Owner Pose
Loki Loki isn't there one moment and the next he is. Faster than a blink he is suddenly standing on the docks as if he was there all along. This time he's wearing a black, hooded cloak, although he's not trying to hide really. Anyone with sense abilities will find it very difficult indeed not to notice him. He has in hand a long, black walking stick, like some dark wanderer just passing through. His eyes are on the water.
Poseidon Feeling a sudden presence on New Asgard, The God of the Seas, Poseidon, approaches the surface, the waves splitting as he emerges in all of his glory from the sea. Trident in his hand, but using it more as a walking stick. dressed in pitch black robes, Pseidon approaches this mimicry of Odin Borson and seems to look upon him.

"I've been on this island many a time. Though none have I come across that falls under your category, trickster." Poseidon being a rather good trickster in his own right. Man, as a young God, he had way too much fun. "Who are you?"
Loki Loki grins, "You know what I do but do not know my name? How interesting.. my brother founded New Asgard you know. Surely his deeds have not been torn from his name. It's a thing of pride to be known by both. I am Loki Laufeyson, bastard of frost giants.." He laughs at that last part, "Being fatherless isn't so bad if you aren't worrying about inheriting a title."
Poseidon Poseidon seems amused. "Loki, adopted son of Odin, son of the Frost Giant Laufey." he chuckles slightly. "The one who held hope that you would be the child to not only unite two peoples, but to one day guide your brother. He told me much of you. If only you knew how proud he was of you." The Sea God shrugs. "Tell me then, what brings you to this island, Loki?"
Loki Loki smirks, "Did he tell you that? Words empty of action swept away by the winds.. and now his apparent death. I grieve not. And as for what brings me here? Boredom truly. I don't wander Earth anymore, not really, but New Asgard is just that, the 'new Asgard.' I'm not impressed really. The old Asgard didn't look like a charity camp for orphans. I'd ask you what you're doing here but.. where there's water you shall be. Neptune isn't it?" He chuckles.
Poseidon Poseidon seems to give Loki a long look. "One way to hide the pain is to overlook it." The Sea God seems to move and sit himself down on a nearby stone. His long silver hair and beard may suggest that he's //extremely// old. As old as Zeus himself, but his features make him look like he's a 30-something who simply grew his hair out. "Neptune is one name among many. If you called me such, I would find no offense."

"Where there is a cause to believe in, I am there and yes, where there is the sea, there I am also. One needs only to seek in order to find."
Loki Loki laughs a bit, "I was once worshipped too you know. Where I was sought out, there I would be.. sometimes and for a price. Indeed there are a few on this planet today who have the will and the way to reach out to me although they've become.. rarer with each passing century. Magic always comes with a price.. a price that so few these days are willing to pay. So their empty prayers fall on deaf ears, I don't hear them. So tell me.. does the God of the Sea still hear prayers? Or have you too been forgotten with the passage of time? Personally I got tired of their neglect.." He feigns a frown just a bit, "And as you probably know I tried to force the multitudes back into the old ways and was stopped by Thor and his band of merry men. He is truly a paragon. Don't you ever long for the old days? This world is so.. static now."
Poseidon Poseidon almost smirks at Loki's words. "You are what many consider an evil god, you know." Poseidon then remains attentive as Loki speaks to him. "Of course I do. Only the Atlanteans and a few surface worlders remember that the Olympians are not figments and myths." he shrugs. "The world is fine as it is. We needed to leave to let this child find it's way." he is asked if he ever remembers the old days.

"I do. Sometimes and sometimes only. But, then I'm only reminded of how cruel we were in the old days."

A sigh touches Poseidon's features. "The world needs Paragons. but it also needs those between good and evil."
Loki Loki squints with a grin, "Evil? Come now.. we both know that's subjective. The deer and the hunter is an ages old metaphore. But then what I do is.. not really prey on them. We used them as resources yes but they also expected much of us. Save their sick, win their wars, bring back their dead, be a better farmer than even their best.." He laughs, "But they can do much of that now on their own. Who's left now? Wizards, power seekers, thrill junkies.."
Poseidon "Subjective as it is, I speak only the truth." Poseidon looks upon Loki. "That is our duty as gods. to watch over those who are beneath us...these beautiful creations of ours." he then takes a breath. "That is reality, Loki. One cannot simply do whatever they please without paying a price." he chuckles very softly.

"You remind me of when I was a young god...before the beginning of humanity."
Loki Loki doesn't seem bothered by the reality of his youth, "Yes you sound like -him- now.. it's true you and some of the other gods feel beholden to some duty of guardianship. But as you say.. creations of ours, do you not mean creations of yours? I have created nothing that is.. human. My role has ever been to exact the price of the curious and the meddling. Few have walked away from my deals unscathed and those who did no longer live. That is my legacy and it is why tales of me are so few and.. geographically isolated. I was eventually hated and cast as a devil in my final depictions in myth. Funny how I became so important to certain sorcerers or would-be sorcerers. So it isn't necessary to lecture me on paying a price as deals have been my stock and trade for a long time.. far less so now. With their new religions came the decline of my travels here. I turned my attention to other realms entirely and.. the rest is recent history. If I remind you of your younger self then surely you can understand why I consider paragons to be a bother."

"Like you Thor has accepted the past millenium as fate. He doesn't particularly like talking about the past when his precious humans hung slaves by the rope and cut their throats in Odin's name while others entered into a bloodthirsty rage in worship of him. Thor wasn't a god who demanded sacrifice and that is why he is so soft. That is why we both surely know that he will not be able to rule the Asgardians. He cannot do what is necessary. If we cannot rule the humans again then perhaps we should go elswhere. Have you ever considered it? The humans of Earth believe that they can do it all themselves now. Midgard is much bigger than them and I am certain that there are other worlds populated by those who can.. appreciate what we have to offer them."
Poseidon Poseidon listens to Loki talk and talk and TALK. Goodness, Poseidon even looks around him to see if Loki's in the middle of pulling a scheme while he monologues. Eventually, it may become clear to Loki that Poseidon has the same eyes as Odin when he looked at him.

"Once again, the unworthy attempts to make himself King." he chuckles. "Loki, you fail to become dynamic and unpredictable by doing the same thing repetitively. Do something new for a change. Help your brother rebuild your adopted people. In the end, you'll be better for it."
Loki It is indeed rare that Loki would speak to anyone of these things but Poseidon probably already knows all of what Loki's told him anyway, "I don't need to be unpredictable.. I just need to win." He grins, "I do not build, I test what has been built, and the unworthy must try again.. and again. It is the same old story but it's been profitable thus far hasn't it?"
Poseidon Poseidon simply smiles at Loki. "Such is the way of short-cuts." he chuckles before he stands. "Same story, different actors. The same tactic loses it's effectiveness over time." the Sea God smiles very softly. "I intend to speak with your brother soon. You should come and say hello." the Sea God turns and starts walking back to the Ocean. "It was good to see you in good health, Loki. I wish it remains so until next we meet."
Loki Loki was gone as soon as Poseidon suggested that he join him in speaking to Thor. He doesn't hear anything after that, missing good will towards him as always. It is a soundless departure.. he's just gone.