Owner Pose
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane has been having trouble sleeping lately. Was it simply that this festive time of year made her feel more lonely than ever? Or perhaps it was those creepy nightmares involving the latest big bad? Whatever the case, she finds herself lurking about the cemetary for an extra long patrol tonight, although it's been a pretty quiet night all the same.

Pity really, she could go with some late night action.

Thankfully she brought along some beer so she pauses on a nearby bench and cracks open a case. May as well get drunk.
Dracula Somewhere at the edge of the cemetary, she is being watched. Red eyes glow in the darkness. The Lord of the Vampires watches and studies the movements of the Dark Slayer.

Finally he separates from where he stands and moves towards the desired target. He approaches her from behind, but doesn't close into arms reach yet. His walks makes next to no sound and the first thing she definately hears is the sound of his voice,"So. You're the latest of the line. I wonder..."
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane downs another can of beer, tossing it in the trash - not because she cares about the environment or some crazy shit - but because it's fun to crumple the cans into little balls and see how easily she can throw them into the garbage can several trees down.

It doesn't take her long to get an uneasy feeling, and while she's no spider, sometimes having Slayer Sense can work just as well. She shivers even though it's a mild night, feeling her hairs stand on edge and instinctively the slayer peers around, searching for the source of the uneasy feeling.

He might have an edge over her with his sneaky stealthy movements, but Faith is already on her feet, reaching for a strake by the time he speaks. "And who the hell are you? Just another down and out bloodsucker hoping to make a name for himself by taking on the better slayer?" she smirks, gripping her stake tightly. "May as well get it over with then!"

She takes a step towards him, eager to draw blood first, but pauses, arching a brow, "Wonder what, how fast I can pulverize you?" she smirks, dark eyes glinting in amusement.
Dracula "Oh joyous night. Another one with a mouth on her." he mutters, eyes no longer red. He laughs at her inpite of himself and replies,"You predacessor may have defeated me, staked my heart no less, and yet I still exist. Let that settle into your thinking."

He doesn't close just yet, but rather stands in a mildly defensive posture. This many centuries doesn't leave on tactically arrogant,"Of course the question remains, am I the one that needs pulverized?"
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane arches a brow, staring at him quizzically. "My..Predecessor..? Oh, you mean B?" she laughs, "Seriously, is that supposed to scare me? You DO realize I'm the better Slayer, right? B ain't got nothin' on me!" she takes another step closer and shrugs, "Okaay, let me explain to you how this works. You're a vampire, I'm a slayer. The only one whose gonna do any pulverizing around here is me!"

She doesn't quite stab him yet though, as she's pretty curious. "Sooo if Buffy staked you already, how the hell are you still alive anyway?"
Dracula "Buffy Summers yes." he replies,"Jonathan Harker. Abraham Van Helsing. History is littered with the names of those who attempted to destroy me." He is arrogant in stature and general presence, but the truth is he is good enough to be so.

"So tell me slayer. How do you intend to destroy the Lord of Vampires?" He reaches out and touches her with his mind, teasing her perception and emotions,"That or the two of us can speak about something more interesting. I could show you the inner darkness of the slayer's power. You clearly have touched it."
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane blinks in surprise. "The hell? Van Helsing? You mean that legend is real?" well of course it would be, all things considered, heck, maybe some day they would write a book, heck make a movie about Faith the Vampire Slayer. She laughs at the thought,shaking her head.

"Well, you know how this works, it's kinda my job to slay vampires and that means you..." she hesitates then, as he reaches out to her with his mind, and yet stands where he is. Her eyes widen, stepping back, batting his hand away, and yet..

"What the hell did you just do? And what do you want anyway? I've never seen a vampire talk his mouth off as much as you do, are we gonna fight or what?!" and as if that isn't enough motivation, she swiftly closes the gap between them, aiming a fierce jumping side kick at his mid section if she can.
Dracula "All true. Vlad the Impaler. Dracula." he tells her. The smug on this guy. He stands his ground and tells her,"You can try to kill me of course. Do what you feel you must."

He notices the hesitation and presses a little harder. Not trying to overwhelm so much as wear down her defenses as he did Buffy's so many years in the past. The aggression is sensed he could of course engage her, but instead he merely shifts to his mist form and floats away from the contact, then reforms. When he is in human form again he tells her,"That was your first and only chance Slayer. Deny me if you wish, attack me again at your power."
Faith Lehane Instead of connecting with the solid mass of the vampire, Faith flies through mist and nearly loses her footing. Fortunately she manages to catch herself before she can lose her balance or otherwise make a total fool of herself. She spins around to face him, snarling. "What the hell just happened? What are you? I ain't never met a vamp that can turn to mist! That's messed up!" she rants and raves, clearly posed. And confused.

She blinks at the warning and smirks, "My only chance? For what? That a threat, just because you know some cheap parlour tricks?"
Dracula Spoken as if it were the most obvious answer in the world he replies,"I am Dracula." He settles into a defensive stance again, this time more set for a fight since she's shown she's aggressive enough.

"If you engage again we will fight. The fight ends how it ends. I just want to speak to you about something." He eyes her,"The parlor tricks are what keeps me alive and so far you."
Faith Lehane "Dracula?! Are you shittin' me? How come Buff never mentioned you?"she shakes her head in disbelief, but is starting to believe that maybe he really is who he says. Afterall, she's seen weirder. "Okaay,so if you are who you say you are, how come all the slayers before me didn't finish you off? How come you just keep coming back?"
Dracula "Arrogance." he replies,"Hubris." he continues.

He looks into her eyes and holds there,"Assumption that what they are engaged with is another vampire. I am something far beyond." He walks towards her and pushes his will at hers.

"I give you full marks for bravado Faith." How did he know her name?

"As for your friend. Would you speak about one that you were unable to destroy? Would you want to talk about the proverbial lifetime disappointment."
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane laughs, "Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm better, badder, stronger than Buff because I don't hold back! Arrogant? Sounds like you're talking about yourself, 'Dracula!' her tone is mocking, still only half believing he is who he says he is.

Her hands clench into fists as she pushes against his will, ever the defiant one, and smirks, "What do you think you're doing, getting into my head? You think I'm one of your little thralls or something? Gimme a break!"

With a yell she attempts to swing a punch at his face this time. "Go to hell!"
Dracula A smile creases his features and he listens. She is angry and she is fighting against his will. Doing one is impressive, doing both is dangerous. He takes a step back as the punch to his face come in and he grasps her wrist in an iron grip and pulls her off balance.

Wrenching her arm behind her back, he pulls her back against his chest. His free hand open palm slaps one ear. It isn't as effective as both at once, but the result is both painful and disorienting.

Another moment and his free arm is across her chest, legs settling in a way to make a throw almost impossible,"We could have been civil. You declined. Accept the consequences of your decision."
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane snarls and struggles against him, cursing under her breath. She is an experienced martial artist and knows how to get out of just about any grapple, but it seems the vampire is always one step ahead of her.

"The hell do you want, asshole?! If you're gonna fight me, if you're gonna kill me just do it! I don't have time for games, it's been a long damn night.." even as she speaks, she attempts to stomp back on his foot. Hard.
Dracula For most people, that foot stomp is painful. For the Lord of Vampires, physical pain just isn't what it used to be. Instead of letting go, he twists her arm harder and raises the arm over her chest to wrench her hair to the side, exposing her neck.

Years of practice, years of so many victims in the past, and yet the blood of a Slayer is something to be relished. He sinks his fangs deep into her neck, then a little harder in to get a good grip and he begins to drink the life flow from her.

Stories vary on how the bite feels, but always the initial seems to hurt brifly. After that, pain gives way to something else as the blood leaves her neck.
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane isn't used to being overpowered, or feeling helpless. Right now she is feeling both. And it angers, and scares her. "No!" she gasps, still struggling, still fighting to her last breath. Never has she experienced someone so much stronger, more experienced than her. Maybe he really IS the legendary Count Dracula.

"Screw you..Asshole.."she gasps, still struggling, flinching as he sinks his teeth into her neck..

..Is this how it ends then..?
Dracula He takes his time, savoring the blood of the Slayer. Having tasted both of them in this generation gives that ego a little more boost yet. Like he needs that. For a time he considers many things, killing her being the most prominent.

Finally, he releases her and pushes her to the ground. She is still alive, but he's made sure she isn't going to be trying anything else with him tonight as she doesn't have the strength.

"Now..." he growls,"...that I have your attention." He reaches down and takes her by the hair again, pulling her head up,"Have you bothered to wonder? Why you have been getting the strange dreams. The ones about the strange beasts. The ones that keep pushing you towards the wizard? Why doesn't he have these dreams? Why only you..." he pauses and almost makes a distasteful sound,"...females."

He drops your head again and steps away,"I would find my way out of this cemetary if I were you Slayer. There might be others less willing to let you live."
Faith Lehane Faith Lehane coughs and sputters, feeling the strength leavimg her rapidly. "Damn you.." she hisses, clawing at the ground, considering throwing snow at his face..But in her current state..

When he mentions the wizard, she snarls, twisting to face him with hatred in her eyes, "The hell should I know?!" she smirks, "Maybe because girls are stronger than guys..And once I figure out your weakness, you'll be sorry you messed with me!"

She shakes her head, pulling away from him, considering attacking again but she's lost too much blood. "Stay out of my face and next time I won't kill you, freak!" she snarls, but now is a good time for a tactical retreat, and she quickly backs away before fleeing.
Dracula A laugh. A laugh that echose through the cemetary at her back when she runs away. Something flies over her as she makes her escape. She is over taken by a flock of bats and then they peel away from her and fly away.

Eventually he assumes his form once more and makes his way to his next target. Nothing easy about what he is doing and each step takes consideration.