Owner Pose
Kitora Alua Westchester County is so BORING on a Sunday! All her teachers disappear doing who-knows-what... leaving her to be totally bored. So - she does what she normally does. Grabs a bunch of snacks and portals to the city. She has set up waypoints out of the way so she can get herself to hte city, and once arriving, still glowing with her rather eerie-looking aura of power floats up towards the rooftops. She lands on a rooftop, stretching, looking around, keeping her power going, chewing on a protein bar.
Cindy Moon     Twhip! And who should happen by, but one of the members of the Spider-Bite club? Silk swings by Kitora's rooftop, acrobatically flipping through the air before landing not far off on an nearby, but different rooftop. She lands in typicaly spider-pose, kneeling and on her tiptoes as she watches the world far below.
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua hmmmmmmms. She steps off the edge of the building, walking on the side of the building she's on - then drifts twoards the building you're on, turning around inthe process, landing on the side of the building - then steps up onto the roof quietly. She just watches curiousl for now, beofre saying "Hello!"
Cindy Moon     Silk seemed aware of Kitora long before she arrived. There was a certain awareness to her that is extra-natural. She looks over her shoulder at Kitora, bowing her head quietly. "Hello!" she offers, chipper and friendly. "Woah. You're awfully... red... aren't you? Not that its a bad thing, just, super red. No other colors. You know, some green would look nice."
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua shrugs. "It's not the way my powers work, "she muses, grinning, raising an arm (that a line of bright red light can be seen inside). "Even if I wore something of a different color, my aura would overwhelm it. You can call me Rift, "she states. "Just... visiting town for the weekend bedfore school starts on Monday."
Cindy Moon     "Ah. Silk. I haven't been in school in.. uh.. eight years." She offers, not looking particularly old. "How is school these days? Still full of math? Boring subjects?" she wonders curiously, "Which school do you attend?"
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua smiles. "Oh - math. Physics. Some is boring. I find physics pretty interesting - because I giggle when I realize what of the laws of physics I violate. I go to Xavier's Academy up north. Just came down for the weekend." She hmmms. "No school in eight years? Lucky. You don't look old enough to be... out of high school eight years..."
Cindy Moon     "I've got a young face. I get that a lot." Silk offers simply. The truth is much sadder. "I don't think I've ever heard of a Xavier's School. Up north? Okay." Silk offers softly, with a little shrug, not asking more. "Have a favorite Subject, Red"
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua hmmmms. "Physics and home ec," she muses. "I love to cook. And I love to eat more. Excessively so, by some accounts." She shrugs. "What about you? When you were in school, what did you like?"
Cindy Moon     "Hockey." Silk replies simply, "I was way into playing hockey." There's a certain melancholy to the spider-woman's voice. "That was a long time ago, though." she says, "I didn't mind school in general. It was good times. Lots of friends."
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua ponders. "How did you get up here, by the way?" she asks, then studies your attire. "Hmmmm... oh. Let me guess. You're related to Spider-Man or... something?" she asks, frowning. "I'm just guessing by that outfit... and the codename." She shrugs. "I'm a mutant."
Cindy Moon     "Yeah, in a way." Silk offers. "Same kind of power things going on, you know. Spider stuff." she shrugs quietly, "And I swung up here. Spider-silk. Silk, like a spider." she states, "Must be hard being a mutant." she continues, "I remember what it was like when my powers arrived, as it were. It was.. difficult."
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua nods slowly. "When my powers quickened... they almost killed my parents. They tore my house apart." She sighs softly. "That's why I go to Xavier's - it's safe for... my kind." She smiles faintly. "But I use my powers now to master them. So there are never any more accidents. That and they're just cool."
Cindy Moon     "Yeah. I wrapped my parents up with webs. They promised they'd find a cure. I think I get how that might feel." Silk says, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. It isn't easy to grow up knowing you might hurt someone." Silk takes a slow breath, quiet.
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua shrugs. "That's the point of Xavier's School... they helped me. I am in full control of my powers." She blinks. "Perhaps I could talk to them? You're kinda like a mutnat, right? Maybe they can help?"
Cindy Moon     A School. It hadn't occurred to Cindy to try a school. "Well, maybe. Probably not a good time in my life to bring a bunch of danger to kids. I tend to bring chaos where I go, these days." Silk replies. "But maybe I'll stop by." she offers, "Thanks." she looks off into the distance. "I should probably get going. There's some trouble out there. I can feel it."
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua nods. "You can?" she asks softly. "Well, I don't know where I'd be going. Good luck with... your trouble... maybe I'll start portaling home." She nods as she focuses, as a tear opens in front of her, opening into a portal as a matching one can be seen on a distant rooftop to the north.
Cindy Moon     Silk nods towards Kitora before she leaps from the side of the building- falling fast. She surely can't fly, but a blast of webbing from her finger-tips and soon she's slinging through the city without a care in the world.
Kitora Alua Kitora Alua raises an eyebrow. "That looks like a LOT of fun," she muses as she walks through the portal to the distant rooftop.