Owner Pose
Dick Grayson     A late night in Bludhaven isn't as active as they can be in Manhattan or Gotham. The city doesn't quite have the society atmosphere that the cultured cultivate in their own neck of the woods. What Bludhaven gets tends to be the offshoots for the companies, corporations, charities and whatnot that cannot afford the high bill in those two primary cities. Bludhaven gets the committees that are actually trying to make a difference, where they pinch a penny and try to get results.
    And for some reason, those are the ones that young Dick Grayson likes to go to.
    Oh sure the glitz and glamour at the society balls in Gotham are pretty impressive. But here, you get to meet the people behind the efforts, behind the causes. Take tonight, for instance. The Olympic committee is seeking early donations for a variety of teams. The athletes for the Men's and Women's shooting teams are in evidence. There are representatives from the Men's and Women's Judo teas, and Tae Kown Do teams as well. And it's to these people that Dick Grayson enjoys talking to. The representatives who are the up and coming talent.
    "So you started training when you both were four years old?" Grayson smiles to two judokas who are brother and sister, each smiling back to him.
    "Yes, our mother was a former competitor. Doreen Winchester."
    "She was... in the 84 Olympics wasn't she?"
    "Yes, she was pretty great."
    "I agree, I mean I didn't see her," Dick grins, "But I saw a highlight tape, was impressive."
Kate Bishop Kate Bishop is there too, dressed appropriately for the event. She's brought a check from her family, which goes to the appropriate person after the requisite smile and handshake picture for the press clippings. So, duty done, she mingles. There's an especially good reason to gravitate towards the judokas, one Mister Richard Grayson, but likely Kate can"t see much of him but the top of his head as the young women in attendence flock for his attention.
Dick Grayson     As for Dick, he handles the crowd like a pro, as if he were raised to it. Which, in some ways, he was indeed. There's a smile for each person in turn, his gaze turning to each of them in a seemingly organic flow of the conversation. At times he'll offer a small joke, and at others he leans towards one of them and rests a hand on their shoulder affectionately. If one were a student of such humanity and studied him from afar, it would almost be considered a master class.
    But then he smiles and steps back, "If you'll forgive me, I need to freshen my drink."
    It's then that he turns away and starts to walk towards the bar which is, as fortune has it, only a few feet away from one Ms. Kate Bishop.
Kate Bishop For her part, Kate has a virgin Moscow Mule of ginger ale and lime juice, not being quite old enough for the harder stuff. She notes the approach of the Grayson and moves to intercept him before the girls get brave enough to mob him again. "Hello. I'm Kate Bishop." she greets, offering her hand. "Thank you for coming. No doubt this event will change the lives of sone young people for the better." Probably that was a speech she memorized, bland boilerplate stuff. "I think your lost sheep are coming home, Little Bo Peep." and she indicates the knot of eligible bachlorettes stalking the man, and she laughs good'naturdl.
Dick Grayson     Those blue eyes that meet hers are bright and alive as he smiles rather openly, "Hi, Kate. I'm Dick, Dick Grayson." He'll offer her his hand and will shake it firmly, but not aggressively, just a few pumps and then he releases her hand to meet her gaze. He listens to her words and gives a small nod, "I hope so, they're really talented." He gestures over his shoulder with one hand.
    The bartender, who just so happens to be a redheaded young woman clears her throat and then asks, "Can I get you anyting, Mr. Grayson?"
    To which he responds, "Sure thing, Constance. Another apple juice?"
    And while the bartender prepares his drink he turns back to her, then looks in the direction she gestures. "Oh... oh they're just being friendly." He says with that same smile, looking to her and it's clear that he believes it at least. "Are you a competitor, Ms. Bishop? Or are you a patron?"
    He reaches to the side and smiles his thanks to Constance when she hands him his drink.
Kate Bishop Kate smiles blandly to the bartender as she interrupts for a moment, then gives Dick a little shrug. "My father couldn't make it but he wanted to he sure that the Bishops put their pennies in too." She motions around. " He knows tbat I like these sorts of things... shooting and fencing and archery, so he sent me along." She sighs a touch overdramtically, playing up the spoiled rich girl act. "I wanted to try out for some of these teams, but there's no time, what with the social year getting going and all." She clearly, though, doesn't spend all her time at parties, though. Her hand told Dick that, at least, and the tiny scars here and there on her ear or almost invisible on her cheek. She's not built like a Bat-student, but Kate had clearly trained her body hard, he can see that even though she's tried to hide it .
Dick Grayson     The young man's smile shifts a touch wry as he takes up a place there near the bar and with his back turned just so that makes approaching and getting his attention not entirely easy for those who might want to interrupt. He does give a slight second look to the young woman before him, eyes lighting not at the usual places that a young man might find curious or interesting, but more on those small callouses upon her hands, or the subtle swell of musculature here or there. Just the tell-tale hints that might clue him in to that she's more than she appears or says.
    "Ms. Bishop, I do believe you might be having me on." He says with that calm upper crust accent he affects as if in counterpoint to her own. But he gives a small nod, "Did you practice judo in your own time?" A pause, "Fence or shoot?"
Dick Grayson     "Well," Dick smiles to her and sips his apple juice, glancing to the side and offering a small wave to a passing party-goer, giving a nod as they wander on. He looks back to her and offers, "There are definitely worse things to aspire to, no?" He asks of her as he considers her words and her story.
    "As for me I used to imagine going to the Olympics for something suitably glamorous, like track or gymnastics or whatever. But, well..." His smile twists, "That would take a bit of an effort, now wouldn't it?"
Kate Bishop "Oh." Kate giggles vacantly. "I thought I remembered something about acrobats or something.. I must have misremembered." She shrugs. "Do you swim? You look like a swimmer." Actually, looking at the total package standing begore her is making Kate nervous anf a little flustered for real. " Ah, if you'll excuse me, I should go mingle some more. Nice to meet you, Mr. Grayson."
Dick Grayson Nightwing's alt Dr. Mid-Nite has a free clinic in Gotham and one in Manhattan.
Dick Grayson Nightwing takes a sleep aid and woke up because he was having auditory hallucinations.