Owner Pose
Clint Barton It was one of those sorts of nights, there'd been a security breach at dinner summoning Clint away from a tray of cafeteria thanksgiving goodness, then, some alerts, then nothing. One hour, then two, Clint was gone. Then, a call, a med-tech asking Skye to come down to the medical bay. She's scant on the details.

When she arrives, whatever horrible things she might have imagined have not come to pass and the Clint is being helped into sitting in one of the reception areas, rather than being laid out on a stretcher or a slab. Spotting Skye, he waves tiredlty, "Hey."

He doesn't look the worse for wear. Same clothes and the rest he left in, but there's something different as though he's changed in some imperceptible way.

While one hand waves, the other, is clenched loosely by the arm of the chair as though holding something.
Skye Johnson Okay, security breaches.. not necessarily run of the mill, but they happened. Usually someone stepping outside of where they were allowed to wander. Sometimes someone getting a little excited and bumping past security before a full clear. Usually mundane stuff. That Clint was called off wasn't so much a surprise as unusual. They paid people to run security. To need him to run interference got a brow raise.

And then he wasn't back.

Again, nothing terribly out of the ordinary other than it suggested a bigger issue than normal...

It was the call to Medical Bay that got to her, though, Skye rushing down there, practically running through the hallways, and arriving dishevelled and looking worried.. Only to spot him in the reception area. Sitting. Looking healthy as a horse.

"What the hell, Hotshot? You scared the fuck out of me." Skye's words are sharp, full of concern and that angry/not-angry relief of not finding him beaten up and bleeding in a bed.

Still, there's that sense that something is off.

She peers at him. "You okay?"
Clint Barton Clint can't help but smile when the first thing Skye does is take him to task. Oh he deserved it, but still it was just so typically them that the first thing he'd hear from her with his new ears would be that.

"Sorry, and I'm fine," he says looking up at her from where he's sitting. "I should have called you myself, but it's been a weird night,". He pauses to look at her. The worried looks, the disheveled clothing, that was more of them talking without words and what she said warmed him from within: she cared.

He offers her his hand, "Help me up, Keyboard? I can explain more when we're out of here."
Skye Johnson Of course he's fine. Why wouldn't he be fine? She just got called down to Medical Bay.. Because. He's. Fine.


It's clear she wants to know more and is barely holding herself back from demanding an explanation right now-no, not later, now!- and that only because of that odd little look to him. Both the odd of something isn't quite right and she can't put her finger on it, and that look that said she'd just done something to please him. She wasn't sure what, but there would be time enough to ask him about that later, too.

His hand is taken as she frowns. "Okay? But you better plan on spilling once we get back to my rooms. We are going back to my rooms, yes?"

She can't help looking about to make certain he's been cleared. After all, she /had/ been called to collect him here. No, really, what was up with that?
Clint Barton The cracks in the 'fine' story begin to show when he uses Skye's hand to help himself out of the chair. It takes an effort, there's no obvious pain, but he wobbles unsteadily, then closes his eyes, gripping tight to her arm until slowly his grip slackens and his eyes open again. Those eyes turn to her, "Okay, maybe not so fine," he says. Whatever explanation he plans to make is cut off by the arrival of a nurse.

"Are you sure you don't need a wheelchair or a walker?"

"I'll be fine."

A skeptical look and a nod. "Just rememer back here for tests, 10am." She glances to Skye as if to see if she could be counted on for arm twisting.

"I'll be there," he says which is enough to placate her and she returns to her station with a final look to Skye, leaving the couple free to depart.

Clint looks at Skye then, flinching internally, "I promise I'll tell you everything when we get back to your place," Clint assures her. "Just going to need a little help."
Skye Johnson His words. Oh, they stop Skye in her tracks. Nothing adds up. The lack of visible injury, but the very obvious troubles standing and keeping upright? The nurse asking if he wanted a *walker* or a *wheelchair*??

It took a supreme effort of will on Skye's part not to simply give Clint the stink-eye and demand more of an explanation. A supreme effort of will, helped only by the nurse not pushing the issue.

Skye's lips press into a thin, tight line of 'oh, we will be talking about this' as she nods to Clint and lets him lean on her as she leads him back to her rooms.

Okay, she only gets as far as the hallway, where they're alone, before telling him, "You have till we get to my rooms to think of a good reason I am not going to yell at you with some very choice words, because I am not happy right now."

Mostly because he scared her. And she hasn't any answers. And something is most definitely wrong-not-wrong.

And because he's scared her. Mostly that.
Clint Barton Taken aside in the hallway, Clint nods when Skye demands answers, and it wasn't as though he didn't want to share them, either. He wanted to shout it all from the rooftops and to tell Skye most of all but, it was insane, she'd think he was insane, right? It wasn't a real fear, he knew here better than that, but he didn't want to put it out there where others could hear or judge. He wanted to tell just her and try to make her understand. Though she was right, he needed to give her a reason to trust him after all this secrecy and worry.

"Skye," he says glancing down at the hand he's kept closed all this time. He opens it revealing his hearing aids inside, the tiny ones, he'd put in this morning before he'd left her bed. He only had one set of those due to the cost, and his older sets, those would have been immediately visible in his ear this close up. Yet they'd been talking, he'd barely glanced at the nurse or her lips and yet he'd heard every word. He looks at her, then, "Good enough reason?" he asks quietly.
Skye Johnson Her brain refuses to process what she's seeing.

Or, rather, it processes it too well. There are Clint's hearing aids in his hand. Hearing aids he needs to hear with... Fine, she'd not noticed them when they'd first started to get to know one another. Hell, she'd made jokes about matters before he'd told her he was deaf. But ever since then, she'd been keenly aware of the fact of his disability, and to see them sitting in the curl of his palm left her more than a little confused.


Skye bites at her lower lip, willing to let his 'explanation' lie until they were back in her rooms. The young woman back to less angry and more concerned.

The rest of the trip back to her place is uneventful.
Clint Barton Clint meets that 'but?' with a slow nod and a "Yeah."

He walks with her in silence through the halls of the Triskelion. His steps become steadier as he goes, but he keeps his hand on her arm the whole way there.

Once inside, he leans against the wall, closing his eyes again, letting some of the vertigo from walking pass. As he does, he talks, "I don't know where to begin Skye, but yeah, I can hear," he explains.
Skye Johnson She's..

His gait is noted. How it is unsteady, but becoming less so as they go. Still with needing her help, but not the precarious threat of stumbling of when they began. More a sense of needing the reassurance that he won't fall over. That someone is there to steady him - he needing that while his own sense of the world around him readjusts.. And she knows that, too. Maybe not intimately, not having lost or regained a sense, but she was smart enough to catch the gist of what such a thing would mean.

Once safely in her rooms, door locked behind them, she helps him over to the couch. "Unless you'd rather the bedroom?"

her voice is still full of concern, but not the vast pool of fear in the pit of her stomach that she'd arrived at Medical Bay with.

"Holy shit, Hotshot. What the fuck? How? When? You.." And here she looks like she might want to punch him. "You went off on a security call. How the hell do you come back with your hearing?"
Clint Barton Clint takes the help towards the couch, but when the bedroom is offered as an alternative, he nods, "Yeah, better." The light was dimmer there and he had a headache from trying to adjust to the changes to his balance. Also, there was a bed, which sounded heavenly, (heh) right now. He'd been fighting the urge to sleep for hours and it would do him good to have a mattress under him while he tried to explain all of this.

Before they go though, he leans down to brush a kiss against Skye's lips, what he hoped would be reassuring, a touch, they could share to help keep them grounded.

On the way to the bedroom he tries to answer Skye's questions. Clint had been wondering how to tell her what happened since he'd left Castiel's. It was easy enough to explain in his debriefing, there were cold clinical terms for that and the same terms would work for his inevitable report, but how does he explain the breadth of it to Skye, in terms that made even the little bit of sense. Even having been there and felt it he didn't quite believe it, which is why he'd been holding onto his hearing aids, like that kiss, they were meant as an anchor.

"There was an intruder, teleported in like Wade, they stuck me with him, we got to arguing and he sort of teleported me and him into town. We fought," it was a charitable description, "I lost," true enough, now came the big part. "Then he did this," he gestures at his ears and then sweeps a hand over his body. "He healed me."

There it was, the skeleton of the tale, he lets that sink in a moment before adding the flesh.

When they reach the bedroom he makes an effort to sit on the bed, growing unsteady as he has to bend. Sudden changes in altitude are so not his friend right now.
Skye Johnson The kiss helps. It tells her things. They'd always been better at touches and silences than actual words, even though they'd improved vastly over the past weeks.

Skye is frowning and silent as she helps him undress. It's an easy enough thing to do, fingers making short work of things and allowing herself the distraction of a task while she tried to piece all he had said together.

Once done, she pulls the blankets and sheet down and watches while he gets comfortable, only getting herself stripped down to tank top and underwear and joining him there, curling up next to him.

"I don't get it. You fought with this intruder - who the hell just pops in here anyway? Why are people just popping in? - and he fixes your hearing? What the hell? Who even? I mean, who does that. And how'd you get from fighting to that, and where is he? Did they get him?"

Okay, that last one sounded weird to her own ears. Did you 'get' someone who healed you? He had broken in, and had attacked Clint.

Skye was all kinds of confused.

"Are you sure this isn't some sort of trick?"
Clint Barton Clint doesn't argue when Skye helps him undress, though she may note as she does, things have changed. He'd always had his share of scars, it came with being human and an Avenger all at once, nothing big, nothing disfiguring, but they had been there like landmarks scattered across his body. Now they were gone. All of them with smooth unmarked flesh left behind.

Dressed in his boxers he lays back, mmming, at the feel of the bed under him, sleep tugs at him, but he fights it watching Skye undress and then shifting to help her curl up against him. He slips an arm around her.

Staring up at the ceiling to gather his thoughts he begins to answer Skye's questions. "I really hope not," he says about it being a trick. "If it is it's a damn good one, buy anyhow, this guy, who did it, his name is Castiel, he was looking to talk to May and Fury, well demanding really, apparently he'd met May before and he was all hot and bothered about telling Fury what's wrong with our security. I thought maybe he was a mutant or something that Fury had hired to pen test our security, but then he started talking about being an angel and that's when I started leaning more towards whack job," he begins, doling out the tale in pieces rather than spinning the whole crazy yarn at once.
Skye Johnson Those scars. Skye loved those scars. Their lack isn't just surprising, it's a thing she almost laments. His skin not only looking different without them, but feeling different as well. All the little landmarks she knew him by were gone.

Her fingers unconsciously look for them when she's curled up against him.

"Castiel, huh? Don't know him."

But you can bet someone's file (or as much of it as she can currently access) is going to be brought up as soon as she next plunks her ass in front of a computer.

"An angel?" Skye wants to protest that, but it's kind of hard given she's spent the afternoon with an actual god. Why should an angel be any different? "Wow. I'm afraid to ask. Though I'm not sure he's wrong. I'm surprised they didn't fix that hole when Wade dropped on in. Unless they can't?"

Teleporting. What the heck does she know about it?
Clint Barton Clint can feel Skye's hands seeking out his scars, he'd enjoyed that before, but as much as that had been fun, many of them had been reminders of things he'd rather forget. Besides he knew it wouldn't be too long before he collect a few new ones.

"May's written a file on him, I haven't read it yet, should be a good read though. She's not a fan," he chuckles slightly remembering some detail of his evening.

"Yeah, 'an angel of the lord'" Clint says, "Most guys go the god route, guess this guy's special. But he has real power." He looks at Skye with a self-deprecating smile. "I didn't know it at the time though, or I would have been politer. Told him he was nuts and he got pissy. Told him to sit, he grabbed my arm and," Clint claps. "Bam. I was somewhere else. I had no idea where, so I asked him if we were on Earth, when he said yeah, I tried to hit him," he makes a face. "It didn't go well. Remember your first time sparring with May? I'd bet all the money I have that fight was more even than this one. He just destroyed me without even trying," he says, he plays it off as funny, but underneath it there's the knowledge that things could have gone very differently. His grips Skye a little tighter as he gathers his thoughts.
Skye Johnson Skye takes a long and shaky breath. "This is a lot to take in, Hotshot." Her fingers play at places where she remembers scars having been, resting, finally, just balow his ribcage.

"You feel so different. It's you, but not you."

She can't help but chuckle at the description of May's attitude towards the angel. "He must be something if she's made it obvious she doesn't like him. But really, an angel of the lord?" Nodding with some seriousness as the description of things goes on. "That bad, huh?"

She remembbers her first times on the mats against May. They weren't pretty. At all. And to hear that Clint had been destroyed without the angel even trying? That was a little bit sobering. Her own grip about him tightening in return.

"You sure you're okay? He didn't do anything funky to you? Just.. beat you up and then fixed you? Am I even hearing that right?"
Clint Barton Clint puts his hand on top of hers below his ribcage, and yes, even that feels different, smoother, softer like hadnt done a hard day's work in his life. "Heh," he says, "Keyboard, its a lot for me to take in too and I lived it. So, yeah I understand," the remark about feeling like him but not him, brings a frown to his lips. "Im still me though, just without so much damage on the outside, think you can get used to it?" he asks turning his head to watch her when she answers.

May though, that gets a laugh, "Yeah, she was /pissed/ and this guy, really weird. Totally doesnt get how things work. Apparently he just teleported into her place when she was sleeping one time."

Clint doesn't remark on the other, the tightening of their hold on each said all that needed to be said, but as for funky things that might have been done. "I dont know, he answers honestly. "He said he marked me, like a message to other guys like him I was under his protection. Not sure how I feel about it, being marked," it felt a little like being owned. "But apparently only his people can see it, or maybe hes just fucking with me." A shoulder shifts, a shrug in the horizontal, "SHIELD is going to have a lot of the same questions about funky things, and that mark, and I suspect I'm going to be seeing a lot of time in labs for the next few days while they make sure I'm still me or not brainwashed."

He turns over carefully, looking at Skye, now, his expression pensive, "I still seem like me right? Other than the scars being missing?"
Skye Johnson Skye listens to the explaination, fingers and cheek still rested upon his chest and shoulder, only lifting her head to meet his gaze as she answers, "It's weird?" Her counter not quite an answer yet. "It's still you, though. I mean, I'd hate to say I liked you for your scars. Just.."

Skye shakes her head, frowning ever so slightly. "It's almost like you've been put in a different body. Everything the same but that. Maybe it wouldn't seem so weird if the body didn't look so much like the you I know."

Which makes her laugh at herself. "Yay, Skye. Shallow much?"

She gives him a quick kiss and puts her head back down. "I'll be fine with it. Just keeping being the asshole I know and love and eventually you'll fuck up and there will be new scars." The teasing in her voice by the end of that is patently clear. "You're still you. I have faith."

She's quieter for a moment. Then, "May was pissed enough it was noticable? That doesn't happen much. He must be some kind of special. And an angel, huh?" Again, she's met a god right here in SHIELD, so that shouldn't be such a suprise. It's just that it was such an odd angle to take. Why be an angel when you could be the Lord? "That mark thing sounds kind of creepy. What's to stop it from making you a target?" Though that does elicit a chuckle from the young woman. "Figures. You get an angelic bullseye tattooed on you. You. Of all people."
Clint Barton Clint smiles at the kiss as he considers the words that came before it. "Yeah, I know," he says about her liking his scars. He'd liked some of them as well. Ones earned with SHIELD or the Avengers, not the others that drew him back to darker days. He frowns a little then, "Couldn't pick and choose though, kind of got the sense it was all or nothing." Though to be fair, he hadn't asked. "And I get feeling like it's a different body. I dunno, did I make a mistake here Skye?" he asks.

The comment about him adding scars brings his smile back, "Odds are pretty good there, yeah. And I don't worry, I'll always be that asshole," he adds wryly, before his smile becomes warmer as she puts his fears to rest. "Thanks," he says.

Clint gives Skye a swat at the bullseye remark, laughing, but it doesn't last too long before quieting into a pensive sort of silence. "Didn't think of that, the target thing. Ironic though," he lets out a breath. "Should probably see an expert about this. Probably someone in WAND knows who to talk to."
Skye Johnson The swat tells Skye things are going to be alright. They were back on Clint-and-Skye footing, and it leaves her smirking. "I win," she quips.

It had been true, though, she had liked the scars. They're how she'd come to know him. All the planes and angles of him. Them being gone had taken away the landmarks that she knew and left her in a whole new world. Only, he was still him. All the other bits and pieces that she'd learned to know and love were all there. The quick wit. The humour. The quiets. The doubts. The fears. They were all the same. The packaging really didn't matter all that much. This Castiel hadn't disturbed the heart and soul of the man she loved. She could live with this.

"Well, can't imagine you not being the asshole you are short of you getting a frontal lobotomy.. say, it's not too late is it? Just give him a shout and say you'd been thinking and would like to add that to the list? Just another minor improvement."

Oh, yeah, she expects a swat for that one, too. She's barely holding her amusement in check.

"Yeah, sounds like a WAND thing. I really only know Lara there. I'm sure they'll figure it out and tell you who is going to be poking and prodding you next."
Clint Barton Clint's tone is amused as he asks, "Win what?"

He does part his hand from hers to idly feel along his side, yeah, it did feel weird. Even his hands did. Though, thankfully his finger tips and knuckles seemed unchanged. He could have kissed the grumpy angelic bastard for that, it would have been hell breaking them back into his daily routine. Satisfied, he puts the hand back where it was. He'd live with it, mistake or not, Skye was still with him.

Oh, she definitely gets a swat for that. He laughs when he does it, and sighs, "I don't even think that would do it, me being an asshole is hardwired or whatever it is you folks in IT say," he smiles by the end, knowing he's likely going to get a swat in return for that crack.

"Same, just know Lara, but she's a start. And I'm sure there's a joke to be made off poking and prodding, but I'll have to owe you, brains not quite up to it," he says quietly grinning at her.
Skye Johnson Her laughter is a rumble along his side, quiet as it is. Skye just short of giggling at him. "Yeah. Still the same old you."

Then he makes the IT remark, and, while still laughing, he does get himself a swat - just a light thwap of palm to his chest. "Oh. Low blow. Maybe I'll just call that angel of yours and make the request myself. Hey, angel dude, can you make my asshole boyfriend less of an asshole? M'kay."

"IT guys my ass. I'll have you know I'm a highly trained professional. Top echelons of my class. And if you ever ask me why your cupholder on your computer isn't working, I will hurt you."

Oh yeah, she's read the old reddits galore. She might not be in IT, but she actually does appreciate the humour.
Clint Barton "Yeah, you don't get rid of me that easily," Clint teases her, putting his arm around her, before he bursts out laughing. "Seeing as how he just dropped in on May that time, I am not even going to think about calling him right now."

In his head. ~La, la, la, la~ plugging his proverbial ears. Though yeah, he was going to have to talk to people about that part too. The summoning.

"Uh-huh, and right, what class is that? You taught yourself, little miss badass hacker, so when you get down to it doesn't that make you the worst in your class too?" He smirks about the cup holder thing. "Nah, would never ask you that Keyboard," a pause and a considering look follows. "Though I did lose my email password..."
Skye Johnson There's a burst of laughter as Skye swats him again. "Oh, you asshole. Why? Why do I like you again?" Her body vibrating against him in her mirth. "Fat chance of getting rid of me now. I have all this payback I owe you."

Though she's not laughing so hard about the possible reality of Clint's angel dropping in on them. "Uh.. actually, that's not a possibility, is it? Because I'm pretty sure my skills don't go to keeping angels out and if he can actually do that, I'd rather not be surprised at an inopportune time."

Like now. Now would be bad. Even if they weren't having sex.

"I'm thinking you're joking about that password? And fine. I taught myself. You don't get this good out of a textbook." When it came right down to it, it was something of impressive she'd gotten as good as she did on her own. Mind, that really did seem to be the way with the best of the hackers. Eventually nobody could teach you what you did. It was all guts, glory, and inspiration. And good typing skills. Always those.
Clint Barton Clint can't help but smile. "You're bad at life decisions? Or, maybe my bad boy persona was just too sexy to resist." He gives her body a squeeze. "Is that why you stay, huh? Payback?" he asks. :"Guess I am going to need to piss you off some more."

As for Castiel dropping in. "The guy's a teleporter, so yeah, it's possible, but I think I actually have to think about summoning him for it to work." More questions he was going to need to ask. "Which when we're together, isn't going to be a problem."

"And yes, totally joking about my password. I'd never forget it because it's super easy to remember, it's password," he /is/ joking but he did enjoy pushing Skye's buttons. He does smile though about her self-taught skills. "Like I said, bad ass," he confirms.
Skye Johnson She had to sit up for that one. "You better be joking about that, " she tells him, only partially kidding in her horror. He wouldn't be the first person whose password she'd hacked had been similarly simple and dangerous.

Muttering as she lay back down against him, "You're doing a damn fine job with that button pushing. You don't have to practice so hard." Though she allows a smile. "You better be right about that Angel of yours. And just how do you think one into teleporting in? Why do I still live where people can teleport in?"

Not that moving would stop the annoying thing from dropping in whenever he chose to. Especially since this Castiel seems to have taken a shine to Clint.
Clint Barton When Skye sits up Clint does too. Or well, he tries, his head swims and pounds and he sinks back down, hand on his head. "Right. Still dizzy." he says closing his eyes and trying to get the world to stop spinning. "And I was joking. Think they'd let me hang around SHIELD this long if I was that careless."

Well who knows, the way Skye took it it seemed feasible that people who should know better still had crappy passwords. He smiles as she lays back down beside him. "What can I say, I'm gifted," he says of the button pushing before he says about the angel. "He said that's how the mark worked, if I needed him, I just had to think or say his name." Yeah, not creepy at all there "And he's trying to fix that, the teleporting thing, that's why he came to warn us about the vulnerability. He says some really scary things can do what he does." Though her comments bring other things to mind as well. "As for where you live, we haven't really talked about that since the other night. Ready to?" was he? "Or do we want to keep doing what we're doing?"
Skye Johnson "You better be kidding," Skye repeats, confirming his suspicions about some people. Then snorts. "You don't need to tell me you're good at pushing my buttons.. Good thing I love you."

Another snort, a very fond one. Asshole. And stay lying down. Eyes closed Hotshot. You don't need to read my lips anymore, so keep still."

She's quiet when he mentions their proposed moving in together. "How are you feeling about it? I know here isn't an option. Your place is pretty far for me."

"We ready to start looking? Or?"
Clint Barton "Totally am," Clint confirms before he smiles. "And it totally is."

Clint takes her directions, but smiles while his eyes stay closed. "So bossy," he teases. But he does keep still, laying back with his hands by his sides.

That quiet though, that gets him opening his eyes again, if only a crack. He closes them again when she speaks. When she's done he says, "I want to do it, and I have some ideas. I mean, it seems dumb to move away from here when it's free and close like it is. So what I'm thinking is we could stay here, at least for now and keep my place as backup. I mean I'm going to need it for storage at first anyhow while I sort out my crap. But I'd live here. My old place. Think of it our safehouse."

He opens his eyes a little bit again in order to watch her while he waits for an answer.
Skye Johnson "You should see some of the shit I've seen," Skye finally tells him, now that she's had her momentary hissy fit of disbelief. "Seriously bad enough you could hack in. Scary bad."

"And you like when I'm bossy. Shut up and admit it." Totally smirking while scolding him. "Smart. Bossy. Cute. And strong. Pretty sure I checked all the boxes. You're going to have to find something new."

When he waits for her answer, she's smiling to herself. At first because of the mock-scolding. And then because the answer was so much easier this time. She didn't have that ball of fear in the pit of her stomach while trying to second guess what his answer might be. Her own answer wasn't sending spirals of panic through her.

It just was.

"That could work. You do have a lot of shit. Not sure we could cram it all in my second bedroom here. We could turn that into a study or something if you wanted. Give us a quiet space to retreat to when we wanted a break?"

It's the safehouse mention that has her chuckling. "Oh, I'm not telling Fury that one. You can. I like it, though. Somewhere to run to when we wanted to pretend we didn't live here. For all the reasons."

She lifts her head and scolds, "Oh, don't even pretend you weren't watching me. I know how this works. It's when we talk things get screwy. Even if you're supposed to be lying there with your eyes closed till you get used to whatever the fuck that angel did to you. So.. yeah?"
Clint Barton "I can believe it. Also, hey! I may not know from computers but I'm a carny we like invented social engineering," he grins. "Crazy what a good story will get you." He wasn't really offended but when it came to Skye it was just fun to argue sometimes.

"And I've pretty much told you that, yeah," he says of her being bossy. "Doesn't mean I won't bug you about it, Keyboard." He nods though about her checking all the boxes. "It was tough I thought, but meh same thing and you are, in your way. And for something new, if you're not it already it's not on the list."

Clint lets out a breath when she replies at last, his eyes though do stay open. "I do, and yeah a bit much to just cram in one room and lock the door on. Besides, my stuff, it just moves sometimes. Can't explain it." By which he means he leaves it laying around. He smiles. "So having it all trapped somewhere else might be a good thing. And a study works, just leave the bed pushed up against the wall or something on the off chance you follow through with kicking me out of bed one time." His smile gets a little wider. "Or hey, if I kick you out." He pats the bed with his hand. "My bed too now."

He nods when she agrees to the safehouse idea. "Done. And no Fury."

About watching her? He grins and closes his eyes again. "Fine won't pretend. Though, if we talk things get screwy, then why don't you come down here and kiss me. That'll shut us up."
Skye Johnson "You are such an asshole,"Skye informs when he teases her. "You're right about the tough though. Why'd I think strong?"

She shrugs. She'd rather be tough than strong. Though strong of the other than physical sort wasn't so bad. She just wasn't sure she was that. She really wasn't sure she was tough either. At least not like she thought he meant. Too many layers of onion and act.

Even if that, sometimes, was what being tough really came down to.

"I think you're making that moving around by itself thing up, but I'm not going to argue. I'm sure you'll clutter this place up enough as it is. And good luck kicking me out of our bed, Hotshot. I cheat."

She might have adequately demonstrated that one already.

"Geez, if it will shut you up."She rolls her eyes and pretends she's about to kiss him. "That did sound suspiciously like a short joke. Maybe I'd rather talk about it."

Yeah, she's playing with fire, and grinning the whole while she does it, too.
Clint Barton "I am," Clint confirms from where he's lying on the bed. "And dunno. You said it.' Really, he equated the two anyhow at least when it came to mental toughness, which is what he was talking about.

Clint smirks, though when she says she cheats. "Yeah, how so?" as if he needed a demonstration.

His eyes open to slits again, and he wrinkles his nose, "That's a stretch," he says. "See what I did there?" he asks before he borrows a play from Skye's book and grabs the front of her top to pull her down to him. It cost him a little in vertigo, but in his book, a little room spinning action was worth a kiss or two.
Skye Johnson "Asshole," Skye repeats. Totally without ire, though.

All sorts of smug when he tugs her down for a kiss. "See? Cheating. I win."

Yeah, that kiss is probably worth it. All soft and warm and slow and thoughtful. Despite the spanner he's just thrown at her with regards to his hearing. The angel. The fact that she now had an official roommate. Well, that one might depend on how much of his stuff he felt he still needed to bring here, but given he'd already threatened to kick her out of the bed, Skye was feeling pretty safe.
Clint Barton Clint grins smugly when he's called an asshole. He was learning to like that word, at least when it came from Skye.

When she declares herself the winner he chuckles.

The kiss? Definitely worth it. The room spun even as he slipped closed his eyes when their lips met, but at the same time while the world spun he felt centred. Like all the crazy things going on lately had been pushed aside and things would be alright.

When the kiss ends, he still has his hand tangled in her shirt, and he looks up at her, despite the vertigo. "Mmm," he murmurs. "Good cheating," before he pulls her down for another kiss.
Skye Johnson "Most definitely good," Skye agrees, looking down at him, with just enough time to offer a crooked little smirk, lips pressed along a twisted bit of moue after that kiss, before hes kissing her again.

"Hey!" she protests against his lips. "No fair using my tactics against me."

Only for someone complaining she was doing an extraordinarily shitty job of trying to get out of that kiss. In fact, by all measurable signs, she was doing her level best to extend it. Until she remembers his little issue with the room spinning round like a Dead or Alive single.
Clint Barton "What? Can't hear you," Clint murmurs back before the kiss.

He's smiling when their lips meet, and when Skye makes no effort to get out of the kiss and even extends it, she gets no argument from him. Indeed, he does his part even as his head right round like a record. Finally though, he has to break away and drops his head to the pillow with a soft thump. "Mm, Sorry. My head. Really wish I actually hit that guy. So not fair." He was definitely enjoying that kiss.
Skye Johnson And in the midst of it all, he makes a deaf joke. The same damned deaf joke he always made. All that was missing was her talking mouth hand flapping in his direction.

Which leaves her laughing into the kiss for a time. But only until it gets more serious.. though even that has to end too soon. For understandable reasons.

"Not your fault.. wait.. you didnt land a hit? Seriously?" Skye blinks at him, both amused and a little horrified all at once.
Clint Barton Clint nods slowly, chuckling softly, "Yep. Tried to punch him then kick him, didn't hit once. Then he threw me into a wall." He grimaces and not from vertigo or from breaking off that kiss too early. "I was way, way out of my league."

And this coming from a guy who generally made a habit of it.

"Anyhow, this," he says about the sobering after-effects of facing the strange and deadly. "This goes away. Point is, I made it back okay." He didn't want to worry her.
Skye Johnson "Ow," Skye murmurs. "That's pretty bad.. and he's on our side? You did say he's on our side, right? And telling us that worse than him can get in? Should I even ask what else he can do?"

Fine, Clint wasn't the super buffed superhero, but he wasn't without skills. Skye was a little concerned. More than a little, maybe. Though technically security wasn't her gig - unless it was to do with the computers. She was pretty sure that caveat made that particular bent her gig. but overall? not so much.

Still, not even a hit?

"Medical cleared you? You're sure /this/" she makes the same vague gesture over him with one hand as she lies back beside him, "goes away? Then you're back to normal?" Well, normal without the side order of deaf.

Yep. Still worried. About all the things.
Clint Barton "Yeah," Clint says, his eyes open to slits again. "On our side, said worse could come. As for what else he can do, that I don't know. Magic, maybe? He definitely had power, you could just feel it on him. He and May talked about warding the Trisk. I assume he can do that. Or knows people who can?" he lets his eyes close. "Magic, makes my head hurt."

As do suddenly healed inner ears and being thrown into walls.

"And yeah, their first look through came back clear. They took some blood and some x-rays and I'll likely get the same treatment again soon, but, they said the dizziness is just from repairs done to my inner ear and it'll pass in a couple of days. So yeah, that's the hope, it passes, and I'm me again, just able to hear."
Skye Johnson There's a mutter from Skye, "I'd say I didn't believe in magic if I hadn't seen it happen. I'd still like to not believe in it." Of course, that does little when magic believes in you, or something to that effect. Clearly there's something of it in the world or Clint wouldn't have his hearing back.. then again, maybe angels were a whole other category of the absurd.

Skye really didn't want to think about it that hard.

"I guess, if they've cleared you, but shit, Hotshot, what does it all mean for you? And I know it's a little late in the game for you to change your mind, but how are you feeling about it? You've been deaf.. how long now?"

She's still trying to wrap her head around it.

A thought occurs, leaving her chuckling softly, "I know your real reason for agreeing to move in now. You're just wanting a nursemaid who can't kick you out over the next few days. I might make you trot over to the spare room. Hell, I might lock myself in there and pretend I can't hear you."

More seriously, she hugs him a little tighter, "No fooling around till that head of yours is on straight. Motion sickness and sex don't mix." Amongst other things.
Clint Barton Clint didn't want to believe in magic either but over the years, with SHIELD and then the Avengers, he'd seen more than enough proof of it, his hearing just being the latest example. "Me too. But it's definitely there," he yawns a little then. "I'll make sure Fury hears Castiel out on the whole, we need to protect this place thing, because, yeah"

He lets out a breath, crunching the numbers in his head. "Twenty seven years," he realizes. "Since I was six." He gives it some thought, "To be honest. I don't know. It's all so new and I keep thinking that oh hey I can hear, I've got my ears in, but then they're not, It's sort of mind blowing. Might take longer than the whole vertigo thing before I've really got a handle on it.

He's pensive for a few moments before her teasing brings him back. "Busted," Clint says copping to the scheme he never thought of. "That's been my plan this whole time." He chuckles softly, but catches himself before shaking his head.

When she mentions sex and motion sickness not mixing, he sighs. "Really wish I'd him him," he says but without any real disappointment. "Tell you what, if I do my best to resist you, you don't drag yourself off to the guest room, deal?" he offers smiling faintly.
Skye Johnson There's a scoff from Skye. "Like you could resist me. I'll stay as long as you behave yourself. But I think I'm doing more damage right now by keeping you awake."

With a grinned, "Knew it" to his Busted'.

"Sleep. We'll figure the rest out later." Knowing it was going to take a lot longer than the vertigo to hash out in his brain. Hell, look at how they were both still struggling with the whole maybe they could trust someone thing. Short of asking Castiel to make it all go away (and it was quite likely the angel couldn't or wouldn't), Clint was stuck with his newfound ears. There was no banishing them to the spare bedroom for the interim.

She gives him a quick kiss. "Sleep," she repeats. "We'll manage."
Clint Barton "See, plan's working already," Clint says with a smile at her as he opens his eyes a little again. He gestures at her, "See. Nursemaid."

He drops the hand down to the bed. "But you're right, Keyboard, I should sleep."

The rest did linger now that it had been brought up. He'd been changed in a fundamental way, not to mention all the ways he'd been changed they hadn't discovered yet. Healing all wounds had to have an impact elsewhere too, right? He sighs wondering if he should see if Castiel would take it all back. He doubted it was possible, he was no great shakes at magic or anything, but he was pretty sure healing from the lord didn't come with a return receipt.

It must have shown on his face and when Skye kisses him and tells him to sleep. He listens, his face settling, "Alright. So bossy though," he remarks with a smile as he snuggles into his pillow.
Skye Johnson "Damned straight I'm bossy. Should have run when you had the chance." But since he seems content to let it go at that and listen, Skye merely smiles to herself and snuggles in.

She's not tired, but he is. It's just easier this way than arguing. Besides, she likes being near him.

First night in their bed, and all. She can be happy with that. Totally.