Owner Pose
Magneto "We're sorry, Mr... er... Magnus. But surely you see our position? The situation on Genosha is just too fluid right now for our Senior Partners to approve a loan in the amount that you require."

The Junior Partner adjusts his tie clip nervously as he explains the rationale behind denying a loan request. Usually, he's not the one who feels nervous in a situation like this. He's used to having all the power, and his office reflects that. A gigantic Corinthian leather chair, an even more gigantic cocobolo desk. And some carefully-arranged pictures of his family.

As he twirls a very fancy pen in his hand, the Junior Partner tries to avoid looking nervous. But he knows the reputation of the man who has asked him for money. He's used to dealing with high-profile customers, but the Master of Magnetism is about outside of his comfort zone.

Staring coldly at the younger man, Magneto betrays no emotion whatsoever. It's as if he expected a refusal.

"I see." He gives the man a long, appraising stare for a moment, before saying, in a soft voice. "Is that tie made from silk?"

Confused, the executive looks down at the tie clip he's been fiddling with. "Er... yes, I think?"

Suddenly, the man's tie clip jerks out of his fingers and lifts up into the air. Before the executive can say 'Ulp!' the tie clip has pulled the tie so tight that it's blocked off the man's airway, and is slowly pulling him out of his chair and into the air above his desk.

"Tell your Senior Partners that the Master of Magnetism finds their reluctance... disturbing. Oh, and you mentioned something about fluid?"

Sure enough, a steady stream of fluid is pouring down the Junior Partner's leg...

As Magneto leaves the office, his fancy new pen twirling lazily in his outstretched hand, he places a mental call to the woman who has become his ersatz Cerebro.

"Scanner, I want you to put me through to Miss Emma Frost. But... make sure she's not busy first."
Emma Frost Emma isn't in her school for once, but is instead a few blocks over and is just leaving a business meeting at her corporation. A boring affair about the quarterlies and the fiscal year coming up soon.

Frost sighs gently as she pried herself from the gaggle of men and women pining for her attention on trivial or miniscule matters. The woman is bored of this day and is on her way towards her office in order to focus on less mundane items on her agenda.
Magneto Perhaps surprisingly, depending on how good the security at Frost International is, there's a woman sitting behind Emma's desk. In Emma's chair. The 'woman', however, is mostly transparent, and slightly pink in hue. Despite being somewhere that she certainly shouldn't, she looks a bit too cheerful to be dangerous.

"Oh good! You're here. My boss wanted to make sure that you were alone before he called, so I was like 'Hey! Maybe I should just wait in her office!'" The clear pinkish lady seems proud of her logical prowess. "My boss is the President. I mean, not of America. But anyways... can I tell him that you'll take his call?"

There's probably a reason that Magneto doesn't usually like to let Scanner talk to people... She has a tendency to leave out all the important information when she does so.
Emma Frost Emma doesn't seem the slightest bit surprised when she opens her door. The telepath continues to move into her office as Scanner speaks, moving her way around her glass topped desk and twisting the chair with her free hand before sitting in it, regardless of Scanner's location in it.

"Invade my personal space again, Scanner, and I will personally make sure you can no longer use your abilities." The white queen says, lowering her tablet onto the desk by setting it into a recessed stand in the glass.

"Tell your boss I am ready for his call."
Magneto With a startled yelp, Scanner disappears as Emma sits 'in' her, leaving the room eerily quiet for a couple of moments. She doesn't reappear herself, but a pinkish blob of holographic energy starts to form in her office again, this time on the other side of Emma's desk.

The hologram quickly morphs into the shape of the guy who crashed a ritzy yacht race only a few days ago. The self-styled Master of Magnetism is a bit less recognizeable than he usually prefers, as he isn't wearing his iconic regalia. Instead, he's simply wearing the kind of plain business suit appropriate for meeing with a Junior Partner at a large financial firm.

Or with the CEO of a multinational conglomerate.

"Miss Frost. It's a pleasure."

The holographic form of Magneto stands stiffly in front of the desk, with a fancy new pen rotating in mid-air, off to his side.
Emma Frost "Magneto. I guess it would be yes." Emma says, taking the compliment given to her and folding it upon herself. "I figured the messenger was from you. Few are as bold as the people beneath your thumb." The White Queen admits, not sounding catty or complimentary, just stating what she sees.

Looking away from her tablet and moving her fingers to lace themselves before resting on her lap, "What is your purpose in contacting me?"
Magneto The older man smiles in a way that suggests it isn't a facial expression that he's used to making. Without his helmet to hide behind, it's almost as if he doesn't know what to do with his face. It makes his expressions look a bit... uncertain.

His body's movements, however, are as confident as ever as he calmly walks a bit closer to the desk. He's grown accustomed to 'interacting' with the environment when projecting his holographic form, and he does so by placing both of his hands atop Emma's desk and leaning forward.

In the background, the holographic pen continues to spin on its own.

"Would you believe me if I told you I came to sell you some beachfront property?"
Emma Frost "I believe it, yes, but I don't think you realize that I'm not much of a buyer. I don't do hotels Mangus." Emma says, leaning back in her chair, waiting for the sales pitch to continue but not stopping it immediately either.
Magneto "Ah, I'd nearly forgotten. You youngsters these days prefer to use air... bread and... breakfasts." It might be the oldest-sounding thing that Magneto has ever said. But despite getting the name of the company wrong, he's still essentially correct: Hotels aren't as attractive an investment opportunity as they might bave been before the internet allowed people to rent out their spare bedrooms.

"Fortunately, I'm not interested in turning Genosha into a tourist destination. Nor am I interested in selling property to..." Magnus thinks for a moment, as he tries to phrase the term as neutrally as possible.

"... outside investment groups." It's a fairly neutral, and entirely accurate description of Frost's company.

"What I definitely AM interested in, is finding attractive employment options for the... unique workforce that exists only on Genosha."
Emma Frost There it is. Emma's lips twitch in grin briefly. "You want me to build manufacturing plants in Genosha, that's a reasonable enough thing for you to want." Emma says.

The CEO rises from her chair and slowly starts to walk around to the other side of her desk where she lifts one leg to half sit on her glass top. "I'm going to need tax breaks, and incentives in order to build in such a location. It could cost me billions to open a facility there." She notes, "Yes it would open certain markets to me, but it would likely push away many share holders and clients being that I'm so openly involved with your Homo Superiors."
Magneto "Oh, I'm fairly certain it won't cost you a penny to open a facility on Genosha."

With his hands still on the desk, Magneto watches as his hostess walks around the desk and 'half sits' next to him. Maintaining steady eye contact, aside from the occasional image flicker, he seems to have adopted a slightly less formal attitude almost immediately.

Emma tends to have that affect on everyone.

In front of Emma, new holographic images emerge that show three dimensional views of three bombed-out structures. "You see, Genosha already has some facilities that might serve your purposes nicely." Magneto turns around, half-sitting next to the White Queen so that he can face the same images that she's getting an eyeful of.

Slowly, the images begin to morph, and the bombed-out structures start to be rebuilt before their eyes. Large portions of the old brick buildings are replaced with what appears to be steel, and the empty factories are filled with futuristic machinery that makes... god only knows what, if it even works.

As visual aids go, it's pretty effective.

"The previous owners of these factories are no longer in the picture, and I happen to know someone who'd be willing to rebuild the structures for you overnight, for free. All he would need is a bit of incentive. Perhaps... the purchase of several billion worth of Genoshan Bonds?"
Emma Frost Emma sighs a calculated sigh, looking down still at the presentation and then back up to the idea of Erik. "That does solve the cost of manufacturing, but then there's the needs of hiring and training people to work in this factory, as well as over head, to keep the lights on, and the place running. Not to mention the hissy fit board members and share holders will throw."

Emma moves her hand to rest above her knee as she shifts her weight just a bit to be more comfortable. "You know I can't throw billion's of dollars around on a whim like this. Give me some time to discuss it with my people and we'll see where we can go from there."
Magneto "What would we do without the bean-counters, eh?" Although he just casually asked a woman he barely knows for several billion dollars, Magneto has the attitude of someone who just asked his neighbor for a cup of sugar. But in all fairness, he didn't ask for money. He offered her a chance to buy Genoshan bonds. Only time will tell whether they'll turn out to be worth more than the paper they're printed on, though.

"I suppose we'd live in a world filled with unknown quantities of beans." Magneto answers his own question before slowly standing up. Or at least, his holographic representation stands up. There's no way to know for sure what the real Magneto is doing on the other side of the transmission. "Have your bean counters contact my Minister of Finance. She's very clever, and I'm sure they'll be able to work out the numbers to everyone's satisfaction. I, for one, can't wait to see the Frost International logo emblazoned on the side of refurbished munitions factories that once employed mutant slaves."