Owner Pose
Rogue With the excitement and other sort of elated emotions settled upon hearing about and seeing that the Professor has truly returned, Rogue comes back the next day in more official capacity. While she's still not wearing her gloves, and she's settled on black denim jeans and a forest green tee shirt, she is now wearing her yellow X-Men jacket, complete with that circled X emblem on her shoulders and right at her heart. She also knocks on the Professor's door, but just as a sort of courtesy as she opens the door while she knocks to at least announce her arrival while letting herself in.

"Heya Professor. Thought I would stop in and...see how things were settlin' for ya. Also wasn't sure if you have anything that needs any of our official attention just yet. You were always good at lettin' us know things were gonna get hairy before the folicles even started to sprout." Offering this with a coy little smile at the end.
Charles Xavier "Hm...yes, this here and this...here-" Charles mutters with a smile, his hands seemingly covering and shifting over different documents that have landed on his desks. Reports and filings, bills and...adorably, letters from the children welcoming Charles back. Their class schedule doesn't seem to be letting up to let them walk through Charles's door personally and rumor has it, he's attempting to get his own classes back in order to take some of the pressure off of the senior X-Men who have taken up the opportunities at the school.

A knock. Charles's eyes lift from his nice wooden desk, leaning back in his chair with a warmth as his eyes settle on Rogue. "Anna Marie." Charles gestures in front of him. "Please, come in." Ah, a bald joke. "Well, I don't believe there's much to say right now. Though if I were you, I would speak to Ms. Braddock. She's been rather busy of late."
Rogue "Not even a few days in and you look like a tornado's done run across your desk, Professor." Rogue comments this as she walks in, letting the door shut behind her and then settles in a chair across from the Professor proper. "It ain't been much too crazy here. Aside from what Logan was tryin' to get across the other night. Course, was a few things here and there that happened he wasn't much happy with the outcomes. Felt like his opinion wasn't bein' listened to. I think things settled out alright though, truth be told." Aside from Jean having a contract with Lucifer himself - if that story holds any truth - which also caused them to help out Sinister....because an olive branch was given.

It'll all come to a head sooner or later.

"Ms. Braddock? I s'pose I can run by and see what she needs some help with. Oh...and Juggy's come by a couple times. He's actually been behavin' hisself, but it's mostly cause he wants to talk to you and we made him promise to be good or he wouldn't get a chance. So that's a meetin' you might be havin' sooner rather than later." All of this and then she seems to try to think on anything else she might be missing that would be important...but nothing jumps to her mind.
Charles Xavier "Such is the task that lies before me, always. I understand I've missed a great many things while I was away. Keep an eye on things, yes, but directly affect them? That's another story in it's entirety, my friend." Charles's voice was soft, warm, welcoming even. It was as though not a single moment had passed. Logan is mentioned and Charles's has a flash of intent in his eyes. "Tell me: how is Logan doing? I feel as though what I had told him was helpful and not quite so at the same time."

He hoped Logan had opened up to Rogue in some capacity. If he hadn't? Well, that's alright. He didn't want to force Logan to confront how he had felt in Charles's absence. In fact, he was happy that Logan grew at all. Many times, there's nobody willing to take charge. But he's heard a few things...

Not all of them are good. But the minds of the people around him are loud and daring. Even for ta /rumor/ of Jean making a deal with the devil is disturbing and forces Charles to question future leadership opportunities, but he won't until he's heard that side of the story. But, that is later.

This is now.

"Thank you, Anna." His brow raises. "Cain?" He asks, a lifetime of division between Charles and Cain flashing through his very eyes. "Thank you for letting me know in advance. If he's been on his best behavior, I see no reason why I shouldn't try and reach out to him and meet with him halfway."
Rogue "It can take a bit for Logan to open up, but he's done a lot of soul and heart searching in recent times. Which is why I think some of what he tried to accomplish hit him so hard. He was trying his best to be better than he thought himself to be and then wound up feeling like he failed. But I've been workin' on making sure he sees the brighter side of things when I can so...he'll be alright. Just needs some time." Rogue says this much and then listens further as Xavier talks.

"Yeah. Cain. Jean made him promise to be on his best behavior while he visits the school and when he's around here he does just that." At least that much is true. "Though he's gotten into some trouble outside the school. Like in Mutant Town. But I really think he teeters on the edge of good and bad sometimes. Like when me and Clint Barton found him helping some sort of heist at the train station. Tells me it's just business... but still got taught a lesson." At least in her eyes, even though she did wind up in the infirmary for a few days thanks to Cain making a Rogue-sized crater in the ground.

"But Sam Guthrie makes time to swing by and hang out. When I told him you were back he was curious if there was anything he can help with. He owns a club...somewhere...but is always ready to put his work in with us if he's needed. And he keeps us supplied with sweet tea, so I surely can't complain." A smile on her lips as she says this before she shifts a bit in her chair.

"So. Any stories you can share about your time away, Professor?"