Owner Pose
Melinda May The pasta and Plastic Band party has pretty much wound down for the night, Darcy having been shooed off to sleep in her own quarters already. May is helping clean up the kitchen, carrying the last of the dishes in from the living room.

"Barton, I need to have a chat with Skye. Go try to beat your archery score in the shooting range again, please."

After Clint has departed, she looks at Skye over the saucepan she's currently washing. She's going to give the kid one chance to try and make excuses or offer explanations or whatever. But only one.
Skye Johnson There's a slightly wide-eyed 'help me' look cast Clint's way as he's shooed off, but really, she's not surprised by this happening. What she was mostly surprised with was that it hadn't come earlier. Or.. maybe that it happened tonight, not say, next week.

Skye's got drying dute. And bringing the miscellaneous remains back into the kitchen to be dealt with. And while she gets that look, Skye isn't precisely certain what it is May is going to lecture her about. So she goes with the most obvious, "Okay, yeah. We're seeing one another. But you knew that?"
Melinda May "Obviously." Clearly, there is more that May is wanting to hear from the younger agent. "Seems to have happened out of nowhere, though. What's the story?" She rinses off the saucepan and sets it next to the other dishes waiting to be dried. "Because it really did seem to me like one day you were eight kinds of indignant, and the next day you two were joined at the hip." Or something else in the lower torso region.
Skye Johnson There's a crinkle of nose from Skye, "What? You're the one said I should make connections. Hell, you're the one stuck us together in that training session." She shrugs, swiping at a plate with the lone teatowel in the place, and that by virtue of coming with the kitchen set (oven mitts, hotpad, teatowel. Skye didn't even know what it was for until May showed her).

"I don't know. We got talking after that, and he came over with some frou-frou beer to say hello. Caught me making ramen for dinner and dragged my ass out for real food. Nat came along and things kind of got out of hand."

She doesn't make eye contact as she rushes over that whole ending there, setting the mostly dry plate on the counter and reaching for the next.
Melinda May "Out of hand?" That's not-at-all subtle prompt to elaborate. "Also, I heard that you and Natasha didn't hit it off well. What happened there?" Because usually, Nat and Clint are just this side of a package deal, so having one like Skye and the other NOT is ... interesting.

With the last dishes washed and that tea towel no doubt nearly dripping wet from drying, May snags it out of Skye's hands. "Go get a small towel from the bathroom. A clean one, please." She takes a moment to wring as much water out of the tea towel as possible then hangs it over the oven door handle to dry while making a mental note to make Skye's next training session include a trip to a Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Skye Johnson Skye deals with getting a towel first. It gives her an opportunity to figure out how many shades of truth or lie she's about to lay out in front of Agent May, and whether or not she thinks she'll get away with any of it.

As it turns out, towels, she has. Of different sizes, even. Despite her lack of culinary skills, it turns out Skye likes being clean. Towels are one of the few things the girl has a normal human quota of. And they're even of the decent sort as well. Two hand towels are brought into the kitchen, one held out as an offering to May.

"Nat and I still don't get on. At least not the way you mean it. I think she's decided to tolerate the fact that he does like me and let it go at that."

Again Skye shrugs, setting the towel she holds down, and poking through her cupboards to see which one it was the plates went into again. That, and it gives her an excuse to keep her attention elsewhere.

"Nat walked in on Clint and I at this pub and made some remark about if it was a date, she'd leave. He kinda jumped a little too fast on my saying it wasn't a date and she was welcome to join us. Made some joke about he wished he was dating me. Blah blah.. shit happened. Somehow by the end of the evening we both hadn't declared it all a joke.. and we like each other. Kind of a lot, actually."
Melinda May Taking the offered towel, May finishes drying things then wipes down the counter. While Skye's explanation is thin on details, the gist is there. And that's enough, really. "Sounds to me like you need to go have a chat with Natasha as well." She leans against the counter and crosses her arms. It's not the usual intimidation gesture, though. "Because you really don't want to be on her bad side for the long term. And whatever put you two at odds needs to be dealt with, sooner rather than later. Imagine what could happen if you and she are sent out on a mission tomorrow."
Skye Johnson May is given a look. "What? What happens? I tell you what happens. She does her job. I do mine."

The young woman shakes her head and goes into the fridge, scrounging around for a beer, finind nothing but the frou-frou stuck at the back. "Figures. Whatever, getting kind of used to this crap anyway." Popping back out of the fridge, opening the can, Skye declares, "You don't have to tell him I like it."

Not like he doesn't know that already, but still, principle.

"Look," Skye sighs over a sip out of the can. "We had it out. That whole thing at the bar? We had it out. The whole while we're bitching at one another, there's this constant side order of snark passing over and through Clint, like he's this bit of glue between us. Keeps us from killing one another. To quote her, we don't have to like one another to work together. Not sure what you think there is left to deal with. Message loud and clear, she doesn't like me, but she'll die before she lets that interfere with the job."

A pause. "Feel better?"
Melinda May May takes a deep breath. "For now. I just have to hope that you and she don't get stuck in a life or death situation together. Because you don't feel you can one hundred percent trust the person at your back in a bad situation, it could get very bad for you both." She's not doubting that either of them will do their jobs. She's just been around long enough to see the worst possible scenario. Multiple times. And how people react when stuck in those scenarios. There's no room and definitely no time for doubts or second-guessing.

"But, if you don't think that can be worked out, we'll just have to flag both your profiles to make sure you're not thrown onto teams together unless there's plenty of backup or neither of you will be going anywhere dangerous."
Skye Johnson Skye turns slowly, giving May a long stare before setting her beer down on the kitchen counter. "Is that some sort of slur on the fact that I don't play well with others? Because I get it. I get I wasn't a team player, but what makes you think out of anything I've done when the chips were down - hell, even in fucking training sessions - what makes you think I can't be trusted to watch her back like it's my own? What kind of piece of shit do you think I am anyway?"
Melinda May May's eyebrows draw together in a faint frown. "You need to calm down. I'm not accusing you -- or her -- of anything. I'm saying that when bullets are flying you have a third of a second to decide if you're going to move so a bullet hits you or hits her, you won't have time to THINK about it. In that kind of situation even an eyeblink is enough for someone to end up dead."

She sets the towel in her hands on the counter and moves to take her leave. She really did NOT need to be reminded of old scars tonight.
Skye Johnson "No, you are too accusing at least one of us, and I'm pretty sure it's not her. What I do has nothing to do with whether she likes me or not. You honestly believe that of me, then you should never have recommended me for promotion. Seriously. Shoulda have flat out told Fury there was no way to get me on board and let me walk because that.. that there.. you pretty much just said I can't be trusted to be there for my teammate."

Skye leaves her beer on the counter and marches herself into the livingroom, where she parks her ass on the couch. "Real fucking great. Fucking get with the program only to find out the program didn't get with me. Whatever."
Melinda May May stops short of the door and turns to stare at Skye. "No, I'm saying that I didn't completely trust a teammate and in a firefight they ended up dead because I hesitated. I did. And I get to live with that. I'm trying to make sure that doesn't end up happening to you." And then she's out the door. But at least she takes care to not slam it.
Skye Johnson Skye sits there for a moment, glaring at her ceiling. "Oh, for fuck's sakes. Really? Seriously? I am not equiped to fix these things. I am not the better person here!"

All the while dragging her ass off the couch to head off after May, because after her fight with Nat, the one thing she'd learned was part of the fester was leaving. And, unlike Clint, they didn't have a nice catch phrase to say what sort of cooling off period was needed. Not to mention.. this could very well turn into another of this 'need to flag the pair of you so that you're not thrown onto teams together' because of a lack of trust.

The young woman heading out of her unit to chase after her Senior Officer. Good thing Skye's in the boonies and literally at the end of the residential hallway here. There's only one way to head after May..
Clint Barton Clint, as one might expect isn't great at following orders. So, he's lingering in the hall tapping away at his phone when May makes her exit. He looks at her as he passes, a questioning eyebrow raised. Less like May's vulcan thing, more like what the heck is going on?

If he doesn't get an answer he asks Skye when she appears, "Well that didn't look good," he remarks falling into step with her.
Melinda May May is walking down the hallway away from Skye's quarters as if absolutely everything were completely normal. Because she doesn't throw punches at walls even when she wants to. And yes, she noticed Clint loitering there and just kept right on walking.

Not good, indeed. She gets to the end of the hall and turns the corner.
Skye Johnson Skye rolls her eyes at Clint. "No. In fact it isn't good. Not one bit good. We are not leaving me alone with normal human beings anymore. And I am not letting her march off without us clearing the air. Frou-frou beer is on the counter in the kitchen. I just cracked it open. Have at."

She continues on her march after May, and unlike the other woman, she's not walking, she's doing a trot down the hallway, intent on catching up.
Clint Barton May blowing on by was to be expected, and when Skye fills him on the details. "Thanks, but I'll tag along, no leaving you with normal people right?" Clint echoes to her, matching her strides with his. If she pushes the issue, he'll back off, but for now, he's got her back.
Melinda May Apparently, May's attempt to escape -- or whatever she's going to claim she's doing -- is thwarted at the end of the hall by the elevator. She's already given up on it and is turning to the adjacent stairwell. At least she's not moving like she's angry. That's a good thing... right?
Clint Barton Clint follows quietly, this wasn't really his deal but he was along anyhow. May being cornered wasn't a good start though, so he offers to Skye. "Maybe we should let her go blow off steam first," he suggests.
Skye Johnson Skye shakes her head. "No. No way. Not after what she just threw at me back there." She marches on after May, but stops short of being able to touch or be touched by the woman.

"We need to talk," she tells May firmly, not looking pleased one single bit. "Because this?" She gestures between them and May's standing right next to the elevator waiting, "Isn't going to happen. Not just like that it isn't. You don't get to dump that shit on me back there about how you don't let things fester, that they might come back to haunt you when you need to count on your trust in that person the most. Who the hell do you think I'm most often going to be stuck with until hell freezes over? Huh? You. That's who. So, no. You don't get to lay that on me and run."
Melinda May May stops with the stairwell door open as Skye marches on up and confronts her. She lets the kid speak, then with likely infuriating calmness, she glances between the couple. "We're not discussing this in the middle of the hallway." Then she proceeds into the stairwell proper, though she stops with the door still held open as if expecting the others to follow.
Clint Barton Clint lets Skye past and watches the confrontation while leaning against the plain walls of the residential wing. When the discussion's moved to the stairs he nods, "Fine by me," as he steps into the stairwell with them and then slipping past the pair takes a seat on the ascending stairs. "This is really between the two of you, but yeah, got to agree with Skye, sooner this is hashed out the better. So what's going on?"
Skye Johnson Well, /that/ was unexpected. Most of the wind knocks right on out of Skye's sails with May's reply to her, though she wouldn't be herself if she didn't toss off a "I'm not the one who left my place. We could have talked about it there."

Still, she's willing to follow May. If it getes the other woman talking, she'd do pretty much anything at this point.
Melinda May "We could have, but I don't trust that the walls don't have ears." And with that possibly cryptic reply, May stepts around Clint and starts climbing the stairs at a steady but not hurried pace.

How long will it take either Skye or Clint to cotton on to the fact that May's without her normally everpresent jacket-of-too-many-pockets?
Clint Barton Clint gets up when May heads up the stairs towards him, letting her pass. The jacket thing goes unnoticed, but then he's not around May as much as Skye is. "You're kidding right?" he says about the bugging. Though he had to admit, that wasn't something he'd put past Fury. "This place sometimes..." he says with a shake of his head as he waits for Skye to join him before following after May.
Skye Johnson Clint gets a shrug and a look. "Fucked if I know. Though it would explain a lot." Like Fury. Well, okay, the pair hadn't actually even tried to be subtle, so really he coudl have found out more ways than one. But it did remind, "I was going to do a sweep after that whole Wade thing. On my list. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?"

Or tonight. It could most definnitely be tonight.

And speaking of ears.. May always carried hers with her. More, even. Hell, Skye knew because she's handed them out on more than one occassion...

And that's when she sees it. May's not got her jacket of many things on. Which isn't just odd, it's *very* odd. Which leads Skye to thinking.. how how happenstance was this little blow up anyway? It really did lend itself to the perfect cover for a private conversation.

Note to self, Skye: White noise filters. They'll notice the lack of chatter. Rig something up to create background sounds that cover.

And with that thought tucked away, Skye follows on after May.
Melinda May May leads them up to where her office is located and lets them in. There's here jacket, hung over the back of the chair at her desk. She pulls something out of one of the pockets before sitting down, then toggles something on the USB stick-sized device and sets it on the desk.

Clint could likely recognize it as a signal scrambler -- the kind of thing used for covert meetings with fellow agents out in the field where there's a risk of electronic surveillance.
Clint Barton Shady spy stuff. This is why he didn't like working for SHIELD. Give him world ending chaos with the Avengers any day. Also, he definitely is going to be borrowing some sweeping gear when he heads home.

When May produces that device, he adds one of those to the list as well.

Clint closes the door behind him and leans against it, arms crossed. "We good now?" he asks.
Skye Johnson Oh, Skye might not be in the field, but she's not dumb either, and she's got a fair good notion of what it is. Hell, she's already requested something similar from R&D on what she needs for the upcoming mission in a similar fashion, but more geared to keeping their communications frequencies from being tapped into and listened to.

Paranoid Skye was paranoid. And Hydra had been into their systems without being found out for entirely too long for her comfort.

Skye hovers near a chair, hands on the back of it, not sitting, but not doing the door jam pose Clint is. "So, back there, in my rooms? All an act?" Not all, she thought. May had looked upset enough. Still, there was enough to ask the question. "What's up?"
Melinda May May shakes her head no at Skye. "Not an act. But not something I want the grapevine getting their chance to play with, either." She pauses for a moment, then offers a one-word explanation to Clint, who will likely have heard of the mission, it was several years ago, and before Bahrain. "Kuala Lampur."

Then, she starts to explain in more detail for Skye, laying out the general mission plan, with an agent slightly younger than May in command and her in place as an interpreter (and covert backup). She describes how the mission went wrong, and where, because the agent in charge had been giving contradictory orders and dismissing her suggestions, she ended up not trusting his calls to bug out and was nearly one of the casualties. And she was one of the lucky ones that survived.
Clint Barton Clint nods, when May brings up the mission in question. It'd been a rough one, he'd known a few of the agents who didn't make it back. He runs a hand through his short hair to rub the side of his head. "Sort of an extreme example don't you think?" he offers May.
Skye Johnson Skye listens, it's evident by her stance and her frowning silence. And when it's over, she shakes her head. "Okay. I hear you. I'm just not sure what that has to do with me and Nat." Oooo, Nat, not Agent Romanoff. Geeze, Skye, live dangerously much? "She'd rather chew off her own left leg than fuck up on a mission. She's not going to do anything just because she doesn't like me. Hell, it's her fault Clint and I are seeing one another. Think given the nature of our fight that she'd have moved heaven and earth to not throw us together."

There's a pause. Then, "But why the cloak and dagger. I mean, fine, I didn't know, but who do you think is listening in?" Other than Hydra, and even then Skye had fine tooth combed their sytems, and frequencies and passwords were all changed. Eveyone was supposed to. It wouldn't have stopped anyone internally from tapping in since then, but externals should have been right locked down.

The young woman, again, reminded that she'd made a large oversight in not securing her own suite separately. Live and learn, skye. Live. And. Learn. But was SHIELD that double-dealing?
Melinda May "I'll be honest, I initially walked out of your quarters because I was angry." May finally turns to plug in an electric tea kettle in the corner of the office. "By the time you caught up to me, though," she shakes her head. "But I didn't want to explain all of that in the middle of the hallway. There are still people that hold grudges against the agents that did come back from that mission."
Clint Barton Clint looks over. "Not me, at least, not any more. Still miss Zhang though," he mentions, so maybe she wasn't entirely off the hook with him for it. Still he wasn't raging on it either.

After that he looks to Skye, trying to see where her head was at.
Skye Johnson There's a slow nod from Skye as she digests that. "I guess. I mean, it makes sense. I still don't think it's an issue with me and Nat.." Though Skye pauses, frowning. "Though I guess that depends on how much of my background she knows. Pretty sure that won't sit well with some here."
Melinda May May looks over at Clint again. "Zhang was a good agent." And that's probably about as close to an admission of guilt as she can manage. "But your'e right, Skye. I don't know where you and Natasha stand. As long as you are truly sure yourself, that's what matters."

And just then, the electric tea kettle starts to sing a little electronic song. Quite annoyingly chipper, really.
Clint Barton "He was," Clint says before he moves past it and considers the rest. "Well, Skye, you and Nat still have a couple sims to run, right?" he asks. "If there's any hint of something wrong there, let me know, and I'll do what I can to smooth it out." It wasn't an easy offer to make, being between Nat and Skye, was the last place he wanted to be. "Though, Nat being Nat it won't come to that."
Skye Johnson The kettle going off saves Skye from making an immediate comment, the young woman finally taking a seat. She looks thoughtful, before shaking her head at Clint. "Not really your job. It's our fight. And, like Nat said, she doesn't have to like me to do her job."

There's a wry chuckle from Skye as she leans an elbow on May's desk. "I might not have Nat levels of dedication to the place, but I like to think I've shown I can be trusted on some level here. It won't come to that, though."

Besides, Skye has shown an alarming tendancy to speak her mind and jump in with both feet. It's not like she's incapable of having it out with Nat all on her own.

A referee might be nice, though.
Melinda May May takes another moment to shush the kettle then start a pot of tea brewing. It smells very minty, not like regular tea. "Then the only other suggestion I can offer is to mind your language a bit around the Triskelion. I personally don't care if you cuss enough to make a sailor blush, but there are agents about who still believe in an air of professionalism around HQ." She produces three mugs, a silent offer to the other two if they want to sample the mint tea. "Watch Darcy. She's worse than you at times, but she knows when to turn on the brain to mouth filter."
Clint Barton Clint smirks from where he leans against the door. "Somehow I think part of that was meant for me," he remarks with a laugh. "She might have a point though, at least until you pull off this op make your mark like me: annoying, but too good to let go."
Skye Johnson Skye crinkles her nose. "Not in my presence she hasn't. Whatever. Loud and clear."

"Well, given I've had my fingers inside of out entire computer network, pretty sure Fury is leaning heavily on the one of us side. Everyone else?" Skye shrugs. "What I do isn't flashy. If I do it right most folks won't even notice anything happened. I'll still be that girl.. 'hey isn't she in IT? Maybe she can retrieve your password, Frank, let's ask her'." Which only makes Skye roll her eyes and chuckle.
Melinda May "There are worse ways to be recognized." May doesn't elaborate, even though there is clearly a story behind that comment as well. She pours some of the aromatic tea into a cup for herself only, since neither of the others seemed interested in requesting any for themselves.
Clint Barton Clint pushes off from the door. "What? None for me?" he asks May with a smile. "And I'm not sure about that Skye, do enough ops like this and word will get around. Before too long people will be looking at you and whispering, oh that's Skye, she hacked... I dunno, a whatever sounds impressive and overblown in computer stuff," he says grinning as he fumbles the end on purpose.
James Barnes As the trio spoke in Agent Melinda May's office, Bucky was.....well exploring, to put it bluntly. He started walking through the hallways, as if looking for something...or just satisfying his own personal curiousity. He wore simple clothes today, just a black jacket with a longsleeve red shirt underneath, coal-black jeans, combat boots, and a different beat down baseball cap.

He overhears a little of the conversation in the office, but not much...thus does he just kinda keep his distance....at least for now. Instead he starts looking around more.
Skye Johnson Skye laughs, "You really know fuck all.. er, nothing about computers, do you, Hotshot? We really have to fix that. And I don't know. I'm not really bothered by it so much. Okay, I am a little bit. I don't know. I mean, I used to be impressive. Nobody knew it was me, but I was impressive. People in the know did talk about me that way. Sometimes it feels like a step down here."

Which gets another laugh. "Just a face amongst thousands now. And oh, tea? Please. It smells good at least."
Melinda May May pushes that first cup toward Clint, then fills a second for Skye to claim before finally filling the third cup for herself. She is also very much aware that the archer is faking his computer ignorance. After all, just working for SHIELD requires at least a certain amount of technical savvy. But, if he wants to play the hayseed card, she's not going to stop him. It'll blow up in his face eventually.

"I suspect that joining SHIELD with a reputation already in place has its own share of difficulties, Skye. You should ask Natasha about that at some point." Or maybe Barnes, though he's been a bit scarce of late.
James Barnes As Bucky was walking about, something strange catches his attention....a smell, small and slight, but something trackable....Peppermint? Curious. Bucky turns on his heel and starts following the trail to Melinda's office...where it holds agent May herself and agents Sky and Clint.

EVentually, he arrives, looking in. "....Hello." he greets simply. "..Mind if I come in?" he asks humbly, but politely all the same.
Clint Barton "Oh come on, I know where the on button is most of the time," Clint teases as he collects his tea and sits next to Skye. "All joking aside, I'm game, to learn."

He takes a sip of the tea glancing towards the windows to May's office. "Well if we want to ask him, he's right outside," he says just before Bucky enters. Clint looks to May, this was her office, her call who could come in.
Skye Johnson Skye snorts, as she takes her mug of tea. "Trust me, I don't want most here seeing my profile. And I've seen Bucky's. I like him. He's okay." She gives an easy shrug, and grins back at Clint.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You can turn the thing on. You probably know the easiest tricks I have. But if you want I can show you a few that might be useful."

And in walks Bucky. "Speak of the devil. Tea and saying his name. Who knew that was all it took. Hey Barnes."

He might remember her from the security clearance in the break room the day the Hydra attack went down. She's the one with the snarky mouth who was acting as relay when all the systems were either blind or down.
Melinda May May looks up as Barnes appears as if summoned. "Certainly, Barnes. Come in." She pushes that third cup toward him in the now too crowded for its size office, and digs up yet another cup to fill (only partway) for herself. And that's all of the tea gone.

"We were just discussing the potential problems of joining SHIELD with a reputation preceding you as compared to being a technical nobody."
James Barnes Apparently Bucky arrived precisely when he means to...or when three people apparently gather in his name, as such, he is summoned. Or so a rumor will probably sound in that order. He does manage to smile at Agent May when she allows him in. "Thank you."

He enters the room with a soft step, though he does smile a moment to Skye. "I've heard that a few times...though who knows?" he sheds some form of humor through his stoic and reclusive demeanor. "I remember you....You're Skye, right?" he asks curiously....but then his attention is stolen once more by May.

Accepting the tea given to him politely, he nods, taking the cup into his hand to sip on it lightly. "Thanks.."
Clint Barton Nodding Clint says to Skye, "Sure, pick a time Keyboard and I'll show up to class," he says about learning some new tricks.

He shifts over when Bucky enters, giving the man room to get his tea. Clint takes a sip of his own, adding another "Hey Barnes," to the greetings before he does.

"As far as rep or no rep go, give me no rep any day, let's you build your own," Clint says.
Skye Johnson "Well, like I said, not quite as worried about it as I sound. Under the radar keeps me out of most people's idea of who to bug."

Clint just gets a grin for his suggestion of when and where and showing up for class.

"Hey, Bucky. We were just summoning you. Wow, May. Your office is small. I never noticed it before."

Sure it's small. There are four of them in there now.
Melinda May "Now you know why I don't ever invite people to bug me while I'm in here." Well, that and the fact that she usually WORKS in here, and socializing isn't considered work. She does, though, reach to a small USB-sized device on her desk and make it disappear. It's not truly sleight of hand if she wasn't TRYING to be sneaky about it.

The tea, while primarily peppermint, has hints of ginseng, anise, and a bit of unusual berry-like sweetness.
James Barnes Bucky does give Barton a little nod "I'd have to agree with you...far better I think to start completely new with no past reputation.....makes things easier." He shrugs just lightly then, both hands holding his cup of tea....though if one listened -very- closely, one can hear the fingers of his bionic arm moving about the cup, ensuring it stays stable in his hands.

Barnes gives Daisy a small smile at her words. "Hm...all good things?" He asks curiously, referencing them apparently discussing him, before his eyes travel to the USB on May's desk.

"....what's that?" He knew -what- it was of course, he just ponders it's contents.
Skye Johnson Skye shakes her head at Bucky. "Oh, only the very best things." She shrugs then, and sniffs her tea, nose wrinkling as she tries to decide if she's going to regret this or not. It smelled okay, but now that it was closer, she wasn't entirely certain. "I was just saying I've seen your file. We were talking about reputations and trying to live them down. Don't mind me. I'm just the IT guy."

Her glance flits to the desk, and what's missing. "Oh, that? Just a report I had to give to May. She's my SO. Apparently now that I'm not being babysat every minute of the day they expect reports." She rolls her eyes. "Something about living up to my potential. Just some shit about a tablet someone left behind the other day."

All of it true, except for the bit about that USB is not at all her report. But the rest? Totally true.
Clint Barton Skye gets a smile in return one quickly hidden by a sip of tea.

He looks over as Bucky agrees, "See, Barnes knows what's up," he grins before as he lowers his cup he catches sight of the time on his wrist. He reaches over and nudges Skye lightly, flashing his watch, "Getting to the point we might want to think about heading back," he says. "Still got clean up to do, plus that extra sweeping," he says turning a finger about in a way to suggest it may involve electronics more than brooms. He glances up at the others, "Not to cut and run on you guys."
Melinda May May merely nods to Skye and Clint as they make noises about leaving while tucking that little USB-like device into a drawer in her desk. Apparently, she's going to let the tale Skye just spun to stand. It's almsot competely honest, after all, and those are the best lies in the long run.

"Is there anything I can assist you with, Barnes?" After all, why else is he here? She never pegged him as a tea person.
James Barnes Bucky gives Clint the smallest tug of a smile, before his attention falls upon May. "Not really...I heard a conversation. Came to see what I would find. I do have questions for you...but they can wait. In private." He nods once, finishing his tea in short order.

His hands return to his pockets after setting the empty tea cup on the counter, his attention moving to everyone else then as he returns to his general reclusive silence.
Skye Johnson Skye sets her mug down - tea untouched. "Actually, there are a couple things I need to do with regards to that," she tells Clint. "And since it's not really anything exciting..." He's seen her work. It's like sharing a room with a wall, only walls are sometimes more conversational. "..stay and finish your tea. Just lock the door behind you when you come in, and try not to startle me."

She grins and nods to May, "Might as well have mine. I didn't touch it." So she saw that May got the beggar's cup. "And Bucky? We should do lunch or something soon."

Yes, May. Skye just made social overtures to someone at SHIELD that she didn't 'know'. On her own. Without prompting even. Sheesh.

Skye gets up and bids everyone a good night.