Owner Pose
Lucifer There's macaroni and cheese in the fridge, in the same bakeware covered in tinfoil. There are likely a few board games out, the pieces scattered, a deck of cards, and still some light jazz music playing thru the speakers within the Penthouse. Lucifer, in this moment, is up in the kitchen putting a pot of coffee on. Since there's a guest, he's at least in shorts and a tee shirt. As the coffee brews, he walks over to the balcony doors to shut them - they had stayed open all night. Then, he's turning to pick up the games and put them all in their proper place. If Nathaniel were to wake and see the chaos and disarray - he'd likely curse himself for leaving it that way and then pitch a fit while tidying up himself. So Lucifer does it to avoid such things.
Nick If the plan of family night was to keep Nick from heading back to his apartment then the plan was a success. Even though it's the afternoon, the rocker is JUST starting to stir from his food coma induced slumber. Despite the mostly prone positioning, the rocker has done a wonderful impression of a musician-chilada with the blanket he's wrapped in. Unfortunately he has rolled on top of the end of the blanket so it's taking him a moment to get unwrapped without falling to the floor.
Sinister ANd so it is, in amidst the reorganization of chaos and stirring of the food induced post parandial coma, that the sound of coffee cups being set out in a nice neat little row can be heard. The fridge door just opened also, a small amount of macaroni and cheese being ferried on a ladel with almost sneaky crinkling of foil to a bowl.

There does not actually appear to be anyone -there-. But significant to Lucifer's memories though, one of his siblings is capable of hiding /even/ from them. She'll only EVER be seen if she wants to be. It's the nature of her duty, perhaps. But usually she's not quite so obvious about BEING an invisible presence, as to pretend to be a poultergeist.
Lucifer Lucifer finishes tidying up the last game, but deciding he will ferry them back to the game room later, he shifts to head towards the kitchen. Sure he heard Nick beginning to stir, but he's going to give the man a moment to uncoil himself from the blanket he's burrito'd himself into. Steps pause, however, as he spies the ladeling of food into a bowl - seemingly all on it's own - and while he knows that Nathaniel is capable of such things this is not typical behaviour for the man. So he crosses arms over his chest and watches a moment longer.

"Are you planning on eating it cold? The microwave will surely give you away, Sister Dearest..." He says this and then chuckles, moving further into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of liquid gold. "If all it takes to bring you down here is my making macaroni and cheese, I may start making it more often...Azrael.."
Nick The blanket roll shifts, ever so slowly rolling against the back of the couch, generating a gradually accumulating lump of blanket forming to one side of him. Nearing the end of the task, there's a slight grumble before the final bit of blanket skin is shed.

Considering he had access to a hotel room just a few floors below, that must have been a HELL of a night. Considering how long it took tounravel, there's no telling when the coherency will ki-

"I wouldn't mind that."


Well, at least he picked up on the mention of food.
Sinister The food bowl, hovering in the air, settles down on the counter as quietly as the sneaky filling of it -- It's almost as if the kindness of forethought was being catered to there, given what Nick just said. The coffee cup that's read to be filled lifts and only THEN is there a hand around it, gently manifesting into the world.

She's not what anyone ever thinks she's going to be. Average height, ever so slightly dumpy, mousey brown hair that's about shoulder length and tied at the nape of her neck and warm eyes, so deep a brown as to almost be black. She's wearing a boho skirt in shades of brown and a beige polo neck sweater. "I wouldn't take without asking, you know that," her voice is similarly 'warm' and soft spoken. She'd make a good vet.

A glance is shot to the man rising from the burrito of slumber and she smiles slightly, apples of her cheeks rounding out rather. "May I join you both?"
Lucifer Lucifer smiles softly, shifting just enough so he can properly lean over and press a kiss to Azrael's forehead once she finally fully materializes. "I know you wouldn't. But you also don't have to ask if you have an open invitation. And I believe I speak for both myself and Nathaniel when I say you have one here. An open invitation I mean.." He offers this, doctors his coffee and then looks over to the living room.

"Ah. Good morning, Nick. Would you like some coffee? How would you like it?" Asking those questions and then he glances to Azrael and back to Nick. "Of course you can join us. I'm sure Nick won't mind. I ought to introduce you to him properly though, even if I feel you already know who he is..."
Nick Nick sits up, demonstrating that you don't have to sleep in an actual bed to get bed head. He blinks. "Coffee would be good. Thanks." Nick replies, accepting the offer. He sets his hands upon the seat and pushes himself to turn, resting his feet upon the floor. "Nothing added. Just black."

Reaching his arms up, he lets out a long yawn. When the mouth closes, he glances over to the smiling female. Blinking as he catches on to the remaining conversation. "Yes... you can join us. Sorry I'm still waking up...bit slow."
Sinister She turns her head up to the kiss bestowed. There's a height difference and it has the look of old familiarity. T'will not be the first time, nor will it be the last, that she's greeted that way. A moment is taken after Lucifer's said his bit, to give him a squeezling, which is a bit like a hug, only with more wriggle-bounces and a punctating back-pop. "It's good of you to say, Luci, but I've been avoiding for the sake of time healing all wounds. The one I inflicted on the pair of you was necessary, but it didn't make it hurt any less."

Stepping free, Azrael takes her moment to fill her own bowl with Mac and cheese, putting Nick's in the microwave first for a minute.

"Thank you. I'll just note that there's nothing wrong with introductions, whether they're for a first meet impression or the thousandth time." What an enigmatic thing to say. "Take your time, Nick. Dreams shouldn't be abandoned with the drop of a hat anyhow."
Lucifer Lucifer goes silent for a moment and then gives a nod of his head while moving into the living room with a single mug of black coffee, setting it on the coffee table for Nick to enjoy at his leisure. "You're right. It did hurt, and it hurt for a long while, but time has healed most of it. Of course, it will never fully heal - as grief never does - but we have moved on from it." He offers a smile Azrael's way while he walks back into the kitchen to continue fixing coffee while she fixes leftovers.

"And you, of course, were never to blame. You did your job, as you needed to do. As you have always done and will continue to do until the end of time. That does not shut a door in your face away from us, my dearest sister. You are always welcome here..." He doctors one of the coffees the way Nathaniel would prefer it and then picks up the mug. "Pardon me a moment. I believe my lover is being a little anti-social this mornoon..."
Nick Hearing the thunk of the mug on the coffee table, Nick blinks again, turning to Lucifer.

"Thank you." He states in response to the given cup before looking back over to Azrael. "So...you are Azrael?"

His head feels- A hand lifts up, trying to smooth over the hair that has become wilder than the normal. He glances over to the coffee table to see if his hair tie is still there.
Sinister Azrael simply smiles a bittersweet vagueness to Lucifer's commentary, bowing her head a moment to consider her own coffee, two sugars and cream added when it's poured. "Of course," to the excusing, she patiently stares at the microwave until it dings, then swaps the heated bowl for her own and sets it going again. The warm bowl, fork and a folded napkin are brought over to join the coffee by Nick and she sits herself down as gracefully as she might, opposite.

"The one and only, unfortunately. Your words were very kind, to me. Thank you..." there's another vague smile, perhaps a little less so this time around. "I don't get much screen time so to speak, which is part and parcel of the duty, I suspect."
Lucifer With coffee delivered to Nathaniel, Lucifer returns to the kitchen to finally doctor his own cup. Two sugars, cream, and a shot of whiskey. Cause he can't get drunk so why not enjoy the added flavors. Lifting his mug, he shifts to walk over to the living room and takes seat upon one of the comfy chairs - deliberately leaving his throne empty for the time being - and then he looks between Nick and Azrael. "Ah, yes, apologies Nick. Azrael, this is Nick Drago. A friend, but also, family." Course, he's not sure if Nick would appreciate him just putting the line together himself, or letting Nick explain more personally. Though, it's very likely Azrael can connect the dots herself. "Nathaniel apologizes for being absent, but he has some work to try and get ahead of. He does wish you fair greetings, Azrael."
Nick Nick takes in the reasonably pleasant looking person coming forward. As the bowl gets set right next to his coffee, he glances to it and then looks to where she has seated herself. Without bowl. He doesn't reach for the fork. "Didn't you get some for yourself?" He asks. Didn't she ask to join?

He DOES pick up the coffee however, taking a moment to sip puzzling over the mention of his words. What words? The song? Agreeing to her joining them?

When she mentions the lack of screen time, he smiles slightly after lowering the mug. "I would guess so" He replies, "Most of those you help can't really spread the word afterwards. But...it is an important task."

Nick turns his head as Lucifer makes introductions before looking back to the smaller angel. "I tend to go by a shortened form of my middle name now. I've had a few close calls growing up. So- also Michael Drago."

He nods to Lucifer. "We started off as friends, the family thing was figured out later...So-" He directs his attention back to Azrael, "I think that makes me a distant...nephew for you as well?"
Sinister Azrael gives a kind of acquiecent nod to the mention of Nathaniel, accepting. She also looks between the two men in the room as introductions are made, smoothing a hand over her skirt. The microwave dings a second time and she points at it with a very quick wink, rising to swish off and get the heated bowl. Napkin, fork, return of the Archangel of Death itself.

"I've walked beside you quite a few times in your life, Nick. Mike. Michael. Kiddo." That last with a warm hint of a smile, her coffee taken and hands curled around it. The cup is hot, but she doesn't pay it much mind, oddly enough. "But yes, we're distantly related. You've actually caused a bit of a stir in some spheres that don't talk to the seven of us much -- not even Gabriel. Water cooler gossip, kind of. Only you know, they never share it with the CEOs." She sips now, a little noisomely.
Lucifer Lucifer has to give a chuckle at that. "Never a dull moment up in the Kingdom, eh?" Asking this as he sips his coffee, never caring about the temprature. In fact, the hotter the better. Though when she speaks of having walked beside Nick a few times, there's a softer smile and a nod. Lucifer, for all the ways he acts around others, has a seemingly entirely different demeanor around Azrael. Perhaps it's because of who she is, what she represents. Perhaps because she's a female personification. In truth, it is mostly due to the full respect he has of her. That she even put aside the family ties to do her duty. "Wait. What kind of stir has he caused in other spheres? I wouldn't think such a thing would happen...that no one would really pay attention to it aside from the seven..."
Nick Hearing the ding and seeing the point in the general direction, Nick quiets as he watches her zoom off only to come back with another bowl. Once she has seated herself with her food, Nick sets the mug down and reaches for the fork that was previously given to him. He stirs the contents, making sure to distribute the heat evenly.

The general confirmation of her presence for past events gets a nod. He can already guess at a couple instances. He could easily assume the others.

To the mention of the gossip, he blinks.

Glancing over to Lucifer as he asks about the type of stir caused and how. "I would assume as a type of analogy, the Seven would be the rockstars of heaven. Personal things are rarely kept personal when you're a celebrity."
Sinister "In a way, yes..." Az responds to Nick, nodding a bit. Another sip of coffee is taken and she looks over her cup toward Lucifer, a silent rapport happening for a moment, before she looks back at the surface. Her own bowl is cooling -- mac noodles are not coffee, it seems on the heat tolerance.

"Well, the why is mostly an awkward chapter in history, you see, that lead to the worst day I'd ever had." Azrael sighs, frowns at her coffee and takes a large gulp almost to spite it. Or herself.

A glance between the two men again, but she soldiers on. "The last time we had a proliferation of Nifilim, there was this thing and Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Raph, they all got a bit of a five-alarm fire calling down to a mountain to discuss things. The end result was the etch-a-sketch end of the universe as mortals knew it, via a bit of a deluge. Like ....ptttttthpt...." she makes a flattening gesture with her hand, then an immitation of a toilet flushing noise.

Another sip of the coffee later and she nods softly to Nick. "And yet one bloodline snuck under the radar."
Lucifer "I wonder how that happened... especially since the eradication would have wiped out every bloodline except for one...and that one has no ties to the Drago line that I've been able to research..." Lucifer offers this as he crosses one leg over the other, sipping his coffee and very much wondering if he should go fix himself a bowl of leftovers also. While he doesn't need to eat, sometimes it just serves as a bonding mechanism.

"That's because it happened after the great flood...during the rise of the Roman era - well more specifically - the days of the Vatican rising...." Comes another voice, like Lucifer's but a bit deeper. Michael appears then. "You know, if you're going to talk about the gossip among the water cooler, you might as well have the starring cast be present during it, don't you think Azrael." He grins, then looks to Lucifer and back again. "Also, I shall have you both know, that while what I did didn't cause another eradication of an entire race...it was not without it's punishments. To me, personally...not to be braggish. Just stating facts."
Nick Nick looks confused.

This is honestly an expression that Lucifer should have memorized when it comes to the rocker. But that is the look he has as he listens to the further details. But upon the flushing noise a brow lifts. "...Oh the flood?"

Nick considers what Michael had said to him regarding the ancestor. "...maybe i-"

Hearing another voice speak up, Nick stops, turning his head towards the new speaker.

"Hi Michael." Nick greets, before looking to Azrael and Lucifer. "...what he said." Nick confirms with a nod.


"OH! Mac and Cheese?" Raphael comments, looking to the bowls on display, "Is there any left?"
Sinister Azrael shakes her head in one of those long-suffering despair kind of ways, because one thing can be said of all her siblings, they are ALL characters in their own right. To a brother, to a sister. She who eschews such things, is born into a host of those vying for the spotlight.

And where one arrived, the other is in tow, for a promise is a promise. "Michael. Raphael." She calmly replies, looking to those most intimately involved. She looks at Lucifer with a press of lips and back to Michael a moment, then shakes her head, her tongue held.
Lucifer Lucifer blinks, then blinks again and...he laughs. He has to laugh because this is definitely something that would have happened eventually. Even if he was enjoying the moment of just his sister being among him. It couldn't have been long before others arrived. "Michael. Raphael." He offers this and then motions to the kitchen. "Tinfoil covered bakeware in the fridge. Help yourself, there should be plenty left." He offers before looking to Michael once more. Does Azrael know they've slightly made up? Or at the very least, are trying harder to get along these days?

Michael looks to Raphael as the other brother arrives on his coat tails - so to speak. "Really? You follow me down and the first thing you have to ask about is food?" Then he smiles gently and looks between the others. "I planned on telling you at some point, Lucifer. After having a conversation with Nick...some things were shed in a new light for me. A light that, I think, will benefit both of us, including and especially our relationship with each other. Fractured as it has been..."

This has Lucifer raising a single brow and looking to Nick almost pointedly. "Really? Do tell..."
Nick Hearing his name, Raphael straightens and looks over to the sister. "Azrael." Raphael greets back. He looks over to Michael. "It looks really good." He defends, "Also you're doing so well..." There's not much more said as he hears permission being granted. He starts moving towards the kitchen. "Does anyone else want some?"

See? He's being HELPFUL.

Feeling that he's being looked at after Michael reveals that they have already talked. "He appeared to me on the mountain...Well one of the Adirondack ones...We had a nice talk. He answered some questions and I filled him in about what happened with my father."
Sinister Az reaches for her own bowl, lifting it by silent indicator at Raph's words. She is quiet as she listens to Lucifer speak his part, finding the funny in the moment and in particular in the attempt at Gemini reconcilliation. She takes a further sip of her coffee, only to find that prop is depleted, which promotes a small pursing of lips and a soft cuss under her breath.

Noodles become the hand and mouth occupier.
Lucifer Lucifer rolls his eyes before looking to his brother. "Playing dad now? Did you burn a bush just for fun to announce your presence?" Then he smirks, and while there is a look of almost angered protest from Michael there is then a pause, and he grins as well.

"No. No I did not burn a bush. We'll leave that for dad's MO. I simply sat on a rock and talked to him. While he held onto two sticks for longer than a moment...as if debating if he was going to beat me.."

Lucifer nods. "I'd pay to see that happen..." Then he glances to the kitchen. "Raphael, if you want to sit down I can heat up the rest of the meal and serve it out. I'm sure there is enough left for you, Michael and myself to have some..." He then stands, because otherwise he isn't playing a good host and this IS his home afterall.

Even if some of the guests weren't quite invited...
Sinister Well, strictly speaking NONE of the current guests but one, were invited. But this family does have a tendancy to just show up from time to time.

Azrael eats a little of the mac and cheese bowl with due attention to the nuances of it all, for such things are to be appreciated, multiple cheeses and all. Her dark brown eyes though, are travelling between the twins. But it's to the Happy Meetings man that she calls -- "There's a spoon that I used in the sink, if you just rinse it off." Another spoonful dispensed of and she's watching Nick steady and calmly. The bravado you see, is all over there. Reaction and emotion speak louder.

"Do you feel comfortable with the answer you received?" is asked.
Nick Raphael pauses in his approach to the kitchen, turning around to see the standing Lucifer. "Very well." He responds, moving over to the couch to sit on the end.

"I was up there for practice." Nick clarifies, "And considering the first meeting, you can understand why I might have waited a bit to see why you were there..." Nick scoots slightly on the couch, closer to Raphael to free up some seat space the furthest from Lucifer's chosen perch. While the twins may be getting along, it might help to have, a little physical distance between the two. "He did apologize for that meeting though." He shares, feeling a need to settle any particular concern regarding that.

Pale eyes look over to the brown ones looking back. He considers the discussion. "Some yes. Others. No. But...I've found that not all answers are the happy type."
Lucifer The pot of coffee is floated over, refilling Azrael's cup as well as Nick's before it floats back to the kitchen. A small tray with a pot of cream, sugar, and milk is then floated to the coffee table. All the while, Lucifer pulls the bakeware out of the fridge, takes off the tinfoil and then levitates it in front of him before putting fire in his hands and holding them beneath the vestible.

Really, for all of Lucifer's power with fire, it's amazing he owns a stove, an oven and a microwave. But the macaroni and cheese within is soon bubbling hot and he sets the tray down before dishing out bowls for himself, Michael and Raphael. The brothers get a fork and napkin, and everything is floated over to their respective recipients. He stays in the kitchen a moment longer.

Michael glances to Nick and then nods. "I confessed my punishment. We talked about the line that descended. The topic went to his father... and that is still up in the air for some work on my part." Which likely means, Michael is still looking into it. He doesn't go into many specifics, but he does look to Azrael for a moment. "Honestly, I'm surprised more did not know about the punishment I faced..."
Sinister Azrael meanwhile, actually gets up to go and add her cream and sugar. There is not much in the way of fanfare with her, overall. Returning to her seat, she looks over at Michael a long moment, then to Nick and down to her coffee.

"Misogyny is not just an invention of mankind, Michael. Neither Gabriel nor I tended to get much in the way of anything extra other than do as you're told -- even after he mellowed out, it took quite a while. And we did not need to know. So we didn't. Eventually Gabriel found out and I knew as soon as I met -her-. I am sorry that she did not go where you could follow, but..." she smiles a little wry there "...I've always wondered a little, as to how and why you cared as much as you did or did not. A moment of indiscretion, I think I heard you say. But you, Michael, are a terrible liar, when it comes to some things."
Nick "Thank you, brother." Raphael replies as the mac and cheese is set down before him. After a moment of quiet, he reaches forward to grab his fork and dig in. As Azrael speaks, Raphael's chewing slows, seemingly so he can hear better. At around the point of Michael being called a liar, the chewing stops entirely. The fork is set in the bowl.

Nick on the other hand reaches for his coffee to sip. There's a general sense that some things are not to be interrupted.

This. Might be one of them.
Lucifer It would seem that all eyes are on Michael in this moment. Even Lucifer, who has set down whatever he was working on to turn and approach the living room - at least the edge of kitchen and such to get a little closer. He considers a moment and then breaks the silence with, "Were you in love, brother?"

Michael, feeling the moment, tries to get at least one or two bites of his mac and cheese in before he sets down the bowl. "Nerida de Drago. I shall remember that name until the end of time. Even then, I will likely carry it with me beyond. She was a wonderful woman. Kind, smart, beautiful. Father could try to strip all the things from me, but he will never get her memory. He will never get my love for her. And even as I had to suffer from afar, knowing she would never know me again. Not by anything. But I would know her. I would love her." He scoffs. "I cared because she cared. About so much. The Vatican was coming along, the Drago's back then were the head of Rome's navy. A lot of influence can be gained when you hold charge of the seas." He stops himself then, looking down at his food. "Well. Anyway, there it is." Picking up his bowl once more to shovel food into his mouth.
Sinister Sometimes, you don't have to say anything at all. Azrael just smiles gently, looks at Raphael... along to Nick a moment, then back to her bowl of noodles and bacon/sausagebits. Occasionally, it's also not just what you aren't saying, but who you are that lends a bit of weight to that.

"You really are a very good chef, Lucifer. It's amazing what the little things add up to, after a while. I've always been fond of leftovers. Never so much the meals themselves, but for some reason, they're so often better a day or so later." She sips her coffee, a smile in her eyes, gentle.

She then rises and takes her empty bowl to the sink, rinses it and passes by where Michael is sitting. A hand is gently laid on his shoulder and a squeeze is given.

And the knowledge that powerful as their Father is, some of his power is finite and the world was in transition. A woman born to the pantheon of Rome, travelled elsewhere in the end. And in the Aftermath, memory is a long, clear thing.
Nick It probably helped that Michael had told him about Nerida and the punishment already. There's no surprise this time around. But- as Michael describes his feelings. He frowns as he thinks to what Azrael said.

Go where you could not follow...

The coffee sets down. The bowl is picked up and like his great (math) great great grandfather, he too consumes more of the mac. Different yet, similar topic in mind.