Owner Pose
Rayner Vasusena      Red X vs. Raijin.

     It was the fight that was going to let the Titans know exactly who they were up against. Expectations were high, a plan was set, and they thought through every possible detail, or at least they thought they did. However, The DNA cylinder was of no use at all, his plan to use his lightning powers at all was next to useless, and to make matters worse, he was now on one leg. Stabbed straight through the kneecap.

     Rayner fought against Red X and lost.

     When he awoke, he had one of the shuriken he managed to imbed in Red X's leg and arm and a disc, courtesy of Red X...if anything, he should be able to analyze the blood on the shuriken, so they walk away with maybe a minor win. But now he has to face the team. Bracing through the intense pain to use his super speed to arrive in the living quarters of the Titans, but he falls immediately, groaning and grunting with pain. He looked banged up. Bruises on his head, slice marks across his chest, bad stab wound in his leg. Thankfully though, for reasons unknown, Rayner had recovered quite a bit after the fight, and he knows not why.

     "Titans..." Rayner speaks softly. "I failed."
Dan Richter The Wolf sits in the corner, dilligently sharpening a knife, with several more layed out in front of him on a towel, ready to recieve the same treatment. When Rayner enters the main living area and makes his announcement, the Wolf's head never moves from it's focused gaze upon the blade, "....What a startling revelation." Said in his trademark dull monotone.
Breath Breath blinks. "Jeezus, you're *hurt*! Don't show off! O. M. G." She stands and goes over to offer a hand. "Sit." It isn't worded as a suggestion. She points at a chair with a glare, gently guiding him that way. Maybe not as gentle as possible. That whole cowboy thing isn't something she's a fan of. "Do you need water or anything?"
Mandy Harker And then there's Mandy. The new girl. The literal bouncing ball of chaos that is prone to rocketing around with little pattern. No. In fact, she's crouched in a frog-like pose, arms crossed before her, elbows jutting out, right there in midair. Her little charms on her jacket and neck tinkle in some unseen breeze, and her eyes have a faint glow to them, a reddish-purple as she looks at the boy. With a light 'pop' sound, she soars from the room, only to return with a fluffy snuggee, a bag of chocolate minis, and a silvery blue can of some kind of energy drink. They are all held out to Rayner,"I SAW ON TV THAT ALL THIS MAKES PEOPLE DO AMAZING STUFF." A pause, and then she waggles a finger,"Momma Harker says that true failure is hard to achieve 'cause even when you don't get the result you want, you get data that might help you get that result. The harder the whiff, the bigger the data! Besides, you're alive, and you came back to us, and that is totes the best outcome ever."
Colette The door to Stardust's room opens and peers around the corner to see what the raised voices are about. She darts her head back in, closing the door. A few seconds later the door opens again and she comes out to stand by Breath. "Heya Rainman. Or alternatively, medical bay. Your call." Her eyes dart from head to chest to knee, taking in the wounds. "Medical might be a good idea. Though maybe a little first aid here and now."

Stardust takes a step back again, giving Breath room to operate since she's being all in-chargy. "Maybe you should have given that to him before he got into the fight then, Boomster. X-Face is obviously pretty tough. A Snuggie of Invisibility, Energy Drink of Indomitable Energy and Chocolate of Ultimate power, right?"
Rayner Vasusena Rayner starts to push himself up even before Breath comes on over to help him, he promptly looks to Dan. "Thank you, captain of the no-help-whatsoever brigade." then his eyes look to Breath. "Thank you." and he lets out a little grunt as he ends up standing up straight and set down in a chair. "Water would be nice." He looks to Mandy, tilting his head at her. "...are you new? Hi." he says in his pained voice.

A look is given to Colette in a 'really? now?' kind of way. "Hey Letty...I'm fine. and Rainman will suffice." he gives her a friendly wink. He hands her a disk, with a blood-stained throwing star. "...his blood is on the star. We should be able to run analysis and at least get closer to knowing who he is. and Letty...a word with you later."
Dan Richter The Wolf continues his sharpening, ignoring Rayner's retort entirely, along with his request for water. It would seem he has no interest in aiding the wounded one.
Breath Breath nods. "Medical is totally a best idea. What's hurt?" She looks at the star, then rushes to get something for an evidence bad. "Right. I'll be right back, dropping this off so Robin can get his mystery fix, and grabbing some supplies." She rushes off to do so.
Mandy Harker Mandy meets Stardust's gaze with a smile and a shrug,"Noone in, like, the time of ever has ever left any planning to me. You want outside-the-box thinking, come to me. You want crazy awesome plans, go to Nightbird." Does she... mean Robin? "Glitter, catch me!" Cue Mandy flinging herself at Colette,"Trust fall!" As for being new? Well, she merely shrugs,"HI. Yes, I am new. Dethbot sent me here." She indicates Dan. Apparently he is 'Dethbot'. "Anyway, she-" Mandy indicates Breath,"- is totally going to get you fixed up, and then we can go blow stuff up until you feel better. Sound good?"
Colette Stardust looks confused for a moment. Brows furrow, then she blinks wide-eyed. "I didn't mean Rainman or Medical Bay as a name. The 'or' was about what Breathy said. Chair. Chair or medical bay. Medical Bay would be an odd name to give someone. Unless they were like, you know, Michael Bay got a doctorate in medicine. Then it would be quite good. Also it might mean he'd stop making movies, which would be even better." Her eyes go to the bruises on Rayner's head again, and she leans up to check for any particularly large bumps.

There's a nod of her head when Rayner asks her for a word later, and she takes the shuriken and disk with the tips of her fingers. With her other arm she reaches out to catch Mandy before she hits the floor. "Sorry Mandy, I'm gonna need both hands a sec," she says, putting Mandy safely down again.

"It's okay," Stardust calls out after Breath. "Just grab the first aid kit. And some soda. I have some evidence bags with me." She does indeed. Out of her pocket comes a handful of evidence bags. The disc goes in one. The throwing star goes in another. But before she seals that one, she takes a couple of swabs of blood from different places on the star, and puts them in their own evidence bags. The two bags with swabs go in her pocket, the two with the star and the disc she places on a side table by Rayner's chair. "We can deal with those later," she says. "You okay, Rainy?"
Rayner Vasusena Rayner wasn't really expecting anything from Dan, he was always silent when it came to these things, so he never really minded it anyway. As Breath returns with evidence bags and water, Rayner nods appreciatively. "Thanks...as for what hurts?" he moves his hand to the knee that was stabbed through. "This...chiefly above all. I'll recover, but it's going to hurt like a bitch for a few days." a small sigh then.

To Mandy, he smiles softly to her. "He sent you here? Well, welcome." he smiles softly to her, and he nods. "Sounds good to me. Have you tried the danger room gaming? Thing is fun as hell." Eyes move to Colette as she checks him over and asks if he's alright. "...I'll live. It's not a blow to my pride, he's a good fighter. I'll heal within a few days." a warm smile for her, though it may be forced. He's in plenty of pain.
Dan Richter The Wolf speaks once more, still not glancing up from his knife collection sharpening, "...You're gonna wanna be careful with that knee. If it doesn't heal exactly right, you'll be walking with a cane a year from now for the rest of your life......Wait here." He says in his standard monotone before suddenly getting up and leaving the room.
Breath Breath gets instruction from Colette and redirects to grab the medical kit, returning. "Okay, let me see this." She kneels next to Rayner and starts critically examining his knee, noting Wolf leaving. She decides it's best to wait and get his eyes on the problem too.
Mandy Harker Mandy still lets out a 'whee' when she is caught, even if she is immediately sat down. Then she pops up on her feet and walks over, looking on curiously,"Blood is so strange." Her eyes take on a sort of mesemerized expression as she gazes on. "The Czgthak practically frenzy when it's near..." She passes her fingers through the air near Rayner's head as if swiping at something. Then she makes a frustrated facial expression. "Nnng. Nevermind. Anyway, I have not, yet. I need someone to operate it for me. Doesn't wanna respond when I give it directions. Like automatic sliding doors, or touchscreen phones."

She kneels to take a look at the knee. "What's it like?" Her tone is like that of a curious child. Her eyes drink in the process of the medical care for a moment, before she asks,"How do you know what needs to be done? Is it hard to learn? To repair body damage, I mean?" A million and a half questions. "Dethbot's totally going to help. He's always so helpful!" She lets her mind roam for a while, before she asks finally,"What makes X so tough?"
Colette Stardust turns a surprised look on Dan as he makes his exit. "Did he... is he... did Moon Moon actually...?" She gives a shake to clear her head, then turns her attention back on Rayner. Or more specifically, Rayner's knee, watching over Breathy's shoulder as she inspects it.

"That does look pretty unpleasant," Stardust comments. "Moon Moon is right though. Should probably get you down to the med bay for an x-ray, see if you need more serious attention. I mean I can diagnose that you've got a case of 'Stabbed Knee', but that's about the limits of my medical expertise. However I have heard that 'Stabbed Knee' can be a nasty condition if not properly treated. Maybe Raven can vodoo it better." She turns to sort through the contents of the first aid kit Breath had brought, and pulls out a bottle, removes a couple of tablets and hands them to Rayner. "Pain killers." She darts back into her room, and is out a moment later with a bottle. "Water." She's not, it seems, pathologically incapable of terseness.

"It's the X on his face that does it," Stardust answers Mandy, resting a hand on her shoulder. "He was a perfectly normal guy until he bought an ancient and mystical letter 'X' on eBay one day. Little did he know it's a sentient 'X' that has been magically imbued with the spirits of Genhiz Khan, Julius Caesar and thirty-four ninjas. He intended to mount the 'X' on his wall as a decoration and conversation-starter, but as he was adjusting it on the wall mount, the ladder he was on slipped, his face went into the 'X', and the rest is history. That's one rumor, anyway. There are others. Some say he was raised by grizzly bears and sharks. Others that he is the secret love child of Chuck Norris and a chainsaw. The truth is that nobody knows."
Rayner Vasusena Rayner looks over at Dan as he apparently seems to -actually- want to help. "right." and h watches the guy walk away, giving him a confused look before he looks to Breath, who happens to have a wild Letty looking over her shoulder as if to check her work. But what really gets his attention is Mandy for now.

"uh...sorry, scuse me?" he asks her curiously as she seems to be waving her hands around his head for a minute. "Is there something on my face?"

Theeeen to Letty. "He's got gadgets and gismos galore and he apparently has extreme knowledge about every single one of us. from powers to apparently our personal lives. Nothing to do with Colette's amusing story, I'm afraid." he does accept the painkillers and water, taking the prescribed amount and using the water to help guzzle it down. "thanks>"
Dan Richter The Wolf returns a small cardboard box in hand, and sets it down in front on the table next to Rayner. He quickly gets out a small dish with a resin resembling peanut butter and smelling of rancid sulfur, and a vial with some clear liquid in it, "Everyday, without fail, apply three drops of this" he jiggles the vial a bit, "to the wound. It'll burn like hellfire and make the rest of your leg go numb for a good half hour. Then, apply this" he does the same with the resin dish, "until the wound closes naturally. Make sure to apply a tight wrap to it and stretch it out as much as you can. If you dont miss a day, you shouldn't have any issues. Just ignore the smell, that'll go away on it's own." He sets the vial and dish back in the box and goes back to his corner, picking up his knife sharpening right from where he left off.
Breath Breath blinks dubiously. "...What IS that stuff?" She peers at it a bit, then starts trying to get that cut cleaned up with alcohol so she can bandage it, looking over at Dan because that was just a bit of a curious side thing. "How deep did that cut go?" She inspects the wound some more to see if it hit anything more problematic than muscle."
Mandy Harker "Your mysical letter X theory makes no sense. If it was imbued with the spirits of thirty four ninjas, then he would be harmless due to the law of inverse proportional ninjas. No. More likely, it has exactly a single ninja, who was abandoned at birth by his swordsaint father and blind shamisen-playing mother on the day he was to be Baptised. It's the only logical explanation." A pause. "Also, Chuck Norris would never deign to make love with a chainsaw. Only a perfect clone of himself. The grizzly bears and sharks check out, though."

She nods sagely. This origin story is Mandy-approved. "Anyway, SOMEONE knows. X knows." Then Rayner asks if there's something on his face. "No. Yes. Not really? It's complicated. Space monsters. But only on another plane of existence. No scary ones this time. They like blood, though." She chews her lower lip for a moment, then snaps her fingers,"Clearly, he's an evil clone of one of us. I bet he has a goatee and everything. I wonder how I would look with a goatee. It'd be preeeetttty goth." She considers this for several moments. Then Dan arrives with smelly medicine, and she is of course, instantly interested,"The smellier the medicine, the better the ninjutsu. And I think we can all agree, Dethbot is a total ninja." She nods as if this made perfect sense.

She looks over at Breath, offering,"Have you already fought X? Is it scary difficult, or exciting difficult?"
Colette Peering into the dish The Wolf had brought in, and sniffing cautiously at its contents, Stardust wrinkles her nose. She raises an eyebrow at the unlikely Doctor Wolf, and turns to Rayner. "I think this is one of those 'anything that does not kill me makes me stronger' deals Rainy. Mind, Moon Moon is always coming home with all kinds of wounds from his fighting with the other wolves, so he probably knows about quick healing. I'd still do the X-ray thing in case you need surgery on that."

Stardust turns to Mandy, and gives her a speculative glance. "Chuck Norris knows that if there were ever two Chuck Norrisses, the universe collapses into a singularity and then punches itself to death. A chainsaw is the next best thing, so it's either make do with a chainsaw, destroy the universe, or become a monk. The chainsaw hypothesis is valid. However that clone idea actually isn't a bad one. It'll certainly be interesting to see how the blood tests out. Rainy, how /did/ you get your hands on a shuriken that hit him? Was it just lying there after the battle?"

While she's talking, Stardust pulls a small lamp from her pocket. When she switches it on, it's clear it's a blacklight. She runs it over Rayner's arms. One hand lights up with a luminous constellation of dots across his fingers. The light shows up the same pattern on her own fingers. She gives a nod of her head, then quickly sweeps the light over Dan, Lyssa and Mandy, but they are at least relatively clean. "Tell us all about it, Rainy."
Rayner Vasusena Rayner looks at Dan's vial that he brings and he -stares- at it for a moment. "What -is- this? Tiger's blood mixed with dragon urine?" he's mainly joking, but he'll take the vial of yellow goop and he'll put it in one of his pockets. "I'll keep it in mind. Thanks." he nods once to Wolfy before his eyes fall upon Breath. "Deep enough that it briefly pinned me to the ground for a few seconds. It was not a pleasant experience."

Theeeen he looks to Mandy. "uhm...do I need to worry about space monsters trying to eat me in my sleep because I'm bleeding?" he tilts his head at her. Things just got -really- weird. Though he's now bombarded by Colette, who asks him questions. "Well, he threw two shuriken at me, I caught them both, I throw them back at him and impaled his arm and leg. Made the bastard limp and easier to fight. ripped it out of him...still had it in my hand when I came to." or at least, that's what he remembers. it's hazy.

"As for the fight itself, he taunted me using your voice, Letty. and he wore lightning-resistant armor. and I have no idea what his sword was made out of."
Dan Richter For once, the Wolf actually looks up to respond, focusing on Breath and holding his gaze an uncomfortable few seconds of utter silence, before his helmet's speaker crackles to life to deliver his dull monotonal answer, "......Trade secret....Suffice to say, I'd be a cripple without it." He says bluntly before going back to his knife sharpening. He then suddenly stops, and turns his robot-esque gaze on Mandy, ".....Who?" As if a switch had been flipped and he only just noticed it.
Mandy Harker "Remind me to tell you the theory of infinite Chucks some day. On the up side, we know I'm not the clone! I don't even HAVE blood!" She pokes at her arm with one finger, making squelching sounds with her mouth. As for Rayner's question,"Uuuuummm... maybe? Not these, though. Unless a cultist of Oshtug-Ranth is performing a blood rite on you. Then they'll claw across the Veil and devour your soul... Probably. Or they might cook you grilled cheese. They're not actually really sane in the typical sense, so when they talk, it's kind of all 'blah-blah-blah'." She spins a finger around her ear. As for Dan? "You!"
Colette "And the disc? Where did you find the disc?" Stardust asks insistently. "Also, the spray. Any luck? What countermeasures did he have for it? No Mandy, she hasn't fought X-face yet," she answers for Breath. "And we can be fairly sure it's not a cultist of Oscar Mayer whatever you said."

  Stardust takes a step back, glancing down at the two evidence bags on the table, and chews her lower lip. "Hmm, Breathy, would you mind getting those to directly to Damian for analysis? Don't let anyone else touch them on the way. We need a whatchacallit trail of something. In case of contamination. I'm sure we can excuse Mandy from having her blood type matched, she's too new to be a likely subject anyway. What do you think, Wolfman? Go for the clone hypothesis? Who do you think X-Face is?"
Rayner Vasusena At present, Rayner's attention is on Colette as she rains (Puns!) down questions on him. "The disc I found after I woke up from getting a very potent knockout gas to the face in my hand, which I'm still suffering the affects of, by the way." he pinches the bridge of his nose but answers the best he can. "Too damn fast and too many shurikens. Barely had a chance to use it and chances of successfully using it dialed down to zero pretty quickly." He looks at his knee then for a moment before he looks to Mandy.

".....you really need to work on your bedside manner." he chuckles and offers Mandy a reassuring wink before he looks back to Colette. "What I need to do now though, is try to analyze what I can and decode his next clue from the disc." and he tries to stand up, his leg apparently giving a very firm 'no' as he immediately starts showing signs of extreme pain, but he's got one hell of a poker face. Easy to tell pain levels by his breathing.

"...I'll say my thoughts after he does." he looks to Dan.
Dan Richter The Wolf stares at Mandy for several seconds with his unblinking LED eyes, "....That's not my name....Please dont call me that anymore." Before Colette can say anything snarky, his head snaps over to her, "It's not 'Moon Moon' either..." When asked about his thoughts on who Red X could be, the Wolf goes silent again, speaking up after it's been just long enough to get awkward, ".......If I had to guess?....I'd point the finger at You, Robin, Cyborg, miss Harker, or myself....But that's pure speculation."
Breath Breath hmmms. Listens quietly as the conversation wanders off into the completely bizarre and just quietly works on bandaging up the wounds. She looks up at Colette and nods. "Right. Just a moment and.." She tapes and finishes up, "..There. Got it, I'm right on it." She gives a thumbs up and collects the evidence. "Be right back as soon as I get this stuff checked in. I don't want Robin getting grumpy about not doing it right or anything. Iunno how he wants it yet. Fricking Chess. What-ever." She rises. "Yeah, like, if it's one of us? Totally Robin. Duh." and walks toward the elevator.
Mandy Harker The girl taps her chin thoughtfully. After a moment, she points at the disc and says,"That is clearly a trojan disc! Like a trojan bunny or trojan cow. Like, I mean, it's a trap. Obvs." Mandy counters Rayner's advice about her poor bedside manner with a masterful retort,"You're not in a bed." Or maybe not. "No more Dethbot. Got it, Ninja Blue." Now she's not even trying, is she? "In case it comes up, no blood, no DNA, no fingerprints, and..." She pulls on a strand of her hair idly,"Not actually hair or skin. Daddy Harker says it's some kind of... mystical platonic metamaterial? Like, essential 'skinness' and 'hairness' without the little details." She scratches her nose in thought at that, then lifts off the ground and drifts after Breath,"I want to watch!"
Colette "Wolfdude, you go changing your codename, can't blame us for getting a bit confused. Isn't it Moon Moon that you picked? I thought it w... oh no wait. Amtrak? Anorak? I forgot. Me, Robin, Cyborg, Mandy or yourself. Hmm, interesting list. And what if you didn't have to guess?" She doesn't wait for an answer. "Breathy, could you teach Mandy about how we have clean isolated machines for playing random discs that are probably trojans? And if you don't like learning chess, tell him. Uh. Or ask him why he wants you to." She blinks a couple of times, then frowns at something. "And see if you like the answer," she adds.

When Rayner tries to stand, Stardust is having none of it. Her hand whips out, restraining palm placed against his chest. "Sit!" she orders. "What you need to do now is recuperate. The detective stuff can wait. Was he expecting the spray? How did he react when you first tried to spray him with it? Think carefully Rainy, it's important."
Rayner Vasusena Rayner wasn't paying attention to much of the conversation until Mandy remarks his comment on bedside manner. "You're right, I'm in a chair. Which can double as a makeshift bed if you really get creative, so...same rule applies by way of technicality." His attention shifts to Dan as he makes his comments about who Red X could be.

"Isn't Cyborg. He'd blow his cover pretty easily. Not to say that Cyborg -couldn't- do anything Red X like, but he's too...emotionally proactive, if that makes sense. and we would have seen him using his abilities, when it's clear this guy has none. Mandy is a little tall to be Red X. Isn't you either, because guessing that yourself is red x is not a wise move at all, eliminated by default. but...what I think I know is that it's a member of the team."


His eyes shift to Colette when she stops him from standing and demands he sits back down, his eyes locked on her. "I'm useless in a chair." He tries again but eventually he just sits back down, looking rather annoyed, but when asked, he nods. "Yeah. Fully prepared for that in fact. When I busted it out, he looked calm as ever, like it was fully expected and planned out." he narrows his eyes softly.
Dan Richter "Amarok. Like the wolf of Inuit myth." The Wolf's helmet has no real features, but the glare from within is practicly radiating hard enough to give people cancer....and or superpowers. Rayner's breakdown of his 'guesses' draws the freshly retitled Amarok's gaze upon him, "You're right, it would be stupid of me to point the finger at myself. Unless of course I'm lying, and just trying to throw you off the trail by acting pragmatic. Never assume anything of someone until you're watching the light fade from their eyes." He says darkly as he resumes the sharpening of blades.
Breath Breath stops and sighs in exasperation. "Nobody has shown me anything with evidence yet except how to give it to Robin when I find it! And Robin wants me to be a chess master, and I had to cram a bunch of diplomacy, AND it's FINALS! I got nothin. It's not that I don't WANT to learn chess, it just feels like.. a test before he'll help, and that's cool and all but stuff is totally happening RIGHT NOW, so like.. not! helping!"

Breath sighs, "And I still don't know why Robin is picky that X has nonbinary pronouns. I mean, it's just the smart thing to do but nobody does that. I wish I had a recording of them talking, I took enough voice lessons I might be able to pick that out at least." She looks at the evidence in her hands, "Look, I'll be right back."
Mandy Harker "Amarok devour the foolish and weak." Mandy chews on her little finger for a moment, as she floats after Breath,"People are saying my name a lot! My popularity just skyrocketed!" She seems excited at least. "Voice lessons? Is that, like, when you're learning about sound? Learning to speak was hard! Mathematical permutations while manipulating sound through a non-standardized apparatus. Imposing order on chaos. Bizarre. I like it." She likes almost everything. Give it five minutes, she'll get lost in the hall.
Colette "Actually yeah, I agree with the Anorak, " Stardust says with a nod. "If it was me, I'd totally put myself on the shortlist. And if anyone said it couldn't be me because I'd put my name on the shortlist, I'd /also/ tell them not to make assumptions like that because if it was me I'd say it might be me trying to throw you off, like... Did that make sense, the way I said it? It made sense to me. " That's the important thing. Just so long as she knows what she's talking about, which she totally does. "Rainy? Help Breathy out. X-Face has a synthesized voice, right? 'Cos I know I would. I really doubt you could tell. However Robin's use of nonbinary is to try to get us to not make assumptions about X-Face's gender." She pauses a moment. "Actually he told me he suspects X-Face is a she. Mandy, try not to get lost again."

Stardust crosses her arms, steps back, and looks Rayner over. She smiles wryly at him. " The powers thing is no guide. For all we know he's holding back. I mean he hasn't needed them so far. Unless his armor isn't as good as it looks and he has been using them really. So out of Moon... Anorak's list, you exclude... hmm, that leaves me and Robin. Unless you stabbed your own knee and shouldn't be left off the list. But we're both too tall to be him, too. Though I think you meant short. On second thoughts, let's get you down to the med bay for a scan on your head as well as your knee." She offers him a hand up to help him to the elevator. "Come. I can carry you if you like," she says. "And, thankfully there is another possibility, which is that it's an ex-member, or that he's working with a member, either voluntarily or through some leverage he has over them. But basically, yeah. That's where we are. A traitor in our midsts. Dun dun dun..."