Owner Pose
Hunori New York at night, it could be pretty in its own way, but it wasn't without its dangers. Sure enough, Hell's Kitchen exemplified this better than most. Not quite the 'wild west' but certainly dangerous enough for any at the wrong moment.

The perfect place for a patrol to Hunni's mind... but things had been a little slow at this point.

Already having activated her empowerment, the now-blonde heroine in her 'girly' outfit currently walked along the edge of the rooftop she was perched on, blowing yet another bubble from the obnoxiously pink chewing gum she was trying to use to keep her mind occupied.

Mosy people don't think about how super-heroics could be....really boring at times.
Kit Killovarras Boring is only the right word for it when your doing it wrong, it at least that's what the Aardwolf on the streets below would say. He's in his usual attire with his hood pulled up, concealing his face and with his head tilted down, it would take some real effort to even see the muzzle he wears.

Even with his hands in his hoodie pockets and no real visibility from the looks of him - how could he possibly see with his hood like that? - he's pretty good at skirting around pretty much anyone he would walk into. He's keeping his body low enough that people wont be able to tell his true height in passing, as he always does and to any onlooker? He's just some wary teen who probably lost his way or took a wrong turn somewhere and wound up here.
Hunori Most would probably call the night a success if they didn't have to intervene anywhere, everyone made it home safe, noone found themselves in need...but well, Hunori had been a little bit of an adrenaline junkie at the best of times.

With one last sigh she dropped from the rooftop, her glowing blonde locks likely making her look like some sort of falling star before she touched down on the street level, headed towards an alleyway where she spotted a homeless person sleeping last time.

At least if she could drop a few bucks in donation, the young woman could say she'd done a good deed for the day.
Kit Killovarras A falling star and a 'sailor moon' style outfit? Yup, that wayward teen in disguise will casually adjust his heading, giving himself time to pass by the alleyway she walks into. He's nothing if not skilled at going unseen or unnoticed, having spent a majority of his life having to hide himself away from humanity. His every step is silent, his clothing seemingly doesn't make a sound and even his breathing is shallow enough that the keenest ears would have a hard time picking it up.

His own senses though? He can smell for miles and decipher the data on where people are and what they're wearing from that alone, but coupled with keen sight that can see in the dark almost as well as light and hearing that could pick up the scratching sounds of an active termite mound from across a football field?

Insectivore or not, Aardwolves have the senses of an apex predator.
Hunori He'd seen her before in the park, admittedly a briefer and more violent encounter, but it was likely going to be easy enough to track. The faintest scent of lightning in the air intermingled with the artificial sweetness of bubblegum and whatever shampoo she'd been using, Hunori was on the move.

Humming a tune to herself, the still faintly glowing young woman continued her path, only to suddenly stop with a frown as her hands patted down her own form.

Right...she couldn't -get- any change out right now. Her outfit didn't even have pockets!
Kit Killovarras Stopping for a moment, specifically to visibly rifle around in his pockets, the Aardwolf simply watches the woman out of the corner of his eye, just barely letting his head tip and the hood adjust enough for him to see her. There's a thin smile on his lips for a moment before he starts into the alleyway. "You need a purse in that get-up." he says as he walks up near her, still utterly silent otherwise.

The homeless person gets a glance and a quick study. It's a subtle wiggle of his nose and a few twitches of his eyes, he keeps his studying as much a secret as he can, since the explanation of why he's doing it would be rather jarring.
Hunori A start, Hunori turns at the voice behind her, turning and raising her fists reflexively. A beat, Hunni takes a second to recognize the creature before her before lowering her guard with a sigh.

"I don't pick what it looks like!" she protests, closing her eyes in frustration. "It's not exactly practical!"
Kit Killovarras "Can't you wear a coat with it? or get dressed and grab a purse after the fact?" comes a curious question, complete with the yeen tilting his head to one side. Then he gives a little chuckle and muses, "saying it's 'not practical' is a bit of an under-statement by the way.." then he walks up towards the homeless person, pulling what looks like a pair of twenties out of his hoodie pocket.

The bills seem to jump out of his hand, slipping ever so carefully into one of the homeless individuals pockets. It's somewhere where it'll be found eventually, but somewhere that wouldn't be immediately obvious to passerbys and it seems the aardwolf is going out of his way not to wake the sleeping individual in the process.

Then he'll start back over towards Hunori, tilting his head as he studies her, glowing eyes giving her the once-over.
Hunori "I...can put stuff on afterwards," She speaks, crossing her arms under her chest and shrugging her shoulders as she watches the exchange and then chuckling lightly.

"Well, at least someone got to do something decent tonight."

She moves now, after all being a glowing light that was talking near someone who was trying to sleep.

Of course, she doesn't prevent him from following either.
Kit Killovarras Kit just gives her a glance as she starts off, deciding to walk with her for a bit as he shrugs. "I mean, a nice coat or something might also help you stand out a little less too." he says with a little chuckle. This from the individual who, if they weren't wearing the cloths they are wearing, would probably have random people freaking out at the sight of him, so OK.

He doesn't comment on the thought of doing something decent, just gives a little nod and a smile. Before they leave the alleyway he'd have his body in that same posture as before, making himself look like just another lost and possibly anti-social teenager.
Hunori "Yeah I guess so..." Hunori speaks, chewing her bottom lip. "But y'know, I figure that maybe being noticed by the bad guys might make them second guess themselves...or y'know, aim for me if there's like...a police shootout or something. Kinda like drawing 'aggro' in a video game."
Kit Killovarras Kit nods ever so slightly and gives a little smile, glancing to Hunori as he murmurs, "You don't have to always stand out for that to be a thing." with a little smile. "In fact, sometimes it can be preferable to 'draw aggro' from a tactical position, rather than the moment you're on scene."

There is a moment of pause, then he gives Hunori another once over with his eyes before adding, "Plus, I've seen you fight.. Even if you were dressed like me, you could get peoples attention if you really had to."