Owner Pose
Captain America     "Tony."

    "Might be a good idea for us to get together and talk."

    "Yeah, not there. Maybe... in the Triskelion."

    "I'm thinking briefing room seven. Yeah."

    "Yeah. Just us. For now. Yeah."

    Then the phone clicked. That was all it needed and all that was said on the part of one Steve Rogers as he closed the phone. The sun was setting distantly, casting long shadows of the skyline across the long drive that leads up the the Triskelion proper. It would be better to do it here. Less risk. Less chance of things going sideways in unexpected ways. Also might be a good test. It'll have to do.
    An hour later the door to briefing room seven closed with a thump and Steve turned away from it. The tall blond man wasn't in uniform, just blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a pair of blue sneakers. Though under one arm he carried a hefty manila folder with a crimson band around it, but for now he kept it tucked in place.
    "Thanks for coming on such short notice, Tony. Can I get you anything? Some coffee? Water?"
Tony Stark From the sound of the communication, this visit isn't even a 'put the suit on and fly' sort of meeting. It's a 'take the black sedan and drive', though sadly, even taking the helicopter would have been more fun. Tony is wanded through, complete with a visitor's badge, and escorted into the area. He's dressed down, that is, turtleneck shirt, a sports jacket over it with blue jeans and sneakers. A pair of dark sunglasses sit atop his head, though as he walks through the doorway, he's pulling them off his head and setting them into an inside pocket.

Tony waves off the offer of food, though he can't help the quip, "Did they start serving anything good? It's after five, after all." It's not expected, and instead of waiting for an answer that won't really come, he exhales as he pulls a chair.

"Yeah, well. Call me curious. Getting called in and not getting called out on the carpet by Fury is something new and I couldn't resist." He smiles tightly before relaxing a touch more, "And it's gotta be something that is making you run to ground, or you'd have come to the Tower. This is probably," Tony underscores his words by looking around the room somewhat theatrically, "a little less secure, but it'll do.

"What's up?"
Captain America     "Actually..." Steve says slowly as it's clear he's not at ease. He's got this tension to him, rigidness in his back like when he first met Tony. Or when he was actively serving. His brow's knit, his eyes distanced, as if trying to figure out exactly how to say what he needs to say.
    And then he sets the folder on the table with a heavy thump.
    No markings on it. No outward information. Just a series of papers that look to be in a curious binder with that red tape around it. A red tape that is broken as he pulls it apart from the middle.
    "More secure now." Steve says as he pushes the folder toward Tony and says quickly, "You have about six minutes to read the contents before the folder destroys itself. That's the average time it should take to digest the information in the folder. In seven minutes SHIELD's going to notice that there's an anomaly with the security equipment in this section. Likely someone will come by, we'll tell them we were talking about your latest project."
    And as he says these things Steve frowns a little, but heaves a small sigh as he grabs the back of one of the metal chairs and slides it over toward the door... and wedges it underneath the door knob. "Just in case someone comes by early."
Tony Stark Tony knows all about body language; particularly with those few closest to him, which Cap counts, of course. He watches the man, the little facial gives, and when the file comes out with a *thump* onto the desk, dark eyes lower to the unmarked paperwork.

And the clock begins its countdown. Glasses are taken out, the file is pulled towards him, and he sits down even as he opens and begins to read. He's going through the papers, scanning and reading, committing some things to memory, and others as a 'fyi' background. The pages turn quickly, and his words rise a murmured complaint, "It's been forever since I had to deal with paper copy. Next time, can we do our super secret stuff online?" Tony knows how to encrypt and utterly destroy, after all. To be fair, though, the fact that he's got the file boobytrapped, and will self-destruct all lends to the seriousness of the meeting

It's the space stuff.. the move from planet to planet actually has the man concerned as he reads the copy. He's going to save his commentary for the end, however; time is of the essence and he's very aware of the lack thereof. It's the frown, however, that gives away his initial feeling regarding the information. The shift in posture, in manner and mien that lends it to the.. not really positive reaction to it all.

The bi-frost? So many questions, though as he reads, he gets that complete understanding as to //why// he's been approached. If it's not money, it's tech. If it's not money or tech, it's the fact that he's an inventing, technical genius. The fact that he's someone who would go to the mat for his friend, even if Steve doesn't always believe that, doesn't hurt either.

"I.. huh.." and the pages turn to the last possible moment, and then some.. back and forth references, checking and rechecking. Mix that with the knowledge he already has?

"This.. this is either completely insane, or genius. I'm not sure which, yet."
Captain America     "I..." Cap says slowly, then he seems to redouble his effort and steps to the table, pulling out another chair and sitting down catacorner to Tony, leaning forward and resting his forearms on the tabletop, fingers interlacing thoughtfully. "I can understand where it's coming from. People not entirely sure who to trust, and the amount of times that things have happened. I told them I'd head it up. I plan to do it as best as it can be done."
    Then those blue eyes level with Tony's and he says, "We can talk about it more elsewhere. Later. Right now I just wanted you to know what I'll be doing. And to know that I want you in on it with me for various reasons. Not the least of which is your voice and your opinion on whatever happens out there."
    He straightens up, hands unfolding and flattening on the table. "But this is a big deal. Going to come with..." He shakes his head slowly, "A mess of security. I'd like you on the team. If not on the team, then maybe some help with equipment to make sure everyone gets back alright."
    A glance is given to the door, still no sign that any of the operatives beyond have noticed the error in the observation area.
Tony Stark "Wild horses couldn't keep me away from this," Tony murmurs, the pages shifting back and forth. "Not gonna lie. It scares me, which means it's gotta get done." His voice doesn't rise from the softly spoken words. Everything stated sounds distracted; names, places, and when he's reached the //science// of the matter, he falls silent all together. His attention is fine-tuned, and page after page is memorized, digested, and turned around. Already, there is more than a little fine-tuning going on. Changing, shifting and altering paths..

Finally, Tony does look up, and he's got a stark, serious expression on his face. "This doesn't lend itself to 'later', Steve." There's that undercurrent that echoes his features, "I can't let you go out there alone.. or with some other chumps that think they know something." When they obviously don't.

"This is bigger, much bigger than the Avengers."
Captain America     "There's still a lot of prep-work to be done," Steve Rogers says as he leans to the side and once Tony has reached that point that it seems as if he's digested enough... he takes up the folder even as parts of the red tape around it begin to smoulder and the front of it starts to darken as it undergoes some sort of chemical reaction.
    The metal waste bin is grabbed as Steve pulls it over then puts the rapidly darkening folder into it. No flames, nothing obvious, only a slight crinkling of sound and some wisps of grey smoke that dissipates after only floating a handful of inches up from the trash can.
    "They have gear, some suits. I'd like you to look at them. I need to contact the other people who might be viable. I'm thinking Widow. Hawkeye." Though the list is a little longer than that. "I told them we can't do this halfway. So we have as long as we need so long as the schedule doesn't slip into next year."
    He looks again at the door, then back toward Tony. "SHIELD doesn't know of this. Not yet. They likely will, because we're going to need some of their assets operationally. But yeah..."
    Captain Rogers frowns and murmurs, "This is big."
Tony Stark Tony closes the file even as Steve reaches for it. The chemical burning smells pungeant but familiar; he's experienced that before. Probably in the labs at MIT in his crazier days of a mis-spent youth. He nods once, definitively, when the suits are brought up.

"I want them sent to the Tower. I need to make sure nothing is in there that doesn't need to be, and add anything that I think has to be there for .. a positive outcome." He smiles quickly, his signature gesture as he continues, "And they have to look good. Government issue //anything// is really ugly. It does nothing for morale."

He exhales in an audible breath as he pushes back from the table, but doesn't rise. Instead, a leg comes up and crosses over, resting on his thigh. "Widow is good. Barton, good. Never know if someone is going to throw rocks at us." As for the others? They're not sitting as high a priority as those that he's fought side by side with over the years. That's not to say he's dismissive, mind.

He shakes his head, underscoring Cap's comment regarding SHIELD. "The fewer the people the better," Tony reminds. "I swear, SHIELD can be like gossiping old ladies over a backyard fence. As far as the schedule goes?" There's a smile that rises slowly, "I didn't want to go to the Oscars anyway. Or the board meetings. Or the shareholder's dinner." Or.. or..
Captain America     "We're in the beginning stages of things. So not sure how a lot of things are going to shake out. But I wanted you in on the..." A pause then he adds, "The ground floor?" As if unsure if he's using that right.
    Then he shakes his head, "I told them I had to have my people. But they have some reservations." Steve pushes himself to his feet and moves over toward the door, he rests a hand on it for a moment. Then looks back, "We'll go over potential recruits later. For now..."
    That's the moment he pulls the chair away and out from under the door knob, setting it back under the table with only a slight scrape of the legs sliding over the floor. He tilts his head to the side, listening, but hears nothing for the moment. "We need to keep this between us until I get a chance to approach other people and bring them in. But I wanted your mind running at this, because you'll see what I can't."
    Then he straightens and extends his hand in offer toward Stark, "I know it's unfair of me to ask you. But are you in, Tony?"
Tony Stark Tony rises from his seat as things start to both come to a head and wind down at the same time. Straightening his jacket, if he had a tie, he'd be straightening that too, but he doesn't. "Ground floor, yes." There's a pause, and a grin follows, "Very good. C'mon. I'll get you a soda pop for that."

He does stop at the door, his expression turning serious. "I'm in. But on my terms. Nothing, and I mean nothing gets into the motorpool without my looking at it first. Suits. Vehicles. Communications. Nothing. I don't care if you pull Pym along, or Richards, or whomever. That's my show and I am not going to trust anyone with our lives." Given that someone wants him dead? Not paranoia, really. Tony isn't a closet control freak. He's blatant.

"But yeah.. your secret's safe with me." As he says those final words, Tony offers his hand in return for that gentleman's shake. A deal done.
Captain America     It's a firm shake, strong, but Steve doesn't push. It's a meeting of peers and then three pumps and done. He gives a nod to Tony and seems about to say something else...
    When here's a knock at the door.
    Which is opened almost instantly as Cap gives a nod and says, "Agent Ramirez, we just wrapped up. Do you need the room?"
    The younger comms agent smiles, still struck with that hint of hero worship that so many of the new SHIELD agents still struggle with when they're confronted with the man from another era. He looks between the two luminaries of their time and clears his throat. "No, sir. Captain Rogers, sir. Mr. Stark." He smiles between them both.
    Then he knits his brow and says, "Just we were getting some errors from the monitoring stations. Is everything..." He looks around the room, then back. "Everything alright. Sir? Did you notice anything off?"
    Which has Steve nodding slowly, "Yes. I mean. Everything's alright. No things seemed..." He shakes his head and looks back toward the man of Iron, quirking an eyebrow as he asks, "Did you get any weird readings, Tony?"
Tony Stark Tony retrieves his hand, and just as they're about to exit, there comes that knock. His head cants, brows rise as he feels the hero worship exude off the younger, newer Agent. He smiles, and it's one of those so easy expressions that makes the billionaire genius inventor look approachable and 'a neat guy'. He looks at Steve, and shakes his head. "Not unless it's the sunglasses. I'm still working on them as a prototype."

Leaning over to Ramirez, he stage whispers confidentially, "It's coming for Agents in the third quarter. Make sure you get one before the Director takes them all and fits them for his one eye."

Once down, he looks back at Steve and deliberately pulls his pair out and sets them onto his face. They really are a cool set of shades; black frames and darkened lenses. Just the thing to wear after a night of drinking, too.

"I'll give Pepper your regards, Captain."