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Diana Prince Diana was on a mission... to unify the Kryptonians on Earth that were doing good FOR Earth. Superman was already i nthe League - everyone knew that - but now, Diana had brought Faora in as well... Superwoman. Faora was a trained Kryptonian warrior was trying to atone for her mistakes... Diana was a forgiving person who would believe in those who wanted to atone.

Supergirl, was young, but the League accepted young recruits, if they fit the ideals of the League, and like her bretheren from that far away doomed world... Kara was doing good for Earth.

Diana had sent a summons to her, to come and meet for a casual chat. She didn't want Kara to be nervous or uncomfortable, so she set the meeting inside of the Museum in hopes it would make the invite more interesting than just some boring stuffy office.

Wonder Woman stood within the museum, dressed in a large blue robe that covered her from head to toe. She was just peacefully enjoying the serenity of the room while waiting.
Kara Danvers Walking in, Kara is well, perhaps a little nervous. The Kryponian teen her uniform, freshly cleaned from the space worm incident. She walks into the museum, tucking her hair behind her ears and looking about with wide eyes. She knows she's here to meet Wonder Woman, the teenager taking a moment to make sure her uniform is presentable and glancing about. She finally settles on the robed individual, walking over slowly and studying Diana top to bottom. "Hello, am I late? I'm not late am I, I had the worst time getting alien worm goo out-" She touches her uniform and shakes her head. "This isn't the right foot. I mean. Hi. I'm Kara Zor-El." She offers and extends a hand, putting on a bright, hopeful smile that's not unlike Kal's.
Diana Prince Diana would turn to face the blonde when she stepped into the museum and she'd stare upon her with her deep blue eyes, a smile would grow across her lips at the others words and she'd gently and thoughtfully dip her head a single time in a nod.

"I know." She told her, and then a little left to right headshake to dismiss the other words. "And you are not late." The black haired Diana Prince said in her non-American accented voice.

Diana would turn to fully face Kara then. "You had an incident... with a worm?" She'd ask, her expression shifting now to one of curiosity.
Kara Danvers "Oh yes. Turns out the century flower was a worm larvae that...bloomed during the eclipse. Power Girl, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, and Superman were also there. Some others. We wrangled the worm, Kal wanted to take it to, you know-" She nods her head northward and shakes her blond locks off her shoulder. "I'm sure it will be happy. It was perfectly docile once the eclipse passed. Anyway-" She sucks in a breath. "Nice to umm," She gestures about. "I mean, thank you for inviting me." Cause Wonder Woman, who wouldn't be a little flustered?
Diana Prince Diana showed a little hint of an amused grin at the story of the fight. "It sounds like you had more than enough power at your disposal to properly deal with the threat, in the moment. So that is quite good to hear."

Diana would turn then and starts to walk at a casual pace. "Come, lets walk." She'd say to the other. The museum was a large space on the main floor of the Justice Hall, it was several corridors lined with art from around the world donated to the museum and most of it was depicting heroic acts and those involved.

"Have you had an opportunity to meet with Superwoman, yet?" Diana would ask then, glancing over. "Another of your homeworld, having found her way here to us."
Kara Danvers "Faora Ul?" Kara makes a face. "I've met with her. She worked with some bad people." She walks with Diana, her hands curling into small fists at her sides before relaxing. "She is trying to be better, but I think I will always be weary. Her...faction tried to overthrow Krypton in her dying days." Kara looks to Diana after a moment. "My cousin is a big believer in living a new life here on Earth."
Diana Prince "As am I." Diana replied, glancing back to Kara. "Don't misunderstand me, I am... obviously an outsider to the politics of your people... But from what I have gathered, Krypton was quite literally starting to crack... I... cannot begin to imagine the political pressures that must have begun to fly back and forth between the parties. Look at our world here, we are in a relatively much better place and you would think our political leaders are all horrible children, at times."

Diana would show a light smile then. "What I mean is that... I believe Faora always fought for what -she- believed in, and that is not inherently bad thing."

Diana would tip her head a bit before coninuing, emphasizing her next words. "I will admit... she -is- a bit 'rough' around the edges, but that is likely due to the years of military service."

Diana would pause walking in front of a statue of Superman. "I just hope you can give her a fair chance, but I believe that you indeed will. Even without me asking for it." She smiled warmly then.
Kara Danvers "It would be unfair...We aren't beholden to our caste system here." Kara looks up at the statue of her cousin. "For me...he was just a baby only months ago. Perhaps that is why he blends in so well, he's had a life here...Faora Ul and I...we must learn a new way to live-" Kara looks to Wonder Woman. "I understand you were like that too-you grew up a warrior, like Faora right? Then you left home and found the world of mankind to be very different?" She asks politely, hands clasping in front of her lightly as she walks.
Diana Prince Diana would glance toward the Superman statue as well, his hands on his hips in a dramatic pose etched out by the artist who crafted the marble figure.

At the question of her own upbringing and introduction to the rest of the world, Diana would just grin. "More specifically - I found it to be very 'gross'." She teased, with a light headshake and a raising of her dark eyebrows as she looked around the room they were currently in. "This building was crafted with a lot of the art and style of ancient Greece in mind, so I do find comfort here in these halls." She put her eyes back onto Kara then. "But... everything outside of it, it still feels foreign to me and it still feels 'poorly maintained' if that makes any sense." Diana would sigh then and her shoulders would settle a little beneath her dark blue robe.

"But there is great beauty in the rest of Earth, it just has to be struggled to maintain a lot harder than my homeland. This is why I am happy to have you here, and your -little- -baby- cousin." Diana showed another teasing smile then.

"It is what has brought me to my question for you and why I asked you here..." A short pause. "I was hoping, that you would consider joining our League here. To fight -with- us to preserve what beauty there is on Earth. United with your kin from Krypton, as well as the rest of us here in the Hall."
Kara Danvers Kara listens, her eyes widen a bit briefly and she lifts on her toes. "Me? In the adults league?" Kara asks and racks her hand back through her hair before stepping in to hug Diana tightly. She picks the Amazon up briefly before setting her down. "That would be amazing. Yes. I am so down!" She squeals and catches herself. With a step back she flushes and adds in her "mature" voice "I mean, I would be honored to join the team, Wonder Woman."
Diana Prince Diana would grin as the super strong Kryptonian would embrace her and then she'd release a light laugh as she was hoisted up off of the ground and set back down again. She'd watch the other step back and try to regain her composure and it would make the raven haired woman slowly nod her head. "I know that there are teams associated to your age, such as the Titans... but I do not think it is a wise idea to separate you from Kal and Faora like that. I believe that you need to be on the same team so that you can flourish together."

"So if you do wish to be with us, we can assign you a room here and work you into the schedule of practices. You are already an experienced combatant, but training as a cohesive team is what is important here. You need to get to know the others on the team and learn what they are capable of so that you can better prepare tactics when the heat is on."
Kara Danvers "I would love that." Kara says warmly and looks at Diana. She tucks her hair back behind her ears. "Really, it would mean so much to me to get to work more with my cousin-and I'll learn to work with Faora, honest." She tells the Amazonian still smiling ear to ear.
Diana Prince Diana's right hand came up from within her robe, she had her armor on beneath the robe which was more visible now with the arm up, and she set it down on Kara's shoulder in a reassuring fashion. "I know you will. You have all the potential of Kal, if not more." Diana would then show a sly grin and whisper her next words. "Lets keep that last part between us though." She'd say. "Come then, I will show you around the Hall and get you setup with a personal living space, should you wish to spend off-hours here."