Owner Pose
Caim     It starts with a car chase throughout china town. The chase started a few blocks in the city and is in this portion of the city at the moment. People are hanging out of the car shooting at cars in the way. Caim has been tracking it via computer and was sitting on a bench nearby. the afternoon sun shines down on the people of chinatown.
Boris With easter weekend being around - Boris had returned to Manhattan to spend more time with his father. Seeing as it was saturday, and not too late, Boris had decided to head for Chinatown....mostly for the smells of good food when he could get some.
    As per usual, Boris was bundled up, standing out for his clothing which hid his mutations...for the most part anyways. His size couldn't be helped. And the low tremor followed him always. But than he sensed it, and heard it, the sound of shooting and the burnt stench of rubber agaist asphalt. He turns, being just across the street from Caim in time to see the speeding cars heading their way.
Caim     The car knocks numerous people along the sidewalk as it drives on it. The robbers were trying to get away and soon it would run into Boris if he didnt rush across the street fast enough, a gun shot rings out at the cops behind the car. Everyone is panicking but Caim seems to be at ease, just watching the car go. He closes the laptop and sets it down before moving to stand up, leaning on his cane.
Boris Boris eyes widen, as panic and memories of being hit by a truck spring to mind. He was like a deer caught in headlights. Instinctually he crosses his arms in front of himself - and the concrete road rises up sharply. High enough to send the car over Boris and perhaps even flipit.
Caim     What happens next no one can rightly say. Caim moves as quickly as a car and grabs the bundled kid and actually lifts him up with both arms and carries him across the street. Seeing the street raise only registers as an additional threat and he puts the kid on the side walk. He watches the car drive up and flips from the raised pavement. the robbers try and get out of the upended car shooting at anyone nearby.
Boris As Boris is picked up - Caim would distinctly feel large 'spaces' in his coat, as if the coat was raised up on sticks or something. ANd when set down, the ground was quite litterly quacking now, shivering, moving as if an centralized earthquake was moving through the areas. The shaking made some folks fall - and made it harder for the bandits to aim true which may have saved some additional lives.
    Boris says shakedly "Vank sie!" of course this doesn't stop the bullets from shooting out. When the bandits next aim at them, Boris actually grabs Caim by the arm and pulls him down behind a car. Sparks flying when they do hit the vehicles now turned shield
Caim     Years of combat reflexes and he is dragged down by a man the size of a child. He goes with the grabbed arm and uses the car for cover. He peeks out to see where his cane went and he growls softly at himself for leaving it by the laptop. He then looks to the bundled person he rescued and looks back to the road. "You caused this?" He asks curiously.
Boris "Nit und purpoise! Ah swear" the 'man' says with a deep bariton and thick accent. He looks to the raised platform and than to the robber getting into a shoot out. Evidently...the platformed worked a bit too well, as it actually took out a cop car or two as well. As this point it was a shoot out and a stand off between cops and robbers. He grumbles a "Sorriez." and as he peeks up, a bullet get him square between the eyes. "YEAOW!" he says startled rubbing his forehead. The bullet drops down crumpled, and evidently there was no blood.
Caim     Caim reaches into his coat when the man says yeow and when he sees the bullet land on the ground, he just shrugs. " Stay down." Caim says as he watches the cops and robbers do a shoot out between the two. "Thank the gods you are a mutant or you wouldnt have survived that." He says as he then clears his throat and speaks fluent german. "You alright?"
Boris     Boris instinctualy responds back in german "No need to tell me twice" he says. Granted the ground tremors haven't stopped yet. Car alarms, where going off, and by now many people have found cover - weather inside buildings, alleyways, what have you to get away from the shooting. He doesn't make any comment about being a mutant or not - no point in denying it when a bullet didn't phase you. But he does say "You might be surprised at what people can survive" still speaking in german none the less. "Feels like were sitting idiots out here"
Caim     "Boy you have no idea who you are speaking to when it comes to survival." Caim says as he keeps hid. Finally the cops win the shoot out and begin to check on the various people. Caim peeks out from behind the car and goes to stand. "I expected this sort of thing to happen in Gotham." Caim says as he goes to help the dwarf out. "Got a name?" He asks.
Boris "I will take your word for it" Boris replies back. Seems he was one to avoid conflict, choosing not to even question Caims words. Though when Caim asks for a name, he does hesitate as he is helped to his feet. The tremors by now have died down, and Boris...was definintly prefering not to be seen by the cops. "Errmm...Eddrache" he tells Caim. WHich for german, translates to 'Earth Dragon'.
Caim     "I am Caim. It has been a long time since I owed someone my life." Caim says as he moves back to his cane and laptop, gathering both. He then reaches into a coat and pulls out a card and hands it to him. "If you need anything, give me a call. Welcome to America." He says calmly.
Boris Boris takes the card and looks at it and than back at Caim. Clearly the diminitive man didn't think he did much. But guess it is not too bad to have a few friends. "Errrm, et was nit of vee problem Zir" he says respectfully "Und...vanks fer welcome" cause evidently, america is a place of craziness! He looks over the card to see if he can get some idea of what this guy is about.
Caim     The card lists a name and a number. Not much else. If researched the name can be linked to weapons research. Caim simply nods at the dwarf and seems to make his own way now, leaning on his cane.
Caim Caim should have made his birthday in 10000 bc so I could be a caveman and throw spears at people.
Caim Caim throws a spear at Mon-el, watches it break into pieces against him.
Caim Caim says, "So Laurel is older then you. that must make you the young uncle."
Caim Caim says, "Arent Coluans considered something to be feared thanks to brainiac?"
Boris Boris climbs onto SPeeds shoulders. Is now King of the world
Boris Boris says, "Hmmmm - well waiting to get back in or not, im sure rp can still happen"
Boris Boris rubs mits togeather "Guess that leaves the question of what to do" ponder ponder. "Whit would you say speeds normally up too?"
Caim Caim says, "and the only man I know who can be sexy and overweight."
Caim Caim says, "anyway I would love to have Constantine as my go to magical advisor."
Caim Caim says, "problem is I dont think constantine will approve of my evil ways of being evil."
Caim Caim douses kurt in holy water. "You are now blessed demon from hell."
Caim Caim says, "a shame pesky people intereferred with your time traveling scheme"
Caim Caim says, "you know doctor who introduced the banana daquerie to france."
Caim Caim says, "Crusader is in a lovey mood. Someone fed him chocolate."
Caim Caim says, "Atleast I am not forcing her to pick a side. Good and evil is overrated."
Caim Caim holds up a detonator. "I shrank some explosives down with pym particles and merged it with the chocolate. Do my bidding and you dont explode.
Caim Caim says, "you dont know which signal is needed to keep it from detonating."
Caim Caim wonders if he can get a tank cannon shrunk with pym particles and use it like a rifle >.>
Caim Caim says, "but you probably dont want me to. Genetics is a tricky subject."
Caim Caim says, "I think worse mav I saw was this hermaphrodite revealed she had a pouch which hid her...stuff...on public channel on a game I played on."
Caim Caim says, "you ring slingers are all the same all denying us ring powers"