Owner Pose
Tony Stark     Midday. Somewhat cold. Ordinary street.
    It was Snowball that sent up the signal about the 'situation.' In that it is Snowball that suddenly made cheerful noises, and led the way around the block. Passing by the bright white Lamborghini with 'STARK 28' plate made the whole situation extremely clear, though: Snowball had become aware of Tony nearby. Sure, the car's in the back of the parking lot, but it's still THERE. There's another two teens outside lingering near the car, looking at it, and also at the restaurant, but it isn't anything other than just curious.
    Snowball is more oriented on the car than the restaurant, which becomes apparent as to why as Tony opens one of the doors and steps out of it, immersed in use of his phone-like-device. He's dressed casually: a thick sporty jacket, jeans, orange-striped shoes, bronze tint sunglasses.
Drake Winters Having been out on a power walk to clear his head, Drake is currently wearing a pair of Avengers jogging pants and a simple black shirt that clings to his body and a Team Static windbreaker. He follows after Snowball curiously at a quick pace, looking a bit surprised at the sight of the Lambo parked outside. He recognizes the license plate, then looks over at the door as they open up to reveal Tony. Huh. At an Arby's. He reaches up to pat Snowball on the head, then lifts a hand to wave towards him in salutations, though he does not interrupt in cas ehe may have his bluetooth on.
Tony Stark     Tony's more aware than he looks: or maybe there's some other information fluttering inside those odd sunglasses. A sharp eye will see some of the tactical HUD inside them reflecting off his upper cheeks. He flips a smile on and raises one hand to return greet-no, to hold one finger up in a 'just a moment' gesture. Then he finishes, and turns full high-beam attention on Drake. Or, more properly, Snowball, who rushes over and spins in a pirouette. "Very professional," Tony observes of the robot mildly, brows lifting behind the sunglasses, watching her antics. "How're you holding up, kid?" he asks, raising his voice to reach Drake easily.
Drake Winters "I'm rubbing off on her. She likes the attention she gets on stream. She's a huge hit." Drake says as he gives a stretch of his body, then pops his shirt a bit to air himself out. "I'm doing okay. You know. Same as always. Just work at home, work in the gym, being attacked by mutant warthogs and rhinos and being threatened by a ninja clan with a foot on their chest for poking my nose in the wrong places. I should probably brief you on that if Snowball already hasn't. I'm sorta become a target for a unnamed clan of ninjas that are strealing technology from Star labs. They don't like the fact I got involved and now they're sending muscle after me for shakedowns."
Tony Stark     "She's programmed to pick up on your preferences. As for her information gathering, yes: Snowball's passed a few things on to JARVIS," Tony agrees. "But filtered. Not so interested in your day to day. So she's passed on some about the ninjas, but also other various things." Tony loosely waves Drake over, starting to walk towards the Arby's, in a very clear expectation that Drake come along and continue to talk to him. "If you're overwhelmed by the ninjas, let us know. Otherwise, seem to be handling yourself there," Tony says.
    There's a pause, that screams Tony is about to be serious. He stops to say the next part. "On the /other/ thing, though: stop scanning random women," Tony says, looking over his sunglasses in a reproving way at Drake. "At least not without their permission."
Drake Winters "What do you mean by scanning random women? I don't tell her to scan then, she just scans everyone that pops into my room or into my vicinity. I'm assuming she just does it constantly, right?" Drake says as he pokes at the floating robot. "I don't even know how to turn her off. She scans guys too. It's not just women. Pretty sure she scans dogs also." He lifts his shoulders upwards into a shrug. "Do I just tell her not to do it? I sorta let her just.. be her own thing.. you know? Sides, if she finds something like cancer, shouldn't someone know about it? It's not like she's sending me nudes on my phone."
Tony Stark     "Hmmmm. Let's restrict that, then, to command only - for some reason she thought it necessary to do more than you - must have been some protocol firing up on protecting you," Tony says, shrugging, and pulls his device back out again, and moving to one side of the entrance, so as not to block it from other patrons. "Let me put it more like this. She's storing a lot of private data, and if she's stolen, that's an issue. I'm not going to have a SHIELD style security breach over a robot meant to be sure /you're/ not falling apart," Tony says, but it's with a smile. He adjusts, "Not that I /would/, she'd explode, but better to follow good protocol and respect some privacy. Knowing about somebody's cancer is, really, not our business usually---- All right, there." Tony finishes with the adjustment to the robot, apparently. Snowball chimes.
Drake Winters "I don't know... if some robot scanned me and saw I had cancer I'd want to know about it." Drake says as he gives a glance over to the expensive car, then back to him. "You drove your lambo to Arbys? That's pretty risky man. But I'm sure yours can turn into a transformer or something and start shooting lasers. I don't even own a bike. I just bus it all over the place." He watches him make the adjustments to Snowball, shifting his jaw in thought. "So, these ninjas seem to be pretty serious. Like they can .. I dunno.. sneak into my house and kill me I'm sure. They got a foot on their chest. Not sure if that means they're foot ninjas or feet ninjas.. I don't know.. but I was told by a buddy of mine who sorta ....ah ... is one of them.. that they really want me out of the way and they've been around for thousands of years and they control everything from the shadows. Shit like that. Should I be worried or are these guys just Cobra Kai knock offs?"
Tony Stark     "As omniscient as I may seem, I don't know what you've run into off the top of my head," Tony answers, flippant, smiling. "There's databanks at the Avengers mansion you can dig into on them. Hit the 'books,' as it were," Tony suggests, without a lot of concern. Then again, the man is looking at the Arby's, and is likely hungry. Even so, Tony is a king of multitasking. "Or get Snowball to pull down that data, dig for what you might need, and feed it to your laptop, if you're more lazy." No judgement, really. Just a suggestion.
    "Technically I drove somewhere else, but now I'm here just to eat before getting back to work. Generally only supervillains try to mess with my belongings." A flash of smile. "If there's nothing else, I'm going to get that burger." Tony pushes his glasses up his nose a hair with a finger.
    A few patrons come outside, mostly staring at Snowball, not so much the casual Tony or Drake. "It's so cute," one patron says, gasping.
Drake Winters "Arby's sell roast beef sandwiches, not hamburgers." Drake says as he gives him an amused grin. "But, if you aren't worried that ninjas can sneak into my house and kill my sleep, then I won't be either. I'll hit the books as you suggest. If I do find something that is a concern I can let you know." He gives a look to Snowball and smiles, then nudges her. "Come on, we gotta finish our run and then we got scrims tonight. I need your help in analyzing Boston's defense on Kings Row. Take care, Tony. I'll see you guys at practice tomorrow."
Tony Stark     "Don't bust me on sematics, kid," Tony laughs. "Sandwich of meat. Also, they'll make one if I ask," A roll of eyes and grin. "I won't be there, on a trip -- have a good sweat, though," Tony bids. He's often missing from various practices. In fact, nearly always. Just one of those things with the busy billionaire. He heads inside, with a wave over his shoulder.