Owner Pose
June     It's late evening when the text comes in. The number is strange.

Outside, right. -J
Drake Winters A text is returned back: How'd you know I was here? New number? - Drazzler.
June There is not much of a delay before the response comes back.

'You are all over the news, remember? Newest Avenger and all.'
Drake Winters "Yeah, but .. does that mean you snuck into my window tonight and didn't find me?" The next text comes in quickly. "I'm putting on clothes. Give me a bit."
June     Outside, June looks at the response, but she doesn't answer, wearing a Black Keys shir that has been cut out on the arms to turn it into a tank top that stretches down almost to her waist, showing a black sports bra underneath it. She wears a pair of blue cut-off shorts and black stockings that have rips and tears along them, and of course her Converse sneakers. Not a style that fits in for the neighborhood, she stands just behind a building half a block away, a black knapsack over one shoulder. "Fucker just get out here," she mutters to herself, glancing down one side of the street and the other, careful to stay out of sight and in the shadows.
Drake Winters Finally heading out of the mansion is Drake, who is wearing a pair of destroyed at the knees jeans and a solid black Overwatch shirt and a black Avengers jacket. He gives a few glances about, then spies her finally. Heading over, he gives an amused look on his face. He's also sporting some new gear in the form of an interesting looking firearm attached to his hip and a gold gauntlet over his right arm.
June     Once she's confident that Drake has seen her, she motions for him to come into the alley, then disappears again. She doesn't look like she is quite so amused. "Took you long enough," she greets, glancing at the gauntlet. "Think you could stand out a little more? Where's your..." she gestures at the air past his shoulder," Robot thing?" She looks nervous, and not in a happy way.
Drake Winters There is a small chirpy noise from Snowball from Drake's backpack. He reaches over his shoulder and pops it open so that she can peek out of it with a "HELLO" across the dashboard of her face. "Stand out more? I could walk around naked and wear the gauntlet. But then again, probably not he weirdest thing people will see on the streets. You okay?"
June     June glances at the robot. "Oh," she says, "Hi." It's clear that she feels awkward greeting the little robot. "No, things aren't okay, I just needed to let you know that you can't go back to your apartment for a little bit." She looks a little ashamed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come to ask for your help the other day."
Drake Winters "Uhh..." Drake blinks a few moments as he squints his eyes. "I've been sorta forced to move in here by Captain America... and by forced, I mean guilt tripped and told to give up my donations since now they're pouring in due to the whole being famous for more than playing video games now." He says with a wrinkled nose. "So... uh ... are you on the run now?"
June     "Bastards," June responds with a look of disgust. "Told you, heroes suck," she comments with a decided 'I told you so' kind of tone. "I'm fine," she says, and for someone who usually lies well, it's pretty clear that right now, she's not fine. "I just gotta figure some stuff out. I just don't want you getting caught up in it all."
Drake Winters "Cap is just an old school dude, and besides, I donated it to a great charity. A rescue shelter for kittens." Drake says with a grin. "I also get a full time salary here, free room and board, top of the line technology, all the food I can eat and Internet so fast I think I can insta-lock any hero I want in the game. Cap just doesn't want me to use my new Avenger status as a way to get money outta people. I can respect that. Even if it makes me sad."
June     "A rescue shelter for kittens," Nuala echoes with a disbelieving shake of her head. "I'm sure Tony Stark does the same." She puts her hands on her hips. "It's good you're here, though. I don't think they'll try to send anybody into that place. It'd take a pretty major operation to break in, and it'd be too high profile, the risk is greater than the reward. Just...watch yourself when you leave the grounds. Word is they are training some guys who are going to be super elite, some outside guy is suppposed to be hot shit. Makes me a little uncomfortable."
Drake Winters "Yeah? We got a Hulk and a Thor. Pretty sure our hot shit is way warmer. So, what about you? You are obviously not okay, even if you say you are. I can get you a place somewhere else if you gotta escape. Pay with cash." Drake offers with a concerned tone in his voice.
June     "I can handle it," June says almost in a snap. "Something is happening. I don't know what, but...there's something different. Something big. It might not happen tomorrow, but it's coming, I can feel it. You still don't get it, Drake, you don't go Hulk and Thor these people. You never see them until it's too late, if even then. Besides, didn't Thor just die in that crash yesterday?"
Drake Winters "Nah, Thor can't die, he's a God, and if he was dead, we'd be tripping over our feet here." Drake says with a chuckle as he leans back against the wall of the alley. "And why are you still being stubborn? If you're telling us to freak out when we have all this super powers, then maybe you should take me up on my offer. You're my friend."
June     "Drake," June says sincerely, "Let me level with you. I'm where I am because I'm dumb as shit. I have killed people. Don't you get it? You think the Avengers are going to welcome a killer in with open arms? Your fearless leader would lock me up in a heartbeat. And he should. I'm not the good girl, I'm not just someone who has ended up with a bad hand. I dealt the cards myself." She shakes her head. "I'd just make things worse, man. You don't need that. You stopped me on that roof because you felt bad for me. Because I manipulated you. Did a damn better job of it than I thought I did at the time. I'll play the fiddle or play the flute depending on where I am. You don't want me around, you really don't."
Drake Winters "Classic defense mechanism by the conflicted bad guy who is on the edge of becoming a good guy." Drake says with a sigh in his throat. "Anyone can have a redemption story, you just need to commit to it. But, fine .. if you don't want my help and if you've been stringing me along the entire time, I'll just lose your number. Guess I really am just an idiot."
June     June lets a tremble out, holding her lips closed and nods. "That's probably best," she says after several seconds. In the dim light, the light catches water forming at her eye, and she turns away before the tear drops.

    There is a whistle that pierces the air, and in the dark, a kunai comes from an unknown location above, a red tassle attached to it as it speeds for Drake's neck. Seems she didn't prevent a tail as well as she had planned.
Drake Winters The whistle catches Drake's attention and he only gets a half second to turn before he jerks to the side, feeling the sting of the weapon having sliced through the bottom of his neck and shoulder. He clutches himself as blood squirts through his fingers, dropping down to one knee.
June     June spins as she hears the strike, her hand going to her mouth in horror. She doesn't move to help, but takes a single step back, her other hand coming around to hug herself as she views Drake and his injury.
    "I'm sorry," she whimpers between her fingers, tears falling down her cheek. "I didn't have a choice."
    Two shadowy figures leap from the roof, and land several feet away. They look through hoods, their uniforms a little different from some of the other Foot ninjas. One draws a katana, and the other holds a pair of sais.
Drake Winters Pulling his hand away from his neck, Derek stares at the blood, then gives a bit of vibrating blink in place as the wound starts to slowly seal. "You set me up?" He asks as he coughs out in pain as he stares at her with anger rising in his eyes. There is a curl of the gold gauntlet that he wears as he turns his head back towards the cloaked figures.

"You guys straight fucked up."

He blinks out of sight, leaving the trio of them in the alley, then a solid wall of ice comes up from behind them, stretching all the way to the roof, a bit of mist coming out of Drake's gun he holds in his left hand as he stands a bit off to the side, locking them all in. Snowball is floating next to him as well with a red flashing glower upon her face plate. "You guys thought I was a real pain in the ass when I was fast. Now you're dealing with Mei and Doomfist. Which one of you motherfuckers are ready to get /flattened/?" He growls out as the gauntlet charges up with an explosion of flames pouring out of it.
June     June backs up, helping neither side as the fight begins, tears running down her face.
    The ninjas split as the flames spew through the alley, rolling in opposite directions. They move as one, the katana ninja rolling to Drake's right and throwing another kunai as the sai ninja dives under the flames, singing his uniform as he slides deep, feet aimed at Drake's own to take him from the solid ground.
Drake Winters Pointing the gun at the ground, Drake fires it as an ice wall comes up from beneath him, vaulting him upwards into the sky as the kunai embeds itself into the ice where he stood. Most likely the diving ninja is going to hit the wall, and it may hurt depending on how fast he is going. The gauntlet erupts again and he blinks forward twice, skipping through the air, coming up from the side of the katana ninja to throw a speed force punch for his jaw, aided by the kinetic explosive powers of the DoomFist (TM). He plans on hitting the guy so hard he will make a dent in the wall that he will most likely bounce off as that is where he looks to aim him.

Snowball takes action as well, shooting upwards into a bit of a whirlybird manner, unleashing her 'Blizzard' ultimate from up high, raining the entire alley in her hyper fast freezing powers in a tight circle around the pair of ninjas, looking to cocoon them as she does the space fungus.
June     The ninja with the katana brings up a cross block, unaware of just how hard he is about to be struck. He takes the blow squarely in the arms, and goes flying back, slamming into the stone wall. There is a definite *crack* and as he slides down the wall, blood streaks behind him and he is silent. The second ninja slides straight into the wall in a less than perfectly graceful surprise, and looks up at the offending robot. He climbs up the wall of ice using the sais, and then turns to launch one of them at Snowball, aiming to take the little robot out of the fight.
    June jumps back, running up the wall and grabbing a window ledge to avoid the freezing circle, gripping it with her bare fingernails.
Drake Winters As the ninja busies himself with throwing a sai at Snowball, Drake blinks out of thin air, snagging the ninja by the leg in a crushing grip of his Doomfist, then speed boosts himself to the ground in an attempt to whip the ninja in a whiplash effect to the cold concrete waiting for them. Poor Snowball though, she takes the Sai to the head with a metallic thunk, causing her to spiral to the side and bonk off the wall with a loud pained squeal. She is built with the best of Stark tech and may only have a dent or a scratch, but she is spinning about dizzily for the moment.
June     The ninja makes no noise, but the breaking bones can be felt as Drake hits the speed boost. As he is swung, though, the attacker grabs his leg, and twists in, causing him to spin farther than might have been initially planned, trying to reverse his position with Drake so that the assault will backfire as he grapples for a strike with the pommel of his sai to the injury on his neck.
Drake Winters Letting out a pained scream as the hilt slams into his wound, the pair of bodies tumble to the ground together. The ground is slippery and perhaps painful to the touch from how sticky and cold the ground is. Whipping his gun forward, he pulls the trigger to unleash a thick cloud of wet, fast freezing vapor upon the ninja, mostly the same as the type of freeze that Snowball has. The gauntlet begins to charge up as well, flames flickering about the fingers as he curls it into a fist.
June     The ninja reaches out, only be stopped cold, quite literally. He cringes back, scrambling to try to get away from the vapor as he is encased in the fluid, coming to a stop.

    Something else was happening as Drake was dealing with the first two ninjas, however. It's announced as an invisible force suddenly presses against Drake, like an invisible wall shoving him. Upon the roof, a third ninja stands, a gauntlet of her own over her right fist. Her hand is extended, and as she closes it, the force against Drake suddenly becomes one pulling on him, trying to lift him into the air. June, however, is on the side of the wall, having apparently decided to come into the fight. She leaps up from the window to the edge of the roof, and climbs to the top, the third ninja unaware of her movements, or unconcerned with them.
Drake Winters "Freeze, don't move." Drake mutters under his breath one of Mei's famous tag lines as he watches the second ninja come to a full stop. He takes a moment to breath heavily, then pushes himself up to his feet, just to find himself suddenly force grabbed. "Hurk!" He yelps out as he is snagged in mid air, his legs pin-wheeling away. He whips the gun around, flicking a button along the hilt as he takes aim, squinting with one eye. He fires off an ice-shard towards the ninja, aiming for the gauntlet. It's the type that would thickly hang from your gutters after a bad winter storm. You don't want one dropping on your head.
June     The ninja ducks to one side, her dark hair flowing free, different from most of the ninjas seen, and she has a black scarf over her face. "You have troubled the Foot long enough," she says, extending her hand again to throw Drake back down to the ground with significant force. She didn't see June, but suddenly, the red head takes her from the side, a kunai in her own hand as she grabs the woman and drives the blade into her skull just below the ear. The woman spasms, the force releasing Drake as quickly as it began as her hand stops pointing at him. It appears that is the nature of the gauntlet's direction. She goes limp, blood staining the gray uniform as she topples over the edge of the roof, landing head first into the pavement below.
    June stands, her left hand stained with blood from where she ended her clanmate's life. Tears still streak down her face, and she shakes her head in disbelief of what she's done.
Drake Winters THUNK. Drake hits the ground before he could blink himself down to safety, feeling a crack in his shoulder as he screams out in pain. When the second body drops out of the sky down next to him, he scrambles up to the side, staring for a moment before he looks upwards as he clutches at his shoulder. He stares at June, blood dripping from his face and neck.
June     June stares back for a second, then vaults over the side of the building, falling to grab the window ledge on the next floor, regaining her positioning, then dropping the rest of the way to the ground. She rushes toward Drake, stopping a few feet in front of him. "Are you okay?" she asks, despite the obvious answer to the question. She looks terrified, blue eyes like saucers.
Drake Winters "... Ow. I'm great.. you know... top ten anime betrayals followed by breaking my arm .. and I got stabbed in the neck.. I don't feel so good." Drake says as he mutters to himself, feeling the world swim about a few times. "I feel dizzy." He slumps back against the wall of the alley, clutching his eyes shut as he lets out a ragged breath.
June     June crouches next to him, "Just, don't move too much," she says, taking a look at the neck wound first. "It's ugly," she admits, "But it looks like it missed anything vital." Her hand trembles slightly, and she clenches a fist, then puts on her game face again. "I have to get you out of here," she says. She pulls the phone out, only to find that somewhere during the scuffle, the screen was broken. "Dammit." She tries to pick Drake up, "Just try to stay awake, okay?" she instructs. "Don't pass out or anything. You've lost a lot of blood."
Drake Winters "I'll be fine." Drake says as Snowball floats over to him, giving him a quick scan as some lasers wash over him, then sends the data bask on through the Stark systems. As he is helped up, he lets out a sigh. "You should go though. You just shot yourself in the foot I'm sure." He coughs. "Pun intended. Snowball will make sure I get in okay and patched up. I'm sure they got some injection they can stick in me and I'll heal up and grow a third arm or something."
June     June frowns, and even in her concern, she has a little bit of an edge to her. "Yeah, fuck you," she says. "I somehow doubt you can make it there on your own." She looks back at the dead Foot soldiers, and goes to the one who had the gauntlet, pulling it off her hand. "I think I should probably hold on to this," she comments, and then goes to take the katana that was shed. She's looting the bodies. A few smoke pellets, a couple kunai. Her frown is sharp, a wrinkle on her lower lip as she does it.
Drake Winters "My shoulder is broke, not my legs, and I can make the jump down the street just fine." Drake says as he watches her for a few moments, then reaches out with his good arm to rest it on top of Snowflake's floating body for support. "Loot away." He says as he starts off as the ice wall before them crumbles down into a mist of water, giving the alley a cold, refreshing spritz.
June     June turns as he starts to go, shouldering the katana. "Drake," she says simply, hoping he will stop. "I didn't want this." She seems rooted in place by her own words, having the things she needs to survive an attack now on her.
Drake Winters "But you did it anyways. We all have a choice in life, June. You led me out here into a trap for them to kill me." Drake says as he pauses in the alley, turning back to stare at her for a few moments. One of his arms is hanging limply, his face is battered and his neck and shoulder is bleeding heavily. He is being supported by a floating Snowball. He is also wearing a gold gauntlet on his right arm. Something he snuck out of the basement to test out. On the ground is three dead footsoldiers and melting ice on the ground.
Janet van Dyne     There is now a buzzing sound from right behind June......and it's like an insect. June might not see what is buzzing behind her immediately, but Drake will.....and he can figure out who it is by the voice. "So.....I'm guessing this woman isn't here to try and kill you, Drake?" Says a fairly....tiny voice near June. "and I wouldn't turn around. I'm a lot smaller, but My stingers are painful, and I can still throw you pretty far."

Drake would easily recognize the tiny Janet Van Dyne..
June     "Dammit, you idiot!" June spits, starting to march after him. "I just signed my own death warrant for you." She hears the voice of Janet, and counter to the advice, she leaps forward and away from the sound, spinning and drawing the katana with the slip of steel against cork. She takes a ready stance, clearly not expecting someone of Janet's small size. In fact, she doesn't actually see her at all for the first split second, but it's clear that this punker girl is on edge, she's nervous, and ready to attack.
Drake Winters Glaring back at her, Drake opens his mouth to say something just as witty, but stops as he hears Janet instead. He spies her flying behind June and shifts his jaw in thought. "Hey, Wasp. No. She is not currently trying to kill me." He takes in a deep breath, then lets it out. "I was just attacked by The Foot. June here can tell you all about them." He says as he motions to the girl. "She used to be one of them. She should be taken in and interviewed and put under protection services. They are going to try and kill her now for saving my life."
Janet van Dyne     As Drake tells Janet about what happened, Janet lowers her arms, but stays back from the sword, now drawn. She tilts her head as she grows back to her normal height of 5'4", and has her arms crossed.....actually relaxed as she looks at the girl. "And you'll vouch for her, hmm? Will you tell us everything you know about the Foot? I imagine it's some sort of ninja clan or something, cuz o the katana and the...." She looks about. ".....bodies that are laying here."
June     June frowns. "The Wasp?" she asks, not lowering the blade. Across her right hand there is some type of silver technological gauntlet. "What is this, an inquisition now?" she asks Drake. "You won't find much from me," she says. "I am not nearly important enough to be trusted with any secrets." She snorts, "What do you want with me?" Even in the midst of such a crisis, she remains suspicious of heroes.
Drake Winters "Yes, The Wasp. My teammate in the Avengers. I mean, The Foot just attacked me pretty much in our front yard. You didn't think they'd get the distress call from Snowball?" Drake says with a frown on his face. "Look, June. You're in serious shit now, just come back with us, talk to them, and we'll figure out an exit strat for you, okay?" He says as he lets out a breath. "You did save my life after all." He says as he gives a nod to Janet.
Janet van Dyne     "You're in a worse position than either of you think." Janet says with her arms crossed. "She-hulk's on her way. Sooooo...." And she tilts her head at June. "I would....suggest....you put the katana away. Because.....all it'll do is tick off She-hulk." And she raises her eyebrows. "And if you anger She-hulk? I'm leaving the country."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk has been more or less told what's going on. It was very rushed for obvious reasons and she broke another cell phone by accident which cut the call off prematurely.. nevertheless here she comes! Her entrance is rather dramatic, taking place not too long after Janet warns June. Shulkie suddenly drops from the sky, having leaped over who knows what to kind of "fly" the last bit of distance. She lands with somewhat of a thud, "I can't think of anything awesome to say right now so... maybe I will just let my fists do all the talking!" She eyes June, "Let's not escalate this any further than it needs to hon.. just drop the.. sword? Okay wasn't expecting that but.. still.."
June     June has scarcely an opportunity to respond to Drake and Wasp, when the red head bounces back in surprise, dropping the sword and falling to her rear from the nearby impact. "Holy shit!" she exclaims, eyes bugging out of her head. She scrambles backward. "Fuck me!" she curses, looking at the giant of a woman. "How many more of you are there?"
Drake Winters Looking beat up and bloody, Drake is already a bit wobbly on his feet as he rocks back and forth. Snowball is floating beneath one of his arms to keep him upright. The gash on his neck looks worse than the hanging arm he cradles. When Shulkie lands in the alley, he stumbles a bit to the side, falling backwards as well with a loud yelp of pain as his arm is jostled. "Sss.." He hisses out. "The fight is over, She-Hulk. I took care of the bad guys with a bit of help. I just need a doctor now."
Janet van Dyne     "We'll get you to a doctor, Drake." Jan then looks to She-hulk. "thank you can handle her, She-hulk? I don't think leaping around the city will do Drake any good, so I'll handle him gently." She says as she starts to grow in size. It seems 'gently' is by carrying him in a hand. "Be glad you got She-hulk. Captain America can beat She-hulk." She then looks to Drake. "Come on Drake."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk raises a brow at Jan, "The Cap and I are best buds for your information! I'd never dream of balling him up and introducing him to file thirteen.." She looks back at June, "You hear that? The fight's over! You even dropped your sword! Finally a smart baddie! I wish all of my missions were this easy! I mean this is why I never bother working with SHIELD.. they don't even have a retirement plan and you're stuck with the WORST assignments.. no thanks.."
June     June looks at Janet's growing size, and then at Drake. She looks down, realizing these are his real friends. "Yeah," she says, "Well, do me a favor, don't go writing any headlines about it just yet." She needs to come up with one hell of a good story."And Drake..." she starts, then glances back at She-hulk, and thinks better of it. "Nevermind, just get better."
    She looks back at She-hulk. "This is the part where you beat information out of me, then?" she asks, as if accepting the inevitable scenario.
Drake Winters "Getting the VIP service, huh?" Drake asks as he limps over to the growing size of the Giant Wasp now, sliding into her hand. "Jen, June saved my life. She's not a bad guy today. But she has enough information to at least help get us in the right direction. She is going to need protection from these guys called The Foot. No one has to beat her up."
Janet van Dyne     "Shouldn't be telling me." San says as she walks towards Avenger's mansion. "tell She-hulk and the rest of the Avengers. Now quit talking and save your strength." She then looks way down at She-hulk. "bring her. When Drake recovers, he'll talk to her."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk looks at Drake, "Huh?! Oh.. um.. I.. see? Well that's not the narrative I was given when I was called.. in an important meeting.. with important people.. and told that you were in need of help?" She turns to June, "Noooo no.. no one is torturing anyone! I mean.. no.. just no.. okay so you aren't a baddie? That explains why this was so easy! Seriously? Well that's that then.. so.. June is it? Please tell us what you know. I promise I will not hurt you. It's not in my character. I only fight when I am given no choice hon.. I will protect you from these Feet guys.. or whoever they are.. seriously need to change their name by the way..." She clears her throat, "AHEM... but yeah it sounds like you are in a position to help us. Well we can help you too ya know.."
June     June gives a strange look to the green woman. "I..." she hesitates. "I don't think you know what you're dealing with," she advises. "You guys are superheroes, right? You don't even know who these guys are. How do you think you'll be able to stop them?" She looks skeptical. "You can't fight what you can't see."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk smiles at June, "Well it helps that a sword will really only tickle me.. I mean sure I am not exactly indestructible but... let's just say that these Feet guys are probably not going to be able to hurt me. If they do then we have a serious problem, but... well no offense.. if they are on your level then we won't get to that point. So let's just stay positive here! You have info and we need it.. you need protection and we can give it! Perfect trade!"
June     June arches a brow. "Yeah, I guess I do," she admits. "I just offed an officer, and they ain't all on my level, trust me. I'm just a kid from the Bronx that got herself too deep in. Deep enough to get Drake in plenty of crap for bein' a good guy. He's not right in the head," she comments. "I mean, really not right. He shoulda steered clear a long time ago."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk BLINKS, "Oookay.. so.. you um.. killed a cop?" She looks around only to find that her friends are gone, "Well that figures.. call me here and leave. I am not responding to these calls anymore. They can deal with it themselves next time.. but yeah okay so.. what's this info that they need so badly? Look I didn't even know about any of this until they called me. I seriously thought someone was dying or about to die.. or.. something like that. Now I've been left here to figure this all out myself. You don't even have to tell me the information okay? Just tell them and know that I can help.. and you can call me.. when I get a new phone.. okay? You are safe!"
June     "Not a cop," June says in a frustrated tone. "An officer of the Foot." She looks back at the dead body. "I trained with her," she says. "She was like family." She looks back at She-hulk. "She was family, and I killed her. I'm gonna need a place to stay, at least until I figure out how to get out of this hole."
Jennifer Walters She-Hulk nods, now understanding a bit more, "I.. I see.. I am sorry to hear that you had to go through that.. but please try to trust us. We have no reason to lie to you, I mean I certainly don't work fot feet ninjas.. or whatever you mean.. I mean I don't even know kung fu! I know like.. world war 2 style hand to hand combat because I trained with.. okay.. sorry.. getting off topic here. Look you are going to be safe with us. It's not our first rodeo after all. We've.. done this kind of thing before. It's kind of what we do! Your information might even save more lives! Let us protect you! You can tell us when you're ready but your protection is unconditional."
June     June nods, "Yeah," she says, picking the katana up and sheathing it on her back. "I guess I don't have a choice. I hope you guys are up to it." She starts walking in the direction of the Mansion. "My life depends on it."