Owner Pose
Natasha Cranston     The Shadow perches on a rooftop, overlooking the now-lit warehouse across the street. The doors are still open, and judging by the distant but growing sound of sirens, Carrie obeyed instructions and called 911 the moment the Shadow was out of sight. The cops should be here within ten minutes, and Carrie reunited with her parents before the dawn breaks.

    Not, technically, a bad night's work, even if the Shadow didn't find what she was looking for here. But then, this lead had been a likely dead end to begin with -- despite the kidnappers' claims in their ransom demand, they had no similarities to the cultists their MO or even choice of targets. Their leader had just seen an opportunity in the news and played an angle - "Pay us or we'll sacrifice your daughter to the demons" - and ultimately, he'd bitten off more than he could chew.

    His top thug had put up a surprising fight, hinting at superhuman backing of some degree, but nothing that linked to the 'Satannish' cult at all. Not a wasted night -- as her grandfateher would point out, saving lives is never a waste of time -- but not as productive as the Shadow would have liked. No matter. There are other leads to pursue - the McKenzie girl might remember something if asked. For now, though, she'll keep vigil until the cops are about to arrive...
Starr The winds of winter blow through the city. Snow feels like it is waiting to fall in big, fluffy drops. Above the wind a faint sound, easily lost, like a flag snapping on it's pole. The crack of fabric or leather.

Above the rooftop hovers a form. Probably a familiar one, given the popularity of the YouTube video after Rising Tide's shenanigans. The girl known as Vicky, but greatly changed in detail the cameraman hadn't been able to capture from his distance in the dark. Cold, flaming eyes regard the figure cloaked in shadows below.

Without warning she brings her wings in and lets gravity pull her down to the roof. She doesn't bother hiding her enterance, landing with a solid thud about ten feet behind Natasha. But she doesn't land on two feet, instead she crouches, putting one hand up in a 'hold' gesture. "I mean you no ill will, whoever or whatever you are. I only wish to speak," She says in a voice that has an innate purr to it, deep and melodic in an eerie way. The demoness looks up from her submissive posted, long red hair flowing behind her in the wind, allowing the Shadow to see the crown of small horns, black talons, and other obvious demonic features.
Natasha Cranston     Two guns are out and pointing at the demoness before she quite finishes landing, but her pose and words persuade the Shadow not to immediately pull the triggers. Or perhaps it's the knowledge of the victim within - those blazing blue eyes reveal nothing their owner doesn't wish revealed. At the same time, however, the guns are not lowered either, even as a flicker of recognition crosses what little of the Shadow's features is visible between the hat and the scarf.

    "... You were the one who broke McKenzie free," comes the response, before those eyes narrow again. "But the cultists claimed to serve you."

    Another pause, then the guns lower, although they aren't put away. "... Very well. Say your piece."
Starr Starr raises a brow at the mention of the girl who had been possessed by Sloth, but she nods once slightly in confirmation. "I banished my handmaid, yes. At the time I did not remember her, but I do not regret that action," Starr says as she rises to her full six foot height. The wings snap all the way closed and close to her back. The demoness regards Natasha for another second, lacing her fingers before her.

~You need good people. Look what was just done?~ The soft whisper, weak but stubborn, echoed. Starr's lips twisted slightly, almost in distaste and she turned to go and look down at the street. The cops arriving to bust the kidnapping ring. All her movements are slow and as non-threatening as a demoness can really be.

"I have said these words to one other, but he always said to have a backup plan," She says in that rumbling voice, seeming to be contemplative. Flaming eyes lift from the street and back to the Shadow. "My father will open a gateway to Hell on Saturday. It will release untold numbers of demons into this world to possess the weak or those seeking power. I do not know why my father wants this, but it can't be good for New York. And I like it here..." She sighs as if weary and sits down on the gravel roof, tilting her head back to look at the sky. For a moment she looks like a teenager, tired of her dad's BS. "The gate itself will open on Times Square at or around 5pm. You know just how crowded that area is at that time on a Saturday...the location the ritual will be happening in, however, is different. Someone needs to find Doctor Strange and gather as many people as possible to combat the demons. They will be weak until they take a human form. These are all...lesser demons," She smirks as she says it. "Only a combined force of mystics will be able to send Satannish back and keep him there for awhile...and they probably are the only ones who can stop me too..."

A discomfort crosses the young face of the demoness as she looks down and to the side. "Tell Strange if you find him...I am the anchor for the gate. My handmaids and father will protect me so that as many demons can get through as possible. This will take teamwork and I cannot help more than telling you this. If I do, he will end me once his forces are through. Daughter or not, he doesn't need a traitor."
Natasha Cranston     Silence and stillness from the dark-clad figure as the Shadow considers what was said, ignoring the sirens and lights as the cops pull up to the warehouse beyond a twist of will and power to shroud them both from perception. If the demoness is speaking the truth -- a big 'if', because demon -- then all of New York and possibly the world is in deadly danger. Again. But if she's lying... Then what? Natasha considers possibilities, and can't quite see a reason for the demoness to use /this/ as a lie. And on the gripping hand, the risk of ignoring the warning and being wrong is entirely too high to be acceptable.

    Still... "Why try to warn us at all?" Those eyes bore into her again, giving the demoness the sense that this being sees more than it should be able to. "What are you hoping to get out of this?"
Starr Starr smirks and chuckles at the question, shaking her head, before her gaze goes from rooftop gravel to the Natasha's blues. The eyes are disturbing, all black with ethereal yellow flames, but there is no hostility in them though they are otherwise hard to read. "Why?" She sighs and leans back against the small retaining wall surounding the roof, staring into the cloudy and dark sky. "Because I hate my father and getting him chucked back to Hell, when I can't be because I'm native to Earth, would be wonderful. Like I said, I like New York City," She shrugs a shoulder and licks her lips.

~Showing weakness can be a sign of trust. It's okay.~ Damn that soft whisper. More annoying than when it was loud and strong. Now it forced her to listen, because of how quiet and weak it was. But Vicky was still stubborn.

Starr scowled suddenly at the words only she could hear. She grew quiet for several seconds, lips pursed, the gravel very glad her gaze didn't set it alight. "And I miss Vicky," She finally says in a whisper of her own, shifting uncomfortably. "While my father is here, he suppressed her, drains her, and it...is...there are no words to describe the emptiness."

In a surge of motion she is on her feet and steps up onto the wall of the roof. Her eyes are on the men being hauled out in cuffs. Slowly she begins to flex her wings as if considering flight. "You don't have long to prepare...There is a shop. It is called The Magic Box. There is at least one woman of power there. Her name is Kaelyn."
Natasha Cranston     "... Miss Jones," the Shadow says, nodding slowly as if things make more sense now. Whatever is meant by those two words, the guns are returned to their holsters, the greatcoat flowing back into place over the harness holding them. "I know the location. Strange, however, is harder to contact at the best of times."
Starr Starr tilts her head to the side, glancing over a shoulder at the Shadow. Amusement at the name, but also acknowledgement. "Yes," She says with a faint smile. It is hard if she is agreeing with her name or the fact that Strange can be hard to find. "I am expected back. I simply needed to see what happened to the cultist. It's boring waiting around for rituals, if you didn't know." Both wings snap out with a whip-like crack. "Good luck," She says and then launches upwards with a powerful, enhanced strength, leap. Her red body and dark wings quickly making her vanish against the dark sky.
Natasha Cranston     The snap and flicker of the demoness' wings causes a detective to snap around and look up. For a moment, he thinks he sees a shrouded figure standing on that rooftop. "Wh--" he gets out, then he blinks and the roof is empty.

    "Dave? You okay?" his colleague asks, following his glance but seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Dave stares for a moment longer, then sighs. "Nothing, I guess. I must be gettin' old. You get that perp secured, I'll call the Lieutenant and let her know she can call the Williamses and tell them we've found their kid. That should make her night..."

    As the police go by their business, an entirely unremarkable cab slows down momentarily by the curb before driving on, entirely unnoticed.

    "Found anything, boss?" Benny asks as he smoothly pulls back into traffic.

    Natasha sighs as she shakes her hair out after removing her hat and scarf. "Entirely too little, and altogether more than I'd bargained for at the same time," she replies, ignoring the raised eyebrow in the rear mirror. "It might be a good idea to convince your niece to visit with her family this weekend," she adds.

    Benny's other eyebrow joins the first. "That bad, huh?"

    Natasha inclines her head. "Potentially. We'll see."

    A demonic invasion. Hell coming - literally - to earth. Things look grim.

    But for now, at least -- The Shadow Knows...