Owner Pose
Speed     Noontime in the park, even Tommy (Shepherd) had to admit that it was sorta beautiful out. The lean white haired teen smiles as he sits down on a bench in the shade of the Superman statue. The teen's dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of yellow tinted shades pushed up to his forehead. As he sits he quickly flicks through the cash in his hand, counting. "Hmm, two-hundred," he says stuffing the bills in his pocket and frowning. "Stupid cashless society," he mutters. For those who might look, in a nearby garbage can there's a couple of recently missing wallets.
Vorpal Tommy (Hunter) is of a similar mind. That is, that it is a rather beautiful day out. The promise of snow and misery in the winter is enough to get him out and about and enjoy some R&R before it's teeth-chatteringly cold out there.

He has decided to not use his illusions to disguise his unusual looks, mostly out of mental laziness than anything else, since you can't *really* relax while still keeping a spell going in the background.

He, unwisely, does have a visible wallet, since he is not dressed in his super-suit but just regular jeans and a T-shirt. That that wallet is tied to a chain on his belt only shows how woefully behind the times he is, fashion-wise. That, or maybe he just likes having shiny stuff around. He walks in a leisurely manner, idly licking at an ice-cream cone on his right hand. Chocolate's on his cone, and all's right with the world.
Speed tSpeed catches sight of the chain, oddly, before the giant cat its attached to, speedsters, shiny things, it happens. He begins zipping in that direction when as the world speeds up to match his perceptions he takes note of where the chain goes and comes up short, skidding to a stop at the cost of a good deal of shoe rubber. "Hey, Vorp, what's up?" Tommy covers nicely, pulling his hand back. It's a coin toss if he's going to look larcenous or just like a weirdo.
Vorpal Vorpal nearly jumps out of his skin when Tommy skids to a halt near him. It's a bit embarrassing, because there is a bit of the jump back, the crouch, and the wide eyes in preparation for an attack that doesn't come.

And then a couple of blinks, until he gives the silver-haired young man a good look, a look to the glasses, and says "... Speed?"

Quiet-like, because he has learned discretion from Robin. Sort of. "You're not... you don't have... you're civvied up," he says, as he comes up to the other's side. Granted, so was he... but Tommy Hunter had it harder. There was no mask and no bodysuit on earth that could hide his appearance. He needed Hocus-Pocus for that.

He tries not to draw attention to the weird gesture. For all he knows, that's how speedsters say 'hi'- the Titans didn't have a speedster (something he had harped to Starfire about because it seemed like a requirement these days) so his expertise with them was very limited.

"I see that ankle's not giving you trouble anymore," he says with a grin.
Speed     "Whoa, sorry," Speed says when Vorpal goes full cat jump scare. "I forget how you snails react to superspeed sometimes," he says, yeah, that's right, totally... He rubs the back of his head and says, "Yeah it's me, I hope you don't mind me just coming up to you and laying the codename on you in public, I just figured with, y'know, all of this," he gestures at Vorp's face. "You probably didn't keep a low profile. I'm sorta' the same really, my suit's great for speed work, but my face? I'm just a dude wearing a pair of goggles."

    He give a a little shrug.

     Glacing at his ankle he nods. "Yeah, good is new, ribs too, I heal fast, but hey, thanks for letting me crash after the thing with the shadow guys, big help."
Vorpal "Hey, it's no big deal, we unusual folk have to stick together. Even snails and roadrunners." He looks at the ice cream cone which, miraculously, had not fallen out of his hand. But it is melting quickly, so he tries to remedy that situation as fast as possible by licking it fast. "Have you found another place to crash at yet? If not, you can always use my pad until you do. I spend a lot of the time at the Tower."

"And yeah. I can't really hide my identity unless I do something special. But I decided today was a day I could go without it. So... I guess that you know my 'true' face and me knowing yours..."

He holds out his non-ice cream hand as he walks, as an offer to shake hands. "Might as well tell you my name. I'm Thomas Hunter. But you can call me Tommy-----aaaaaauuuuuuugh!"

He squints and scrunches up his face.

"Oh god... like... a stiletto made of ice... in my brain..." brainfreeze. He is in agony for a couple of seconds and then... begins to lick it again. "But so good..."
Speed      "True," Speed agrees and says. "Yeah, renting a spot here in Metropolis for the moment, but I've got plans to move as soon as I can track some people down. Don't suppose you know any X-Men do you?" he asks off-hand before accepting the offered one for a second before drawing it back when the cat-man screams in pain. "Oooh brain freeze?" he asks with a pained look for Vorpal. "And hey, I'm Tommy too, Tommy Shepherd."
Vorpal The cat laughs, "No way. We're both Tommies? Maybe we should start a band." The Cheshire offers his hand again, and says "It's a pleasure to meetcha officially, Tommy. As it happens, I *do* happen to know some... a certain blue fuzzy elf, though I haven't spoken with him since I transfered out of the school. Do you need any help? I could get in touch with him or Dr. McCoy."

"I take it you're on the mutant side of the spectrum?" he asks, curious, while nibbling on the cone now that the ice cream proper is gone.
Speed      Speed snorts. "Yeah, we can call it the Tom Cats," he says with a grin before shaking his head. "Nah, not in trouble, just looking for them," he pauses a moment considering what he wants to just come out and say here. "I was at the big fight with Darkseid and saw what they could do, sort of want to see if they'd let me join up," he admits looking down at his feet before he looks back up. "And yeah, I'm a mutant," he says, his eyes watching he people around him for signs they heard and might take offense. Like he's hoping for it. "What about you, I didn't figure you were a flatscan with all of that," he says gesturing towards Vorpal's face again. "What's the story?"
Vorpal The young man reaches out and puts a hand on Speed's shoulder while looking ahead with a big, Cheshire grin. In case anyone gives a disapproving glance, and there's one or two, he doesn't glare them down... he *grins* them down. It's a more subtle, and unsettling, way to do it.

"I'm not a mutant per sse, but I figured that I could learn a thing or two about my own powers at the school. I don't know if you saw Nightcrawler do his acrobatic thing or not, but the guy moves through the air like a fish through water. He's just amazing. And he teleports, too! SO, of course, I was all 'Sensei teach me...'"

He chuckles and shrugs, "It's going to sound totally balls-out cuckoo-nanners insane, but my story is that I am, basically, the Cheshire cat. As in *the* cheshire cat, emphasis added. I'm also Tommy. It's a bit of a...." he removes his hand from Tommy's shoulder to make a few gestures, as if he were trying to compress something with both hands into a small sphere, "... soul meld? Yeah. I am two souls melded in one. I'm basically walking chaos magic. With fur. Which means summers are my death. Which is incidentally how this happened to me- I died. So... how about your origin story?"

He hmmms. The ice cream stand is coming up. "You fancy some ice? My treat."
Speed      Speed snorts at Vorpal's approach to the whole bigot issue. "More fun my way," he remarks but lets it go. Though both guys get a fair bit of stink eye from him before he does. "Wait a minute, there's a school?" he asks suddenly interested, like he's going to run there this second. "You know where it is?"

     The rest of it, is sort of ignored, Speed is hung up on the idea there is an X-Men school. "Me? Mutant, got powers at fourteen, captured, experiments, went to Genosha for a bit, back now, but seriously, there's a school?" There will be time for longer stories and ice cream in a minute.
Vorpal "There's a school where mutants and other powered folk can learn about their powers. It's a really nice place, I can set you up on a contact. I only went there for half the summer for some training with some of the teachers... but I have contacts there. One of my friends also graduated from the place, so... anything I can do to help you. It'd be my pleasure, one Tommy to another."

He approaches the stand and says "Gimme a mandarin orange one, and whatever my friend wants." His demeanor is easy and confident. It's as if he assumes people are going to treat him like a regular person. The funny thing is that they usually *do*... unless the person happens to be irredeemably bigoted. Nothing can change that. But it's almost as if some people are embarrassed if they don't meet the silent expectation that has been set up.

He looks at SpeedTommy and muses on what he said. Captured and experiments. That can't have been an easy childhood. "Have an ice cream sandwich, too. My treat." Because ice cream heals all wounds. At least, it does in his book.
Speed      "Yeah?" Speed asks when VorpTommy offers him an in with the school. He considers it for a moment then nods, "Sure. If you know some people, I'd be grateful for the introduction. If I knew anyone worth knowing I'd return the favour too," he says giving Vorp a clap on the shoulder. He follows Vorp to the stand and considers the list. "Chocolate for me and the sandwich, but I'm paying," he says producing the wad of bills from earlier and slapping a twenty down on the cart. "I already owe you too much, man, so my treat." While the guy with the cart scoops up their ice cream he says, "So, wait, you're -the- Cheshire Cat? Like from the book? How does that work?"
Vorpal "Well, Wonderland exists. It's just... not here. A dimension apart, but close enough to this world that sometimes things 'bleed' between them. When a connection between this dimension and that dimension happens, they're called 'Rabbit Holes.'"

After getting their ice cream, the cat grins at the vendor and they proceed to walk. Tommy warms up to his subject while he cools down with the ice-cream, "Alice Liddel went through one such Rabbit Hole. Wonderland is a... realm in flux, more subjective than objective. It's hard to explain. But that she survived the trip and came back was admirable. So... naturally... the part of me that is the Cheshire Cat was intrigued by her and decided to follow her." He shrugs and his bare feet kick a stone that's in the path. It bounces off a trash can and makes a loud *bang*.

"A lot of stuff is fuzzy. I don't have all of the memories nor and all of the knowledge. But I do know that something happened to my soul. Rent. Torn in half. I wish I knew the rest, but this half of my soul was trapped in a magic mirror belonging to a British magician when I crossed over, and it stayed trapped there. I guess I was lucky enough that I... Tommy, that is... went to the exhibition at the Museum where that glass was being shown. Some supervillains showed up, boom boom, explosion, and suddenly I was flying through the air and into the mirror."

He thuds his broad chest with a fist, "Splurt. Big ol' shard right through the heart. And that's how two became... this mess of a person." He chuckles and gestures to himself.

"It's an interesting experience, but I don't recommend it."
Speed     "Huh, so all of that was real, the book I mean?" Speed asks around bites of his ice cream. The chocolate first, the sandwich has a wrapper, it'll keep longer. "And I think you kind of lost me with all the magic stuff. So basically you're half the Cheshire Cat, that was stuck in a mirror that ended up stuck in your heart?" he asks. "Because, wow, that's kind of messed up. So now you're like one half someone else forever? What's that even like? I can barely share a room with someone for too long without going nuts, I can't imagine sharing a brain, or a soul or whatever."
Vorpal "Well. IT was real enough. Alice exaggerated some things, and I suspect Samuel Dodgson embellished others. But the rough outlines? Sure, especially the parts that paint me as a completely awesome and cool cat." He shoots Tommy a grin, and then sits down on one of the park benches, crossing his legs under him.

"It's... not like you'd think. It's not like we're two separate people sharing one body, but ... I guess the best way I could put it is that I died, and I was re-born back as these two people in one. Sure, at the start... it was disturbing. I kept changing my mind, my thinking was *very* chaotic but..." he takes a second to lick a trickle of orange that is falling down the side of his cone, "Eventually I think my human side sort of helped tether things. Sometimes it's confusing, when I think about my past, because I've technically lived two lives at once and establishing a timeline is... tough. Especially on the Wonderland side of things, because Time doesn't flow evenly there. Not since it got angry with the Hatter, anyways. And personality wise..." He shrugs.

"I'm sort of more outspoken and shamless than I used to be. I take more risks, and I tend to find things funny that... some people don't. Sometimes my team-mates get cross at me for making jokes in the middle of combat. And I am bad about thinking about consequences. Like.... I used to be the kind of guy not to go up to a guy I liked and just let it be. I'm not like that anymore. But I also don't think about what will happen if he turns out to hate me, or not like guys in general, and how awkward things will be after that, for example." He shrugs.

Then he grows a little quiet. "Sometimes? There are times when it all comes down, to be honest. It's usually late at night when I'm alone and thinking. Then it seems like who I am is just this great big sham and neither side of me is real. That *I'm* not real and I could just vanish into nothingness with the slightest breeze." He turns from his ice cream and looks at the other Tommy. "That time is a little scary, because it seems as if mirrors have turned into doors, and they're inviting me to go through them. But..." he takes a deep breath, and a hint of the smile returns, "It never lasts long, and I've had the good sense to never be curious enough to try to go through them. That would be... mad, right?"
Speed     Speed listens while he finishes his ice cream cone and begins to tear into his ice cream sandwich's wrapper. "Wild, so there's actually a Wonderland, and most of that trippy stuff happened? Huh." He pulls the wrapper open and tugs out the sandwich and zips off and back to dispose of the wrapper, it takes less than half a second. "As for the cat living in your brain, dude, I can't even imagine, sounds like a raw deal to me. I mean, the confidence is cool I guess, I was born with that, so I can speak from experience, but the rest of it would mess with my head," he gives that head a shake. "I guess that's the thing with powers though, I mean, take me. I am super fast, but so's my brain, it's faster when I run but-" he stops walking. "Right now, standing still, the whole place seems like it's a video game with with some serious lag issues. Drives me nuts. Like I want to just make it stop, but I can't, I'm a mutant, I've got powers and powers have drawbacks, it's the way life goes for mutants and the rest of post-humans," he says the last in air quotes.

     Speed finishes off the sandwich at his speeds, which is to say fast, "About feeling the pull to go back through the mirror, I dunno man, part of me would say Wonderland's got to be kind of cool, but if you don't think the door goes both ways, best to keep fighting it, at least, that's my two cents."
Vorpal "Yeah, I am not really jonesin' to go back. There's too many cool things here... and I have family and friends. Both old ones..." he tilts his melting cone in Tommy's direction, "And new ones gere. But... should we keep walking? I don't want you to have to feel like you're on pins and needles sitting down. It almost sounds like you've got what the Mad Hatter got when Time decided not to run for him. You've got my sympathies."
Speed     Speed nods, "Yeah, something like that," he says and starts walking again, putting in a little bit of speed so he's caught up all at once. "And fair enough, if it were me? I dunno, I might chance it but there's nobody much here worth sticking around for, but who knows maybe this school will be a good fit. First time for everything. So, what do they teach? Just powers or like math and whatever too?"
Vorpal "You get the full education treatment, so if you've had some holes, it's always useful. And they do have help for tuition, too, which is always nice." He doesn't want to assume Tommy's situation, but having lost all your stuff does constitute a hit, even if you weren't doing too badly before.

"Of course, there's also the Titans, but we don't offer the education these other guys do. Of course, I'm speaking from purely selfish reasons- I think it'd be great to have a speedster in the team, especially if it's someone as cool as you... but hey, you gotta go where it's best for you. I'll be happy to set you up on a meet with them. And-" he raises a finger, "They have a pool. So, I don't know if as a temp student I am entitled to go back and enjoy that... but if you get in, you better fricking invite me over for a visit in the late spring so I can get some pool time! We don't have a pool at the tower yet. And that... blows so much!"

The cat keeps up with Tommy, working quickly through his ice cream. Yes, there are brain freezes, but he just can't resist the taste...
Speed     The mention of tuition has him frowning as does the idea of regular schooling. "I dunno if I can handle an actual sit down class like I am now. It was hard enough before I had powers, and just how much help do they give on tuition?" he asks, because other than what he's been able to lift he doesn't have much.

    The rest gets a non-comital nod, "I've heard of the Titans, they're cool, but I want to check out the school first, y'know, they're my people, mutant and proud and all of that, even if it the school part is going to suck."
Vorpal "When I spoke with Doctor McCoy, I got the impression that help was very ... flexible. I am sure they will be happy to have you." He could be wrong, but he hopes he isn't. He had a stable family and the chance at an education, he feels Tommy should get a shot of that.

"Well, I like to think of all of us as your people. But I know your meaning, too. Just know that if you're ever in a dire strait, you can count on me. And the Titans, too, if it ever comes to that."

He chomps down on the cone. "So.... how does someone who *lives* at super-speed have fun? I'm curious now."
Speed "Well, if the school part is optional, then that might work," Speed says his mood improving now that the prospect of school has been lifted from his shoulders. The rest gets a slow nod, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those brotherhood types trying to kill anyone who isn't a mutant, just something happened recently that made me realize-" he frowns at himself. "Never mind it's lame, but let me just say, don't get me wrong I've got nothing but love for my fellow post-humans I am just craving some mutant company right now."

The short answer to Vorpal's question: crime. The answer he gives though, "Man that is the question. Movies are boring, games and music are slow, so I mostly read or run or hang out with people, you know, clubs or whatever. Anything that passes the time."
Vorpal "Nah, I totally get you. It's why I spend time with the Titans and any meta or mutant I know most of the time. Some people don't really understand the things we go through." He licks the last of the ice cream off his fingers and tosses the kerchief away in one of the trash bins.

"Well, we should hang out more often. I often tend to run into Strange Adventures," he makes the air quotes "Since I'm chaos magic and I tend to attract them, so I seldom have time to get bored. Here... let's trade phone numbers. I'll try to get in touch with Dr. McDee this week and forward you his info. When you get in at the school, call me and I'll help you move your stuff. With my Rabbit Holes it's literally a one-step process." He grins and pats Tommy across the back, "You're going to have to tell me what clubs are fun around here. I was too shy to hang in them before becoming a mirror kabob."
Speed     Speed nods. "Something like that," he agrees with Vorp's assessment before he snorts when the cat-man offers to hang out more. "If they're the all like our last adventure I am not sure I'm down," he says with a smirk. "But yeah, we'll hang," he says before nodding he takes out his phone for the swapping of the digits. "Cool, call me anytime you hear back from that school, as for clubs, haven't found any good ones here yet, I know a couple in Mutant Town that are great though, so we'll check em out, y'know when the repairs are done."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am innocent. He was already dead when I got there."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Yes! Technically yes. The group is inactive right now until I find a leader for it, because there is no way in hell I am going to be leader XD"
Vorpal Vorpal holds his breath. Is inking. With brushes. for the first time. Freaks out.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Lemme take a quick snapshot and put it up so you can see..."
Vorpal Vorpal blinks and just now noticed someone throw a Jabberwock bean at him.
Vorpal Vorpal gulps and keeps at it. "Time to ink in the sky....."
Vorpal Vorpal slaps a censor bar on James' mind and then gives J'ohnn some oreos to compensate. "Nobody should have to see *that*."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "J'onn, don't read my mind unless you're curious about what an acid trip is like. By the by."
Vorpal Vorpal eyes J'onn. "Well... I alwayd did want to see how Martians tripped out, so I guess it's a win-win!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Now I need to wait for it to dry so I can try ... washes."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "That was not Emma Frost. Emma wouldn't be caught DEAD in that wig."
Vorpal Vorpal stares at his ink pot. "Okay.... just... gotta create an ink wash gradient. Easy peasy. Totally."
Vorpal Vorpal is doing the washes. "Oh my god this is unnervgn."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "There... I think... that is enough for inktober today, I thin."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I mean I think itt's enough for a first experiment. Now, to sign it"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Because it's a parody of how stiff and formal Mr. Graydon is."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "This scene is kind of cute, too. When she types the letter, she does it by tap dancing."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "But if you stand with a parasol, you would be passable shade on a sunny day."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Jacky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQwi_urJd2I the next one is my favorite song from the musical."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Candy is all over the place, she's a dancer. Dancers can't help but coreograph all over the place. Look away, next thing you know they're twirling from the lamp."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I mean, just watch Liza Minelli trying to turn off one lamp: https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/lamp/n13456"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And of course you happened to say that as I was sipping Bailey's irish cream. Timing."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Maybe I could get a nice secretarial position somewhere. A day job that doesn't get me attacked."
Vorpal Vorpal looks at the drawing and pouts. "Okay... I'm leaving it be."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "We need someone for Damian to dictate irate letters to."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Dear Tim. You suck. P.S: Grayson was better than you, AND HE SUCKED!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "That is precisely why you must be Damian's personal secretary."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "You have known me for how long, and you only now come to this realization?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Bird. Gar and I took Damian to an amusement park, sugar-bombed the kid who had never really been sugar-bombed before, and took him on every extreme ride there was before taking him to the games of skill."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Aright, let's see what the theme for Inktober's ninth day is."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Tomorrow it will have to be a doodle since I have rehearsal at night."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Thank you, Alfred, but I don't touch the stuff. I'm trying to be a role mode here."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Yes, I think I will draw me some Dinah tomorrow!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Oh, hey! day #21 has a perfect theme under which I can draw America."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "How dare you build up my hopes and then shatter them so cruelly?"
Vorpal Vorpal is saving his vacation time to spend two weeks in his home country with family. "One week down, four months and I'll have two weeks."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "When the Reese hits the sky like a big piece of Pi, that's... not amore, but I'm sure Brainy knows exactly what it is."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "How great? Like, Catherine the Great? Or great like a small pony?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Sorry... mostly brain dead. Long day. Awful day. Long rehearsal. Little brain."
Vorpal Vorpal decides to post the full text of the Eic of Gilgamesh there, just to make it longer!
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Do you know what a pain in the tuckus it is to format stuff for posting? There's only so far I will go."
Vorpal Vorpal posts Finnegan's Wake, which turns all the BBoards into a circular post.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Don't eat the apples if they are being pushed onto you by dodgy old women."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "If they are women, but the apple is golden, run away or you're going to start a war with Troy."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am not! Eris threw that golden apple and you know it!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I should go to Asgard and sample some of that cider, Thor."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "War is not a bright side! Not all pantheons have Hojotohoing women who pick you up after you die and take you to an ever-lasting rave."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And I call shenanigans on that, Mikh. Seriously, who is the most beautiful? Athena and Hera really thought they had it over Aphrodite?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I'm more of an Athena fan, to be honest, Lark."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "But Hera had it rough. Everything she did except, you know, the killing of the offspring, was justified."
Vorpal Vorpal peers at Cassie. "Well... you're technically his daughter in only one of your versions..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "How on earth does Sif's wedding down fit THor. Aren't you like... three times broader across the shoulders?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "When do I get my invitation to tour Asgard, then? I'm all about whacky and wild. Heck, I'm from Wonderland."
Vorpal Vorpal is kind of a C-lister, so he tends to stay around the C and B list circles.
Vorpal Vorpal isn't really active. But he has an excuse, because he's gotten swallowed by opera until the end of October.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I wish I could help, Thor. I'm unfortunately mostly useless until this is done."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "'Oh, I can totally play an FC'... and then opera season comes around like 'You will lose all you hold dear!'"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Yeah, Brick wants to join the Titans. I've tried to help but... schedule....AAAAAAH."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Jimmy, I need a sidekick. Wanna come work for me?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Yyyeah... her moms kinda are several levels more awesome. No offense, but you can't fly."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Half of me does. I don't think Wonderland issues those, though."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "But when you can create tears in the fabric of space to bring two places together... things like immigration become really hard to define."
Vorpal Vorpal opens the Rabbit Hole with Paris as the destination, and stands exactly in between, with one foot here, and one foot there.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Well, I am standing in two cities at once in two different countries. I am actually curious how bureaucrats will figure that one out!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... I'm totally going to be taxed twice, aren't I?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "If you are not punching holes in the definition of space, what is the point?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Man... you are not the god of Thunder. You are the god of sucking enthusiasm!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Kara, we should hang out sometime. If you don't mind slumming!"
Vorpal Vorpal smirks, "I meant with me, silly. I'm sort of the Matti of the Titans."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I ... actually don't know how to cast spells, you know."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I mean, the things I do, I do by instinct. But I never went to Wizardschool. I COULD learn! I just... the only person I could ask that I know of is Raven, and she scares me."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And don't let Gale hear about that. She's still not letting me live down that thing with HYDRA."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Adric. You know, I've told him. He used to be Arbiter Fabulous on City of Heroes."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Hah.... so apparently it looks like he came up with his logo at around the same time I created Vorpal's logo."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "We just got into an argument about who is actually the evil one."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Peng, if I weren't half a step from collapse.... I'd totally volunteer."
Vorpal Vorpal yawns. "I think someone's working on an M&M place, a little birdie told me."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "You just need to get yourself a hold of a sack of magic. A whole bunch of it. Kryptonians are allergic to it."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "If that fails, just throw someone magical at them in the hopes that they'll explode and get fairy dust or something on them."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I don't know, Juggs, I'll find out more tomorrow when I'm... sentient, and I promise 'll keep you updated."
Vorpal Vorpal is kind of braindead from three hours of opera rehearsals, "And a little on the punch hapy side of things."
Vorpal Vorpal grins. "My favorite quote: "Flash, Flash! I love you but we only have fourteen hours to save the earth!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "How can you NOT like Brian Blessed? All that schmaltz!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Well. You would probably run into me. And probably break my bones."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I don't know. The last time I heard teeth, it was Gary Busey trying to whistle..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... I had a golden retriever once that did what he just did."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... Oh crap. So THAT is why I am my own grandfather now...."
Vorpal Vorpal tugs on J'onn's cape. "Can I have an internship at the league? I'm good at fetching coffee. And Oreos."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And +list if you want to be hit by it all at once."
Vorpal Vorpal sits down to do some memorization work. May be slow.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I used to be there, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away."
Vorpal Vorpal grabs a box of frosted flakes and starts sprinkling them about for effect.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... clique your heels three times and say there's no place like +home?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Do whatever else you must with that hand, but do not commit that to infamy and immortality!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "If you feel the need to badmouth someone, I'm always a good go-to choice."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "We can take a deep breath and muse upon the many ways in which I am Satan made MU*nifest, instead."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Long story short (too late)- in the course of one's life there are disagreements, some people leave, some people leave with them, some people stay. And everybody likes sweet tea."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Does that sound like a more or less good conclusion?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, ".... sweat te- Alfred, what kind of butler are you?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... have you been giving that stuff to the Bats? Because that explains why Damian is half deranged."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Disagreements. Coming and going. We're here now, though, and we have the choice to delve on something pleasant. Or at least funny."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Is it evil of me that I would probably post a video of the sound of music's "So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye" just to see how many people I could infect with earworms?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Now he's going to compose and angsty song about living in the cul-de-sac."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Bring your knees up, step in time, bring your knees u- ... wait, you weren't quoting Mary Poppins..."
Speed Speed says, "Hey Vorp. Couldn't think of a cool name on the fly."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Juggs, I forgot about finding out about that M&M place."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "My brain has taken a beating today, otherwise I would have remembered."
Vorpal Vorpal leans back on Colette. Now who is hoding WHOM up??
Vorpal Vorpal looks at Colette. "How have I spent all this time thinking I was the maddest one here?"
Vorpal Vorpal gives his stripes to Colette. "You win. You can Cheshire from now on."
Vorpal Vorpal throws the bean jar at Colette and sulks in a corner.
Vorpal Vorpal goes to take a quick shower. Tiptoes out of the room.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I may have decided to go over the opera in my mind since the run-through is tomorrow. Now I am a prune."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Kian... I think I have found the empress of all drag queens."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "When we first met, she was my padawan in the ways of nonsense. Then she clearly must have trained under a waterfall."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Kian: When she does that death drop from the ceiling? She broke a bone in her foot. She did the whole routine like that."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "There is nowhere you can fly that I cannot reach!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "If I stays up there much longer, he's going to become a frozen chicken!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Almost as good as having a portal that can take you anywhere!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Pens and inks, a whole new world that has been opened to me."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Thats ok. I have friday to catch up. I'll catch up on friday. No rehearsal on friday."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Drop to the ground, Gold. My legs are getting tired."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Sometimes it's hard to tell what's channel chatter and what's the voices in my head."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "You were being abused by Superman before people knew what Stockholm Syndrome was."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Come work for me. All you have to fear is my social media account."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Admit it, you adopted Jimmy just so you could treat him like the red-headed stepchild that... he is. Well."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "We are the red-headed league and we are going to avenge our brethren!"
Vorpal Vorpal grabs Jimmy and pulls him in. "The red, united, will never be... somethingsomethingited!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Is this the bit where you go to another planet to find a bride for Superman who ends up looking exactly like you and which nobody, for any reason, finds uncomfortable at all?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am referencing an actual comic where that happened, Boo."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Can I move to Asgard? Loki would toooootally hate me. Or we'd get along great."
Vorpal Vorpal leans in on Booster. "A 64 on the IQ test?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I don't know why Booster cares about girls so much. He is already so married to himself, dating anyone else would be bigamy."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Jimmy, I can get trying to run away from Clark, but this is selling your soul to the Devil, if the Devil were Fabio."
Vorpal Vorpal starts chasing Booster, "I will teach you how to LAUGH alright, you Meg Ryan clone gone bad! Get back here!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Pffft, he's such a joke. He is weak to MAGIC, for crying out loud."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Sprinkle him with fairy dust and he breaks out in hives."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And you've never really bothered to learn how to fight formally..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I'm just sayin'. If I were a villain, I'd try to Red Sun you."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I'm a Wonder Woman fan, so both of you suck!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I'm sorry, but the whole 'I will kill him with this spear'.... Clark. The woman who clearly had traiing in weapons and was the only person actually doing something with Doomsday."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Oh, I know. You were just a total idiot in that ending."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "In all honesty, the Kryptonite was probably making you go all dumb."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "... I have no excuse for why Bruce didn't go "... Dude. The amazon warrior. Just give it to her.""
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Balder? What do Asgardians do to have such glorious hair?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "So... they build resistance against bad things, by shampooing twice!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Kian and Kaldur need to learn about chocolate. Poor, deprived folk."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Booster, a first glimpse of your planet from space has been known to make grown men weep."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Of course, they usually don't have egos the size of the planet in question."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Kryptonians can survive in space... I think they have the cold covered, Balder."
Vorpal Vorpal waits for Balder to bring out an Asgardian horn and play the norse equivalent of 'Careless Whisper.'
Vorpal Vorpal looks at Mera. "Hm. I guess Atlantean men are more attractive, but they alway smell like the pools at Sea World."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am forever barred from enjoying that pleasure. It is the cross I must bear."
Vorpal Vorpal frowns at Mera. "Garfield? You mean Beast Boy? I haven't heard him talk about Lasagna..."
Vorpal Vorpal observes from the ground, "I would probably be a grey jedi. Mostly because black robes are so goth, but white robes are so hard to keep clean..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I can't blame them for deciding to go with the cool names, Diana."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I have tried to convince Kori to rename the Titans as the DOOM PATROL. But for soem reason she is contrary to that idea... but. Cool name. With 'Doom' in it."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Weee represent, the Teddy Bear guild, the Teddy Bear guild..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "..... Oh.... go to hell, Windows.... suddenly I have 2 gigs free in my machine because of update.... and you need me to free up more? WHAT ARE YOU DOWNLOADING?"
Vorpal Vorpal tries to slay whatever it is that is taking so much space.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I always try to have at least 100Gig free there, so...."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am not even doing digital art on this computer. Normally Clip studio paint's stuff and backups take a whole bunch."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Here, Di- from rehearsal tonight, while I try to fix this. https://soundcloud.com/maus-merryjest/per-rendermi-beato"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Di, I have another one: https://soundcloud.com/maus-merryjest/the-heart-hopes-and-fears this is the other thing I recorded from tonight's rehearsal."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "This is in the rehearsal hall, so the rest of the performers are moving and stuff."
Vorpal Vorpal comes back with his next life. "Kara, let's talk about hug intensities and feline ribcages?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Di, I hate to say it, but your comic sucks again :("
Vorpal Vorpal says, "That's ok, just remember I only have a set number of reincarnations."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Oh crap.. the Schultz home has burned to the ground."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Charles Schultz's home, that is. All of the Peanuts stuff in the home burned down, too."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Yeah, I started with pens then brush pens, and now I am going into brushes."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "It's not terribly effective. And then if you happen to sneeze, you need to get the stains off the carpet..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "Oh man, that's going to take forever to wash out..."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "And then there was the famous venetian red. And, of course, Sienna brown."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "That's why my digital stuff looks like the eighties died of Cholera."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I think that with me it's more of a fear of using bold colors."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "It's a school *I* sent you to. What were you expecting?"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "But remember, I get an invite to use the pool!"
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I am sure the professor has the proper filters installed."
Vorpal Vorpal is inking now so he ill be slow to reply.
Vorpal Vorpal says, "For one, you'd be, like, super old. Like, REALLY old."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "In which case... you probably have gone to Cher's plastic surgeon."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "How could it? Superman was involved. And he always had to teach you a lesson."
Vorpal Vorpal tries to ink this second drawing. "Wish me luck, I might suck again."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "It's ok Blue, I was born in the eighties. I get the reference, but I insist I am a virus!!"
Vorpal Vorpal opens his mouth... and closes it, realizing there is nothing he can say that won't backfire horribly.
Vorpal Vorpal groans. "And Windows is giving me the ultimatum that I need to update or we'll do it for you, natch. I am going to log off for a bit and let the thing do its thing, and trip down to the art store to get me some white ink."
Vorpal Vorpal says, "I'm going to ink somethng right now. When I'm done, I'l be scenable"