Owner Pose
Hunori Another city, a famous city of a famous hero. For Seong Hunori it was a heck of a destination to finally check out. Wrapped in her obnoxiously pink jacket, the young woman moved through the street of the fancier district taking in the sites.

It was crazy, she'd been to space and met silver galactic envoys, walked on alien worlds...and the 'rookie' heroine still had never laid eyes on Earth's most famous protector from the stars!
Jericho     A couple is standing at the railing of a boardwalk overlooking the West River front. They are speaking softly to one another as they watch the water ripple and dance below them, but as Hunori is walking by behind them, she may notice the man drawing a pistol from his jacket and holding it behind his back, as if he planned to use it very soon...
Hunori A pistol drawn, lowered behind the back. Hunori wasn't some master spy or assassin but well, she'd played the odd game or two and she knew the classic 'Hitman' stance.

Of course, activating her own powers wasn't exactly subtle, the transformation was bright and colorful, so it'd give things away.

Instead she curses under her breath and starts to increase her pace, drawing closer and preparing to leap if the weapon is leveled.
Jericho     And indeed it is leveled. Right as Hunori reaches them, the man suddenly brings it up, the barrel pointed straight at the woman's head. He is about to pull the trigger, but for some reason, he hesitates. Is it the fear in her eyes? Or is it something else? Either way, Hunori has her chance to do something about this!
Hunori She'd been getting some training, learning how to fight and how to move, take on multiple armed opponents and come out effortlessly ontop...but usually she was transformed, stronger and fast enough to dodge automatic gunfire.

This was a little more 'normal'.

She jumps, arms out and intended to yank the gun aside, wrestle with it and even disarm if she was so lucky. She was a quick study, but without her augmentation? Hunni was still inexperienced compared to other heroes who made such a mood look easy!
Jericho     Well for one thing, the man was definitely -not- expecting some random stranger to get involved and start trying to disarm him. He reels, shocked at the sudden interference. The pistol is knock out of his hand, and it goes spinning into the water, disappearing into the depths with a splash.

    But now he glares at her, seemingly angry that she has thwarted him. A fist comes up and he takes a swing at her!
Hunori Well, the positive side was that the woman wasn't getting shot, but on the reverse, now all the attention was on the brunette heroine who didn't really have any weapons onhand.

She might just have to wait for the cops!

"Run!" she calls to the other woman, herself ducking low and making to just try and avoid getting punched.
Jericho     For a moment, the woman protests. "B-but..." Then as the man swings at Hunori, she finally nods and rushes off. The punch misses, connecting with only the air above her head instead. But this seems to only anger him further, and he charges at her, trying to knock her off her feet.

    However, there is something off about his movements, a hesitation that doesn't quite seem natural. Well for one thing, it gives Hunori a bit of an advantage, an opportunity she can easily exploit...
Hunori Off? Interesting, but Hunni would ponder or ask about it as she moves and dodges. Of course on the outside there was a smirk on her lips as she dodges and weaves.

"Not so tough when you're not shooting someone in the back, huh?"

Its a taunt followed up with a punch of her own, but if it connects, she actually backs up while shaking her hand and muttering softly in korean.

She was used to being tougher in fights, punch with a closed fist hurt!
Jericho     The fist connects with the side of his face, and he is sent reeling, though he doesn't quite fall over, managing to catching himself just barely. But that hit did...something. The man stalls, staring at her as if confused. For a brief moment, his eyes turn black except for green rings around his irises. But whatever that was seems to pass quickly, and suddenly he's the one looking fearful and desperate. "...p-please...stop this..." he stammers.
Hunori That was...unexpected, the girl actually hesitates and steps back, hands lowering and confusion dotting her youthful features.

Was he surrendering? Was it some sort of mind control thing or was he simply crazy?

"J-just...stay back, the police are on their way..."

Hopefully they were anyway!
Jericho     But did anyone actually call the police? He certainly didn't, and the other woman...well maybe she was hesitant to get her own S.O. arrested. Even if he did just try to kill her. Love makes people crazy, right?

    "W-wait, don't call the police!" he begs. "I...I didn't hurt anyone yet did I?!" It's certainly starting to look like 'crazy' is the answer here.
Hunori A blink, a frown, the young woman's accent hung on her words as much as her confusion. "You just tried to shoot that lady in the back of the head!"

Not that she had evidence anymore, thanks to the gun ending up somewhere in the river.

What in the world was going on? Was it simply a paranoid schizophrenic off his meds, or something more complex?
Jericho     The man stares at Hunori as she tells him what just happened, and he shakes his head and backs away, looking horrified. "No...nonono..."

    Abruptly, something rather odd happens. Where there had previously been only one person standing before her, suddenly there are two. One is the dark-haired middle-aged looking man whom Hunori had just been tussling with, and the other is a younger man who can't be much older than Hunni herself, with blond hair and light green eyes.

    The older one quickly seems to come to himself, his demeanor suddenly changing from horrified to confused. "What the...? Who are you? Where's Amanda? Where's my wife?"