Owner Pose
Skye Johnson The interview with Lag had gone well. They were doing a small touchdown at the Trisk before turning around via Madripoor and heading back to infiltrate and steal the andtidote for the man they'd just rescued. While clint worked on settng up team and mission details, Skye was biting the bullet and passing off necessary information to Fury - namely what she and Clint were doing.. and more importantly, what she'd done. And while she thought she was likely going to be okay on ths one, it had been a bold and brash move, and with Fury you could never tell.

Thius it's with trepidation (mild - come on, it's Skye we're talking about) that Skye approaches Fury's office and makes request to have a moment or three with the man.
Nick Fury     Fury is currently in his office, looking over the latest intelligence reports. His frown was even deeper than normal, as he persues the information on the computer screen. With a sigh, he leans back in his chair, and acknowledges the new arrival outside of his office doorwith a "Come in."
Skye Johnson It's Skye who slips in, and closes the door behnd her, giving Fury a lopsided grin - her tradmark. "Hey boss. Got a few? Have a couple things to run past you."

She takes the seat across from him at the desk, conveying a security the subtle flip of her stomach would like to have a small discussion with her about. While she's done a lot of crazy things, this latest might have just had her stepping outside bounds even she couldn't get away with.

Still.. Skye thought she knew her boss well enough by now.
Nick Fury     Looking up at Skye, Fury nods, and says, "I was wondering when you would drop by. Of course I have some time for you, Agent. Please, run by me what you need to." His voice was even, and non-committal. Fury watches as she sits down, and he stays silent, waiting for her to start her "briefing".
Skye Johnson Skye's grin remains, belying that nervous flip of innards. "So.. you got the briefings on the rescue operation we just went on?" And he should have. Hydra base in Hong Kong. A data centre with more fortification than any data centre should have. "We found out that our rescue is a technokinetic. He uh.. well, the reason the Benefactor nabbed him is that he can manipulate electronics with his mind. Some, like light switches, by line of sight, but most by touch. He's been being used to do some high level investigations of the backdoors Hydra dropped while the internet was down."

The very same sorts of bckdoors that SHIELD had put places during the same time.

"Thing is, it's worse than we thought. All that stuff I said about we should be keeping our eye on them, and why I figured we should keep it silent that we had a finger on the private satellite network they still have? Why we didn't want to tear it down? Pretty much what I said, and.. yeah. Worse. They've fingers everywhere. And sounds like they're setting up for some major instability in things like the stock exchange." Not to mention things like bypassing security systems everywhere for things mundane to as problematic as making shipments of anything from goods legal to illegal invisible and unable to be tracked.

"Uh.. we're going back in. Lag - uh, Marty Perkes is his real name - he's got a chemical ticker in him instead of a mechanical one. We need the antidote."

Skye stops, but there's a real sense that's not all she's come to say.
Nick Fury     "I was just looking at those briefings before you arrived here actually." That was all Fury said, as he had suspicions about that whole operation before reading Skye's reports. Nodding as Skye reports further, Fury leans back in his hair, and puts his elbows on both armrests, steepling his fingers in front of him.

    "Very well. Op approved." Fury was being succinct today. More so than usually. "Make sure it goes off without a hitch. Anything else you have to say or report?" Fury's eye regards her with a thoughtful expression.
Skye Johnson Skye licks her lips and gives a little nod of her head. "Uh.. just one small detail that you probably needed to hear about from me, rather than reading it in a report. I uh.. I uh kinda gave Lag an ultimatum. That he could sit back and be one of the ones we saved and we'd get him his antidote and life would go on, or.."

She gives a little pause, and regards her boss deciding if this was where she winced apologetically, or where she drew her shoulders back and owned her future.

She owned her future..

"I told him if he came with us on the op that he was buying in. One of the team. I said he'd be an agent-in-training."

Another pause.

"He decided to come with us. So.. I welcomed him to SHIELD."

She sits and waits for the fallout. Whatever shape it might take.
Nick Fury     "A small detail, huh?" Fury says, not revealing what he thought by his expression or tone. He pauses for a few seconds, absorbing the words, and then he says, "Hurumph." Fury stands up and walks to the window. He looks out, and then his voice echoes across the room as it bounces off the window.

    "Agent Johnson. Although you are a level 4 Agent, I have been hoping you would step up and assume more responsibility as you got...older and more experienced. I will let this be one of your tests. You new recruit can be an "Agent-in-Training". We'll see how your judgement is after all this shakes out. If it fails...well. I expect you know what will happen. If it succeeds, we'll see. Double jeopardy I think."
Skye Johnson Skye knew she'd overstepped.. some.. okay, a lot.. but she also knew that's about what was expected of her. There was the box, and then there was Skye. Fury's reaction and reply answered her biggest questions, and left her feeling confident that she was on the track she was supposed to be.

Her head tilts to one side ever so slightly, and she eyes Fury with a questioning look, "So, when you say my new recruit, and how my judgement pans out, are we talking he's *my* agent-in-training, or..?"

Truth be told, she's not entirely certain what answer she wants or expects of that query.
Nick Fury     Looking back over his shoulder at Skye, so he could see her, Fury nods, emphatically. "Yes. What else did you expect? You want him, you take responsibility for him. If he steps out of line, I come down on you, as I expect you will on him. That's what it means to be a Supervising Officer. If you can't handle it, well, I can re-assign him to someone else...?
Skye Johnson There's a blinking nod from Skye as she parses all that out and sees where her edges lie. "Noo.. He's my responsibility." She gives a small cough, and speaks up again, more firmly, "I'll uh.. make sure he gets shown the ropes, and yeah. Uh.. heh. Clint is gonig to shit bricks."

Her saucy grin returns. "Anything else?" Like she hadn't been the one to come to him.
Nick Fury     "Not right now, Agent Johnson. You are free to go. Enjoy. But not too much." With that Fury returns to staring out the window. "Carry on as if you were normal, Agent."
Skye Johnson Skye rises, and makes it to the door before replying, "You'd miss me if I were normal, sir, we both know that." And with that, she's off. There's a mission to tackle. And somethng about a vacation that had been severely derailed..