Owner Pose
Charles Xavier Birds chirp, sing even, as the light shines in the Professor's office. The man himself had just returned from a long sojourn overseas, trying to improve mutant-human relations abroad. Yet with worrying news that the X-Men and even the Institute have gone through some interesting times in his absence, it was high time for the Professor to retake his place as headmaster and help his students see a brighter future. They need everyone.


Dressed in his fine suit, three-pieced and largely colored black with a white undershirt and a 'fun' tie - mostly covered in what appears to be a 'magic shoolbus' theme as Charles often accepts and wears the ties his younger students gift him. He sits in his high-tech wheelchair, the wheels designed like brilliant 'X'-shaped metal. A flannel blanket rests over his legs and he seems to be settling in front of his desk, a lovely book held in his hands.

For the astute?

T.H. White's The Once and Future King. Charles's favorite book and one he's re-read so many times he could recite it completely from memory. He's already made a state of address to the student body, but it's only a matter of time before his X-Men come knocking.

"Ah, I love this part...." He smiles to himself, the man in the prime of his life, despite being into his sixties, he doesn't look a day over his early fifties, a friendly smile on his face as he enjoys a moment of silence.
Rogue Rumors have spread through the halls - like they do - but it's not the sort of rumors that one would expect to hear. Xavier would have had to come through some sort of opening to get to his office right? So coming back to the mansion after a fly around to make sure the perimeter and a little beyond is still safe from anyone trying to think they can get a one up on the X-Men and other mutants at the school, Rogue listens to the whispers and tries her best to answer questions flung at her.

Is the Professor really back?! When did he get here?! Can we see him?!

Don't know. Not sure. Not now. Are pretty much the answers she gives until she's made her way into the school proper and reaches Charles' office. She doesn't even knock. (Rood!) Just lets herself in - surprised to find the door unlocked - and as she takes a few steps in she pauses for a momentary lack of knowing if what she's seeing is real or not.

"Professor? Are ya really back? Or is this one'a Hank's special projects making a fancy lookin' image of you pretendin' to be here?"
Logan Logan's just wandering the halls. Getting ready for the day. Well, more like getting mentally ready. He's already dressed ina pair of medium blue jeans, the light brown cowboy boots that go "Ka-Thunk" with each step on hardwood. They anounce his presence when he's not being sneaky. They reverberate it when he wants to be scary. A simple red and black flannel shirt.

The jacket on his frame is black with bits of yellow at the end of the sleeves, a small little yellow "X" inside a circle at the top of hte arm. The colors are faded. Not that coat has seen wear, and tear. Honestly, it just needs a little elbow grease. Some attention, love and maybe a firm hand, it'll be back to how it was. Something that should gleam black with the sunflower yellow against it that just "pops!" But that's down the road. Now, it's a faded memory of better times. And in his hand is a beer. A long neck to be precise.

A scent dances up his nose. One is very familiar. The other makes his brows furrow. His feet carry him faster now. "THUNK-THUNK-THUNK" the noise carries him.

Logan opens the door without knocking (Rude!). There's a gasp followed by him saying, "Charles..."

And the long neck slips from his hand out of shock. If no one catches it, that's going to make a lot of mess on the ground.
Charles Xavier That door opens without so much as a knock! But truly, it was to be expected. Charles's mind can reach out for miles. It's not really a surprise when Rogue arrives in his office. Hearing her voice, his eyes lift, kind and warm, as a little smile graces the older gentleman's features. "Hello Anna Marie." He sets his book mark in his reading and closes the book cover to cover, careful to set his book down to the side as his arms rest on the chair's arm-rests.

"It's good to see you again after so long." He tilts his head. "Did you do something different with your hair? It looks nice." He compliments her, as though not a single moment had passed. He looked slightly older than last, perhaps. His eyes having some crows feet at their corners from stress or deep focus, or simply the trials of age.

"Fear not, Dear Rogue. I am in the flesh."

The arrival of Logan then earns a small smile, but no less warm than the one he had given to Rogue. "Hello Logan." Though he seems to not mind so much when Logan drops his bottle out of shock. While the temptation certainly arrives, Charles has the moral standards to not use his ridiculously potent telepathic abilities to try and have Rogue or Logan catch the bottle. Sometimes things should be allowed to happen.

Especially when it's to see such beloved company.

"It's so good to see you again, my friend. Please, come in. Don't worry about the door, in case some of the others come in behind you. I like to believe my open door policies are still welcome." He chuckles faintly, like a lovely grandfather happy to see his grandchildren again. "I trust I have not been gone too long? I apologize for it all the same."
Rogue Rogue looks herself over a moment and then shrugs. "I mean my hair may be a little different, sure, but that ain't the biggest cow in the barnyard to be concerned about." She speaks in that true Southern fashion, accent and everything because she may never lose that. One difference that might be noted is that she's not actually wearing her spandex uniform at the moment. Instead she's in blue jeans and a tee shirt, and not even gloves on her hands!

"It's really good to see you again, Professor. I can't even begin ta tell ya all that's been goin' on since you've been gone - but I also figure you've been keepin' some sort of eye on all of us here one way or another." She says this just as she hears the doors open again, glancing to her side right when Logan steps in, greets the Professor and even drops his beer. "That's alcohol abuse, lov---gan..." A sheepish smile taking over and then she shifts to pick the bottle up off the ground.

"So, when did you get back, Professor?" Asking this, and not even flinching that he used her real name in greeting. He is one of the literal handful of people who can get away with it.
Charles Xavier Letting Logan seem to have his moment of shock, Charles turns his full attention to Rogue then, noticing indeed that she was wearing casual clothing, even missing her gloves - an article nearly synonymous with her because of her powers. His smile grows when she regards him so sweetly, being a man who keeps an eye on all of them. "I have. And since this might be one of the times I can catch you before you're off on your adventures and life...I'm so proud of you for the confidence you've managed to find. Well, you've always been confident, but the confidence you've grown in your /true self/. It's inspiring."

Though she's not so sneaky to cause Charles to avoid that near slip of the tongue. While judgment might be expected, Charles seems to smile in approval of Logan and Rogue.

Long time coming.

"Oh, very recently. And don't worry about the spilt beer I can have that cleaned." He looks back to Rogue. "But, I've been settling in nicely. Worry not...I've always kept an eye on all of you. I'd be a poor man's poison indeed if I left you all to fend for yourselves."
Logan There's that warm smile. The one that will greet you with welcome arms no matter how much time has passed. Someone that will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself.

Logan barely register's the beer until Rogue's grabbing it. "He's a telepath, if he can't get into my mind. He can still read yers, love," Logan uses the term Rogue tried to hide. Also, one of the few times he's spoken like that publically without threatening or growling at people.

"It feels like ya have been gone too long. Even if it hasn't been that long," and Rogue's utterly right about many of her points. He would have put them differently, but Rogue hits the nail on the head. It's why there's a simple, "What she said," tacked on. Because there's a lot going on. And her new hair products are the least of their worries.
Rogue Rogue beams a smile and then looks to Logan and glances towards the door to Xavier's office for a moment. "I had help, of course. From friends and one - perhaps - not so trustworthy person...but has shown a little bit of promise recently." This said and then she flushes a bit pink in her cheeks. "I don't really stay too far from the school these days, Professor. Except for the occasional weekend bender when I go off to the mountains or somethin'. I've been stickin' round more because it felt right to..an' because this place has really become home to me."

When Logan outright uses the word she tried to skirt around, and also reminds her that Charles is - indeed - a TELEPATH...she gives another chuckle. "I mean, yer not wrong, Logan. We've been a thing for...almost a year now, ain't it?" She offers the bottle back to Logan since it does still have a little bit left on the bottom that he shouldn't waste.

"I hope that whatever it was you were off doin' was as successful as you hoped it would be. Though I'd love to hear a story or two when you have a moment." Adding this on at least.
Charles Xavier The very same that welcomed Logan into the Institute proper. Into the X-Men. Into a family that Charles hopes has never betrayed Logan's trust. A place to belong he will always have. A place to call home. Though Charles makes no comment on his ability to enter Logan's mind, though he smiles at the pair of them. "You two are good for one another. You're personalities are alike and different in every way that matters. A natural inclination to being good teammates for each other."

They don't need Charles's approval, but they have it. "Oh yes, I'm..mildly aware of some of the situations happening around the school and with the X-Men, though it's high time I took a more proactive role." He remarks, turning his attention to Rogue then in that moment, a kindness in his eyes. "Sometimes the greatest help comes from the most unlikely of sources. Your progress what it is, it's still quite impressive. You should be proud of yourself." He smiles. "I'm glad you have found a home here in this place. It accepts you as much as you accept it." Though she admits that she'd like to hear some of his stories. "I always have time for you, Anna. Whenever you would like."

He lifts his eyes to Logan then. "I trust I did not leave too much on Scott and Jean's shoulders?"
Logan "Long 'nough fer me to need to plan a vacation," he says honestly on that front. Yes, Logan knows the anniversary is coming. He's a little nervous about that. Despite the growls and animal side, there's part of him taht wants things to go perfectly.

"Thank you," Logan says of the approval. It's not needed, but Logan will hold it in a high regard. That means something to him. Charles is someone that Logan likes -and- respects. Those people are rare. Two of the people he holds in very high regard are in this room.

"'Bout that. It's a long talk you n' I should have, privately," Logan knows Charles will sense that kind of talk may not be a good one. "Everyone kinda cracked wit'out ya. I tried to keep people together, but my people skills need work," and Logan hates that they do. Well, at least in this case. Other cases they keep people like Jehovah's Witnesses at bay. There's a perk in that.
Rogue Rogue just kind of goes quiet for the moment that Logan talks. Even though neither of them are voicing the opinion, it's likely enough to think that they appreciate the Professor's approval of their relationship. She smiles at that at least and listens as Logan says a bit more. "To be honest, ain't even heard from them two for a little while now. And Hank's been quiet for a while as well. We've got a handful of others that come and go, but the school's mostly just been a safe haven for the students rather than... a whole ass school." She offers that much, because that's what she knows at least.

But that's really all she can say and she looks between Logan and the Professor for a moment. "If you need me to, I can leave. Go for one more round of flyin' and then cook something up for dinner while you and the Professor talk. Cause... I was just happy to know he was back. Ain't got much else to say on my end..."
Charles Xavier "Of course."

Though Logan speaks of having a long talk with Charles. "If that's what you would like, I'd be happy to converse with you Logan. I imagine you have many questions." Charles frowns softly when Logan admits that some people cracked under the pressure from a lack of Charles's leadership. "And this was a good opportunity for you to learn." Charles smiles at Logan. "You did better than you thought you did." he admits to the man, though he turns his eyes towards Rogue then.

"More than likely, Scotta nd Jean are taking the time they need to just be Scott and Jean. It's been a lot on them. I wish I could've arrived earlier." he sighs. "But If I remember correctly, Hank has been rather busy in his laboratory of late. I hope he eventually comes up for air." He looks between Rogue and Logan for a minute.

"If Logan wishes to have this conversation now, I can speak with you later, Anna, and I'll tell you some stories, if you still would like."
Logan Logan looks at Rogue, "She's right," and it pains him to sayt hat about the school.

"Ya can stay Rogue offer what ya can. I value yer judgement more than ya think," Logan says just trying to get her to stay. Well, omitting additional reasons, too.

"Well, I wanted to be like you, Chuck," Logan begins to speak candidly. "Wanted to be someone everyone listened, too. Even the people ya don't expect to," the words begin.

"But then Scott woudln't listen here n' there. Jean overstepped. Havok's got somethin' to prove. I could say or bark orders, but who's gonna listen to me wit' those people at the table?" he shakes his head a little bitterly.

Then the lesson talk begins. "How did I do better than I think, Chuck? Place is worse than ya left it. Lot worse! What good did I do?" his voice shakes and the cracks on Logan are showing.

"I can't even lead a team 'cause no one wants to show."

And Rogue may understand why he wants her there. Logan only breaks down like this in private. Usually, she's the one there to hold his hand, or more if need be.
Rogue Rogue raises a brow but then nods her head. She'll stay because in his own way, Logan asked her to. It doesn't take too long to understand why either. Hearing his voice break as he goes through the list of all the things in his head. Her closer arm lifts and moves to rest against Logan's lower back, rubbing there gently.

This is the most she can think to do in the moment. Having words will likely come once Charles has his say on the matter. She's just staying for support. For now.

Except, "I think you did good, Logan. May not feel like it, but you held your ground above all else. That means something, ya know?"
Charles Xavier "Yes, she is." Charles seems to agree. "This hasn't been a school...not for some time. It's been a safe haven. While that's always been one of theo riginal intents of the Institute...it's only been /one/ of the reasons this school exists. It has to return to what it was: a place for mutantkind to come together and safely learn how to use their abilities while also gaining an education that they might not be able to attain in human world. I'm sorry I had to leave for a time...it was necessary, much to my own chagrin."

Charles's kind eyes settle on Logan. But he doesn't interrupt the potential immortal. He doesn't try to defend or contradict or correct. He listens to him speak of Scott ignoring him, Jean overstepping her bounds, Havok with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove to escape Scott's shadow. Logan speaks of the pain of leadership, the problems that come with it when everyone looks towards you to make a decision. He claims he can't lead a team because no one will show up.

When Logan has finished, Charles seems to settle his back against the rest of the wheelchair, his hand touching the controls of the chair to wheel himself around his desk and towards Logan and Rogue, stopping a short distance from the world-renowned Wolverine.


The single word is stated, not like an order to a soldier - a feeling Logan knows well - but as a father might tell his son, or how one who intends to pass the torch would tell to their heir.

"You are more than capable of being a leader. In some area,s the school is worse, but in others, it's better. Look around you-" He gestures to Rogue. "In this time of strife, you found Rogue. She found you. Rogue found her confidence, her faith in herself. Some of our members are exploring who they are, who they want to be, and compare it to how they were brought up, taught, and raised. While you might not believe that you haven't been able to encourage, inspire, and lead in this difficult time....you did. Sometimes, we look for the grand change, the change that is noticeable and tangible. But the most powerful change is the few words that seem to have no effect at all outwardly. But internally? In the mind? It changes everything. It causes the birth of thought. The birth of thought brings the wind of change. The wind of change can bring something wonderful. You showed them hope and determination. You showed them that all it takes is one person to lift their chin up high."

Charles smiles at Logan ever so softly.

"You are a better leader than you think. Where Scott is...rigid and a rule-follower, you are flexible, and meet people where they are. I believed in you Logan...and I was not disappointed."
Logan Logan feels the support from Rogue. How she's a foundation for him. It's a little unexpected from what honestly started as a dare. Now, she's something so valuable.

Logan is getting ready to say something then that tone comes forward. He's silent, and now it's his turn to listen.

Part of him wants to argue. The other part wants to take one of the best compliments anyone could give him. And it's from Charles, no less.

"Chuck. I...Maybe I'll see what you do one day, but thanks," it's the only thing he can do or say. Because he both accepts and rejects the message. Seeing the school how it is makes it feel bad, but this is not the only time Chuck saw something no one else did. Those usually end up being right. So, he has to accept it on some level.
Rogue Rogue waits a moment. Then another. "Well. Again, Professor, it's good to see that you're back. I'm going to take this one and help him wallow a little bit in a couple more bottles of beer before settling him in bed." Which is all she's going to say to that, and since Logan has spoken his peace and taken the words from the Professor to heart, she'll gently tug his arm. "C'mon you. Up to the room we go."