Owner Pose
Jean Grey The Ruby quartz gemstone that supposedly contained the evil aspects of Sinister has been kept safely in a box in the security room of the x-base - which Jean had only briefly taken out in search of Emma to help her to analyze it. However after a run in with Sinister, who seemed shocked at her carrying it around her neck she decided to double her security efforts just to be on the safe side.

It had taken a while but she finally got ahold of Emma and requested her presence in the security Center to assist her in telepathically scanning the evil-Sin encapsulated gemstone, seeking more answers to this mystery.

As she waits, she sits at a chair, staring at the box containing the gem stone.
Emma Frost Emma Frost arrives wearing her variation of an X-men costme. In this case, she's all in white and actually covered head to toe, albeit extremely tightly, a snug costume with an X on her belt where it hangs on her hips, along with, yes, yes, she has a cape, a short cape, but definitely a cape.

She brushes a lock of pale blonde hair out of her face and smacks her silver painted lips as she goes to take her own chair.

"I'm here, despite my misgivings. I did not enjoy my previous contact with the darker sidses of Sinister's consciousness."
Sinister The gemstone itself, is periodically rather worrying. It nags at the psyche, even when there are shields up of those that are near it -- an insistant little slither of malice that slips over the surface of a mind, seeking a way in; a window crack, a door not completely shut, where it might lurk or whisper. And then occasionally, it has been entirely silent, which sometimes is worse. What does the presence do, when it is quiet?

It has an odd feel to it, also. It's perpetually just a little bit warm, as if the crystal itself is alive.

In the box currently, there's nevertheless the feeling like the two ladies are being watched.
Jean Grey Jean Grey nods to Emma, dressed in her green and gold Phoenix costume and ready to work. "Emma, thank you for joining me. You are not the only one feeling anxious about this Crystal. But we have yet to determine how to deal with it. Do we destroy it, or will that simply release his evil psyche? Furthermore, perhaps we can learn more about his motives and more importantly if we did indeed trap the correct Sinister."

She nods to the chair opposite her, "So please sit, take my hands. Let us decide how to handle this potential threat.." she peers at the gemstone, shivering a bit at the general bad vibes it gives off. Jean is wary of touching it but she examines its appearance, wondering if having two powerful telepaths in the room has affected it much..Does it perceive them as a threat? Is evil sinister actually aware of what's going on or is he dormant?
Emma Frost Emma Frost sighs, "You know we don't actually have to touch hands for this, don't you, it's just a tradition from seances oh, fine, whatever, sure. Oh, your fingers are soft. What lotion are you using? Yes, I know, later, later,"

She's wary of the vibrations she's already getting from the box. They're familiar enough, from her previous encounters with Sinister, enough to get the whiff of his energy on the thing, but she knows there's something foul and untoward, a malevolent will at play.

"Destroying such a thing is no easy feat. The Shadodw King alone proves that. Even when he's been banished and destroyed, he always returns. Thie being will be unpredictable. But it would probably be a good idea for us to have something resembling a plan."
Sinister Resembling a plan? Oh, Emma, Emma, it's a well known military fact that no plan survives the encounter with the enemy. A generalized framework would probably be more viable...

Consciousness contained is a terrible thing. But that much CAN be felt. It knows that they're there. It's aware of them, despite being confined to the ruby quartz. What was done to confine it, was not done by the ladies though, that act of will came from Essex himself -- and that alone leaves a different oddness to the feel of the item. If one were to put a name to a common item, it feels like it is a tuning fork. Something that resonates on a very particular frequency.
Jean Grey Jean Grey smiles and shrugs, "Not necessary perhaps nit makes it easier at least for me to focus." she arches a brow at the comment, not answering it or maybe she's just more focused on other more important matters at hand.

Once the hands are taken she closes her eyes and focuses upon the gemstone in front of her, specifically the psyche trapped with in. Drawing on Emma's and her combined mental strength she is confident they can get through Sin's mental barriers.

~Sinister, can you hear us? We would like to have a chat with you..~
Emma Frost If Jean is fire, Emma is ice, sharp and cold and cutting. Their minds work uniquely well together, almost spitefully well, for two beings who often find themselves scraping against one another's nerves. Yin and yang and all that jazz.

Emma hated jazz.

<<We won't bite, darling.>> she adds to Jean's greeting, keeping her posture upright as she clasps Jean's hand in the 'real' world.
Sinister <<Do you promise? Well, where is the fun in that?>>

Sinister's mind does not so much open wide, as it does ease a door open a crack. There is, in no uncertain terms, a great deal of mental control that this particular psyche is able to exert. It would to some, be a labyrinthian series of 'rooms' and 'doors' but that only comes into the awareness as perphery 'vision' as there's a corridor in the gemstone that leads straight to the very heart of a room. A smoking room in actual fact, with some rich red drapery and dark wooden panelling. It looks like it might be the memory of Oxford University. Sinister is standing in the window, staring outward. There's no mistaking him. He is tall, well built, pale as snow, and sporting of the be'ribboned cloak, high collar and bio-steel suit that is his trademark. He is though, sipping a drink. A whiskey or somesuch thing, <<Please, help yourself to refreshment if you feel inclined. It's a formality and trivial, but it can make all the difference in discussions, to have something anchoring for the memory of hands.>>
Jean Grey Jean Grey nods to Emma, complimenting her in many ways, watching her back as much as she hopes she watches her's in turn. Sinister may be trapped in the gem, a prisoner of theirs, and they are technically peeking in from the safety of the outside, but there are always risks.

She wastes no time with frivolities, uninterested in exploring the other rooms right now, or..Refreshments as the case may be. She glides effortlessly straight towards the smoky haze, unafraid, her psychic guard up.

~Mister Sinister, we have no desire to stop for refreshments. Let us get down to the heart of the matter. Who are you, really? How is it possible that multiple Sinisters can exist?~
Emma Frost <<Now, now, Jean, he's only trying to show a bit of manners. Admittedly, psychic refreshments are a little masturbatory even for my particular mental constructs, but I appreciate the thought. But Jean has a point, too - we aren't here for pleasantries, no matter how pleasant they might be.>>

<<You're smart enough to understand our dilemma.>>
Sinister <<Your flattery is on point, Emma, a delight as always,>> Sinister turns from the window, tucking his hands into the small of his back and standing, open chested before them. It's a telling thing, that his shoulders are not hunched, nor his body language defensive. He looks at them steadily, in as much as a mind can look; this is all a construct after all, familiarity building a need for shape and form and structure.

<<There's a great deal about me that you do not know, my dears. You think very one dimensionally at times. I am Sinister and I am pervasive. There are many different iterations of me, across the world in all kinds of walks of life, in all kinds of activities. You, however, have been dealing with an unforunate... irritation of mine.>>
Jean Grey Jean Grey frowns, peering intently at him, trying to scan his mind, to understand him better..Is he truly different from the other Sinister who claims to lack the same eviller aspects of his psyche? She glances at Emma as well, hoping she will help her get past the psychic masking.

<<Then tell us, we have a lot of time..And do not forget that you are our prisoner, Afterall. What is to stop us from annihilating you, now that you are trapped within this gemstone?>> it's not her nature to kill, to destroy if she can help it, unless she deems him a big enough threat. <<So tell us. How did you get this way and how is it possible that there can be multiple aspects of you, coexisting at the same time no less?>>
Emma Frost <<Yes, yes, you are a dark and powerful god with infinite wisdom and potence. We all shudder at the deep dark horrors of your soul, for lo, your cock is the biggest in all the land>>

Somehow, she psychically sighs.

<<I'm not sure we can annihilate you, for all the threat Jean makes, but I'm certain we could hurt you a great deal and you've already hurt enough, haven't you? That's how we go mad in the first place.>>

<<At the very least, we could always toss the stone into the sea. See if you can impress the lampreys with your dark majesty.>>
Sinister <<And then we descend into crass, that is really beneath you. I expected more,>> Sinister looks in Emma's direction, with a sigh, then shakes his head and returns attention to Jean.

<<I was being quite serious, not hyperbolic. There literally are many of me, all over the place, wearing all kinds of faces, in all the continents of the world. I am multifaceted and multiphysical. I believe you know of the man named Jamie Madrox? The principle is the same -- only on a much grander scale.>>

One thing Jean will pick up on probing and needling in behind the walls, is there is absolutely no sense of humanity in this mind. It does not care. It is cold, clinical and calculated and frankly, horrifying in the lack of any conscience to speak of.

<<You know if you tossed me into the sea, you'd end up with another headache. I'm sure that the atlanteans would have issues.>>
Jean Grey Jean Grey blinks in surprise, <<I will do what it takes to protect the people around me if necessary, although I would prefer not to kill..>> actually she is really against killing, even if she knows the Phoenix side of her would be more than willing to kill for the greater good. No doubt Sinister can sense that greater power bubbling beneath the surface.

<<Interesting. Then are you all of the same mind? Or are you all independent, separate entities? What of the one who is in love with Lucifer, is he truly any different from you?>>
Emma Frost <<Nathaniel, I'm tired. I don't want to be here. I'm sure you don't want to be here. If I am crude or rude, it is because I am out of patience with all of this. You're a mess, darling, and it shouldn't have been left to us to clean it up. It's your mess, after all. We aren't your maids.>>

<<Whatever collective other Sinisters there are in the world, this particular aspect of you is cut off and trapped. We'll worry about the others another time. You're the one we're dealing with now. And frankly, I'm not afraid of Atlanteans. Namor has little wings on his ankles. No one can be scary with wings on their ankles.>>

To Jean, she psychically asides. <<I feel little to salvage here. Perhaps best to just lock this one away in a musty box, like the proverbial Ark of the Covenant and let it be forgotten.>>
Sinister <<What makes that one different is it is weak. And unfortunately, there's little I can do about it, because I am subject to -its- whims. There was only one of me once upon a time, the one from which all others have stemmed and that one, well...>> Sinister sneers, eyes Emma, silently rolls his shoulers one at a time and rolls on his heels. <<It might be the one true me. It might not. I dislike the notion that I am not the original but I am fairly certain any replicant of an original would be similarly disinclined to like the notion that they're not the one.>>

He waves a hand. <<Do with me as you wish. It is neither here nor there to me. I am a patient being and this prison... this is a prison I am very familiar with.>> He looks at Jean and smiles, looks beyond Jean and smiles wider.

<<You should be familiar with the concept of a creature that has no moral code, Jean. I could have had such an interesting time with you, I'm certain of it. So much potential...>> He clucks his tongue.

<<We're all just a little different. But we do share one thing; the infuriating problem of occasionally losing control over ourselves. But I will be here. Until I am not, my dearlings. Tick tock. Tick tock.>>
Jean Grey Jean Grey arches a brow, <<Weak? Weak, how? You believe that a person who is capable of love is somehow weak? Perhaps you are the weak one. It is a pity, I would rather rehabilitate you than keep you imprisoned here forever, it seems like such a waste of a great mind. You could have so much good but somewhere along the line you took a wrong turn. But how else is it possible that the other Sin could be so different? Is he truly lacking all the evil aspects that you possess?>>
Emma Frost Emma's hand in the real world moves to Jean's shoulder.

"It's enough, Jean. That thing in there isn't worth your worries."

Emma has encountered Nathaniel Essex enough to know that he's more complicated than that. She can't believe that creature she just met reflects the true aspect of his core. Just a dark side. We all have them. Some darker than most.

It just so happens that her dark side is white as snow.

<<Me? Lose control? Oh, please.>>
Sinister <<Oh for the love of...>> Sinister looks up at the heavens, or rather the roof of the room in Oxford and presses lips together, looking back down again with a lengthy stare. <<The one you're referring to, psychically ejected me out of his own head and imprisoned me in here, in this crystal. I'm a bundle of thoughts and ideas and understandings and will, forced to be separated from the physical housing that I was in. He cut me out of himself, Jean. That's not to say he couldn't slip by his old ways again, but I am currently as we say... out to lunch.>>

He stares at Emma a moment, shakes his head with a wry, slight smile and inclines his head. <<So, deal with these bundles of psychic resonances as you wish. Or do not. I suspect, eventually you will upset him enough, or he'll be tempted enough to break this prison and get me back. Or I might be wrong about that. Either way. It was a pleasure. /Do/ stop by again some time, hm?>>
Jean Grey Jean Grey frowns softly atSinister's words, nodding slowly, "Yes, that is what the otherSinister said more or less as well..However, I needed to make sure it was not just a trick, that was had trapped the correct Sinister, so if you don't mind..>>

She nods to Emma, <<Let is make sure his words are true then shall we?>> and this time she performs a deeper mind, hopefully with Emma's backing to ensure Sinister's deeper thoughts are not so easily cloaked as they could have been from just one of them.

<<Just this one last test and then we shall leave you be at least for now..>>
Emma Frost Emma sighs in agreement. <<Ask your question then, Jean. Being in the presence of this thing is making me feel ill.>>
Sinister There may be many malevolent things in this crystal, but there is not a grain of a lie in what it said. But that just opens a lot of other questions that will require answers at another time, does it not?