Owner Pose
Bruce Banner It isn't often that Bruce is actually at the Avengers Mansion long term, let alone actually doing science.

Originally called back to the US to help with a special enhanced individual case, Bruce did not anticipate a Hulk episode in New York state. So, he's staying in the Mansion, to avoid the public. He's a known Avenger... but the Mansion itself is one of the more secure compounds on the planet, and Bruce has been handling actual research in the library for a few days now.

Today, he's in the library again, after a nice lunch in the kitchen, and doing some light reading while he does biology workups for the case. Sitting in a recliner, he's relaxing with reading glasses on and a laptop in his lap, typing.

He is not expecting visitors looking specifically for him today. At all.
Power Boy     "Yeah. Thanks. No. I really don't want to cause trouble. I just wanted to bury the hatchet with the Hulk." If you are an alien on Earth, especially from a species that just invaded less than a year ago, being in the Avengers Mansion really is not for you. It's not a place you want to be. Avengers support staff sort of usher the young man in, with the staff looking, honestly, more terrified than he does, which is saying something.

    Power Boy is floating over the floor, just a few inches. His hands are literally raised to about head level in a classic 'I give up, posture'. "Doctor Banner? This guy says he wants to talk to the Hulk. It's umm, Power Boy. He's like a Kryptonian, or something."

    "Uhh, sure. Kryptonian." Power Boy doesn't bother to correct the guy. "Don't, uhh, Kryptonite me, uhh, bro?" The support staff is not amused. Power Boy looks uncertain. "You are Doctor Bruce Banner. Uhh. You were bigger last time?" The attempt at humor is a defense mechanism. The support staff sort of pale a little. "Uhh. Yeah call us if you need us?" One guy tells Banner. The other guy looks at him. "What would he need us for? TO clean up the mess. Moron."

    They exit in a hurry.
Bruce Banner "Uh. Thank you." Bruce gives in reply as someone walks in with a warning about Power Boy.

Then Power Boy walks inside. There's a blink. Two blinks, then reading glasses are put aside and Bruce gives an inquisitive frown. "I'm afraid you're out of luck. The Other Guy isn't here. It's just me, Doctor Bruce Banner." The mild mannered man replies. He keeps in shape, but is still fairly skinny. Still, another alien is coming in, and Bruce gives him a look over. "I'm the one who transforms into The Other Guy as a self-defense mechanism."

He's almost the complete opposite of the Hulk, and not angry at all. He is, in fact, incredibly passive in his demeanor as he sits there, watching. There's no recognition at all in those brown eyes.
Power Boy     He slowly lowers his hands. Power Boy tilts his head to the side. "I, uhm, I'm not a Kryptonian. I am an alien." He fidgets, almost like a child under that gaze. Finally, he offers his hand to the other man. "I am Power Boy. If I had a real name, I would tell you." His shoulders straighten, as if the young man has decided the tactic he is going to take. "I'm of Apokolips. I was a warrior slave, we are not given names unless we prove worthy of one." He looks like he is resisting the urge to lower his eyes, but he will meet those older, darker eyes with his one, blue eyes. "I was sent to Earth to kill Superman. I decided I liked it here too much to do that. I defied my God-King, and I live here now."

    He swallows, and then gives a nod of his head. "I'm an empath. Extreme emotions can cause me to berserk. I'm a control freak. I lost control. I am sorry." He all but winces saying that.
Bruce Banner There's a moment as Bruce watches. Yep, that's a blank expression. "I have no idea what you're talking about or asking about here." Bruce points out, genuine confusion on his expression and in his emotions.

"Have we met before? I'm assuming you met The Other Guy, at least." Curiosity is in that tone.
Power Boy     There is a slow couple of surprised blinks in return. Power Boy's left eyebrow quixotically quirks ever so slightly upwards. "We fought." He replies. "Me, and the other guy. I tried to come here to make sure there was no bad blood between us. I am really bad at being a civilized member of society."

    His smile is soft. "But I see I am really wasting your time. If you woke up with a sore jaw or something, that was probably me punching the Other Guy through a mountain. His anger pushed me over the edge. I can't let that happen. It's too dangerous. I don't like Terrans."

    He squeezes his eyes shut. "I mean, people suck." There he feels better with that. "But individuals? I like them. If I want to be the sort of guy that people will say 'Uhm, people suck, but that Power Boy? He's alright? Well, I have to apologize when I am wrong."

    His tone makes it clear how distasteful he finds that. "Can you tell the other guy, uhh, that I'm sorry? I.. me losing control was bad. We're lucky it didn't spiral out of control more. I could have really done a lot of damage."
Bruce Banner "Oh. You're one of the people he fought." It dawns on him, "I'd heard something about mountains being shot through." Bruce chuckles, "Me and the Hulk don't talk. He comes out when I'm threatened, angry, or otherwise hurt. It's a mechanism I have no control over. Someone attacks me, I get pissed off, and I transform whether I want to or not. Each episode tends to bring with it more destruction as people try to stop him." There's a tight smile, "See, Hulk is an entire separate personality from me. I can't talk to him, and he can't talk to me. He's fairly savage, and the angrier you make him, the stronger he gets."
Power Boy     "Huh. Well, I lose control and I turn into a growling, screaming, swearing Superman-esque berserker." Power Boy shares this as he digests what Banner tells him. He slowly nods his head at that as he comes to some conclusions. "So, he's just going to remember me socking him in the jaw?" he asks. "So, no matter what, if we run into each other, I could lose control?" His arms cross over his chest, and it is not a threat. It is actually a gesture of isolation. "That, uhh, that really sucks. I'm sorry you have to endure that. I'll, uhh, have to try to avoid meeting the other guy." He looks downwards. "I'm really sorry for you. It must suck, like, a lot."
Bruce Banner "The Other Guy is always angry, and almost everything around him makes him angrier." Bruce confirms, "I only transform into the Hulk as a defense mechanism... and if you keep attacking him, he'll just keep getting angrier. Which makes him stronger." Another tight smile, "He won't know we had this conversation. If you're /really/ lucky, he won't attack you, if you don't provoke him. Most of the time, he just wants to be left alone, or deal with bullies, like the punks he was going after the other day when I lost control."
Power Boy     "That's the thing. He's angry. As he gets angrier?" Power Boy's arms wraps about himself a little tighter. "I'm an Empath. I see his anger. I feel his anger. It pushes at me, then it breaks. I lose myself to someone else's anger." He looks aside. "It's like I violate him, and he violates me. It feels great afterwards, like I have purged myself of anger. Then, well, I see what I did."

    He looks over at Banner. He works his jaw. "How do you deal with that?"
Bruce Banner "I don't." Bruce states, simply. "I have no control of what the Hulk does while he's out, and I don't remember anything that happens afterwards. I could be gone for hours, days.. a few times, even weeks." Bruce shrugs, helplessly, "If I release him voluntarily... I can help guide him, if I'm lucky. But when he comes out on his own? I'm not there, at all."

Bruce finally puts the laptop to the side then, and stands. His hands go to his pockets and he hunches over, visibly creating as small a target as possible. He gives all the impression of a man used to trying everything he can to appear non-threatening as he walks over to Power Boy. "So. You'll need to apologize to him yourself if you meet him again... and hope your empathic senses aren't overwhelmed, and that you don't appear threatening."
Power Boy     "I am a 6 foot tall alien warrior slave who bench presses continents." There is no bragging in that. Power Boy Pulls in a breath. "You will forgive me if I hope if I just run into you, Doctor? For your sake and mine. I wouldn't wish that on anyone." He offers his hand to the doctor with a sad smile. "This could have gone better for me, but I am glad to have met you. Thank you."
Bruce Banner "It was nice to meet you, Power Boy." Bruce offers a hand, then, and shakes it. "You're not a slave anymore, so I wouldn't call you that. I would also suggest a more human name if you want to acclimate." Bruce suggests, "Something to show the people of Earth you're adopting this planet like Superman did."
Power Boy     "Supergirl gave me one before she ran off to start smooching on some Daxamite prince prick." There's anger there. Power Boy tamps it back down. "I used to like it. My life is filed away under the name. Now, well, it pisses me off." His smile is soft. "Dogs are more loyal. You should get a dog. I'm an empath. I know these things." His handshake is firm, but not crushing. He has his strength under control.

    "If you, uhm, need to talk. I don't know a damn thing about anything. But I can listen pretty good." He just says it quietly. "And I'm a quick study. I left a phone number at the desk."