Owner Pose
Thor It's time to eat. And while Thor is hardly a massive foodie, there are certain things he likes. And so, slightly dressed down Thor usually dresses up a bit more today, going a bit more Asgaardian in nature. Why? Because the first time he was here, that's how he was dressed. And when he walks in he grins, looking over and there's a loud cheer. "THOR! Lady Thor!" Okay so Sif hasn't gotten on a first name basis but she's at least recognized. He walks over and gives the man behind the counter a hug that definitely includes the sound of -something- cracking and a gasp before the man grins. "Patel! Give us the finest meat and yogurt on bread that you can muster! Today we FEAST!" Yes....someoone is excited...for fast food Indian.
Sif Lady Thor.... The Goddess barely refrains from rolling her eyes even if her lips do curve into a smirk. "Don't ever even think of calling me that," is aaides to Tbor as she walks, dressed in leathers and armor, at his side before falling silent while he greets then man. "Hmm."
Krystina Jordan     Walking into the Scharma king, Krystina rubs her forehead. "God it's a hike here, isn't it." She says softly as she sees.....two rather larger individuals in front of her....and one of them bellowing more than a bull in heat. She just rolls her eyes as she takes the list out of her pocket. "really....I guess they wanted something different tonight. Still....why schwarma king?"
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman is...hungry. She's been out fighting the small crimes for the whole durn day! She grabs the backpack that's webbed up on the underside of a skyscraper's ledge and slings it on, swinging down the streets, leaving a trail of onlookers and followers that only a much bigger superhero could beat. She blinks slightly when she spots a bit of a crowd infront of a shawarma place she likes, swinging along until she lands in a bit of a jog to hear the boisterous Thor demaning food and feasts. She looks into the window and smirks a little before walking in.
Thor To be fair, Patel is a good dude. And he's not afraid to tell these foreigners what he thinks. "You can't just walk in here and tell me what to do in my shop just cause you saved the city once. Thinking you're all Mister Fancy pants....I have plenty of good customers waiting in line without you disrupting my food making! Now get back in line and wait your turn Goldilocks!" Of course, Thor looks offended, as much as he can while clearly knowing that this is just Patel's love language - being bossy. Well...that and making excellent food. And so Thor goes back to Sif and seems to be grinning ear to ear. "He's in a really good mood today...." says the blonde-haired deity from another planet.
Sif "I've been asking myself that same question," is said as an aside to Krystina as she moves and lets the girl go in front of her. She's just waiting on... Goldilocks, apparently.

A brow arches at the nickname. "That's a new one..." Look! A wall that needs held up. Sif will handle that. By leaning again it and crossing her arms over chest. "That's a good mood, is it?" Cue the smirk. "I like him already."

A new arrival and Sif cuts silver-blue eyes ovee to her, giving a nod of greeting before looking back at Thor. "So, explain to me again Thor... What, precisely, am I eating?"
Krystina Jordan     "It depends upon how hardy your stomach is. If you have a strong stomach, then it's fiery goodness that will warm your very being and energize you for your next endeavor. If you have less than an iron clad stomach, then it's little more than hell. it burns your throat, gives you hot breath, gives you gas, and burns on the way out." She then shrugs as she orders, before walking over and leaning next to Sif. "Obviously, I'm of the latter." She then looks to Sif and Thor. "Did I come back from Metropolis U to find a cosplay convention in town?"
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman walks further into the place, waving at Sif. Her features are fairly well covered by the mask, but something about the eyes on it emote nicely the little smile she's got on. "Ohhhh It just depends on what you get! But I doubt you'll have trouble with it." She's aware of Thor's companion of course. She waits behind Sif and Thor for them to order. "This place is great though. Best in town. Seriously." She smirks a little at Krystina's comment, looking over at the two in full armor. "No...just a very odd set of coincidences."
Thor He looks to Sif and starts to answer, "Well it's...." and then he listens to Krystina's explanation before he just kind of...nods his head. "That...what she said...though it really does taste better after yo're fought off a Khree invasion," he says, as if that makes sense. "Something about the whole oh god we're gonna die we're gonna die before you don't die and then instead just get to enjoy makes a world of difference." Cause you see, totally legit. Still though, he's about to say something else when Patel shouts out. "Seriously! Stop standing there and flexing. You're gonna tear another t-shirt. Grab yourself and your not so smiley companion and order would you?" Yes, the critics who write and comment about how Patel isnt' afraid to order the heroes around only help boost his business. In truth...when the heroes are here he needs to get them moving and out so his place stops being so stupid crowded wit lookie-loos that real customers can't get in. So Thor approaches and orders the chicken shawarma and...Cherry Pepsi. Looking at Sif, he shrugs, "It's like nectar of the gods if ambrosia had bubbles...."
Sif The Goddess flicks her eyes towards Krystina and grins. "Sounds like a challenge..." Which only makes those blue eyes twinkle in anticipation. "It is a good thing I brought a flask of mead with me then."

Before she can ask what Cosplay is, Spider-Woman provides an answer for Kryztina which means there's a brief flicler of confusion across Sif's features before she turns attention, studying the woman as she gives her own opinion of thw food. "I see.. "

"One... The term 'oh god we'rw going to die' is a ridiculous thing for you, oh God of Thunder, to say. Two... When were you dribking ambrosia and why?" And then her eyes shoot to the man behind the counter and once there, they narrow. "Lady Sif."
Krystina Jordan     "Hmmm...Sif, huh? I prefer your name. 'Thor' is so punnable, but he is the god of thunder, at least." Krystina then takes a deep breath and sigh. She gets herself a dr. pepper herself. "You should try this Sif. It even tastes good when it's hot. But it tastes better with cherry flavoring in it." She says with a smile. "You should try smiling though." but she glares at Patel. "Stop. Seriously. Or the next time something comes for the city...they might 'forget' your shop here exists."
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman smiles a little when the big man orders, walking up shortly after and ordering a spicier beef schwarma. "Might wanna get it right Patel." She says with a little grin, ordering Root Beer and walking over to the side. "She seems not one to trifle with." She says with a smirk, glancing to Krystina at her comment and chuckles, looking over to Patel and shrugging as she leans against a side of a counter. "Customer service /is/ an important aspect of retail ya know. I'd love to have a crowd like this where I work." She says, pulling some cash from her backpack and paying for her food.
Thor Thor Odinsonlooks a little amused and yet, as Sif asks when he drank Ambrosia he coughs a moment, as he puts the fountain drink cup of cherry pepsi to the side a moment. He seems to be trying to think of an answer, and so he does the best thing possible. He takes another bite and points to his mouth. Which only last so long, so, he does the next best thing possible. That's take another bite. Clearly, this plan is fool proof. Nothing...I say -nothing- could get in the way...other than physics really and the fact that the meal in his hand isn't going to just procreate another one for him to eat when this one is done. But still....he gives a thumbs up to Patel who gives a similar salute, only with a slightly different finger because, perhaps in his country, they mean the same thing?
Sif She can't help it. Despite her cool demeanor so far, Krystina makes the Goddess chuckle as she pushes of the wall to go see exactly what it is she should be trying. "What is it?" Yes, there's even a smile coaxed out as the girl snarks.

It's Spider-Woman's remark of not trifling with Sif that has said woman reaching down and casually resting a hand on the hilt of her sword, silently announcing that the woman at the counter is correct. "Thank you both," is said to the human's. She may not like most of them but there's a few...

The evasion by Thor has Sif turning to face him. "Odinson...." A brow arches and she has to fight the urge to grin. "That food won't last forever..." And then back to the women. "You two should join us," is offered as she strolls over to take a seat by Thor.

"I will get an answer from you, Thor. You realize this, yes?"
Krystina Jordan     "it's called Cherry Dr. Pepper." Krystina says as she gets a cup and fills the cup with cherry dr. pepper for herself AND for sif. "here, give it a shot." She then looks to Thor, now that Patel has gone silent, but then back to Sif. "Thank me for what? I'm just trying to be nice." She then winks. "better to be nice than to alienate potential friends. Sasha taught me that."
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman shakes her head at Patel's motion, tsk'ing and wagging a finger at him. She then looks up a little as her food is set infront of her. "Uhhm...I...wasn't exactly planning on staying...but..." She looks at the to-go bag of food and the table the two sit down at. "Can't really say no to an offer like that." She makes her way over, gracefully hopping over the back of the chair and then slipping down into it. The girl sets her food infront of her and thinks for a moment before she pulls her mask up a little until it's just under her nose. "I guess that'll work!" She shrugs and takes a sip of her drink. "And yeah, no need to thank us. You two are awesome."
Thor Patel looks back to Spider-Woman. "Take off your mask and then youc an tell me what to do," he says, though there's not really any venom in it. He likes to put on a good show. it's sort of like that cafe, where you pay for them to make fun of you? Or for Seinfeld fans the soup guy? But with a different accent and slightly less mean. Looking to Sif though, when he's called Odinson, you can see Thor swallow a little bit more difficultly this time. Apparently, Odinson is one of those Defcon levels that warns you an attack is imminent. "Yes...Lady Sif? Loveliest of my Valkyer and sworn shield maiden?" Mmmmhmmm. Distraction didn't work so Flattery might. Thor turns a chair around, sitting bckwards in it.
Sif "Sasha?" This is asked of Krystina a heartbeat before Sif takes a sip of the soda. It's yanked away as her head is pulled back. Her nose scrunches and her eyes squeeze shut. "Why would anyone... Oh.. " She lifts a hand, rubbing at her nose. "It tickles."

Through the tickles, she manages a smile to both women. "It was... most... gracious of you both."

The Goddess rolls ger eyes at Thor, shaking her head slightly. "Mmm... Not going to work, my dear." But it makes her smile none the less! So there's a good chance he's not /really/ in trouble.
Krystina Jordan     "It's rather good if you give it a chance, but it's fattening too. Friggin sugar is high as hell." Krystina says as she walks over to sit with them. "Can only stay as long as it takes for my parents food to get ready. And Sasha is....my best friend. Never really thought I'd say that, but in high school, she was the one who invited me to sit with her in the cafeteria. It's a weird thing too, since I kept to myself, and Sasha....a cheerleader, took a risk to let me join her friendship group. Since then, she and I have been close friends. I expected her to be manipulative as hell, but....she wasn't."
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman looks over at Krystina and nods her head a little. "She sounds lovely." She says, taking a bite of her food, being careful to keep her mask in the position it's in, not sliding up, or down. She washes her food down with some soda. "Yeah...I'm kinda still...technically should be on patrol...but one doesn't get too many chances to sit with the big guys!" She says with a smile, then looks over to Sif. "Guys and girls."
Thor He looks over to Sif. "What is a cheerleader?" Though to be fair, if he doesn't know, it's highly unlikely that the other does.

Still, there's the sound of a song, Black Sabbath's 'Iron man' starts to ring on his ringtone and he pulls out the device, looking at it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s7_WbiR79E "Hello...." he says, while the ringtone still plays. "Hello?" Still no answer for a moment and then he goes 'ah!' He swipes it and says, "Yes Tony!" He seems very enthusiastic by somethign he hears...."Yes, we'd love to come by. Yes, both of us. Yes...she has to come. Yes, she likes you. Why wouldn't she?" There's a few more pauses and he goes, "uh huh....well you two can talk about that....okay." And so he stands up, looking to the others with a smile. "Sorry, Lady Th...." he starts to say it, and catching the look, he clears his throat. "We have to go. Thank you for joining us!"
Sif The question makes Sif shrug her shoulders. "I do not know, Thor..."

And then the phone. And Sif is still happy until... She glowers, a snort coming from her on 'of course she likes you'.

With a sigh, the Goddess pushes up. "It was a pleasure meeting you both. My apologies for cutting this short. I hope to meet you both again."

And as she males uer way out with Thor comes the question of, "Why are we leaving pleasant conpany to go see Tony?"
Krystina Jordan     Krystina smiles a bit. "She is." Krystina smiles more, JUST as a blonde haired woman walks on in, and she's rather lovely, to say the least. "Come on, Krysti. You said you wanted to drive the vette around the city." That's when Krystina pipes up. 'yeah. Mom and dad called and they wanted firehole for dinner." The blonde girl rolls her eyes. "Their loss. I'm going for pizza." Krystina rolls her eyes. "yeah, Sasha...where are we going to put the pizza?" 'In the back silly! It won't move back there!' "Cuz you're holding it!" Krystina goes to get the food and trots her way out, waving to Sif, Thor and Spider woman. "Sorry for the short meeting. We'll meet again soon."

They're outside for only a moment before the other girl's voice pierces the window. 'THAT WAS THOR!? HOLY SHIT!'
Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman looks up a little when she hears the ringtone, blinking and watching the large man fiddle with the phone. She drops her food at the mention of 'Tony', watching eagerly as the man chats and then stands. "Ah...Yes! Of course you do! Go on do what you gotta do." She says as the rest get up to leave, leaving her there to relax and finish her food. Might as well!