.
Xiang Zhao It's when things go sideways that Soraya needs to have the autonomy to take the initiative /to/ do something like going to find help. Xiang Zhao had quite missed Vitali's shifting into his eagle form. Zhao has some idea of what it's like to fly, simply because he has the ability to float because of magic. He doesn't pull away from the hand on his back, nor the fingers through his hair. The touch, perhaps short enough in duration to not make him flightly. It might even have been welcome, in the moment.

"I... do not know," he finally says. "The name.." He closes his eyes and his breathing goes ragged for a moment. Before he forcefully pushes away whatever the hell it is. Still, he looks distressed when he opens his dark eyes and looks at Vitali. "I cannot remember. And I feel.. odd, when I try."

He takes a deeper breath that's somewhat shaky but not too fast at least. He nods about the water being warmer. "Perhaps something smaller than the ocean. A pond or stream?" Another deeper breath. "I do not know how successful trying will be, but... I will try." Of course, he might also freak out the moment he's in he water. "Thank you too. And I am glad, that Soraya will find me." He studies the other man for a moment, a long moment, then he turns his eyes away, concentrating on breathing deeply. Calmly. His eyes look to the ocean, then to the land. "I... would like to go home," he finally says softly.
Vitali "Is maybe best to not push to remember," Vitali says softly, his brow furrowed a bit. "Would help, if could, to remember... will listen, always, to anything are wishing for sharing," he adds, giving a small nod. Sometimes, the mind protects itself from the pain of a memory in such ways. He's seen it happen before, though not terribly often. Softly, Vitali lifts his hand nearest to Zhao in order to lightly touch first his shoulder, and then reaches further to lightly comb his fingers through Zhao's hair. Once his fingers reach the end of Zhao's hair, then he'll slip them free in order to repeat the gesture.

"Mm, da... smaller than ocean. Will find river, maybe. Or pond. Even if use river, can use magic to block flow of water. Make safe. Will give water breathing, as well. Make safer," he says, giving a small nod. If Zhao freaks out about the water, then Vitali will worry about it then -- it does little good to worry over such things now. "Da, will take home," he says softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Yet despite saying that he will, the only thing he does towards that goal is to lift the water platform from the surface of the water itself, and hold it aloft by a small distance. He's quiet for a moment, rubbing his left hand a bit over his thigh, his dark gaze studying Zhao. "Zhaoshenka...," he begins, pausing a moment, half biting the inside of his lower lip, "Dumayu, ya mog by polyubit' tebya." And he pauses again, realizing that he's not used English, that Zhao has no way to understand the words. There's a moment, where he's trying to sort out the right words, the right way. "I... have feelings for you, Zhaoshenka. More than have had before, for anyone." The words have a bit of certainty to them, he's had time to suss it out, but he's been hesitant to actually say it. He doesn't want to push Zhao away. His cheeks colour again, and his chin ducks a bit, turned shy in the moment. In his home, there were certain expectations that rested on him, but he's not in his home anymore.

Translation: I think I might be in love with you.
Xiang Zhao "I think you are right," says Xiang Zhao, voice soft. "Every time I remember anything, I get dizzy and my head hurts." Which is really not a great combination. At all. "I.. am not certain about this.. whatever it is. It.. it hurts, ah'Tali." Despite the fact that he is not, in fact, looking at Vitali when the touch comes, he sees the movement in his peripheral vision anyway. Thus he does not flinch from it. He does go still, though. Not that he'd been moving a great deal before that, but there it is. His eyes close as his hair is stroked. That might be a safe touch. Probably something that brings back memories of when he was little.

Zhao nods his agreement with the water blocking and breathing. "Breathing is preferable," he says. His name spoken in that almost hesitant tone with nothing after draws his dark eyes from where they had been looking toward the city. He turns his head to look at Vitali. "Mm?" He shakes his head. "I do not understand." Because he doesn't. He doesn't at all uderstand the Russian words that had been spoken.

The confession has Xiang Zhao staring at the Siberian for long moments. He says nothing, sitting in silence. The only signs of life are the occasional blinks of his eyes. Then he turns away. Looks back to the city. "I care about you, too," he says softly, finally, after several minutes of silence.
Vitali "Is maybe better for giving time. Will come in time, maybe," Vitali says softly, giving a small nod. He doesn't really know a lot about the mind, and he can't heal maladies that are within the brain (save for physical ones). "Am sorry for it causing hurt. Would take pain away, if could, Zhaoshenka," he adds, a touch wistfully. If only he could, but this... he can't take this pain, he's checked it before with his magic and found nothing there. Gently, his fingers continue to repeat that soft touch through Zhao's hair. He likes the way it feels, and he can only guess that Zhao does as well, from his reaction to it.

"Da, breathing is best. And will be able to breathe water, if need. Last for long time. Feel weird, first time," Vitali says, a smile tugging his lips. It does feel weird, to breathe the water -- the human body isn't designed for it, but the magic makes it work. "Da, am knowing, Zhaoshenka... wish my English was better," he adds, ducking his chin slightly. It is better than it was. Yet he doesn't offer the direct translation of what he had said in Russian, at least... not just yet.

Vitali can feel that stare of Zhao's, and he ducks his chin a bit, looking to the water platform that supports them both. He's quiet for a moment, thinking and sorting out words for not the first time. He's making an effort with his words. "It is more than just caring, Zhaoshenka," he admits in a soft tone, lifting his gaze back to Zhao. "Feels deeper," he adds, a little quieter. Vitali isn't really used to talking about how he feels, but that's more from lack of experience than anything else.