Owner Pose
Tony Stark Patrols aren't meant to be relaxing, but once in awhile, when the conditions are right, they go smoothly--without incident--leaving the armoured Iron Man with a sense of near peace. Well, as peaceful as he can be while listening to AC/DC in the suit. The music softens, however, when Tony's voice cuts into the suit. "JARVIS, open the penthouse window," he instructs the mainframe of the suit. It's useful to have each of these things coordinated with some measure of synchronization.

Unfortunately, the window does not open, prompting a quiet line of curse words from Tony as the Iron Man suit narrowly stops just before smashing through it, causing him to fly to the roof of the building. The feet of the suit lag on the ground, like a man trying to regain his balance after coming in for a landing. He skids a few steps, and then catches the ground. "Geez, JARVIS! System report! What happened back there?!"
Diana Prince Diana of Themyscira had just opened an Embassy for her people in Manhattan this past week and she was getting comfortable in a city she had adored for many years, but now had an official place to call 'home' within it.

Diana had been on the roof of said Embassy when she'd seen the shimmering trail of Iron Man's rocket propulsion system in the sky, another one of the people she was on the roof with actually pointed him out as well (One of Diana's Amazonian sisters, no less).

This was an intriguing thing for her to see 'in person' as she'd only ever seen Stark's suit in-use on the various television and internet casts that were blabbering on endlessly about the infamous billionaire playboy.

Diana separated herself from her Sister and she took to the sky, using her God-gifted power of flight to silently glide through the air above Manhattan, heading toward the direction she'd seen Iron Man disappear to, behind his own skyrise building.

When tony speaks to his internal A.I. system, asking on the status of his situation, this is when he might suddenly notice that there's a reflection of a woman over his shoulder in the glass that did not open.

Diana hovers there, a foot or two off of the ground Tony had just landed on. She is in her blue/gold/red armor and has her sword and shield on her back, her black hair is loose and flowing over her shoulders as she watches the man before her.
Tony Stark "Systems are fully operational, sir. Although there does seem to be something malfunctioning in the apartment. Shall I run a systems scan?" Jarvis replies easily in turn. "Do it," Tony says. Seeing Diana fully costumed first earns momentary alert followed by a tinny greeting, "Well, that's a wonder." The easy Stark charm echoes through the words. The suit tracks Diana's movements, with it turning in its entirety to take her in. The mask of the helmet flips upwards with a quiet clink, and Tony, squints at the woman standing before him.

"Not used to in-flight visitors," his lips hitch up on one side into a lopsided smile.
Diana Prince Diana gently touched her armored boots down onto the ground several paces away from Tony and she watches him turn about, speak these words and then sees his face revealed from within the mask.

"I am sorry to have followed you." She said to him then in her husky voice, laced with a non-American accented English. "I saw your flight across the skyline and I realized that we have not ever had a chance to speak in-person to one another." Her voice's tone was soft and calming to most who spoke with her, she started to walk toward him with her right hand extended, the hand was wearing a dark brown leather fingerless glove beneath the metalic bracer on her forearm.

"I am Diana, Princess of Themyscira and I have just opened a new Embassy for my people here in Manhattan. A place that I wanted to make sure you knew you were welcome to visit, due to your endeavors as a keeper of peace in this city, and beyond." Diana's sky-blue eyes glanced toward the right out across New York before she looked back at him.

"I probably should have just called and left a message though, but sometimes I act before I think." She showed a vague smile then.
Tony Stark "You don't have to call first," Tony offers in return with just a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "I've heard of your Embassy. I'm pretty sure Pepper mentioned it--" but not entirely certain. He'd been multitasking in the lab at the time. "And," his arm lifts into the air, "let the record show you're welcome to visit for anything related to peace-keeping. I think everyone in the city is aware of the balance we live in," his tone takes on a comical lilt.

And then finally it seems that the introduction should be reciprocated. "I'm Tony Stark." His eyebrows draw together, "But I bet you already knew that." There's a pause and he looks down towards the ground. "You like sushi? I'm a fan of the rolls. Not so into the whole sashimi thing." His expression sours, "It's a texture problem rather than a flavour issue. I mean, most of it tastes like wasabi and soy sauce anyways--but the rubberiness. Just can't get over that," his head shakes slightly.
Diana Prince Diana would draw her hand back and she'd stand there with either of them at her sides, her weight evenly distributed between her armored boots. She showed a slightly large faint smile after he said all of this and she gently dipped her chin down in a singular nod. "I do like sushi." She said to him. "Though the quality can... greatly vary.... Though, I suppose it can on almost all foods."

Diana would gently shake her head side to side and show a sympathetic expression then. "I do not wish to take up much of your time. I simply wanted to extend an offer, and at the same time... ask for an application of consideration."

Diana's head would adjust to stare more evenly toward him with those blue eyes of hers. "I would like to become a member of your team... the... Avengers?" She asked, her chin lowering a little as her black eyebrows lifted, hoping that she got the name correct. "And in-turn, offer you... or one you trust... to join with my own, the Justice League."

Diana would draw a breath then through her slim nose. "I hope to unify the seeking of justice in our world, rather than our groups remain fragmented and isolated from one another." She would pause her words then and there, watching him for his response.
Tony Stark "And here I was going to suggest sushi," Tony offers wryly. The offer, however, has his chin dropping slightly in consideration. "There's a great little place down the road. Sashimi though," his tongue clucks and his head shakes. "Just not my thing. Sometimes I wish it were."

But the rest has him silencing in consideration. His head cants and he allows the proposition to roll over his thoughts. "I'm aware of your work." Pause. "And it's good. I think our goals align and I think our people have a lot in common. I'd love to have you aboard." His lips purse slightly at the thought of joining the Justice League, "Partnership could be good." His teeth toy at his bottom lip, "Would you be willing to give us two spots? I'll do the same. Kind of like sports. A primary and an alternate?"
Diana Prince Diana would show a little smile at the sushi part and would slightly nod her head to it, she could see the reumors of his eccentric nature were not untrue by any means, though she found him to be amusing... at least so far!

"Two spots?" She asked initially before nodding her head. "That would be fine, yes. I will have to ask about our team to find out who would be interested, but I imagine someone would gladly take the opportunity... perhaps Flash, as the commute between cities would be most simple for a man of his, abilities. But we shall have to see."

Diana would nod once more toward him. "Do you know who you would like to have included within our ranks?" She'd ask then. "Or do you need time to speak it over with your people?"
Tony Stark "I'll need to talk to my people, but I think Carol, Sue, or Steve would be good fits," Tony shrugs as much as the suit allows. "Sue or Carol would have the easiest time getting around." Which is a point of consideration. "But I'm open to whoever would want the role. Plus it guarantees that one of us would be available. I have several ongoing projects right now." And then, with a smirk, he adds, "And I'm not sure Pepper would want to attend your meeting in my stead." His eyebrows lift to punctuate the point.

"Regardless, this is a good. Coordinating what we're doing will help us all. More hands and all that."
Diana Prince Diana would nod her head at what he said then and she'd show another soft smile. "I am a big fan of MIss Potts. I have seen her presence in the public eye, representing your company with a strength of character and a clear sense of morality. I would very much like to meet her some day."

Diana would turn to leave again, though only just a half-turn for now, she'd look back to him, her black hair gently whipping about her shoulders in the breezes. "I will place a call to you soon, to see if your chosen pair would enjoy a tour of our facilities and to see if there are any arrangements that I, and my counterpart, need to accomplish to join with your ranks as well. I am... very much looking forward to it as well. I want to help you and yours, and vice-versa." She'd show another smile to him then.
Tony Stark "Everyone loves Pep," Tony replies idly. "I get invited to do things when people actually want Pepper. They just don't always know it." His expression sours slightly, but his thoughts are guarded. "Good, we'll stay in touch. I'll get Pepper to call you and we can arrange whatever everyone needs." He shrugs again as much as the suit allows. "This is a good idea. I'm glad you got in touch. We're always trying to get good people trained and able to work together."

His lips quirk into an all-too-pleased smile. "It'll pay off for everyone."
Diana Prince Diana's smiled turned into a slight grin and she nodded her head back at the one known as Iron Man. "That is my hope and desire, Tony Stark." Diana would then lift back up off of the ground in silence, floating a foot or two off of the surface of the landing area.

"I look forward to our suishi as well." She added with a little nod of her head before she'd slip back up into the sky and soar out on a long arc toward the western side of the Manhattan island.