Owner Pose
Lytle Lytle is feeling a bit depressed, he has been in New York a long time, his visa will be expiring soon if he does not find a school to accept him. He has been out performing public works to attract attention, but so far, nothing. He is sitting on top of a billboard moping when he sees a child run into the street, and he can tell that a car nearby willhit her if someone does not help. Without hesitation, he jumps off the billboard, using his cape to angle his fall so he hits the street between the car and the child. The Car hits Lytle and stops dead, and the next car hits that car and stops dead, and the Next, and the next... The entire block of cars comes to a halt. While Lytle spreads his kinetic absorption with each impact and no one is hurt, the sudden stopping of traffic has caused a traffic jam, completely halting traffic in mid-town unexpectely.
Jennifer Lindon "Wow that looked like it should hurt." Jennifer mentions as she watches the boy from the sidewalk, rising an eyebrow to note the fact that though it should, it doesn't seem to have. "Are you some kind of wannabe hero?" Well, the kid in question may disagree with the wannabe part that's going on here.
Lytle Lytle sighs as he looks at the mess of stopped traffic. He realizes he is being addressed and says, "Something like that, much to my family's chargin. I mean, all of us have supe powers, but the family tradition is to use them guietly and help without grawing attention." He gestures at the stopped traffic, "Not that this is going to go down as looking particulaly heroic." He watches the child's parent's scoop them up, but run away from the strange blue man. He steps out of the way so traffic can start moving again...but it is already snarled for blocks around.
Jennifer Lindon
"They might have a point." The weird white hair of the girl isn't quite /hair,/ and the eyes are a weird green, too. She takes a bite out of her hotdog, and leans against the wall. "You make a habit of doing things like this?" There's no real judging there, just curiousity, "Call me Datalink."
Lytle Lytle sighs, "Kind of. It is my strongest power...things like this are easy. I have been trying to find someone to teach me how to use my power better, so have been being obvious in using it so that it will be noticed."
Jennifer Lindon "Good luck." The girl takes another bite out of her hotdog, chews it down and seems to consider a few things, "Just be careful it doesn't get noticed by the wrong people. If I hadn't had as good a lawyer as I did, I'd be in juvie right now." And she says that with a tone of 'and I should've seen that coming'
Lytle Lytle says, "I have been careful to use my abilities to save lives, but they would most likely just deport me. I am from Canada." Not that going home to his family as a disgrace would not be bad enough.
Jennifer Lindon "Yeah, definitely be careful then." This Datalink shrugs again, fishing out her iPhone to check twitter. "Don't piss off anyone with authority, just because you've got some powers don't mean you can't get in trouble, it just means the trouble will be that much worse. So what should I call you anyway?"
Lytle Lytle says, "I picked the name Lazerlite...there is a bit more to my powers than just stopping traffic." Of course, if he ever has to testify in court or register as a hero, it would be Lytle Force.
Jennifer Lindon "Well, nice to meet you, Lazerlite. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing." The girl smiles, and puts her phone back away, then glances back towards the whole car situation, "Maybe try not to make messes like these if you want to attract the good kind of attention. I'm sure the cops would have a field day with this."
Lytle Lytle looks over the traffic, which is moving again, though slowly and admits, "This kind of thing is WHY I want training, to find a better way to help."