Owner Pose
Jubilee Jubilee is still out of breath by the time she reaches her cabin. She parks Bump outside, stomps down the kickstand, and walks up the wooden steps onto the front porch. She takes a deep breath, knowing that she has to calm down before she sees Nate, or there might be hell to pay for some guy in Central Park, who WAS in Central Park, anyway, till Jubilee fled. Another deep breath. Even her THOUGHTS are rambling. She bites her lip, trying to calm herself, before reaching out a hand and resting it on the door latch. "Be cool, Jubes..."
X-Man Oh, there's no doubt that Nate knows something is going on, but he knows he needs to respect Jubilee enough to let her handle these situations. She can sense the rolling concern, anger, and need to address the situation that comes through their shared link. Still, in all of that she can feel his determination to wait, because if she /really/ needed him then she'd have asked for him. So, he waits, and she knows he's on the couch on the other side of the door waiting for her to come through. Patient as can be for Nate, but willing to give her the time she needs.
Jubilee Opening the door a crack, Jubilee peers in at Nate, a smile on her lips, but with eyes glowing an intense blue. "Hiya Baby. Whatcha want for dinner?" She knows he'll see right through that, but hey, it's the try that might make him smile. "I got all sorts of groceries, even picked up one of those energy drinks that makes you talk as fast as me..."
X-Man "Hrm." The young warrior displaced from another dimension responds at Jubilee' initial attempt at diverting the conversation. There's a long sigh then, his shoulders relaxing a little because if she's joking then it can't be /that bad/. "I could eat anythin', Jubes. Been three or four hours since I ate last, so I'm really hungry." His metabolism is the stuff of legends, but he shakes his head at the second part "No thanks. I think I might stay 'way from those drinks for awhile. A bit too much for me, right now." He stands up to go help with groceries, not because she needs it but because it's what he does.
Jubilee Jubilee wraps her arms around Nate's waist and hugs him, then backs up a step and smiles, beginning to relax. Her eyes are slowly fading from brilliant blue back to their more dull blue-grey. She walks out with Nate and helps him in with half a dozen canvas totes with random pictures or phrases on them, each with its share of groceries inside.

"So, there was this guy..."
X-Man Now that is how she can get Nate to change his demeanor, and when she hugs him there is a physical and psychic easing of tension in the young man. He returns the hug by wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holds her close for a long few moments. Without another word, he steps out to grab the bags, and brings them into the kitchen. As he's unloading the bags, putting the groceries away, he nods his head slowly.

Jubilee "He was sitting in the park. We were out of fudgecicles and y'know, there's an ice cream guy there who has good ones - not as good as the ones you get me, but they're good. Well I got one, and this guy was dressed head to toe in black, but he got a bomb pop, and I sorta found that hilarious." Jubilee is smiling now, as she puts away the groceries, touching Nate's hand as he passes, and taking things from him to put into the refrigerator.

But there's somethin' about him. Aside from the fact that he wanted to hit on me, cause let's be honest, I'm used to that. People don't know I could break them like twigs..." She snorts a giggle. "But I mean that didn't bother me. It was something else. He's not a normal guy." She turns to face Nate, her frustration screwing up her expression a little. "You know how I can feel stuff people think, and get a sense of their...mind, their power. I usually just ignore it but this guy was something different. He got a little too close to me before I could figure it out."
X-Man Nate is putting away things in an almost mechanical manner, but Jubilee can sense the turmoil that is his mind as she relates her story. She can feel that he's not /trying/ to probe her mind, but he's using that link to understand better than her words can convey. He's going through the images of her thoughts, and as she goes on to describe the meeting there's a spike of concern. It seems strangely similar to Terry's interaction with some man named Lucifer, but he waits as he tries to listen without probing. "What do ya mean he 'got too close'?" Tense doesn't begin to describe the tone of his words, or the sudden calm that shoots through their link. This is something he's not heard her talk about before, and it seems to hint at deeper and darker memories of his past.
Jubilee "I mean, he didn't do anything dangerous. He didn't try to hurt me. I just felt something more powerful than anything like--maybe more powerful than even you." Jubilee casts a look at Nate, knowing very well that he's hiding something, but these are the games they play, trying to keep one another from worry and harm. "I was trying to figure him out, trying to get at what he was. Told me he worked construction. No way that guy's a construction worker. No, he's super...like....majorly...." She's gesturing vaguely and shaking her head. "I dunno what. Like huge. Not huge...but HUGE." Talking in circles. "I was trying to get at it, but his mind's more powerful than mine, and I don't...really put mine to use like I should, reading others. So I sorta suck at that, still. But I was cold and he put his coat on me and then there was that scent and the warmth and my dinner bell went off. Then he touched me."

"Here." She points to the tip of her nose. "And I thought I was gonna go full on Wolverine."
X-Man There's a nod as he listens to the rest of the story, and the last of the groceries are put away. Nate follows along as he's used to her talking in circles, he smiles a little, but that smile slowly slips away when there's the talk about a coat ... warm ... and dinner. There's a different kind of calm, and Nate takes a few steps towards the couch as he replies simply with, "Oh. Ok." He runs his hand through his hair as he sits back down on the couch, and there's a complete stop of emotions that flow from him. He seems to be thinking hard about something, thinking because his eye isn't glowing, but his brow is furrowed as if in concentration. "Ok. What happened next?"
Jubilee Jubilee furrows her brow, and moves over to the couch to sit beside Nate. "Well, at that point I suppose...I sorta rambled a little bit maybe, and gave him his coat back, and I split. Why? What's goin' on in your mind? You KNOW I suck at that!" She narrows her eyes. "But you shut down the link. I didn't kill him. I didn't even hurt him. I just knew I better take off. Cause the scent of people is bad enough but warmth makes it stronger, and I didn't want to narf his neck or anything. So...tell me what you're thinking?"
X-Man Slowly turning his head, Nate looks over to Jubilee as he listens to her continue to ramble, and he puts a hand on her own as he tells her "Take a breath, Jubes." His smile is warm, his eyes caring for her as always, and he shakes his head, "I know you' wouldn't hurt anyone, Jubes." There's a pause when she asks what the problem is, and what he's thinking. "Uhm.." he sighs, he finally adds "Just hard to hear you wanted to feed on someone so bad, ya know? Pretty strong reaction, yeah? Like somethin' ya really wanted to do..."
Jubilee "Nate..." Jubilee takes a deep breath and holds his hand, squeezing it gently. "I wish I could change what I am, you know I do. It isn't what I want to do, even with you. You know I'd rather die than do anything to hurt you, even feed...But with you it's different...it's...." She doesn't have to finish the sentence. He can feel and see all her thoughts and emotions, remembering moments they have shared in that regard.

With others, it's different. It's instinct. You've...seen how I am even with you, when I'm starving. I can't resist the instinct, and I've stalked you...STALKED you...because I need somethething so badly I'm blinded to everything else...what I should do, what I shouldn't do. I wasn't starving today. I was just enjoying a nice fudgecicle, but then...instinct kicked in. I didn't want it, I ran from it. To keep it from taking over. It isn't something I think about." She sighs and leans her cheek against his shoulder. "I was terrified that it was gonna take me over."
X-Man "It's ok, Jubes..." Nate tells her, and the link slowly opening again. "I understand. I don't judge ya for it 'cause you don't get to control it..." and she can sense his understanding in emotions as well as words, "and I trust ya, Jubes. You try hard, and it's somethin' others don't do. Thank you." When she leans against him, he wraps an arm around her shoulders, "It's ok, Jubes. I'm sorry you are scared 'bout it..." he leans his own cheek against the top of her head, "Anythin' I can do to help?"
Jubilee Jubilee smiles and wraps her arms around his chest, holding close to his warmth. "Well, maybe a little later," she says with a small grin, her eyes flashing faintly blue with her laughter. "But....also I think I hafta figure out who this guy is. He's not just some guy, and I don't know that he isn't dangerous. I'm gonna talk to Rogue about him, too. She has all sorts of skills packed in that scattered brain of hers. Maybe she knows something I don't. Just...I dunno, if you help me, you have to be careful. I've never been scared that anybody out there could be more powerful than you are. But this guy...I'm afraid he might be. That's all..."