Owner Pose
Jessica Drew Despite being an organization that uses state-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology, SHIELD is still a typical slow-moving bureaucracy in many ways -- what seems like it should be quick takes time. Narrowing down the location of the Facility the German scientist suggested all the genetic experiments with Avengers' DNA is happening in is a slow-moving target. A great deal of this likely has to do with Fury trying to compartmentalize as much of the information as possible to prevent leaks. As far as Captain America is concerned, it's been radio silent.

All of which to say that one Jessica Drew has gotten rather tired of the whole waiting around for something to happen thing. She knows people, and she was trained as a spy by both Hydra and SHIELD. It's a perfect -- deadly -- combination when it comes to information gathering when she's motivated. And she is.

It's just a good thing she's doing it for the right reasons.

It's a rainy afternoon when the dark-haired woman wanders the Avengers mansion in search of Steve Rogers.
Captain America Patience is a virtue.

But that doesn't necessarily make it an easy one to master. Even for Steve Rogers he has to work at it. Maybe moreso in this new world, this new time. It seems to move so much more quickly then it used to. Which only makes waiting that much more difficult really.

Still, while he has a great deal of faith in Nick Fury and in his process, he has gotten used to the fact that the man moves at his own speed, in his own time. And not always as swift as Steve might prefer.

All of which is to say that the blonde super soldier is indeed in Avenger's Mansion when Jessica comes searching. But he isn't pouring over tactics or intelligence reports. He's not even in the training room, putting himself through one of those gruelling workouts.

No, he is putting his patience to work at the moment, parked out at the rear of the building, peering out at the backyard of the mansion, the view not quite as picturesque as it might be in spring or summer with all the greenery in bloom. Instead he stands in front of a easel, sketching out the somewhat more bleak lastscape, brow furrowed in concentration.
Jessica Drew The training room is where Jess heads first. Seems like a good default for the blonde super soldier, but no. This is the problem with JARVIS respecting privacy. It would be so much easier if he would tell her. Then again she might not be comfortable with others checking her movements.

After checking the kitchen (more of a 'her' thing than a Steve thing), the dining hall and the theater, she finally makes her way outside, and falls still, exhaling. It's much cooler out here and for all that her body chemistry is enhanced she's susceptible to the cold just like anyone else. Today's t-shirt bearing the words 'Team Jess!' and her colorful elephant print pants don't make for a warm outfit. She wraps her arms around herself, eyes ticking over the easel, then over the man himself. His level of concentration makes her not want to disturb him.

So Jessica stands there in a kind of trapped indecision, all determination gone.
Captain America The cold doesn't seem to bother Steve that much, but then he is also dressed a little better for it with a suitably colorful holiday sweater in red and green warding off the chill in the air nicely it seems. The thermos that sits nearby likely has coffee or something equally warm to help as well. Either way, he seems to have been out here for awhile already and in no particular hurry to move on.

While the Avenger's compound is probably about as safe as it gets inside of New York's confines, it's unlikely that the blonde super soldier ever completely lets his guard down and while he does not immediately acknowledge her arrival -- instead finishing up a few casually swipes of the pencil, reaching out to smudge the line a little bit -- he finally does glance back over his shoulder, wry smile curving over his features.

"Jess," he says in quiet greeting. "You look a little chilly," he notes, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. "What's up?"
Jessica Drew "Nice sweater." She means it sincerely. Jessica really does love kitschy clothes. One of her (many) weaknesses.

"Didn't mean to interrupt," she says, shifting her weight as she resolves her indecision and walks closer. Her eyes go to the bleak sketch, giving it a thorough regard. "I like this. Feels a little dark. You've got a knack for capturing a mood, Steve."

"Yeah. Winter's snuck up on us, huh? You'd think being born in England I'd be more inclined to the colder weather, but no." She shifts her weight from foot to foot, her arms tightening around herself, sighing. "So, about the," she pauses, glances over her shoulder, "That thing we talked about, I might've... leaned on a guy who knows a guy. Probably better you don't know specifics," her smile is quick, bright. Something she enjoys. "Anyway. I got some intel on the Facility. Unofficially. You want me to share?"

She's giving him an easy out. Just in case he's changed his mind.
Captain America He doesn't really look much like an artist. Not really. And certainly among the many skills that people generally think of when Captain America comes to mind drawing and painting probably do not top the list. Which makes sense.

It's certainly not as showy as throwing a shield so it rebounds off of three enemies and then somehow flies back to his waiting hand. Which, in fairness is fairly impressive.

None the less, he seems to know his way around the canvas as well and if the sketch thus far is a little bleak, it does a well enough job of capturing the mood. Not so much of the holiday season admittedly, but winter in general. "Thanks," Steve offers with a little grin, finally turning away from the easel and the drawing there.

"You're never interrupting," he assures her quietly, plucking up that container of piping hot coffee and pouring some out into a little cup before offering her the same.

But when she mentions exactly what has brought her out here his expression grows a little more serious. He knew she was going to poke around some herself. To see what she could find out on her own. Heck, he encouraged her to that really.

And he would do it again. As far as he's concerned nothing has changed and while he certainly hopes SHIELD will play it straight with them on this particular subject, he's not willing to close all other avenues off. This is all way too important. "Lay it on me," he says quietly.
Jessica Drew The reassurance that she's not interrupting is very welcome by Jessica, to judge by the way her posture relaxes. Social cues is one of those things she either doesn't perceive readily or is completely oblivious to. The tiny little things people learn as they grow up, corrected by parents or friends, are things she missed out on.

Among many other things.

The smile of gratitude she lays on Steve when he offers her that cup is both bright and warm. "Thanks," she says, taking the cup and curling her hands around it, sipping a second later with a guttural sigh of appreciation. "So, I talked to some... we can call them friends, inside SHIELD. Apparently they have narrowed down the likely locations of the Facility to half a dozen, most of them in very difficult places to easily surveil remotely. Fury has been arranging for teams to get closer to the European targets -- there's four there. There's two more located in Greenland but they've been assessed as less likely so they're focusing manpower on the European sites for now. Given Greenland is where I was stationed undercover to provide supporting intel, it feels like it's more likely to be there to me."

Jessica grimaces. "As much as I hate the cold... how do you feel about a field trip?"
Captain America Fortunately, Steve is pretty good at social cues, though a lot of conventions have certainly changed over the years. Still, he's a pretty good sort to have around when good manners and good graces count. It might not be a superpower, but politeness serves him pretty well.

Even when it comes time to hit someone with a shield. He still tends to be pretty civil about it. At least as civil as one can be while wailing on the bad guys.

That some of Jessica's contacts are right inside of SHIELD isn't particularly surprising. The community isn't that large after all and is necessarily fairly tight. No doubt a whole bunch of people owe her favors. Come to think of it, there's more then a few who probably feel they owe Steve as well. And probably some that would be of the opinion that they should help out Captain America if they were asked.

Something to keep in mind.

Listening intently to her run down the list of possibilities, the blonde super solider nods his head thoughtfully. It makes sense. The more isolated the better in many ways. Not easier to be sure -- getting supplies in is a heck of a lot more difficult in Greenland then in the Alps. But sometimes privacy trumps ease.

"I was just thinking that it was about time for a little snow to go with the season," Steve replies wryly. "Lets poke around some and see if we can speed things up a little."
Jessica Drew The way Jessica's looking at Steve is cautious, like she's holding her own thoughts in reserve. It's only once he mentions poking around that she goes up onto her toes, lips quirking upwards. "I was hoping you would say that," she says. "I asked JARVIS to make sure the quinjet was prepped." Too much assumption? Oh well.

She sips at the coffee. "I'm pretty much packed. Which you know, is basically just my uniform and a coat. And a bag full of food. Though, uh, I didn't think about maybe having to camp out to scope out these places. And get binoculars. Damn. This is stuff I rely on like, SHIELD to think about and pull together. Or you."

Jessica's giving Steve a very pointed, wide-eyed look.

Tactical planning and preparation might not be a super power but it's definitely one of the skillsets Steve has that Jessica lacks in.
Captain America It is admittedly helpful to have SHIELD on one's side when it comes time to plan and prep for incursions like this.

But it's not absolutely essential.

Hopping up to Greenland isn't exactly the same as heading out for an outting in Central Park truth be told, but Steve has the benefit of a whole lot of experience and a pretty good head for this sort of thing. And they are still Avengers afterall. Their own resources are nothing to sneeze at.

So when Jess glances his way, ever so hopefully, the blonde super soldier only flashes a brief smile in return. It would seem that he understands what's being asked of him well enough.

"Fair enough. I'll start gathering some of the other supplies we need. I imagine we have most of them in the basement. And anything we don't I'm sure Tony's credit card can help us acquire easy enough," he says confidently. "We might as well grab some Stark satellite maps of the area too," he muses thoughtfully.

For the time being the burgeoning painting is forgotten -- or at least put aside -- until he has some more free time to work on it. "Give me a few hours and then we can meet up at the Quinjet?"
Jessica Drew Jessica's effusive, "You're the best!" is genuine. "If you need me to convince people, or glower at someone, or whatever, let me know. In the meantime, I can work with JARVIS to get a satellite retasked." Because they are Avengers, and JARVIS can hack just about anything out there.

The idea of using Tony's credit card makes Jessica's eyes widen. Technically, their Avengers ID cards /are/ credit cards with an unlimited spending limit. Only someone (wisely) never informed Jessica of this. "I'm good at spending other people's money, too. Just put me to work if you need, Cap."

"Three hours. Got it. Get in, get out, high five, eat burgers and whiskey on the way back as celebration, maybe sneak in a celebration dance in there. That's a plan I can get behind." Jessica tosses back the rest of the coffee, gulping quickly.

Any wonder why she doesn't plan missions?
Captain America It would seem they have a plan then. Or at least the solid beginnings of one. Once they get out in the field things will be subject to change of course. But that's how it always works, they should both be familiar enough with that particular problem.

So it will be divide and conquer then and if she'd be more comfortable leaving the planning part of the mission to him, at least she's willing to jump in on some of the technical components. And putting a small dent into Tony's rather excessive fortune. Even Steve will conceed that can be passingly pleasant.

"That would definitely help," the blonde super soldier agrees. "If you and JARVIS can start retasking that satellite so that we can get live updates while we're up there I'll start putting the list of gear we need together. Then we can divide that up and go on a shopping spre for anything we don't already have downstairs in storage," he agrees wryly.

Maybe not having SHIELD support on this particular mission won't be all bad.
Jessica Drew "You got it, Cap." Any wonder Jess is excited? Yeah, she likes missions. Ones where there's a high chance of punching Hydra soldiers in the face, even more so. She starts to skip-walk from the room, then halts and turns, dramatically slowly.

Shopping spree. Jessica's eyes practically light up. It's not quite the magical words 'cheeseburger and milkshakes' are but it's definitely right up there, judging by the sudden bounce of energy. "I'm all /in/!"

"Uh. Probably have to check with JARVIS where all the stuff in the basement got moved to. Tony was doing some experimental... stuff... down there." It's not that Jessica is being discreet. More like she was vaguely paying attention and more annoyed about all the noise at the time than whatever Tony's latest project was.

It'll take them time to split the difference and either find what they need from storage (exceptionally achievable with JARVIS' help) or purchase what they need (also do-able with the weight of a unlimited credit card).
Captain America If something is worth doing, it is probably worth doing right.

Yeah, while it might not be the most original of sentiments it is certainly something that Captain America would naturally adhere to, the sort of old fashion but earnest sentiment that he tends to embody Still, he flashes a brief grin at her earnest enthuiasm.

Truthfully, he is a little releaved as well at the opportunity to finally do something on this, to chase down some sort of lead, no matter how much of a long shot it might be. He's not immune to it, anymore then she is. Though maybe he hides it better. Just a little bit.

Still, the thing is that this somehow just sorta feels like they are on the right track. While it might not be a sure thing it just feels right. It feels like progress. And right now, both of them seem to need the sense that they are getting closer to resolving things.

"Good idea. Lets go check in with Jarvis. He might even have an inventory list on hand which will save us from rooting around in boxes to see what we have at our disposal." That should save some time and work.

"Then we can go shopping." It's not cheeseburgers and milkshakes, but who is he to deny her?
Jessica Drew One major benefit of having an all-seeing AI monitoring your place of residence? You never have to wonder where you left any given item or in which box. While all of the weapons and explosives and actually dangerous things are kept in an armory and accessible by all the Avengers, there's secondary storage rooms in which they are able to secure proper cold weather gear, backpacks, camping gear, and almost everything they need.

Some supplies though they have to restock -- like MRE's -- a trip that takes them to an army surplus store and is definitely not the kind of shopping Jessica thought they were doing. Though she does get inordinately distracted by the bowie knives.

It's not at all subtle, the way Jessica moves with a anticipation, to say that she's looking forward to this, to settling the debts of this long stream of missions. Also not subtle: the way she packs explosives into her pack in readiness.

Soon enough, they're packed into the quinjet with their various supplies. Jess pulls up the satellite imagery of Greenland that JARVIS obtained as they're in transit. "So, here's our two probable targets," Jessica says. "The first is McMorris," and she zooms in, the square nature of the building, the tall metal tower and a cluster of outbuildings making it obvious it's man-made. "Apparently this is an international research station, focused on climate change and the changes in ice, all that good stuff." She flips the view once more. "And here, about ten miles south, all I could find was this." It's a cluster of white white domes almost invisible against the snowy background. "I think it's some kind of wildlife research group. Bears? Something like that. We can insert some records of our potential arrival to the first but the second we'd have to wing it. Or just sit and watch them?"
Captain America Ahhh JARVIS. In some ways he is even more essential to the efficent and happy funcitoning of the Avengers then Tony. At least when it comes to making sure you have all the right gear, or if you're looking to be provided food options. If you're looking for a way to pay for it all or punch something into space Tony might still edge him out.

Steve will give them both the benefit of the doubt and call the whole thing a draw. He's just charitable that way.

Thanks to JARVIS' efforts and knowledge base it doesn't take them all that long to track down the essentials, gathering up backpacks and cold weather gear. Rope and ice picks and all the essentials should they need to go scaling hills, mountains or glaciers. Heavily insulated tents with warming devices. Lanterns. A recharging station. And a host of other potentially useful items for the cold frozen waste that they're heading.

The little trip to the store might not be the most exciting shopping trip Jessica has ever gone on, but it too nets them the last of the gear that they need. And they even add her favorite Bowie knife to the list. Hopefully she doesn't have the opportunity or need to use it, though she might disagree on that particular point.

The gear is loaded and stored away on the Quinjet and they are off, the autopilot winging them towards the frozen north while the pair of Avengers linger in the back, going over the satelitte imagery, plotting out their next move. "Mmmmm, lets not risk letting either one know we're on our way. With our VTOL capability we should be able to set down on this ice shelf here," he says, indicating a spot between their two targets. "The terrain is a little rough but we should be able to hike it well enough to put them under closer observation, see if we can catch anything that gives them away as a HYDRA operation. I could see them using either cover," Steve admits with careful, quiet consideration.
Jessica Drew There's a reason Jessica readily (and seemingly honestly) declares she loves JARVIS. It's not just the food (though a lot of it is the food). She probably genuinely wouldn't be able to function normally without JARVIS reminding her of things. Like when her therapy appointments are, or that she promised to meet someone, or that she probably ought to give up her slippers temporarily for a wash.

She's almost a fully functioning human again. Just a few rough edges still remain.

Like her sheer delight over getting that new knife when, sure, she's got plenty at home. But this one is /new/. That she practices twirling the knife in her hand during the trip might be disconcerting to anyone who didn't recognize it is a mini coping mechanism.

When Steve points out the ice shelf he wants to land on, she sighs as she calculates the rough path it'll take them to traverse. Sure, it's hardly strenuous for a super solider, or a spider, but: "Ugh. Did I mention I hate the cold?" Her nose wrinkles, but she starts to dress herself appropriately. Her costume -- minus the face mask -- is already on, and she layers thermals on top of that, then thick cold weather gear. The coat she chooses is particularly long and fluffy. "Me too. I'm leaning towards the research station, just because it's got a bigger footprint so it'd be easier for them to hide comings and goings. They had regular shipments of information they kept offline, which means regular deliveries. Harder to explain that in the bear-watch camp, I think."
Captain America While JARVIS might not have been designed to be a surrogate friend, part time therapist, cook and housekeeper to some of the world's most powerful heroes, he has none the less done a pretty good job of sliding into those roles and making things easier for them all. Then again, he was supporting Tony first so maybe he was intended to do precisely all of that. It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Anymore then it is unlikely that some of the most powerful heroes on Earth might need that kind of support.

All in all, Steve might be a fairly stable minded member, but even he has his issues now and then, and while he is just as comfortable talking things out with an actual, honest to god human being, even he will be quick to conceed that JARVIS brings a lot of the table in that department. Just one more adjustment he has had to make from his own time.

There's been a lot of those and it remains a process, no matter how well it might look that he has adapted, even to those who know him best.

When he points out his suggested landing zones he is already smiling faintly, anticipating the sigh to come. He gets it. Hiking over that sort of rough terrain isn't the most fun, no matter how good a shape you're in, or what powers you boast -- unless it's the power to fly or teleport perhaps. And the cold can sap the vitality of even those like them, that have superhuman reserves. But he wants every advantage that they can get, and an element of surprise is one of those potentially at their disposal.

"I'm not sure that anyone is a big fan. But just think, if we track down that Hydra base and blow the heck out of it, you'll be feeling plenty warm then Jess," Steve points out reasonably, beginning to add his own layers over that costume as the Quinjet continues to wing it's way out over the North Atlantic, the looming landmess up ahead most definitely not showing any trace of green. "And I think you're right. It's definitely the place to start, and with luck, end."
Jessica Drew Although Jessica's certainly not afraid of complaining, she very obviously doesn't protest Steve's suggestions. She's more than happy to defer to his leadership on how to approach this particular situation. He'll just have to put up with the grumbling, though.

Sadly, she can't fly of her own. If only there were some tall buildings to glide from.

Then Steve proves he completely knows what makes Jessica happy, because, her enthusiastic, "Hell yes!" at the idea of blowing this place to kingdom come is paired with a bright-eyed laugh. You know, assuming it's a Hydra base and all. She goes up onto her toes, and happy-sighs with the potential imagining of it. "I got a question, though, Steve. Can we like, high-five when it explodes? It would look bad anywhere else but it's not like there's going to be people with phones recording us out here. It can be our little secret."

One side benefit of being out in the middle of nowhere.
Captain America Look, Steve isn't one to glory in destruction. Sometimes it is necessary. It is a fight worth fighting. It has to be done. But it ihas never been something that he has particularly celebrated.

But this is Hydra that they are talking about. And if there was ever a fight worth celebrating a little, a victory worth commemorating despite any destruction involved, it would definitely be over that particular faction.

They have, afterall, been probably the leading bane of his existence, almost from the moment he was injected with that Super Soldier Serum. They have caused countless deaths and far too much destruction to cateloge. And now they're trying to clone him to cause who knows how much more chaos.

Yeah, he might be willing to bend some of his principles, just this once.

"I won't tell if you won't," the blonde super soldier agrees with just a faint twitch of his lips.

Let Operation High-Five commence.
Jessica Drew Everyone has the thing that pushes them over the line. Little wonder it's Hydra for Steve. It's the same for Jessica, for more personal but no less compelling reasons.

"You're the best, Steve!" Jessica declares, as she lifts up her curled fist for a bump. Better not leave her hanging!

The quinjet lands, as programmed, onto the ice sheet, the cloaking keeping it from view of radars but also physical view. The rush of cold when the hatch opens onto the icy, snow-packed shelf is almost physical in nature, it's so brutally cold.

Jessica casually shoulders her absurdly heavy pack without concern, which, in addition to the explosives she packed in there, contains plenty of food, some of the gear Steve picked out for them, as well as a sneaky bottle of whiskey. When she drops down out of the quinjet to the ground, the shiver and exhale of dismay at the cold isn't exaggerated. She pulls goggles and scarf into place, tucking the hood of her coat closed. "As soon as I figure out which way the wind is blowing from, you're playing windbreak," she tells Steve. Good luck, though. Winds are pretty changeable here.

It's also dark. This time of year there's around five hours of daylight to be had. The stars are crisp and clear though, and there's enough light from the moon for them to be able to see once their vision adjusts.
Captain America If you've just got to have a thing, a hatred of Hydra seems like a pretty good one to have. It's hard to go wrong, beating on them. Ain't no one going to object to it, except maybe Hydra agents themselves. And they don't get a vote on the matter.

Would Steve leave her hanging? Maybe when he first awoke in this time, more out of ignorance thenn anything else. But he is reasonably well settled now. Enough so he lifts a hand of his own and bumps knuckles with her. "Likewise," he agrees with a brief, tight smile.

Then all there is to do is finish checking over their gear, to make sure everything is packed tight and secure as the Quinjet races towards its final destination, dropping in low and stealthily above the designated landzing zone. His own pack is pretty much identical to hers -- minus the whiskey admittedly, though he might be regretting that by the time they're setting up their tents for the night -- and he hefts it with ease as well, slinging it casually across his shoulders as the rear landing ramp begins to lower to the waiting icy shelf beyond.

Sometimes it's good have super soldier serum running through one's veins. Or being a genetically modified spider person. Perks!

"That might be a challenge," Steve counters wryly, stepping out onto the ice and almost immediately pulling up the hood of his coat to help break the wind. Sure enough it seems to swirl, first coming straight from the north, then the west, that icy breeze seeming to continually shift. And somehow end up blowing square in their faces no matter where they stand.

"Lets take it slow and steady. It's four miles to the most likely camp site. Keep an eye out for crevasses and make sure you're footing is sound," he urges. Unnecessarily really. He's hardly with a novice afterall. But old habits die hard.
Jessica Drew His own smile might be brief, but Jessica's is bright and happy. Nothing better than a good, on-the-same-page fistbump, in her books. Of course, that smile probably won't last long against that bitter cold.

The warning Steve gives might not be that unnecessary. For all that Jessica's traveled extensively and even spent time in Greenland before on a mission, she's only dwelled in snowy, icy conditions like this long enough to know she loathes it and wants out as soon as possible. If she had the chance, she'd probably run at full speed, so his caution is wise.

"Right. Don't fall down cracks and step where you step?" seems like the safest outcome. Plus, following in his wake means not only that he gets to set the pace but Jess gets the (occasional) relief from the wind when it changes enough that he's blocking it temporarily.

She'll take it. It's a good sign of her discomfort that Jess doesn't even offer quips after that.

At full pace, they'd probably be able to do the distance in well under ten minutes. However, the wind, and a few open crevasses that force them to travel far around or leap over them slows the whole process considerable. Fortunately they have plenty of 'night' so don't really have to worry about how long it takes.
Captain America He is Captain America afterall. He's run his fair share of operations in the cold and snowy terrain of Northern Europe. And yes, even Greenland before. While he might not loathe the cold quite to the same level as Jess -- and would be less likely to vocalize it even if he did -- chances are good he won't object to wrapping this particular Op up as quickly as possible and get back to somewhere with a reasonable temperature.

Or at the very least get the tent setup and get out from the wind. That would be a good start.

He doesn't object to cutting the path even if that means occasionally serving as a windbreaker. For some it would be a little eerie, to be out here, with almost no trace of natural light but eyes do adjust rather well when there is no man-made light to leave them nightblind and soon enough he is picking up the pace -- just a little bit -- the spikes on the bottom of his boots securing his footholds.

But there's no running, no sprinting, no matter how tempting it is to rush on to their ultimate destination. Steve sets a very methodical, safe pace, leading them around those tricky little canyons where they aren't narrow enough to be safely hurdled.

In the end, it is almost two hours of hiking through the cold, windswept dark until they crest a little rise and have a clear vantage point of the research station below. Assuming it actually is a research station. "There," he says, pointing over the edge of that cliff-facing. "This will be a good observation vantage point. And if we setup the tents back there by those mounds they should blend right in with the terrain. Even if they have surveillance flights or satellite coverage we can probably avoid detection."
Jessica Drew For all that Jess has exceptional hearing, her eyesight wasn't enhanced by the genetic experiments on her. So all she has the very annoying howl of the wind, muffled somewhat by the hood of her coat and the scarf, and an unerring ability to step so lightly in Steve's footprints that it would appear to anyone observing that he walked entirely alone.

Good bet she's impatient at the pace, but she doesn't voice it at least, trusting Steve to be doing so for good reason. By the time they make the camp she looks miserable and wholly relieved they have something of a distraction from the dull drone of the wind and the freezing temperatures.

The cluster of buildings probably, long ago, started out as temporary structures, but over time as more people have passed through the station, and more funding obtained, it's been expanded into more permanent structures. There's no windows anywhere, and proper airlocks to better keep the heat internalized; multiple structures are strung together to create a haphazard circular structure with a large dome in the middle. Right now, there's no activity at all.

"Sounds good. I can set up a motion sensor here to alert us when there's any activity. I'm not sure how long it will last in these conditions, but it beats standing out here all night." Jessica's frowning in concentration, and only belatedly tracks Steve's words with an incredulous look. "Wait, tent/s/? We're not sharing one for body heat? Do you want me to end up like Jack in the Shining?" Hopefully he's seen it, if not it's a wasted image.
Captain America Layers upon layers. Jackets, sweaters, scarves, knit caps, all of it. Even with that super serum coursing in his veins Steve is glad for it. But then he knows he has no natural immunity from the cold. Decades in ice are a pretty good reminder of that fact.

As she suggests putting out early warning sensors, the blonde man -- not that any trace of it can be seen thanks to that cap and hooded jacket mind -- nods his head in agreement. "Agreed. We'll have to trust to them. We can change them up each day if we need. I brought spares," he adds. That's the boy scout in him again. Just a bit of planned prevention can be a whole lot more valuable then trying to deal with a mess after the fact.

He studies the encampment down below for a moment, the little hints that suggest that this was not originally intended to be a permanent center. THe improvisations, the additions that have sprang up over time. It's one thing to look at satelitte imagery. But the view from the ground is always different. Always informative. Finally however even he turns away, cataloguing the things he's noticed, that bear a little more scrutiny mentally.

That indignation brings a brief smile to Cap's features and he turns back, starting to shrug out of his pack, depositing it on the ground as he begins to fish out the tightly packed tent there. "These aren't exactly your standard tents from the sporting goods store Jess. They're heated for one. But yes, we can share one for the extra heat and so we don't strain the power supply," he says simply. "But we have enough sensitive electronics and limited enough space that storing them in the second will help safeguard and extend their life out in this much cold," he adds.

"So please, don't come at me with an axe," he says with a faint grin.
Jessica Drew A tent for the equipment? It's not a thing Jess would've thought of, and frankly she's distracted -- and relieved -- by the notion the tents themselves are heated. "Thank god," she breathes. "I like having fingers and toes." She follows Steve's lead, happy to be moving. She shrugs out of her pack. With her gloves, it makes unpacking things super awkward, but she's not yet willing to strip her gloves as she unloads some of the sensors and the little low-slung frames to rest them on and keep them off the snowy ground.

She flashes him a not-very-reassuring grin. It's a true Jess grin. "I think you're fine. Redrum is not in my bingo card. That said I totally get why Jack went crazy. The isolation. The cold. Being in your own head for so long." And yeah, right around /there/ she realizes the faux-pas of speculating about such to someone who literally was by himself in the ice for decades. Her mouth flutters open, eyes widening. "Um. Sorry. That was... insensitive. Even for me."

Jess crunches away over the snow a few steps to crouch and work on setting up those sensors.
Captain America Yeah, Steve might have a little experience with that.

Is he completely over that experience? Can one ever really get over going down into freezing waters, feeling the darkness settle in? And then waking up decades later when almost everyone you knew and loved is gone? Debatable. But Steve doesn't seem to take the faux pas personally, simply offering a wry smile instead and a small shake of his head. "I know what you meant Jess, not to worry," he assures her, doing a quick lookover the equipment to make sure that nothing has come unsettled in the travel to the camp. "Hopefully we won't be out here long enough to worry about that."

With the first tent looking to be in good shape, he moves it back towards those mounds, the thick, white material blending in remarkably well with the ice and snow, inflating rather rapidly to form a dome-shaped enclosure with a tight seal up front. The power supply is hooked up and a warm glow begins to spread through out the material, radiating inwards. Hurray for technology.

As Jess contnues to plant the sensors, Steve begins setting up that second tent beside the first.
Jessica Drew This sucks in so many ways. Not that Jessica putting her foot in her mouth is at all unusual. Even with Steve's reassurances her shoulders are hunched, clearly aware of all the awkward ways of her default manner. "From your lips to whatever ice-deities' ears," she mutters, fervently. Finally, making an annoyed noise, she uses her mouth to pull off one of her gloves so she can set up the last few sensors. It makes the work quicker for sure, though her bare hand probably doesn't appreciate the expediency as she shoves it back into the glove.

"Sensors are set up. I'll set up the alarms inside," she tells Steve as she scoops up her pack, carrying it inside the first tent.

The lack of wind makes the temperature immediately, immensely better, and Jess breathes a sigh of relief. She takes off her goggles and unwraps the scarf, just blowing on her hands for a moment to get feeling back into the one before she locates the clear glass pad to pull up the configuration for the sensors. Resting it on the pack, she bends over and works on it, testing the alarm -- a soft beep -- before she makes a noise of satisfaction.

"That should be good. We'll trade off watches?" she suggests, whenever Steve arrives.
Captain America With the first tent taken care of it doesn't take that much longer to get the second one up and running as well, the advanced power supply spreading that warm glow through it as well, though at a slightly lower level. Both to conserve power and because they won't be spending nearly as much time in there. It is still somewhat slow and clumsy work, especially with gloves on, limiting that manual dexterity some, but Steve just soldiers on. Because that's what he does.

It is then a matter of unpacking everything that they don't specifically need for the other tent into this one, storing away the explosives and electronic gear, stacking things up neatly around the outer edge so that it is accessible and easy to reach. Only once everything is nearly laid out does he crawl back out into the cold, the chill a little more biting after the relative warmth within the enclosure. All the more reason to hurry into their main dwelling on this mission. He might be less inclined to complain about the conditions, but that doesn't mean that he's going to linger any longer then necessary.

"Okay, gears stored and set up," Steve says, crawling into that domed shaped tent that might be their home for the next few days. "Perfect. And yes, good plan. I brought some cameras as well that we'll be able to set up, get some alternate views. Though again, they might not last as long as they would back in more reasonable temperatures, he says, tugging off his gloves and rubbing hands together.
Jessica Drew The blast of cold air when Steve comes into the tent has Jessica wincing, turning her face away until it dies abruptly. "Thanks, Steve. Also, I decided while I was gone I'm definitely bending Tony's ear when I get back about my costume not having an inbuilt heating system. Like, why not?"

Probably because she ends up drenched by water or something else at /least/ once a week with her notorious spider-luck, but who's counting?

"Yeah, I'm not too hopeful about the equipment. Thinking maybe once-per-hour physical checks during darkness, going up to every fifteen minutes during the daylight hours? We can alternate those, so we don't freeze our nu- fingers, off," Jess half-coughs, setting the glass panel to rest against the wall near the exit. She still has to unpack her bag, digging into the top of it and pulling out a couple of MRE's. "So, uh, you want tastes-like-bland-chicken or definitely-doesn't-taste-like-beef? Both washed down with some whiskey." Yeah, she's definitely pulling that out and keeping that here. Important stuff!
Captain America Hey, Steve has no doubt that Tony will only be too happy to look at her costume and make all sorts of changes. He lives for tinkering. Of course what she gets might end up more troublesome then what she has now, with a whole array of new, undocumented additions that will have an assortment of effects. It's daring. It's risky. Better her then him.

Lips twitch slightly at that but Steve just dips his head. "I mean, chances are that he can whip something up I'm sure," the blonde super soldier agrees. "Just make sure that you keep him on a short leash and he doesn't start loading you down with extras."

Because he will. So many little gadgets. Gadgets to make your head spin.

Shuffling off to his half of the space, Steve rolls out his sleeping bad before settling himself cross-legged atop of it, glancing at the MRE's with a wry shake of his head. "I'd hoped I was done with these. Lets have the bland almost chicken. We can save the definitely not beef for a special occasion," he suggests wryly.
Jessica Drew Yup, Jessica's definitely not looking forward to all the little gifts and surprises Tony tends to build into his creations. It's one of the reasons she sticks with what is a surprisingly no-tech costume for a superhero that's part of the Avengers.

"Keep Tony on a short leash? TONY? Are we talking about the same man? Billionaire, genius, playboy Tony? That one?" Even with her incredulousness, it's clear Jessica's amused and all so knowing. "I mean, if I do I'm fully expecting to come out of it with a rocket pack, grenade launcher arms and possibly some kind of mobile milkshake maker." Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Jessica leans to hand over the MRE, chuckling as she sets the bottle down between them. "It's funny, you know. All these years of technological innovations and they can't get the taste of chicken right." She tears open her own packet, sucking briefly at the contents with a wrinkle of nose. Her brow crinkles in curiosity before she asks, "Did it taste different in the forties? Or is that not really a thing you can remember?" A beat, before she thinks to ask, "Is it okay to ask you that?" Checking on boundaries is a new thing. Her therapist would be proud!

She shoves her pack down one end of the tent, using it as a makeshift chair to lean against.
Jessica Drew Jessica Drew is totally posing this just to hold the scene open for now.
Captain America Okay, it is probably not very realistic that anyone would be able to rein in Tony for long, or completely. Perhaps in small bursts. And when it comes to technological marvels he does tend to let his enthusiasm kind of carry him away. So perhaps it is better to not give him free rein -- or really, any rein at all -- if one doesn't want to be completely overwhelmed by whatever he comes up with.

"You might have a point," Steve conceeds wryly, taking care of his own MRE casually, well accustomed to them even after all this time. "Though I would have thought that the possibility of a mobile milkshake maker alone would have been lure enough for you to at least give it a try," he points out with just a hint of a smile. Maybe some rewards just come with too high a price.

The question of whether it is okay to ask him a question like that gets a casual wave of the hand and Steve smiles once more. "It's fine. I've pretty much come to terms with that whole thing," he admits. At least to all outward appearances. "I mean, they're a little more sophisticated, that's for sure and a whole lot more variety. Or attempted variety," he offers up, making a bit of a face. "But no, the whole taste thing is only moderately more accurate really," he conceeds with a small shrug.

Then that pack is opened and heated and Steve digs in, settling in to begin the long process of surveying the site.
Jessica Drew A mobile milkshake maker? Jessica's face gives a twitch. She's trying /hard/, for like ten whole seconds. "Oh god I would love that," she totally breaks. Her voice is even plaintive. "I would totally lug the extra weight around. I am so talking to Tony when we get back." So yeah Steve totally won that one, but at what cost?

Probably years of complaining about her new costume design.

"They all taste the same to me," Jessica admits, with a wrinkle of her nose. "Hence why burgers and whiskey is always on the cards for the flight home." That might not be the only reason. Even with short missions she does it. It's just one of those rewarding things she does because she can. For now, though, she'll have to live with the dull-by-comparison MRE, settling down for a nap after she finishes.

Meanwhile, their surveying proves fruitful. Every time the sun rises, shortly thereafter, a man in a puffy bright red coat walks outside and does a full perimeter check. Only he's not checking for visitors, he appears to be inspecting the outside of the buildings, spending particular time at the metal communications tower, sometimes even bending to inspect the insulated piping that appears to run between it and the main buildings. His posture, manner of walking, and general bearing doesn't have the hallmarks of military. Not a strict one, anyway.

Not fifteen minutes later, a group of scientists -- and they appear to be that, rag-tag and undisciplined, loudly arguing amongst themsevles -- heads out in a group, headed north-west. With a shivered groan, Jessica volunteers to follow the group while Steve continues to watch the base. A second group comes out, but they don't stray far from the base and Steve can watch them. They seem to be drilling deep and collecting ice-samples.

Both groups return before the sun fully sets, a mere six hours later. Jess returns too, complaining of cold and their apparent fascination with ice.

It's what happens when it gets dark again that gets more interesting. A lone figure slips out of the cluster of buildings. He's wearing night-vision goggles, occasionally checking a faintly glowing instrument he has. It's Steve that trails him this time, and spots the man picking up a small package, turning off what seems to be a transponder, and tucking the package into his bag. He looks around quickly and hurries back towards the dome.

Steve's dealt with enough Hydra agents to recognize one on sight.
Captain America Even Steve is capable of making the occasional mistake. No one is perfect afterall. Encouraging her to consider the merits of a mobile milkshake maker as part of her costume was perhaps not the wisest course. If only because there is no way that Tony will have the restraint -- or good sense -- to realize that is probably not the best of ideas. No, he is far more likely to throw himself headlong into the pursuit of designing just that. He is very keen on the question of can something be done. The question of whether or not something *should* be done is far more likely to fall by the wayside.

"I can tell them apart. Mostly. Some of them are even decent. But they don't exactly replace a real meal, no matter what the packages say," the blonde super solider agrees drily. By the end of this mission even he might be looking forward to burgers and whiskey on the flight back. One only hopes that they have something to celebrate when the time comes.

Settling in for observation is not exactly the most exciting work, even more so when it involves going out into the freezing cold but Steve at least never complains when it is his turn, unsurprisingly going about his business, seeing that what needs to be done is done. They do have their own equipment checks to do as well, to make sure that all that surveillance gear continues to work in proper order in the biting cold up here on a virtual ice shelf. And the question of whether or not it will pay off is very much at top of mind. At least at first.

Those initial observations don't seem to show anything at first, at least nothing out of the ordinary, and it is only when he trails that solitary figure in the middle of night that it becomes clear that something is wrong. Returning back to their own encampment, he slips inside the tent, checking to see if Jessica has anything to add. "It's possible that the camp is legitimate and there are only a few Hydra agents amongst them, but there is no doubt that they have a presence here. Maybe someone just to keep an eye on them. Did you notice anything on the cameras?"
Jessica Drew Several of the monitoring sensors and cameras do indeed need maintaining -- a handful die after the first day, though some of those work again after they 'warm up' inside the tent.

Jessica's seated cross-legged in the tent, looking at the screens, when he returns. No doubt she caught his return on the motion sensors, hence her relaxed air -- not even looking up at the cold swirl that gets invited in with his return. Just a grimace and shiver. "I saw the guy briefly as he left, but it was like he slipped into the shadows. Couldn't see him through the cameras. You think he's Hydra?" Really, who else would be wandering around in the dark on a frozen ice shelf.

Except, you know, them.

"I had to listen to scentists /science/ for like five hours straight. They're definitely not play-acting. My guess is they're just using the existing base as cover. Probably a good bet they have a base within a base. So we just got to get in there and search." Easy, right?? Jess squints at Steve. "How good are you at sciencing?" and then she shakes her head. "Nevermind. Even I can only bluster that so far. We can go in as a documentary crew. I could interview, you could run the camera?" Her head tilts. "That, or... well. We could just sneak in. In a remote place like this they wouldn't lock the doors. Just got to wait until the hour of the wolf." Of course she looks at Steve because, well. It's just habit to defer to him as the leader to make a decision.
Captain America Fortunately for them both there is no doubt in Steve's mind about that person and just who and what they are. Some people might equivicate. That's not really in Steve's nature.

"He was Hydra. Not a doubt in my mind," he says with the flat tone that has absolutely no doubts about it. Some things it's good to be sure about. "And I suspect that you're right. They're probably looking to hide in plain sight on this one, infiltrate the legitimate team and meanwhile keep a sub-base hidden within. It would help explain why SHIELD hasn't had much luck tracking them down. To outward appearances, especially just satellite surveillance, it would be almost impossible to pinpoint that," he says quietly.

That's why sometimes you simply just need boots on the ground. There's just no way to beat the up close and personal touch.

"Mmmm, I'm probably not going to be able to pass as any sort of reputable scientist," Steve admits. His knowledge has come a long way since he first awoke here in this time, but he definitely trails behind those who were born in bred in the modern era, at least in some key respects. "The documentary team would probably be the safest way to do it," he adds. But that means waiting, sending out false requests, or at least forging something that might trick the locals. Extra days in the freezing cold. Extra days while Hydra does who knows what.

"I think we should go in under the cover of dark. We can do it tomorrow night. It keeps them from having too much extra time to do, well, whatever they are up to out here. And we don't have to sit out here for days longer to make things look good by going in under cover.

Besides, it's Hydra. They'll probably both feel better if they can just slug any enemy agents they find instead of playing dumb.
Jessica Drew "Yup. They're good at that. Hiding in plain sight." Jess doesn't even bother to hide the bitterness that briefly surfaces. Just brushes past it as she lowers the screen she's looking at to look at Steve as he works through the options. "We could mess with their communications tower and go in as the documentary team. Wouldn't be hard to bluster it, and it's not like they're going to turn us away." It would still raise suspicions though, make it certain there would be at least some eyes on them.

But Steve has good instincts and heck, Jessica's a spy at heart. She just grins when he suggests they go in cover of dark. "Done. We can find somewhere to stow the gear. Hopefully somewhere you can easily remember. I get turned around in this weather so easily." Regardless, she's bringing those explosives she packed along with her. She just likes options.

The day, such that it is, passes quickly -- with the same groups of scientists heading out, and Jessica, once more, going to follow them just in case. Judging by her expression when she returns it was more boring science stuff.

Come four AM local time, all is quiet across the base. They can pack up the tents and equipment and stow it somewhere, or leave it in place as a location to retreat to. Either way, everything is dark and quiet when they approach -- and enter. Power is, of course, a consideration, and they pass through a air-lock type structure designed to keep the heat in. There's minimal lighting on inside, but they'll emerge into the largest dome which looks to be a combination of equipment and specimen storage. Radiating off the primary dome are several sub domes -- laboratories, sleeping quarters, a kitchen and mess hall and some private offices. There's also a couple of additional storage domes that aren't specifically heated.

It's one one of those domes that Steve will find it -- it's a slight, unexpected flow of air from the floor -- a secret entrance leading down a silver ladder into darkness.
Captain America Sometimes the simplest plans are the best. And with luck, by going in during the dead of night they can keep the legtimate scientists from being involved at all. Insuring their safety has to come first afterall, no matter how much Steve might be looking forward to taking down the Hydra base and finding out any additional information they can about whatever projects they are working on.

It is also why he will no doubt be keeping an eye on those explosives. He's confident that Jess wouldn't recklessly endanger the scientists. But this whole thing is pretty damned persona. For the both of them. But maybe even more so for her then him. Those wounds are a little fresher and more personal then even his own afterall.

Once the dark has settled in, Steve is quickly bundled up once more, moving about their camp and going through the process of packing up everything once more. It is a little more complicated then back at the mansion unfortunately, especially given that they don't have JARVIS' help or supervision. But some enough everything is stowed away, tucked just to the outskirts of the scientific enclave below where they can easily grab it once they're ready to head back to the Quin jet.

The constant observation over the past couple of days, the sneaking about has surely helped them find any likely vantage points for Hydra security, though to their benefit, they would no doubt have the same difficulties that the pair of Avenger's faced in that technology is just not well suited for the extreme cold faced here on a daily basis. And without any easy wy to maintain it, they probably don't have to worry much until they are inside.

Slipping into the largest of those domes, Steve picks his way through quickly and quietly, surprisingly stealthy given his stature and keeping a close eye out for anything that looks like a trap. But soon enough they'r reaching that trap door, the blonde super soldier signalling to her silently as he carefully slides it open, peering down into that hatch before wordlessly motioning to her that he'll take the lead. Then, sliding his shield into place on his back, he moves to slip over the edge and start down that ladder towards that lone, low light at the bottom of that shaft.
Jessica Drew For now, the explosives stay in her pack. She certainly doesn't intend to harm any of the scientists, but she also brought timers, and timers give options -- like a planned evacuation. Of course that brings with it a whole bunch of other problems, but that's future Jess's issue to deal with if need be.

For all that Jessica has an exceptional sense of hearing, she only has normal sight, and the idea of that dark entrance and what might wait down there, knowing what Hydra does and is, is enough to give even Spider-Woman a little shudder. She doesn't say it, but she doesn't have to -- it's written in her face just how glad she is that Steve is going down there first. Wide-eyed, she nods at him, and follows -- even pulling the door closed after she climbs down. Wouldn't want one of those innocent scientists accidentally wandering into a Hydra base, after all.

The climb down is long, but the further they go the more than can feel the change in temperature; from bitter cold where they first enter, to bearable warmth as Steve steps out into a faintly lit hallway. The place is kind of laid out, practically, like the one above -- storage equipment close to the entrance, then common areas, currently dark and empty, laboratories and sleeping quarters. The labs are bitterly cold, no attempt made to heat them, likely because they are home to a host of samples that span the entire wall.

The lab has windows that open out into a secondary area -- full of large tanks. They range from small containers full of embryos, to what looks to be full-sized, fully-grown figures. Some are familiar. /Too/ familiar. There's a Jessica, and a Wanda, and yes, even a Steve. A pair of them in fact. Each of the tanks are monitored by a small facing device that seems to be networked to the computer system in the labs.

Rarely is Jessica lost for words. Sure, she was kind of braced for this, but... it's worse than she thought. Her voice is barely a whisper. "...Steve? What do we do?" In terms of moral guidance, she's surely in need of some, because, "They probably have a sub-routine to purge these." Purge. Kill.