Owner Pose
Iris West Sunday night had arrived! Which meant Iris West was nervously gathering together her notes on the rooftop of the Picture News in Central City. Youd think that for someone who had been waiting for this moment would be a bit calmer, but not Iris. Shes afraid shes going to fumble the questions.

She finally settles herself down at the table and takes a sip of her coffee before looking at the time. Almost showtime for the Speedster. She was wondering if he was going to be late.
Barry Allen The fastest man alive late? If she only knew.

But not tonight, tonight he is actually early. There is a blur of scarlet and gold about 5 minutes prior to the agreed meeting time, followed by a rush of wind following in his wake.

He stops a few feet from Iris, leaning his shoulder against a support for the water tower and folds his arms over his chest, "Ms.. West." he says with a smile.
Iris West Iris looks up when theres a sudden breeze and she reaches up to smooth her hair back down with a smile. Good evening, Flash. she tells him as she stands back up. Thank you for agreeing to the interview. I know I was kind of a pitbull about it. she chuckles as she looks to him.

She then looks down to her notes and then back to him, Would you like to have a seat or do you prefer to stand? she asks him with a smile.
Barry Allen "Your welcome, I figured you have been chasing after this bone for long enough, I might as well throw it to you."

He shrugs, "I get fidgety." says the Flash with a bit of a smile, "So i'll probably do a bit of both. I'm also likely to pace around as the mood strikes, so don't feel like you are boring me or anything, it's just how I am."
Iris West Iris laughs a little, Well, to some of my friends it seems like an obsession. So Im glad you decided to do it. she tells him with a smile. She nods to him when he explains that hes probably going to be fidgety, Thats understandable. Im surprised you arent running about as it is. she chuckles.

Then she settles herself back down and theres a look to her notes before looking back to him, Now, you dont have to answer anything you feel uncomfortable with. So if I hit a question thats too personal or you just dont want to answer, let me know. she tells him.
Barry Allen "As long as the first question out of the gate is 'Who are you under the mask' I think we will be golden, Ms. West." the Flash says with a chuckle. "Other than that, I will take them as they come. I hope you also understand I will not be answering questions about the League members as well, unless they are general. It isn't my place to give away any of their information."

True to his word, he starts to walk slowly, just to be moving. "So, hit me with your best shot."
Iris West Iris frowns and starts to carefully stack the notes, "Damn. That was my first question." she tells him. Then she gives him a smile, "No, it's not. Who does that?" she chuckles. Then she watches him for a moment before she shuffles the pages.

"First question." she states. "Are you a metahuman?" she asks him.
Barry Allen A smirk forms on the visible mouth of the man in red. "I'm sure it was, Ms. West." he chuckles, "But you would be surprised at the questions some of us get. Unlike Diana, most of us like our anonymity. I keep my identity a secret since if the Rogues knew who I was, they could target my friends and family."

"I believe I would classify myself as one, yes. I wasn't born with these abilities. I acquired them later in life." he says with a nod as she asks her first question.
Iris West Iris gives a chuckle, "That's...Wonder Woman, right?" she asks him. "That's not going in the article, just a confirmation for me." she admits. Then she gives a nod to him, "It's probably rough trying to keep identities secret. So I understand." she tells him.

When he explains that he'd classify himself as one, she makes a few notes. "So how did you acquire your abilities?" she asks him.
Barry Allen "Yes, that is Wonder Woman." says the Flash with a nod. "Diana, Princess of Themyscira. Don't ask me about it, i've never been there."

Hrms for a moment. "I'm not sure I can answer that one with too much detail, Ms. West, other than to say I was involved in an accident and the combination of events in said accident gave me my abilities. I won't give details because I don't want people to try and replicate what happened. It was a fluke, and I don't want people to end up hurt trying to gain their own abilities."
Iris West "Princess Diana..." Iris jots down that note. "That's pretty neat." she admits with a smile. "I won't ask then." she muses.

When he moves onto answering the question there's a nod to him, "Understandable, a definite do not try this at home factor." she nods to him. "So, the suit, is it a fashion statement or does it protect you?" she asks him.
Barry Allen "Little of column a, little of column b?" jokes the Flash. "It's more than just a pretty red suit. I mean I couldn't run around like I do in normal clothes. They would end up in shreds. So the suit functions as a utilitarian outfit, but I also happen to look good in red." Blue eyes behind the mask give the reporter a little wink.
Iris West Iris makes notes while he talks and she looks up in enough time to catch that wink and she smiles to him, "I don't think anyone is going to tell you that you don't look good in red, Flash." she chuckles.

Then there's a look to one of the questions and she looks to him, "I know this might sound like a bit of a odd question, but why do you do this? Why do you go around saving people and making sure things are safe?" she asks him.
Barry Allen The Flash thinks for a moment before he answers, "Because I can. I have the ability to help people, so I do. It's just the right thing to do, you know? If I had the ability to save someone, but just sat there while someone was shot, or fell or...anything, how could I live with myself? I would be just as guilty as if I had pulled the trigger myself."

He continues to pace, ending up back over where he started and returns to leaning agains the leg of the water tower. "It's just how I was brought up. You do what you can to help those around you."
Iris West Iris listens to him and there's a soft look as he explains why he does what he does. She makes a few notes on her page and then looks back to him as he leans back up against the leg of the water tower.

"You had a very good upbringing then. A lot of kids could benefit from having a role model like you really." she tells him. "So what do you like to do for fun, Flash? Do you race around the world in your down time?" she asks him with a smile.
Barry Allen Flash laughs. "If I wanted too, I could race around the world about 7 times by the time the first syllable from the first word of you question had finished leaving your lips. No, I don't typically run around just for fun. I do things normal guys do, you know? Go to the Cougars or Stars game, go out on a date, see a movie...etcetera. Most the time I am just hoping that when I do have down time, something doesn't arise where I am needed. And since I can pretty much be anywhere on Earth in a matter of moments, that happens far to often."
Iris West Iris listens to him and there's a nod to that, "Fair point." she tells him with a grin. "So you are dating someone?" she asks him. "I know, horrible question." she shakes her head after that. "So you probably don't have an excuse to be late for dates and things. Unless something catches on fire or a bank is robbed...or thugs decide to ram a police car." she points out.
Barry Allen Well, that's an awkward question to try and answer. "Not exclusively?" he says with a slight tilt to his head. "I mean, I have had dinner with someone recently if that counts? But if you are asking if I have a confirmed significant other, I would have to say not at this time. Why, interested?" He gives a little smile and another wink.

He lets out a little laugh, "You would be surprised, Ms. West. I bet if you asked my friends and even the other League members, they would all say I have a tendency to show up late. I know, I know. It's hard to believe."
Iris West Iris gvives a chuckle, "I didn't really expect you to answer that." she tells him honestly. "And I think that it's probably hard for you to date exclusively as the Flash." she admits. There is a blush though.

"So in the end you guys are human, just using your powers to help out the world." she smiles. "Is there anything that you'd like to clarify for your fans out there, Flash. Or for your enemies?" she asks him.
Barry Allen "If you mean human as in we have lives other than when we put on tights, then yes. I know you know that some of us don't fall under the 'Human' banner. Like Superman for instance." says the Flash as he pushes off agains the water tower again to walk around.

"To my fans I would say that I am out there, trying to help as best as I can. Even as fast as I am, I cannot be everywhere at once, so do your part to help your fellow man as well. My enemies, well, they know what I would say to them.
Iris West Iris gives a smile to the Flash, "You know what I mean, yes. I'm glad that you and others are around." she admits. She watches him as he starts to walk around again and there's a look down to her notes.

When he speaks again, she looks up, focusing her blue eyes on him. There's a smile to him and a nod as she writes that down. "So how do you figure out that there's trouble that you need to take care of? Radio or do you have some sort of sixth sense?" she asks him. "And if you are tired of questions we can let that be the last one." she adds.
Barry Allen Shaking his head, the Flash turns to look at Iris, "No, I don't have any sixth sense of things. I either see or hear something happening, or I am called via a communicator if it is League business. No special form of speedster sense for danger, or anything like that."

He continues to walk around, "No, i'm good. Ask away. I've got as much time as you need to ask your questions. You've waited this long to get me here, I at least owe you that much."
Iris West Iris gives a nod to that as he talks, taking careful notes about the man as he walks about.

"No special speedster sense. Got it." she grins to that. "So this is one of my last questions." she states as she looks to him. "If you could go back and do things differently, not get your powers. Would you change it?" she asks him.
Barry Allen That question stops him dead in his tracks.

He takes a moment, just standing there silently as he looks out over the cityscape, folding his arms over his chest before finally answering. "No. No I wouldn't. Going back in time and changing things can have unforeseen results. There is something you might have heard of called the butterfly effect. Basically, a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. It is not worth the risk."
Iris West Iris shifts a bit when he stops dead in his tracks. She gives a look over him and then there's a bit of an apologetic look, "I more meant if it was possible for you to go back..." she trails off. There's a quirk of her eyebrow, "Wait, you can go back in time?" she asks him.
Barry Allen Flash sighs, "Yes. It is possible for me to time travel." He turns to look at her fully, "But I would prefer that you don't put that in your report. I don't want people thinking I can just run back in time and solve their problems for them. It isn't as simple as it sounds. One change causes a ripple that can have catastrophic outcomes."
Iris West Iris stops taking notes and there's a bit of a look to him. "I won't put that in the article. I promise." she tells him. "I was just surprised that you can do that." she adds with a soft chuckle. "And...I'm not going to ask you to run back in time and fix any of my problems either." she nods to this.
Barry Allen Flash nods, "Thanks." he says as he walks back over towards the leg of the water tower, "Was there any other questions, Ms. West?"
Iris West Iris gives a shake of her head, "No, I think those were all I had." she tells him. She stands and gathers her notes, putting them in her bag. "Thank you for taking the time out to talk to me. I know you're busy with things." she tells him with a smile. "And if you need help with anything, please get in contact with me." she states.
Barry Allen Flash nods. "You're welcome, Iris. I will look forward to seeing the article." He smiles, gives her a little wave, and then in the blink of an eye is gone, leaves and dirt swirling in a little mini wake of air from his departure.