Owner Pose
Kate Kane     Exclusive Invitation.

    That's what the hand-delivered envelope had stamped on it, and it's select few matching letters that had been sent out a week earlier. An invitation to apply for some of the internships at Hamilton Arms, as well as a booklet outlining the more exciting developments being made by one of the worlds largest arms manufacturers - Nothing 'top secret' but plenty of excitement and a select few availabilities. An apprenticeship as a gunsmith, R&D internships, and a 'rare and exciting' opportunity. The candidates? Seemingly chosen at random. A physics major, tall and with glasses. An apprentice mechanic, young and bubbly with her skin showing that 'permanent' dirt of her profession. What appears to be a high school senior, still in his uniform - And Stephanie.

    There's little clarification offered in the introduction, where a few choice facts are offered about the company in a lavish conference room inside their downtown Gotham headquarters, before their tour guide begins to walk them through the relatively normal lower floors of the building. There was one thing that might have stood out though -- "We've been watching you all with great interest, and that's why you were invited here."

    The elevator marks a change in proceedure though. Possibly because of the tall, stunning redhead leaning against the outer door as the group approaches, skintight jeans and short-sleeved blouse with the top two buttons undone, drumming her fingers against the metal door. She's introduced, by the tour guide, "And here we have Miss Kane, a senior executive of Hamilton Arms, who will be joining us for our next phase of the tour through R&D. Miss Kane is also looking for an..." Her voice begins to fade out at a withering stare from the woman, "...assist...ant..."

    Kate responds. Not entirely dissimilar to Batwoman, but hardly the same. "I wouldn't worry about that. I have been looking for an assistant for a long time, and I don't think that will change any time soon. I hope Ms McNamara has been most informative." Blocking the elevator, she pushes off the wall and stands with her arms crossed. "Does anyone have any questions before we proceed?"
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown stared with suspicion at the letter when it was delivered to her mailbox in the dorm building. No one ever sent her letters. Least of all huge corporations. She studied it for a while, certain it was some sort of scam attempt like those ones promising millions of dollars if only you share your bank account info.

But a little bit of digging on the Net and she was at least convinced the letter was legit. Even if she wasn't convinced they sent it to the right destination. After making the indicated call to confirm her interest, she prepared for the day of the tour and such.

She arrived, dressed in a rather smart looking (she thought) purple skirt-suit. A charcoal colored silk blouse was worn, the top button undone to show off just a hint of cleavage and the simple white string of pearls around her throat. Over the blouse she wore a double breasted suit jacket, tailored well for her frame. The skirt was professional, falling just above the knee. She wore flesh toned stockings and three inch heeled pumps. Trying to look professional. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail.

As the tour begain she seemed puzzled by the differences in the background sof the others. She, herself was just a business major at Gotham U. But hey. Corporations need business majors too!

Seeing Ms. Kane she blinked and smiled politely. As the quesiton was asked, she shook her head silently. No real questions at the moment. other than 'Why me?' but she knew better than to blurt that one out aloud!
Kate Kane "No questions. Excellent." Miss Kane observes, pressing the elevator call button - Her finger lingers as it reads her biometrics, before it begins to whirr into life. "Many of the developments on the next floor are as of yet undisclosed. You may have heard of some of the prototypes, however the Gotham Division is only actively developing small arms and small vehicles. Obviously discretion is required." As per the forms signed earlier.

The doors open to reveal the empty elevator, and Kate steps out of the way to allow the tour group inside, before following them into the enclosed space and tapping the floor she wants. It moves smoothly on the way up, as she continues to take over the tour. "Hamilton Arms has recently begun to work on experimental weapons and prototypes for unknown battle scenarios. Some of these concepts have previously been siphoned via corporate espionage, however we are not interested in rushed productions or cheap replicas. We do not settle for half-ass, we do not rush. We expect constant development and constant progress in all areas of our business."

    The doors open again, revealing a massive, open floor. Several platforms are set-up, some with holographic depictions, some with prototypes - Infront of them, an oversized, armored motorbike, thick-twin front tyres pointed at the elevator, flared front guards revealing weapon racks. A battle-bike. The tour guide takes over, "The XMB-1M is an experimental one-person motorised vehicle designed to offer extreme versatility in all terrains and combat situations. The concept is attributed to Miss Kane, however a team of developers are making constant adjustments to it." Somewhere between a tank and a motorbike, really. At least the redhead has the grace to blush.

    "Our intelligence division does an excellent job of keeping us informed on any new requirements the military may have." Multiple desks, fabrication stations, and the quiet hum of powerful hardware dominate the space, with a few dozen people in labcoats discussing things in groups or working on stations. Kate runs her delicate fingers along the arched, armored guard as they pass by it. Affectionate. "So. No-one has asked why they're here yet." While continuing to lead the way across the research floor.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown follows along, entering the elevator. When they get to the desired floor, she lets out an amazed sigh. "ffheww... talk about tech playground.." she looks around rather wide eyed. Inside the blonde's head, Spoiler is screaming: ((WHAT I COULD DO WITH ONE OF THOSE!! AND THAT!! FIVE OF THOSE!! OH WOW OH WOW!))

On the outside, Steph's eyes are screaming the same thing. 'cause... inner monologue rarely stays in. At least she isn't saying it out loud. She hopes.

Listening intently to the purpose and the bike's details she shakes her head admiringly. Then the elephant in the room is mentioned. She looks a bit sheepish but shrugs and grins, "I thought it? But figured if you really meant to send me the invitation in the first place, you'd tell me why I was here when you were good and ready." And if not.. hey maybe she'll get to grab a snack in the caffeteria before being kicked off the grounds? A girl can dream!
Kate Kane Kate shrugs lightly. This is her daily, so maybe the first impression has worn off on her over time. Still, she observes the reaction and the multiple eyes that have become like saucers at the playground - Even as she leads them through a door marked 'Testing Room' as the conversation is breached.

"Corporate Espionage is a concern. It's why we don't ever advertise our positions. Intelligence finds suitable applicants and contacts them. This is also because we can teach you everything you need to know, but we can't teach 'who you are.'" A pause, and Kate turns within the perspex firing range to look at the tour group. "Do not doubt. You have been thoroughly screened before being invited here. Some of you primarily academic, some of your primarily through your character." The redhead considers Stephanie for a long moment. "Any other questions?"
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown listens intently while sparing glances to what is around. It's all pretty incredible. She looks immediately to Ms. Kane whenever she is talking though. Paying attention.

She nods in understanding. "I've got plenty.." she comments somewhat under her breath but still aloud. "But I'm sure they'll get answered anyway." She nibbles at her lower lip thoughtfully as she looks at the firing range. She's not scared of firearms, just not entirely fond of them.
Kate Kane "Ms McNamara, please escort the others to conference room one. Miss Brown, with me." Kate changes the pace suddenly, gesturing back out through the research division for the majority of the tour group, reserving only Stephanie for a more private meeting. Turning and walking further into the testing range, past soundproof boothes filled with all kinds of delights, she smiles a little to herself.

Unless interrupted, she's happy to walk in silence, up three flights of stairs to the staff canteen, almost as if she read the woman's mind. Being late morning, the cafeteria is almost completed deserted, however it's still open and noises can be heard from behind the counter as preparation begins for a lunch time rush. Only once they're walking there does she speak again. "You can ask away. But let's get something to eat first." A bell is tapped, and a man wearing a chef outfit emerges.

"Black coffee, three shots, normal mug. Breakfast wrap. And whatever Miss Brown is having - Put it on my account." She orders, before considering the young woman she's instructed to come with her.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown gave herself whiplash. She's convinced of it. She had been looking away after her last comment. But then Ms. Kane singled her out and she turned back to gawk at the redhead in a bit of surprise and alarm. Had she said something wrong?

She nods however and follows Ms. Kane at the pace of her choosing, definately walking in silence. It isn't that she wants to be quiet. She wants to blurt out a dozen apologies and convince Ms. Kane that she really wants to be here. But... for once the snark doesn't flow and she keeps silent. Hoping she isn't being led to security and tossed out.

But it's the Cafeteria and Steph's stomach rumbles in spite of her wishes. She offers a smile as Ms. Kane offers to let her get whatever she wants. She looks frantically around for a menu (there doesn't seem to be one..) or the menu board on the wall (she can't see one from where she's standing looking so patheitcally desperate!) so she "ummmm's..." to buy a moment of time then looks hopeful, "... waffles? If you have them? Just butter and syrup. And a coffee? some cream and that sweetner in the yellow packets? Splen-Did or whatever? Anything's fine really."
Kate Kane The chef nods, and notes down their order. "Five minutes, M'am." He responds, "Anything else?" Kate considers the request. "Suprise me." She finally settles on, before walking back to one of the smaller tables that only has two chairs, opposite eachother. She sits, and gestures to the chair opposite. From her pocket, she slides her phone out, and places it upon the table.

"I've spent a great deal of time looking at your history, your current studies, and reading what intel could pull up on you. Before we go any further, is there anything you'd like to say?" The redhead inquires, a few taps bringing up the profile of the young woman who sits opposite her.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown smiles, happy they have waffles. She didn't expect that. Bonus!

She follows Ms. Kane to the table and sits, smoothing out her skirt before settling, knees together, hands in her lap for the moment.

She looks uncomfortable when she's told her background has been checked into. Yeah. here we go.

She looks around for the security guards to escort her out. They'll be here any second now.

Looking back to Ms. Kane she shrugs. "Not really. I can imagine how thorough your access is. Not like anything on my family is much of a secret." She laughs quietly. Perhaps a little bitterly. "Dad's in Blackgate - Again. Mom's still holding onto her job at Gotham Mercy East. Barely. Still using and trying to forget reality when she's not at work." She looks up at Kate, prepared for the shoe to drop. "The Brown family isn't exactly what you'd call a stalwart pillar of Gotham society. More like... a grease stain that won't come out of your favorite blouse."
Kate Kane Kate sighs, and reaches up a hand to tuck an errant red lock away. "And you think I would have allowed you to walk through the door if your family history caused me that much of an issue?" The woman leans back a touch on her chair, and considers Stephanie again. "Intelligence say your family situation constitute an unacceptable risk. I contend that your family situation has helped you meet at least part of the profile that I set for an assistant." Penny-go-drop. "You have a strength of character that is essential to me. You are organised. You're easy on the eyes, which helps when I need to attend networking functions, and you're young enough that you should be able to keep up. Your family situation makes it somewhat more acceptable and understandable that we will be maintaining an eye on that relationship."

"You could be a candidate for that role. That's why you were invited here." The redhead scrolls over the profile. "Does that change your response?"
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown listens. She shrugs. "You'd be surprised how many seem to get a thrill out of doing just that. I recognize that you're not just anyone, Ms. Kane. But growing up as I did. With a dad who only ever had dreams of being better than the Riddler at crime and puzzles only to end up proving he was noplace close to Riddler's level of intelligence? It's hard to believe when anyone's got an interest in you beyond the novelty of knowing the daughter of a half-bit criminal." She sits back and smiles. "I'm here because I'm interested. But yeah. I'm also waiting for the whole thing to just be a sick joke or cruel dream my own sub conscious has cooked up to punish me with, y'know?" She shrugs and falls silent.

"I won't doubt your intentions again Ms. Kane. And thank you for the compliments. I'm no 4-point student and never will be. But I'll work my butt off and be the most dedicated 3-point or 2.5-point depending on how harshly you grade me." She smiles slightly. That plucky spirit showing through just a little.
Kate Kane "Four-points have their place in this organisation." Kate answers simply, "But if we only hired based on academia, we wouldn't necessarily be a smart company, Miss Brown." She tilts her head, "I require a great deal from my assistant, which is most of why I haven't had one. It's a shit job, if I'm being wholly honest. It involves driving, assisting with and attending meetings, attending networking events, and helping try to organise the mess that is my attempts at a social and dating life." And after the hard sell, "It also involves assisting with some projects, interpreting data, and some other executive functions. You work with me, to help me function in my role. We are prepared, if we take this further, to fund the finishing of your education while you work as well as pay a decent wage."

She leans in slowly, steepling her fingers, as the chef emerges from the canteen with a platter in one hand - Waffles, breakfast wrap, and two coffees. His other is behind his back, where his apron appears to be tucked in just a little bit oddly. "I require someone who is vigilant, loyal, dedicated. But someone I can get along with, and I can be a total bitch far more often than I'd like to admit. Does it sound like something you would be interested in?"
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown laughs. "Usually their place is in the CEO's office.." she quips. She pauses and sniffs. "Mmm... waffles have to be the world's most perfect food..." she sighs happily and begins to apply butter and plenty of syrup to the waffles. Then as it all begins to melt and soak in, she goes about fixing her coffee while listening to Ms. Kane.

"I've put up with my drunken criminal father, Ms. Kane. And his very handsy and very sleazy associates. I am convinced you could never be close to as horrible and bitchy as they all are." Yeah she just called her dad's accomplices bitches. She's probably not wrong.

"I can't say I'm perfect for the job. I can't say I'm qualified. I will say this: If you believe I'm qualified enough to select me, invite me and try to convince me I don't want the job but that you'll still offer it to me anyway?" She pauses to sip her coffee, mostly just to force herself to stay calm and not blurt out "OH GOD YES I WANT THE JOB!"

She sets the cup down to hide how nervous she is. "yes. I think I can do the job. I would love to do it. To get the chance to learn from a woman with your experience and skill? It's the offer of a lifetime and I have no desire to pass it up. I love my parents. Because.. parents. But I'm not torn to be loyal to their screw ups and illegal choices. I'd love them to recover, clean up and give me a family again. but I doubt it'll happen. I'm not going to let that weigh me down or keep me from my own life doing things the right way."
Kate Kane The chef lingers, appearing just a little bit nervous as the pair begin to tuck into their food. While Kate listens, she takes a sip of her hot coffee, and licks her lips before she responds. "I doubt I'll be a handsy employer, Miss Brown. Although you are attractive, I've no interest in expensive lawsuits just because my sex life is a pit of despair. But there will be times where you will be dealing with less than the best people even in the corporate world. You have the right attitude though."

Awkwardly, the chef takes a few steps away, until he's positioned nicely in Kate's blind spot while she talks. "Well, there's a few more things we need to check before we can finish your application. While I'm sure you're dedicated, there are some things about a person that you cannot teach, and those are really... The most important." And as she speaks, the man reaches behind him, and withdraws a pistol from where it was tucked into the back of his apron. The firearm is levelled at the back of the prospective employers head.
Stephanie Brown It takes a lot to make a perfect cup of coffee. The right kind of cream. Just enough sweetener to cover the most bitter edge of the beans but not ruin the flavor of them. It wasn't too hot nor too cool.

It was, without question, the perfect cup of coffee. And it was now flying through the air, just past Kate Kane's head, fanning out of the cup just inches past the redhead, spraying itself all over the idiot chef with the gun. The mug probably had the Hamilton Arms logo. It'll hurt when it hits him. Then it'll fall to the floor and shatter. And then it'll come out of her meager bank account to pay for it.

All of these things could be running through Stephanie Brown's mind in the moment. But the truth was? Nothing was running through her mind. She had simply acted. Instinct alone raced through her brain to her hand and the Cup o' Joe was soaring through the air as a projectile before she really knew what she was doing.


Following the coffee cup was one 19 year old skirt-suited blonde diving over the table, shoving Kate Kane to the side, and proceeding to dive for this idiot chef who chose today to be the day he went on a rampage at work.
Kate Kane Instinct. Kate's smile when the girl reacts might give the game away. But there's a smooth choreography to this part - The way the chef moves to take the ceramic cup straight to the shoulder, the way the redhead rises swiftly from her seat as Stephanie attempts to push her off to the side, catching her by the wrists and twisting her while she's off-balance, and keeping her away from making a mess of her suit, and their mid-breakfast.

Swiftly, Stephanie is left on her back, held by the wrists by a smiling redhead, who leans over her. "Well now. That's something new." Cat-Ate-The-Canary much? "I'm even a little impressed. The job is yours, if you want it. But finish breakfast first." A secretive giggle, and a glance over at the chef, who has put the gun away. "I think Miss Brown will need another coffee."
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown didn't expect that. She's half hanging to the floor by her wrists, fists balled up, muscles straining as Kate keeps her from painfully smashing her nose into the kneecap of the idiot who is clearly more than a chef.

Panting heavily as adrenaline races through her body. She looks at the chef, then to Kate. Then to the chef.. and she slowly relaxes.. getting her footing under her as she moves to stand up. She smoothes out her skirt and jacket and looks kind of dumbstuck. "... uh.." she looks at Kate. "Well. I think I'm gonna just go to the restroom now and throw up first if that's okay.." A bit pale. She expects this sort of thing as Spoiler. But her circles as Stephanie Brown don't often include hit men.
Kate Kane "Perfectly fine. I'll ensure that you've got a fresh coffee when you're back, and I'll have Ms McNamara escort you out once you've finished. I'll see you on Monday. Eight thirty sharp." Kate responds smoothly, and then glances back at Mikhail, "Have this mess cleaned before she gets back please, and then head back down to your department." Smiles all around. The redhead seems happy with how today went.