Owner Pose
Clark Kent It was a beautiful summer night! The stars were out, the temperatures were warm and the air had that feeling of summer, just begun. The sounds of the city was all around, with the honks, the sirens, and the rumble of activity as everyone went on with their nightly activities.

In this corner, was a man, tall, wearing a dark suit, tie, shoes, and an actual hat that might have snuck out of the 80s. He was standing near a chip truck, obviously waiting for his meal for the lat night. "Yes. Um. Just ketchup please. No onions. Or mustard. Right. French fries...do you do poutine here? That is cheese, gravy on fries..."
Sarah Connor Always she was looking for anything different. It was Sarah's way: Trust no one. But that doesn't mean she can't enjoy the summertime. Especially at night when the air was cooler, and everyone seemed to be nicer? Yes nicer.

She stood in line to get a hotdog.

For once she was letting down her guard.
Clark Kent Clark Kent smiles as the hotdog, fries, and of course, a soft drink was handed to him in a nice, orderly tray. "Thank you sir! Here you go." Pushing the money towards the man serving the fast food, Clark holds up a hand telling the man he can keep the change.

Turning quickly, the tray, the soda, and the other items were about to go for a tumble...trying to maneuver them carefully to prevent the people behind him in line from receiving the food, Clark tries and tries....!
Sarah Connor Sarah was right behind Clark.

Really it wasn't to snatch up the falling food. Of course, it did occur to her as she caught them that if the man before her in line was a Terminator, he had successfully got her hands busy with something beyond a weapon.

Damn, Sarah. Calm down.

"Here you go. Only a little bit of pop was spilled." She smiled, a fast smile. Retreating to her normal look which was almost expressionless.
Clark Kent Clark Kent watches as the woman miraculously saves his food, drink, and dignity. "Why, thank you Ms. That was amazing." Clark smiles warmly, and gets his food and glasses under control with two quick movements...one to pop his glasses back up on his nose, and the other to get the tray stabilized. Almost like there was never any issue.

"I am sure that I can survive without the little bit of soda. Pop. Interesting. Are you from around here? I haven't heard that term in a long while." There was no suspicion from Clark, just an honest question. "I'm Clark. Nice to meet you." Somehow he frees his right hand and offers it casually towards Sarah. "Thank you for saving me."
Sarah Connor "I'm sure you weren't in any danger." Sarah allows that fleeting smile to reappear. "Sarah. Sarah Baum. I'm sure anyone could have saved you if that was all you were in danger of. Do you work around here?"

She doesn't answer the personal questions.
Clark Kent "I do!" Clark points in the distance towards a building in Metropolis. "The Daily Planet. I'm a reporter." Clark pauses just long enough to take a bite of his hot dog before offering the fries to Sarah. "Want some?" A pause. "Anyway, I am just here because they have the best food trucks in the city, as I am sure you know."

Clark smiles, and takes a moment to take the woman in. "Nice to meet you Sarah "Baum"." Clark doesn't reveal whether or not he believes that is her name. "Are you okay? You seem to be...at a high state of, well, awareness. If you are in trouble, you can trust me to help."

A pause, as Clark scans the area. Lowering his voice he says, "I think you are safe here though."
Sarah Connor Sarah laughs abruptly, and lowers her voice, "How would I know you were safe. You say that, but really, how do I know?" Although she was getting the idea that he was not a Terminator. Unless they had put a clumsiness module in them.

"I was," And she realizes her place was taken up as she talked with him. "I was going to say I was in line. Oops? Ah well.. actually some fries would be perfect."

As for her awareness..

She shrugs. "It's normal. Don't you worry, I've decided that you are okay to share some fries with."
Clark Kent Clark Kent pauses for a second, puzzles at the question, leans closer, and whispers, "Well, Ms. Baum, I am me. Of course you can trust me. Do I look like a threat?" Leaning back, Clark finishes off his hot dog, not "realising" the ketchup that falls on his relatively pristine tie.

Holding out the container of french fries covered in cheese and gravy, Clark lets her take them. "Please. I insist. You look like you could use the fries more than me. Last time I was in Toronto, a friend introduced them to me. They are amazing."

Taking a sip of his "pop" Clark looks at Sarah, then at the sky, and sighs as the night takes them. "Peaceful isn't it? Like the calm before the storm."
Sarah Connor Funny that. 'Like the calm before the storm.'

"No," Sarah 'agrees'. (She doesn't agree.) "You aren't a danger." Nobody would copy him. Nobody. But that doesn't mean she doesn't need to stay aware! Far from it. "Thanks though. Gravy and cheese? You're kidding?"

Reason number two he wasn't a Terminator.
Clark Kent "I'm relieved." Clark smiles at the "not a danger". "I never thought of myself as such." Clark again pushes the fries towards Sarah. "Yes. Fries. Cheese. Gravy. Truly a great Canadian invention." Clark "slurps" the pop once more. "Mmmmm." Okay. He wasn't a fan of soda, but he was pretending pretty good.

"So tell me. What are you so afraid of? I promise not to tell." Clark moves from the line, andaway from prying ears and eyes. "Something is bothering you. You can tell me. Off the record."
Sarah Connor Sarah follows him, and attempts the fries with gravy and cheese.

Should she trust him? After all, she'd been locked up before.

"I've reason to believe that some people have been taken over." She doesn't get into the mental hospital, or the fact that she is on the run. "Everybody looks human, but.." And she shakes her head. "Or perhaps I'm a week overdue with my meds." She leaves him the 'obvious' answer. "These aren't too bad, by the way." She holds up the fries.
Clark Kent "I understand." Clark's instincts were usually pretty good. "Well, that is an interesting story. Please, the fries are on me!" Looking down, Clark notices the ketchup on his tie. "Which is obviously true." Shaking his head, he dabs at the ketchup with a napkin.

"Here is my card." Clark struggles with the pop and the napkins and everything else, and somehow finds his card...with just a tiny smudge of gravy on it. Handing it to Sarah, he nods.

"Call me. We can talk. I might be able to help you with your...problem."
Sarah Connor For once Sarah keeps the card. At least until she can memorize it.

"Sure?" Damn but she wants to trust him (as far as that goes!). "Have a good evening. And thanks for the fries."