Owner Pose
Nikki It is no secret that Nikki does not have a vehicle, and that some of the final touches for the prototype were being done at her house. So, there comes a day when a very excited Nikki sends Tim a text along the lines of <Nikki did it! Tim should come see!>.
Tim Drake Tim Drake will text back and forth with her. He asks a few details, and decides he should bring one of the companies vans. He also makes sure to grab a small drone that can record things texting via voice messages "Would she be ok if he recorded her showing him the project.
Nikki Nikki replies back that she has no issue with him recording it, figuring he'd have to since the prototype technically belongs to the company. Or at least has proprietary company technology within it. Then she messages that she's going to get it all rightly set up and will see him when he gets to the house. Then she does just that. It's all guts at the moment, which likely makes it look super weird in some ways. (Think C3PO from Phantom Menace) but with spots where she could put in true facial features like that of a human - once the guts are covered.
Tim Drake Tim Drake comes walking into the room to see the robot, and offers her a smile and says "So, this is him/her?" He asks looking it over. Tim has not turned on the drone yet, looking it over as well as the room itself a moment before he does.
Nikki Nikki beams a smile and then nods her head. "Yep! Only Nikki decided that Kookie was too...erm...unprofessional...so she's changed it to being called VAS. Or Voice Activated Support..." Then she moves and flips a switch in the back, little lights come on and the head turns left and right, up and down. "Hello. I am. VAS." Nikki smiles and then gestures towards Tim. "Introduce himself to it."
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods and does turn on the drone as she turns it on and says "Hello Vas, I am Tim Drake, it is good to meet you." He offers standing back and watching closely.
Nikki Vas, who currently can't seem to see anything, tilts it's head towards Tim's voice. "Hello, Tim. Drake. It is good to meet you, too. Is there something I can help you with?" Nikki is just /beaming/ with joy. "Hey Vas. Can you hand Tim a glass of water?" Which, there is already one on the table. Vas turns and walks towards said table, picks up the water and then turns around and holds the glass out. "Vas can't see anything yet, so Tim's gotta take it from it but...isn't it cool?!"
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods and walks over to take the glass, and says "So, you have the basic layout of the room programed into her, but will need to get working opticals?" HE hmms and says "It is cool, is the sight a coding or compenant issue?"
Nikki "Layering, more like it. Nikki wanted Tim to see the basics and it needs to go to the facility so Nikki can fit it properly with skin." Nikki uses air quotes around skin. "But it can essentially do most basic tasks and comprehends the entire english and spanish languages. Other translations could be made available if needed but figured go with the most popular ones, yeah?"
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods, and says "May want to add Mandrian just to be on the safe side." He offers, and says "I did bring the truck so if you want to take it this evening we can. What type of skin are you considering?"
Nikki Nikki nods and then smirks. "I could do that. I've got a whole lot of languages I can program. Just started with those two." Then she glances to the truck before looking back and tossing a few holotapes into a bag of other goodies. "We can certainly do that. Take it back I mean." Then she shrugs. "As far as skin goes...I'm not sure. I figure trying to do something flesh-mimicking would be a little too weird, but I don't know if metal would be clunky."
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods, and says "We do want to avoid the uncanny valley effect if possible, but we also don't want them looking to construction yard looking as well." He will look to het and says "what do you need me to get?"
Nikki Nikki nods a little. "It'll be nice to find a decent balance. I have an idea, but I would need my station to run some tests." She says this much and then titls her head. "What do you mean? Like to take with us? Uhm...Vas can get in herself...and then I can shut her down... I think I've got everything... Unless you meant something else."
Tim Drake Tim Drake says, "Well, I did not know if you wanted any of your specific tools or needed to load a support bay or something for charging Vas in."
Nikki Nikki pats her bag. "All of that's in here believe it or not. I think you'll be pleased to know that Vas doesn't need a huge charging station... built in charging port and power supply that can be plugged into a wall socket. Once it's all charged up, Vas can run for a solid seventy-two hours non-stop, and upwards to almost twice that if shut down nightly or when not in use." Nikki beams again.
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods his head and will lead her and Vas out to the van. He opens the door and lets Nikki get the robot in, to see how well it does. He does look to see if her smaller companion will be joining them
Nikki Nikki gets Vas in the van, to which there's minimal assistance needed and Nikki makes a mental note of that before saying, "I should look into the fluidity of Vas' leg sockets a bit more. Seems to be stiff in a few problematic areas." This might be said for Tim's sake to know, or for the recording's sake. Or both. Squishy rolls up to the van and then...Nikki smiles and helps the littler one in. "Alright. Alright. You can come this time."
Tim Drake Tim Drake nods a bit and says "Make sure both Vas and Squishy are buckled in." He says trusting her to make sure she is but wanting to make sure both robots are secure before they head out towards the tech lab
Nikki Nikki secures both the bots, and also makes sure to turn Vas off and conserve the energy it has for the time being. Then she moves to the passenger seat and buckles herself in as well. "Thanks for coming by and all... I really appreciate it."
Tim Drake Tim Drake looks over and offers a smile "Well 1 your my friend, and 2 your working on a project that not only is for the company but will help a lot of people, I am glad I could help.
Nikki Nikki smiles again before looking out the window while they travel. "That's really my goal in the end. Helping people. Being with WayneTech has made that an even more achieveable goal. Meeting you just became a little bonus." Saying that much before likely going quiet for most the ride.