Owner Pose
Sif The coffees seemed to be divided into varipus categories on the table.

As Lara comes around and says her name, Sif's eyes snap up to the woman, wide and alert.

"Lady Croft! A pleasure to see ypu again yes of course I a remember would you like to have a seat I've just recently discovered this drink and it comes in so many flavors and styles and I thought it wise to try them all to find a favorite would you like to have seat I'll get you a cup you should try the one with chcoclate!" Did she even take a breath during all of that?
Lara Croft Listening to this long run-on sentence spoken at an above average speed made a larger smile crop up across the Agent's lips. "Wow." She says softly and then does indeed take a seat across from Sif, setting her phone down on the table's edge close to her position. "You are... really diving into the caffeine, I see." She said, now grinning over the table at the other.

"Its wonderful stuff, but... I don't think anyone has told you that a lot of food..." She glanced toward the store, and then back to Sif. "... on our world, has to be consumed carefully. In moderation, especially. Coffee is one of these things. It is laced with a product that 'perks people up'. Gets them going. Its why people tend to drink it early in the mornings, when they first wake."

An employee approached Lara to ask if she wanted anything, she placed an order for an ice tea.
Sif Another drink of one of the dozen or so coffees that jave yet to be finished and sit on the table in front of Sif, is taken. "I do not know what this caffeine ypu speak of is but if it is similar to this delightful drink than I most certainly have to try that as well I should bring Thor down here so he can reu some these but who knows where he's gotten off to right now something about a summons from China bit when he gets back definitely why would anyonr wish to lace such a lovely drink not that it matters I don't feel any differently than I nornally do perhaps it is similar to Midgard's alcohol and doea not effect Asgardians?" Breath needed? Nopr. She pausing to take anpther drink.
Lara Croft Lara couldn't help but be amused by all of this. She eyed all the coffee cups sitting in front of Sif and she just gently shook her head and tried to think of a way to explain it. "They are also filled with sugar." She told the Asgardian. "I'm sure that you have sugar back home, yes?" She asked then when her tea was brought to her. She accepted it, thanked the employee and then sipped from the cup.

"Thor went to China?" She asked then, her right brow lifting up gently out of curiosity. Lara daydreamed a moment, picturing the giant muscley Godman lifting a whole benchload of Chinese people up and carrying them up a flight of stairs while he's all juiced up on Chinese beverages, part of her wondered if this was happening across the globe right this very moment.

She shook her head gently and then just smiled at Sif. "Do you even have a way to pay for all those drinks?" She asked the Asgardian. "I mean... Money. I can cover it if you don't." She offered, before sipping her tea again.
Sif Sif nods her head vigorously at the question. "Oh aye that we do You can make a proper dessert without sugar after all I should bring one of the cooks cakes bavk for you to try they're absolutely delicious Yes he went to China I don't reallu know whu His tie to Midgard stems from Gaea so he hears many calls and summons when her children are in troible but he assured me he was fine and my presence wouldn't be needed I'd know if anything were terribly amiss it's part of being his Valkyrior I gave the woman at the counter a coin she assures me it was enough to cover what I had ordered She seemed surprised when I handed it to her though I cannot fathom why."

Of course... Asgardian coins are made of pure gold so it should come as no surprise that Sif's payment was accepted.
Lara Croft Lara was keen on Asgard culture to take an educated guess at the value of the coin give. "You may have given her enough to buy this whole store." She said with a sly grin, sipping her tea once more. "I'd love to try some of the food from where you and Thor originate." Part of her wondered if this was Sif feeling detached from Thor, and the coffee was helping take her mind off of it.

"I was told that Thor stopped by the SHIELD headquarters a few days past." She said then. "I assume he's assisting them with a special operation then?" She wasn't sure. "You'd think, working there, that I'd be filled in on all manner of things. But I'm essentially the Agent who's desk is in the basement closet." She grinned lightly then.
Sif That's it. That mention of a mission... an unknown variable... Something she can't protect against because she doesn't know she details of it... It snaps Sif out of the coffee rush. Forces her mind sharp and focused.

"Did he?" It catches her off guard. "You know more than I do then. I am not aware of anything he is helping them with.."

While her voice holds no tell on what she's feeling, someone who reads people well will see the flickers of confusion, irritation and fear in her eyes.
Lara Croft Lara gently nodded her head while sipping her (hopefully caffeine free) tea. "Don't take it to heart, Lady Sif." Lara encouraged her. "Most of what SHIELD does is labeled 'classified', meaning that Thor is sworn to not speak of it to others. They do this because it keeps others safe. And as you're, likely more aware than anyone else alive in any realm, Thor is a man of honor and would keep his word to those at SHIELD whom he has sworn it to."

She would then nod once across the table to her. "Besides. I'm not sure there are many things in existence on this planet, that could harm him. So you are free to sit and enjoy your tastey beverages..." Lara did a turn in voice pitch then, to a more serious one. "At least for today. Don't make this a daily habbit though... That would be... bad."
Sif For a long moment, Sif considers this. "Than SHIELD will have to come to terms with the fact that the bond between Valkyrior amd her charge supersedes their classifications. In such things, there can be no secrets between Thor and I."

Sif's brow arches. "You would be surprised ar the relics and powers which reside within this Realm." Oooh Thor.... What a talking to you're in for when Sif sees you next.

Her eyes flit down to the coffee buy don't quite hold the enthusiasm they did before. One is lifted and a small, though genuine, smile curves her lips before she takes a drink. "For today. And thank you for letting me know. After almost 3000 years together... I thinl sometimes Thor believes me psychic and thay I should simply know things."
Lara Croft Lara spoke just before sipping from her drink. "I am not SHIELD will ever come to such terms with you, they are... stubborn like that." She said it softly though and then smiled, knowing the frustrations that can come along with an agency such as them.

"Finding relics such as you speak of... is the entire point of my employment with them." She flashed a small grin. "So if you have any good leads... I could use them, to be certain."

Lara then set her tea cup down on the table and she pushed her phone off to the side. "Are you angry at him that he hasn't told you where he's gone?" She asked. "Three thousand years is a long time to go with pure honesty, suddenly to have it cut off here and there for 'work' purposes."
Sif A sudden sadness washes over Sif. "You must be careful, Lady Croft... The last time a mortal got her hands on one of the relics in this Realm..." Even now, her hwart aches over the loss of Frigga. "Please, I beg you to be careful. Some things are best left buried."

She sets this all aside as much as possible and looks back at the young woman. "I should be. I should be furious. But no, I am not. Saddened... A little disappointed, perhaps but not angry. I have learned, since his time in that desert village, Midgard is... This Realm will always come first."

There's a reason she has mixed feelings about this Realm... And there it is...
Lara Croft Lara heard what sounded like a great deal of jealousy, or envy in those words... But she wanted to tread lightly around them and not make Sif feel too terribly today.

With a soft inshale, Lara looked out to the street to her left where cars were meandering by and pedestrians were stumbling around as humans do. "There are bad people in this world, looking for those same relics." She said, her brown eyes returning to Sif's own. "I do try to be careful, but... acquiring powerful relics, before said people can... is paramount to my own safety. So long as I can get the item back to SHIELD..." She gently shook her head. "It doesn't matter if I make it back or not. Except that the next item, down the line, that will need someone like me, to go out and get it." She had no intentions of dying on the job, but she would if need-be.

"You should volunteer your services to SHIELD." She then said. "Why sit and wait, when you can offer the wealth of skills and talents that you possess to help in the cause?"
Sif Envy, certainly. A bittersweet note.

"Thwre are people from other Realms looking as well, Lady Croft... Sometimes, it's not a matter of survivng anoit retaining yourself. You are a true warrior amd so I would not ask you to stop. What I would ask is that you gain lnowledge of what you seek before searching... Amd realize that there will be some relics beyond SHIELDs ability to contain them."

And then she smirks. "My duty... My loyalty lies with Thor. I will give information when I can but I cannpt take part in something that may come into conflict with those responsibilities."
Lara Croft Lara smiled softly at the caffeine adled Warrior across from her and she nodded her head one single soft time. "I understand." She said to her. "I think I would've liked growing up where you and he did. The... regimented structure, to how it all seems to work, just sounds rather appealing to me." She had had quite a lot of regimented structure to her own life, up until around age twelve when her family fell apart and both of her parents were lost, after that it was mostly all chaos for the would-be world explorer.

"I will give you a good recommendation, should you decide to turn in an application." She said with a little grin. "We will title the desired Job Position as 'Thor's Bodybuard'. I am quite certain he'd enjoy that."
Sif The solemn mood of the Warrior woman lifts and Sif chuckles. "Oh, undoubtedly." Those ice-blue eyes dance and sparkle. "I am fairly certain he'd end up pouting at me. Which is adorable, mind you, but..." Yes, she really just said that. It speaks volumes of how comfortable she is with Lara.

"You would have, I believe, fit well within the Einhenjar or Valkyrie ranks, either one." Which is actuallu high praise considering who it's coming from.

Another sip of her coffee is taken and she smiles. "I cannot take you to Asgard but I can show you parts of it, if you would like."
Lara Croft Lara raised her cup of tea and smiled. "I am truly humbled by that." She told the other with a big smile, bigger than she usually ever smiled. "I've lived a life of not quite feeling as though I fit in... anywhere... in..." She glanced around them. "Places like this." Her eyes returned to Sif then.

"All these people, going about their daily rituals... its, claustrophobic to me. I prefer to be out in some remote location, essentially lost to any and all maps or course markers. I can think out there, I can feel myself more connected to the world. Here, I feel... on edge, at odds with myself."

She went to sip her tea then, pausing a moment. "I can't imagine how truly beautiful Asgard must really be. I'm sure you're looking forward to returning to it." Lara motioned her left hand toward a piece of discarded trash rolling down the sidewalk in the wind.

"It has to be better than this place." She said, small smile showing.
Sif "A feeling I am quite familiar with. It can be lonely at times. I would have been miserable if it had not been for Thor and, for a time, Loki."

She looks around the city and then chuckles. "Asgard isn't perfect but... Aye it is a little less... Cluttered than this."
Lara Croft Lara nodded her head to the other softly. "Loki?" She said then, curiosity on her voice. "I'd very much love to meet him someday. I can only assume that he's as intriguing of a person as the legends would suggest." She showed a light smile.

"So, three thousand... years." Lara started to inquire then. "How in the heavens above, do you two still find anything to talk about with one another." She flashed a big grin. "I went on a... date... last month, and I was done talking to the man within the first fourty five minutes."
Sif Sif sighs softly. "Sadly, I fear that's not possible. Loki was felled in battle." And while she may not approve of or like who he had become... She mourns his passing. He had been a friend after all.

And then she smiles faintly. "A date?" Her head tilts. "We are warriors... we are heirs... We rarely have time just the two of us, honestly. Courtnlife does not afford much in the way or personal or private time."
Lara Croft A solemn look on her face at word of Loki and she quietly responded. "I'm sorry." She hadn't expected to hear such a thing. These Asgardian were legends of this world, come to life and she... assumed they'd never be capable of falling in battle.

After a soft exhale though, Croft shook her head side to side. "You two seemed to be on a Date in the park the other day. When you witnessed me being... unceremoniously belched from the bowels of the city." She shoed a little grin.

"You both seemed to be of high spirits anyway."
Sif Despite herself, Sif's smile softens. "Thor and I have always been able to find joy in each others company. He never allows mento stay too serious for too long."

Still not entirely certain what 'dating' is, she takes a moment to examine the context. "Oh! You refer to a Courtship outing? No. That was just... Us. Only recently did anything romantic begin." Pause. Beat.

"Have you tried cotton candy, by the way."
Lara Croft Lara listened to this and then she had a smile strike her lips at the cotton candy question. She slowly nodded her head. "A long time ago. At the Fair with my mother and father. Its quite delicious, as I recall. But again... its a food that you need to consume with moderation in mind." She showed a slight grin and once more glanced at the enormous collection of coffee cups in fron to fthe Asgardian Warrior.

Lara exhale and look back to her Jeep. "I suppose I should head back. I have a trip coming up and I have to finalize the plans for it." She reached into her jacket and pulled out a few bills to leave on the table, then gathered up her phone.

"It was good to see you again, Lady Sif." She smiled at her. "If you need anything, just get ahold of me."