Owner Pose
Kurt Wagner     It is a bit after dinner. Class plans are handled. All the work needed to get another day of learning is finished up. A danger room scenario and a good physical workout is done. Kurt is freshly showered. Wearing a pair of black pajama pants, a plain white t shirt, and smelling clean, the fuzzy elf is puttering in the kitchen. He gathers up the materials meticulously. Bread. Cheese. Meats. He has a beer on the counter and Kurt is carefully cutting up the lettuce and tomato with a practiced hand.
    The kicker? The bacon in the microwave. The faint aroma of crisping bacon can be detected a few rooms over. A faint delicious aroma.
Lorna Dane Lorna's schedule is a bit extreme and famously unhealthy. The grad student/science teacher/genoshan representative gets in a lot of flight time lately. Touching down into the yard, she walks into the kitchen soothing wind swept hair. It smells like food, that is already encouraging to Lorna. Despite her heavy drinking the night before, it would seem she's been working like a fiend.
Kurt Wagner     "Hair of the dog?" Kurt asks as Lorna walks in. His footfalls are quiet and his knife work precise. He reaches to uncap the bear bottle with the church key and holds the beer out to the green haired woman in an easy manner. "I can make you a sandwich. You look busy. Take a load off. I know the Genoshan beach life is not as relaxing as you like to let on. Take a load off, haff a sandwich?" Kurt picks the knife back up as he cuts the tomato. "Club sandwich?" he specifies. "There is a nice artisan swiss that the kids really like?" Kurt is not big on cheese as some folks.
Lorna Dane "I don't really do meat these days. It smells heavenly though. Just need to meditate, refuel. Fridays I teach a couple grades of Earth Science. Then it's back to Genosha for administration and paperwork catch up, prepare a few press statements, and my own homework before my classes next week." Lorna slumps into a chair. Small wonder she let so loose. "But Charles seems proud of my work and my dad is giving me more responsibility, must be going well." She sighs and looks at Kurt.
Kurt Wagner     "Will you eat cheese?" Kurt asks, for the moment intent on getting her fed. He knows what it is like. "Swiss, tomato, lettuce?" he offers, "There is some basalmic over there?" He tilts his head. "I should not be eating any bacon. It is a weakness." he walks over, and points at some sort of locally baked bread, then nods. "I can do this." he decides. "Have a drink and tell me what it is like in Genosha? No baloney, no spin, but also no making it worse than it is. I really want to know. I might not agree with your father, but I also do not hate him."
Lorna Dane Lorna considers his question and sits straight. She sips her beer and watches Kurt make her a sandwich. "It's not perfect yet, but it's the best working solution I've seen for mutants-especially outside their school years. We have a stable infrastructure. That was a priority. The island has power and water." She leans her chin in her hand with a heavy yawn. "My dad's been focused on fabrication plants, incorporating robotics and mutants-other metas suited power wise to the task to get construction up to snuff so quality of living is slowly improving." She tells Kurt and looks to him.
Kurt Wagner After lightly buttering and crisping the bread with the torch, Kurt drapes cheese on he bread, torches it lightly to a molten stickiness. Vegetables, a hint of basalmic. he cuts it in half, and present it with a smile. "For you." He watches her for a moment. "We miss you, but I am glad you ar with your real family. It can be hard." His smile is sad but certain. He returns to making his own sandwich. "Is he open to dissent? Are there good civil rights? That is my main concern, that men und women can disagree. I understand monarchy is monarchy, but I want discourse. He is a man or principle."
    Kurt usually avoids politics.
Lorna Dane "That's where it get's a little stickier. Wanda's about more-thank god. She'll help keep the idealistic extremes in balance. He and Charles both can get so high minded." Lorna just looks tired. "There's discourse with in reason. He isn't deaf to the countries residents, but a lot of them look to him as a golden savior." She picks up the sandwich, taking a bite. Once it's politely chewed, Lorna shakes her head. "I've been doing this balancing act for a while Kurt, it's sweet to say I'm missed, but it's easier on the school that I'm scarce." She points out frankly. Well aware of the targets on her back.
Kurt Wagner     "You not being here is politics, Lorna." Kurt replies. He works on his own sandwich, putting it together. He walks over to set a plate down across from her, then walks over to get another beer. As he sits, Kurt regards her. "We can miss you and yet recognize you are doing the work you need to be doing. What can we do, if anything, here to make your life easier?" Kurt regards her seriously. "This is just you and me talking. Should I try to work on lesson plans to help? I mean. Almost anything. If anyone here can appreciate parents and the X-Men..." Kurt pulls in a breath, but just nods.
Lorna Dane "It's just a lot. The work I do with Genosha is important. There will be kids that graduate here that maybe aren't suited to college, or human society, Genosha shouldn't be our only answer to that but right now it's the safest I can think of. Or kids who don't want to leave their families to come to school here?" Lorna sighs and scrubs her face, working more on her sandwich. "I've got my life under control Kurt. It's just trying to date with everything else that makes it go sideways. And you know, learning to be a politician on the fly since my father went world leader. Believe me, the masters was enough." She looks at Kurt tiredly, probably the first honest expression she's shown, letting her smiles drop.
Kurt Wagner     He barks out a laugh. 'Date? I bought a sports car." Kurt shakes his head. "I do not even have the politics as a reason." His smile is a little slef-mocking. He regards his sandwich. "You know, you can just stay a couple of days and sleep?" Kurt says it very gently. "You do not have to do anything. We all have been together for years. We understand. We are proud of you." Kurt takes a bite at that and gives a little, content sigh. After chewing, he gives a warm nod. "But what is the one thing that we can do? Should we bring your father here? have a meeting of the minds? Try to resolve a few things, maybe keep tensions low?" Kurt seems intent on lowering her burdens.
    He would say 'Family first' if she asked. His amber eyes regard her warmly, but with concern.
Lorna Dane "I don't want him to think I am weak. I think eventually I'll have to drop something, the degrees or the school maybe. My dad respects that I am an X-Man, but I am ferociously tired. And it's not so preposterous to want to date. I do so much for other people, it'd be nice to have one person in the whole world inclined to make me feel good."
Lorna Dane Lorna sighs and drains her beer, setting it down after her little monologue and digs into the sandwich.
Kurt Wagner     Mouth opens, then closes. Kurt gives a nod. "That is not an unreasonable request." Kurt's tail slashes at something he is thinking about. He leans over a little, chin on his hand for a moment as he looks at her. "Is that dating, or just putting someone in your bed?" Curiously direct, and he actually turns a little purple cheeked. "Romance takes time, Lorna. I mean, I cannot just ply you with alcohol and sandwiches, for example?" He tilts his head. "Do you have time for someone to invest in you and you to invest back?" He doesn't say it in a nasty way. Rather it is his quiet, gentle questioning, trying to get someone to figure something out that they already know. "Need another drink, Lorna?"
Lorna Dane Pausing, Lorna sighs. "No. I guess I don't." She sighs and nods when Kurt asks if she needs another drink. There's a slightly defeated slump to her shoulders at that. "I suppose that would go a good length to explaining why men just seem to vanish on me."
Kurt Wagner     Padding about the kitchen, Kurt pops the top off the beer with the church key for her. he walks over to hand her the beer.
    "Lorna. Are you looking for a husband, children, a family life? if so, you need to date. Those take time too. What is it you want?" His tone remains quiet. "Are they vanishing, or are you just so busy that it seems that way>" Still no accusation in his voice. "because if you just want someone to take you for a steak and some alcohol, i would be happy to do that. It would be fun. If you are looking for more?" Kurt wrinkles his nose. "I think your father would object to me."
Lorna Dane Glancing up at Kurt, Lorna studies him for a moment. "All I have ever wanted was to study rocks and live a very quiet life. Marriage, family, all that, I don't think it's in the cards for me. I don't know if you noticed Kurt, but we're heroes. We don't usually get happy ever after." She takes the beer from him, taking a sip. "I was always good about face time, texts...mostly. And they both wore capes, they knew what they were getting into. You know?"
Kurt Wagner     "That is a nonanswer. I did not ask you what you thought was possible. I asked you what you wanted?" Kurt sits back down. His smile remains gentle, if slightly fanged. He adds, "But you will forgive me, Lorna, if I do not share your passion for rocks, ja? Alex is the fellow rock hound. He would share that passion?" He takes a bite of his sandwich, considering it as he does so,
Lorna Dane "Alex?" Lorna shakes her head. "I think those Summers boys have suffered enough." She tells Kurt dryly. "Alex especially it seems." she tells him and smiles back at Kurt. "Sorry. You learn to talk like that around the old men-you know how it is." she sighs and runs her hands through her hair. "Right now? I don't have time for romance, I think you're right on that count. That doesn't make being lonely any easier."
Kurt Wagner     He'd roll his eyes. "Then find someone to make you not lonely." His smile is soft. "Or do not. But understand that if you want those things, you will have to budget the time and effort for it, ja? Also understand your position as your father's daughter might make it something you have to do, ja?" he takes another bite from his sandwich. Heirs come from someplace, after all.
Lorna Dane "Since when are you such the expert on love?" Lorna asks, her smile becoming amused as she studies Kurt intently. "Did you get all mature when I wasn't looking?" She wonders and toys with her beer, picking at the label.
Kurt Wagner     "Lorna. I have been dating without it getting serious for awhile now. No one of importance. never more than one or two dates." Kurt admits it. "Just abut the time I meet someone, something happens. usually, they meet someone they can take home to mother." Ouch. Kurt shrugs. "You hear it enough, und you start to think about what is important. There is Ms. Right, there is Mr Right now." Kurt is quiet. "Somewhere along the train wreck of mein love life I learned I was nicht looking for Miss Right now." He sounds sad. "Though that is what I keep finding." he takes a pull from his beer. "Trust me, Lorna. The short guy with the blue fur, tail, and amber eyes? He gets loneliness." There is no judgment or guilt in Kurt's tone. if anything, there is a certain quiet, honest commiseration. Sure he has it bad, but that does not mean she does not either.
Lorna Dane "My dad's a terrorist turned politician. At some point with every boyfriend I've had the talk of my dad is ninety something and passes for fifty-if that. I'm the same. There's plenty to scare off mister right." She tells Kurt and looks at him. "Maybe right now we're both in the right now boat and someone someday won't let us go." She leans on the counter and studies him. "Won't that be magical?"
Kurt Wagner     "You are not your father. you are far better looking." Kurt counters her with a twinge of his lip and a soft little laugh. He takes another drink from his beer, finishing that. "Mein mother..." Kurt softly sighs. "Mein mother is Mystique." It feels weird to say "Und when we spoke last, she admitted that within hours of being born she threw me over a water fall to escape pursuit." He slips to his feet to start cleaning up. "Believe me. If anyone in this house can appreciate your situation, Lorna? It is me." that cost him something to say; to admit she would kill him to save herself. "it sounds magical, but a little bit more likely to happen to you. You are beautiful, smart, and under all the politics and responsibilities a decent, kind person. You are a catch." Kurt assures her.
Lorna Dane Listening to Kurt's story, Lorna reaches out to place a hand on his arm. "I'm glad you're here." She tells him and shakes her head softly. "It's kind of you to say I'm a catch, it's not exactly how it feels just now. It feels like I've developed a talent for driving men away."
Kurt Wagner     "That is the circumstance. Not the woman." Kurt assures her. He leans over and down to kiss her cheek and give her a wink. "You are a catch." he assures her quietly. He tosses the beer bottles into the recycling and starts packaging up the sandwich fixings into plastic containers.
Lorna Dane Pressing her fingers to her cheek, Lorna smiles. She watches Kurt pack up the sandwich fixings. Rising after a moment, she walks up behind Kurt and wraps her arms about him, chin on his shoulder. "You're amazing Kurt." She tells him quietly.
Kurt Wagner     "Careful Lorna." Kurt teases. "You will give me the wrong ideas." His tail though? His tail snakes about her ankle. It gives away his physical reaction. After all, she is lovely. "You should say the same thing about yourself. You are fantastic." His smile is warm and he tilts head to look over his shoulder at her, smiling at her in a warm manner. His left brow tilts upwards.
Lorna Dane Lorna it seems, forgot about the tail. Her eyes widen a moment and she searches his eyes. "What's the right idea then?" She asks him, loosening her hold a little as he twists to look at her. "I am always trying to do the right thing."
Kurt Wagner "It is customary where I am from to get attention with a kiss." Kurt instructs. He turns, and his left hand reaches, very tentatively for the top and outside of her hip, as if not sure he should touch her there at all. His tail remains at her ankle. His right hand slowly settles on her left cheek. Hit fingers tease at her hair. He leans forward, totally giving her the chance to back out. He's a gentleman, after all.
Lorna Dane Feeling Kurt's hands slide onto her hip and her cheek, she looks over his face, studying his intent. She presses her lips together briefly before meeting Kurt half way, tentative.
Kurt Wagner     "Nein. I am nicht your brother." Kurt tells her. "Mouths are open when one kisses." His tone is very gentle. Warm. If he is making fun of anyone, it is him. "Careful of the teeth." Say what you will about Kurt Wagner. He can give a kiss. It is a warm, tentative kiss. Seeing if there is chemistry. Open-mouthed, and if returned just a tease of tongue. If you are going to kiss, just kiss. His hands stay in G-rated areas, at hip and on cheek, though the tail ever-so-slightly tightens, as if he likes the kiss, the tip giving a couple of involuntary twitches.