Owner Pose
Tatum O'Neal Being the Home Ec teacher at Xaviers was not a busy job, lots of free time. Having finally gotten transferred to the Music teacher at the Academy was awesome but even *less* working days then Home Ec! Not to mention that some of the students grumbled that Ms. O'Neal was a slave driver compared to Allison Blaire, otherwise known as the rockstar Dazzler.

Having free time, Tatum decided to go back to her roots. When she used to attend Juilliard on her world, she would come to Central Park and play to share her music with the world. It's been years since she's been in the park with her cello, but she's feeling nostalgic.

And so, the goth sits perched on a bench, her Stradivarius held lovingly between her knees. Bohemian Rhapsody. As she plays, the tragic tale of a young man that has messed up his life almost seems to come to life.
Kyle Rayner Ahh... New York... the city that never sleeps. Or... well... it's not so much that it doesn't sleep... It's just that it's gotten really good at short, cat-naps throughout the day to keep energy levels up. Kyle yawns as he floats languidly over the lush greenery of Central Park. He had finally managed to extricate himself from the company of the lovely, and extremely persuasive pink-haired dragonfly-winged girl from the previous evening... who had somehow convinced him to go to not 2 or 3, but 5 or 6 of the loudest, crowded night clubs that Kyle had ever been subjected to. And that includes the disco on OA when DJ Kilowogg takes the turntables! Shivering a bit, he swoops down a bit more, landing on one of the paths. Ahh... a bench... Hobbling over to the bench, Kyle crosses his legs and massages his calf. "My aching legs... " How she had managed to dance that frenetically for so long was beyond him.

As he sits on the bench, enjoying the day and the incongruity of being in a lush, wooded area in the middle of an urban skyline, he hears the strains of a cello floating through the air. He listens, unconsciously bobbing his head and tapping one hand on the back of the bench. "Huh... pretty good." he muses to nobody in particular. A squirrel pauses, regards him and continues burying an acorn. Curiosity finally wins over the young Lantern, and he reluctantly hauls himself to his feet and starts walking down the path in search of the music.
Tatum O'Neal A small crowd has formed around the cellist, people throwing money into her case. Not that Tatum needs the money. And frankly, their dirty money in her pistine case is a little offensive. What if something goes in there that scratches 'Baby'? The song comes to a close and there is applause. Only when the song is over does Tatum open her eyes and nods her head politely in a bow. The appreciation is nice, but it's the smiles on their faces that are the true payment for her work.

New people arrive to watch, others leave to go about their day as she starts a new tune. All of Me by John Legend. Her music takes ones breath away. It's almost as if one can feel the love that the song perveys, causing one to think of whoever it is that they love most in the world.
Kyle Rayner It doesn't take long for Kyle to find the source of the beautiful music. He rounds a corner and comes across a small crowd of people eagerly pressing in around a young girl, eyes closed and swaying with her cello. It's oddly graceful, watching as she glides the bow across the strings, at one point, gently caressing, and at others, flying from string to string in a frenetic, complicated dance of horsehair, wound string and fingers. And the sound... the sound....

They say that the cello is the only instrument that most mimics the human voice. And this girl, whoever she is, coaxes the wooden instrument to soar stratospherically, or to growl with an earthy growl, each voice distinct, but combining together in a beautiful harmony. He's so taken, that he doesnt even realize that she's stopped playing, the sound of her last onte still echo'ing in the still morning. The audience cheers enthusiastically, and Kyle finds himself doing the same.
Tatum O'Neal Opening her eyes after playing the love song, Tatum once again bows her head. She'd forgotten how much she loved playing in Central Park for passersby. More so then the NY Philharmonic, seeing the faces on the people was worth the cold. Speaking of the cold, it's affecting her Strad, her beautiful 'Baby', so she stand and takes a bow, getting ready to put her precious instrument away.

And that is when she sees the all too familiar, at least to her, green suit of a Lantern. Oh hell! Tatum tries to think. Has she done *anything* in this reality to warrant their attention? Do they deal with dimensional hopping? Is he here to take her back home? Just after she has gotten used to this world? Her movements become more frantic as she starts to put away her cello, wanting to get out of here fast.
Kyle Rayner Kyle looks at the girl as she's putting her cello away carefully. And then notices the panicked look that she gives him. Huh... that's the look that criminals usually give him when he's... In a sudden shock of horror, he looks down at himself. He had totally forgotten putting his uniform back on after escaping from Pixie's ... um... well, yeah. He had forgotten that he had put his uniform back on... Now he notices the other passerby's all staring at him... Because... you know... He is a Green Lantern... Mentally berating himself, he holds up his hands and approaches the girl slowly.

"Whoa... whoa... I... um... I just wanted to say that I really liked your cello playing." Kyle says lamely, still holding up his hands. "I... um... I mean... You're... um... you're quite good." Kyle grins, hoping that it's reassuring... and not creepy.
Tatum O'Neal Costumed superheroes are a dime a dozen in New York, almost as common as cops these days. And then there are the cosplayers, dressing up like their favourite hero as an homage! And so, Kyle doesn't get as many stares as he would expect. But the young woman does indeed look panicked by Kyle's presence. Which means she must know what a Green Lantern is. And doesn't feel safer by their presence. Interesting.

She looks up to Kyle to smile at him, hoping that it looks convincing. "Thank you," she says when he tells her he likes her playing. She gives 'Baby' one last loving gaze, stroking the wood of the body almost intimately before closing the case. Musicians are weird. It's an instrument, not a lover! "It used to be the only thing that made me feel... at peace." The lid is secured and she stands, lifting hte case and grabbing a backpack nearby.

Taking a deep breath, she lets out a sigh. "So... you just here for giggles? Or are we needing to worry about the Eltharins again?" Ugh! Eltharins. Little bastards. Their adolescents are the cause for more UFO and alien sitings in the US then any other race. They just love to kidnap drunk folk in some rural area and implant false memories of probing and worse as a prank. It's like cow tipping for humans.
Kyle Rayner "Oh... you know about... I mean... um... no? Unless... that is to say... you're reporting about Eltharins?" Kyle is a little confused. "Is .. is that even a thing around here?" Seeing the girl get defensive around him, he raises his hands up again. "Honest, ma'am. I just um.. really liked your playing. That's all." Kyle backpedals, obviously seeing that he's freaking the young girl out. "Look... I uh... I don't have any money to tip you with... uh..." Kyle pats his uniform in the universal sign of "I don't have my wallet." He pulls out his iPhone and pulls up a Starbucks app. "But I can buy you a coffee? Tea? Chai? Do you like Chai? I just started drinking it... Fantastic..." Kyle is rambling. He knows it. "... uh... hot chocolate?"
Tatum O'Neal The goth arches a brow as the Lantern as he seems shocked she knows who or rather what he is. Okay, so clearly not here for her. She visibly relaxes. "I know about... what? What a Green Lantern is? Yeah. I've had my run ins with your kind. Mostly cause humans up in the black are rare and so we get noticed. But I promise, my days of travelling off planet are over."

She chuckles at the offer of drinks and nods her head. "I would love that. Not chai though. I'm a bit of a chai snob, so only like it homemade." She still eyes the man warily, as one would a cop. He may not be here for her but he's still a cop and she has a 'record' with the Lanterns for galavanting off planet. Well, she does on her dimension. On this dimension, she has no such record.

"And don't call me Ma'am. Even my students don't call me Ma'am. I'm Tatum." SHe offers a hand. "And the only time I've known Eltharins to come this close to a city is when they are paid to."
Kyle Rayner "Tatum." Kyle nods, testing the name. "Nice to meet you.... Look... is it the uniform? Is that what's bugging you? Tell you what. You see that Starbucks on the corner there? I'll meet you there. Let me just change ... um... somewhere a little more inconspicuous..." he offers, pointing across the street. Smiling, the green aura around Kyle brightens and he floats upwards. "It'll just be a couple minutes, all right?" The man floats further and further until he's out of sight.
Tatum O'Neal "To be honest? Yeah. Like I said, I've met you guys before." She looks up at the sky, smiling. "I did two years up there. Planet to planet. Meeting folks, playing music for my keep. Running away from my responsibilities. You know, typical college aged shit." She looks back to Kyle and lifts her shoulder in a shrug. "You know how it is. Get a bit of a record for space galavanting and you worry the po-po is here for you when they come around."

She lets him fly off and get changed, wondering how that works. If she had to put on her uniform right now, she'd be screwed. It's all the way back in the mansion. She heads into the Starbucks, ordering and finding a warm corner to sit in and let her cello slowly come up to room temperature. Yes, taht means she paid for her tea. Kyle will have to raincheck that.
Kyle Rayner There is a commotion at the front door of the Starbucks. There's a shout, and raised voices... and then finally, a, "I'm SORRY, ok? I didn't see you there!" Finally, after a few terse seconds, Kyle Rayner, dressed in more regular looking clothes stumbles into the coffee house, still apologizing. "I'm sure it'll just... you know... you could blot it... Or... um... club soda? I hear that works well?" There's more yelling, possibly screeching. And Kyle visibly winces. "Yeah... well, I'm sorry!" He calls out, and then shuffles in, shoulders slumped. Looking around the small cafe, he spots Tatum off in the corner, and his face falls as he sees her already with a mug of tea.

"Ahh... well... I was hoping that you would have... I mean..." Kyle starts to say, and then stops himself. "Sorry. I mean... Thanks... for... you know. Thanks for at least having a hot beverage with me. Give me a second to get a cup?"
Tatum O'Neal Looking over at the commotion, Tatum has to cover a smile. Okay, this Lantern is not as smooth as the last one she met. It's actually kind of cute, in an awkward puppy whose paws are still too big for its body sort of way. When he arrives to her, she looks down at her tea. "Well, see, this way, you still owe me a tea. Lets me see you again." Is she flirting with him? "Always good to have a Lantern for a friend."
Kyle Rayner Kyle smiles. The first genuine smile up to this point. "Absolutely, right? Though... I mean... Unless you really are a... well... I've never heard of an intergalactic threat that moonlights as a cellist... and neither has my ring," he says, touching the ring on his hand with his thumb. He finally gets his cappucino from the indifferent barrista, and sits down across from Tatum. Taking a sip of the hot beverage, he looks at her again. She really is quite striking.

"So... you're a ... traveler? What brings you to good 'ol 2814?" he asks conversationally, leaning back in his chair.
Tatum O'Neal Tatum remembers that she probably shouldn't be flirting with the guy. She's almost a married woman now! But old habits die hard. And he's just so cheek pinchingly adorable! She laughs softly, sipping at her tea. "I don't think I was ever really a threat. Just notable because, other then the Lanterns of this sector, there aren't a lot of humans out there." She leans back, crossing her legs and letting the foot bob up and down. "I am from this sector. Born right here in New York. Got cold feet before my wedding and ran to the one place I couldn't be found. Up there. Came back two years later to find Earth really changed. Then ended up getting swapped to this dimension. So I doubt if I did have a record, that you'd have it. I was never born in this dimension. I don't technically exist."
Kyle Rayner Kyle nods slowly. Hard to believe... a couple of months ago, and he'd have chalked this experience up to another bad swipe on a dating app... But after becoming a Lantern? He's quickly learned that nothing is that out of the ordinary anymore. Hell, he went on a week-long team-build where the PLANET they were on was one of the team members. "You'd be surprised..." Kyle says, sipping his cappucino. "I mean, about humans... being up there. There are a bunch of us. Not to mention, all the time travelers. Man, those guys are the worst." Kyle laughs, holding his hands up in air-quotes. "I can't tell you what not to do, because that will change the timeline, but boy am I going to yell at you if you do the wrong thing."
Tatum O'Neal Tatum has to laugh, though the comment about time travellers hits a little close to home. "Hey, it's not that you are doing it wrong, just... different!" She spends a good hour talking and laughing with Kyle, just enjoying his company before she tells him she has to be going. She hands him her business card though. A teacher at Xavier's Academy. "Call me if you ever need a cellist. I want to get my damn space suit back. It looked so damn good on me."