Owner Pose
Victoria Today is a bright, cheerful day. It is, in fact, one of the best days on record in the city of Metropolis. The sun beats down gently on the people who are out and about, providing just enough warmth to find people doffing their coats as they travel back and forth. The sky is a brilliant shade of blue, fluffy cumulo-nimbus clouds drifting overhead. The criminals are enjoying their day, too cheerful to contemplate their usual array of heinous crimes. Which is why this one is more unforgivable than ever. Utterly shocking. There has been a break-in at the A&E Ice Cream Parlor.

Originally a drug store, A&E has been one of the most popular spots to get ice cream in Metropolis for generations. People line up outside on the hottest days and today business was bustling. A group of several men, carrying ice cream cones, has been seen running away with a sackful of the day's earnings down the Metropolis sidewalks. There are no police nearby. The elderly, balding man who runs the shop is shouting for help. Can anyone stop them?

Overhead a cloud spirals off into wisps, scattering to pieces floating leftward, mimicking the Coriolis force... In reverse. What could it possibly be?
Trouble Patrol is really easy to do when you move fast enough that people have trouble seeing you.

Having already criss-crossed the entire city over the last couple of hours and stopped for second lunch, a red and black blurr of a humanoid is making another pass of this particular section of town. Who has time to pay attention to funky cloud shapes when there's obviously something going on down below?

The robbers are on their way through the crowd, when the crowd suddenly starts to part in front of them, and not because of anything they're doing. People are making startled shouts as they find themselves moved from one place to another in rapid succession, being put out of harm's way, and opening up a wide space for the criminals to run towards, or into.
Victoria The four ice cream robbers look around nerovusly, cluthcing their cones close and the sack of money closer. Eyes dart about as they find themselves naturally pressing into a tight knot. They move forward into the gap, fidgeting slightly as they do.

"What's going on, boss...?" "This ain't normal..."

Finally one of the men draws a gun. "You there! Stop that!" Whatever that is. "I'm warning you!" Now the crowd of people they are in standing among is freaking out. Someone screams. People start running. Chaos quickly ensues.

Overhead a girl is coming into view. CRACK! The sudden acceleration is audible even on the ground as she approaches. Honey-brown curls go wild with the acceleration- and it is hardly noticeable given how crazy her hair already is. Unfortunately, Victoria overshoots. She just manages to come to a halt before crashing through the window of a department store near the panicking crowd, all while the robbers stare.

"Everything's... Okay, everyone?" Victoria calls as she's writing herself, floating in midair in an awkward loop that has her head over heels twice in five seconds. It doesn't affect her flight. "Gah."
Trouble Boots scrabble against concrete as a slim humanoid form - female judging by width of hip and waistline - comes to a screeching halt in front of the criminals, just past the shattered department store window.

"WHAT? Oh HELL no, you did NOT just crash my collar!" ... That's right, the person in the red helmet, red armored boots and gloves and red armored torso is shouting ... at the girl that flew through the window.

Fist clenched, the woman stomps over to the criminals and holds a finger out towards them. "Okay -you-? You guys stay there. Do -not- move, or I will put my foot so far up your soft serve dispensors you'll be tasting twenty-one flavors of boot heel." That said, she stomps over to the other girl hovering ... wobbling ... well she's -suspended- anyways. The woman points at her. "Th' hell you think you're doing out here Crash Bandicoot? Find your own crime to stop!"
Victoria "Are you crazy?!" The smaller woman is shouting back. Vivid blue eyes meet intensely bright green ones and then there is blinking involved. The girl is wearing a small purple mask to preserve her identity by breaking up the shape of her face. "Who cares whose... collar this is supposed to be?" The darker skinned, much shorter young woman rights herself in order to stare at Sierra with wide eyes. She's gesturing manically as they continue.

"You're insane! Running around like Speedy Gonzales? You have a group of armed criminals in the middle of a crowd! What if they tried to shoot somebody?" Tori talks with her hands, at least when she's being loud, animating every word along with the bounce of her wild hair. It helps, of course, that by floating for or so inches off the ground she is actually Sierra's height.

"-You- should probably let me take care of thi-... What are they doing?"

The four men have taken the opportunity while the superheroes argue to try to quietly slip into the crowd. Victoria gestures broadly, catching one somewhat bodily and dragging him back, tripping the others. There's now a floating jumble of flailing criminals in the middle of the now awestruck crowd. "Stop it! We're TRYING to talk!"

Ironically, Victoria has far better control when she's arguing with Sierra than she had coming in. Though really it's just a mess.
Trouble Sierra Lucerne says, "Faster than a speeding bullet, that sound familiar to you? Do the math!" the woman in the armored suit retorts. "First off, I'm trained for this - you look like you got your pilot's license out a cereal box. Secondly, I am actually authorized to do this. I -need- to do this --" She stops and turns her visored helmet towards the criminals who were running away, but Victoria seems to have that well in hand. Okay, points for the away team. "--Okay I gotta admit that's more effective than what I had in mind." She straightens up. "But it's still a rookie move, you wanna talk about dangerous? You're floating these turds like you dropped a cherry bomb down the pipes! I bet you didn't even read them their rights!""
Victoria "Authorized by who? The tooth fairy? I can fly upside down and backwards and however I want!" Tori is still gesturing, though now her cheeks are a little red as she really gets into the swing of things. At one point she is flailing her arms. Another, a slapping the knuckles of her left hand against the palm of her right.

The cluster of criminals oscillates wildly, spinning in circles and tumbling around like they are trapped in some sort of cosmic washing machine. "Woooooah! AAHHHH!" It's like a roller coaster, flailing wildly with every emphatic gesture being made.

"You don't need to read them their rights unless you're questioning them! Duh! Did they teach you anything?!" Victoria takes a deep breath, looking like she's just getting started but then she deflates like a balloon. The group of thugs crashes back to earth where they start crawling away again, no sans guns.

The smaller woman blinks slowly and asks in a quieter voice, "What do you mean you need to do this?"
Trouble The other girl's face goes to her helmet and drags down the visor. "You look like you're havign an air seizure," she murmurs. Once the criminals are starting to crawl away, the red and black armored girl holds a finger up to Victoria. "Bee are bee." The same time she says it, the letters light up across the front of her visor in bright white: BRB

There's a gust of air and the dizzied suspects find themselves missing any remaining or carried weapons; the speedster makes an effort to locate the guns and drop them into ziploc baggies, setting them into a pile. She lectures them as she attempts to zip-tie their arms behind their backs. "What were you guys thinking? This is such small potatos stuff! I mean really, an /ice cream parlor/? How the hell am I supposed to get on the news if you can't come up with anything more rinky-dink than a smash and grab at an ice cream parlor? Haven't you got any criminal pride?! Or bigger dreams?! Where's the ray guns and fifty foot tall flesh eating monster for me to fight?!" She stands up and lets out a heavily put-upon sigh, hands on her hips. "This isn't even going to make it past the police blotter."
Victoria "BRB? Really?" Tori raises a brow, nonplussed. She's not gesturing any longer. Speaking with one's hands is a cultural thing, of course. Tori watches as Sierrazips away to deal with the now escaping criminals, shaking her head slowly. Eventually she settles on the ground and walks over to the procession quietly.

"She's totally right! You guys should be ashamed. Rob a bank, at least! There's one right down the road. Or what about, I don't know, LexCorp? Blaze of glory. Come on, people!" Victoria is now standing next to Sierra, admonishing the criminals in turn. She wags a finger and then slowly shakes her head, looking over at the girl beside her.

"That was pretty good, actually. You're really fast. Not that you don't know that." This turns to a bit of a wry grin and then Victoria takes a deep breath. "If you really want to make it on the news you're going to have to think bigger. There are always aliens attacking and monsters coming out of nowhere. Uh. What do they call you?"
Trouble The red and black armored woman stands up, arms folded over her chest, weight shifted to her right leg as she tries to look as cool as she absolutely possibly can.


Animated flames trace up over her visor from chin to top, followed by word itself.
Victoria "...Trouble?" Victoria asks slowly, blinking. She's just a girl in a 'Man of Tomorrow' hoodie, really, with a mask that amounts to a strip of purple cloth with eyeholes tied over the middle of her face, from forehead to nose.

"Cool." The smaller girl shrugs slowly. "Gravitas," she offers in turn, with no attendant special effects whatsoever.

"I like the suit," Tori continues, looking back over her shoulder slowly. "Now that we're caught maybe we should go before the cops start asking questions." he girl tilts her head slightly, shrugging slightly as she does. "Doesn't look like there's a news crew coming or anything," Tori adds, hazarding a guess asto what might get Trouble moving.
Trouble "Gravitas. Sounds pretty weighty," Trouble quips. At the suggestion that they should leave, the other girl whines. Literally. "Awww, c'moooooon. The cops aren't going to arrest me for doing my job as a superhero! I mean, you probably better go unless your insurance covers that shop window you wrecked, but I'm good! It'll get my name out there!"
Victoria "It'll get you four hours of questions," Victoria responds sagely, blinking as she does. "NOt arrested. Just bored out of your mind. Come on!" Victoria reaches out a hand toward Trouble, tilting her head again as she does. "Seriously. Reporters get your name out! Cops keep it in a permanent record and bug you all the time about it forever."

And in the background, sirens. Finally. Ice cream shops are low on the priority scale.
Trouble "But I'm fine with hours of questions!!" Trouble protests. "That's how they'll learn how awesome I am!" Seeing as how Victoria is pretty serious about this and she doesn't want a fellow superhero (no matter how undertrained she is) to get arrested, Trouble relents. "Ohhhh! All right, but let me just leave my calling card --"

She's gone in a second and then right back to holding Victoria's hand. "Okay, let's beat feet out of here. Or fly. Or whatever you do that is kind of like flying."

Behind her, on the ground, is the word 'Trouble' spelled out in friction-generated flames on the pavement.
Victoria "Alright! ...Well, that's kind of intense. Burning tar?" Victoria blinks at the flaming words for a second and then nods, squeezing Trouble's hand lightly. "That works. Okay. Let's go!" There's a low rumble. Gravity shifts completely. Hair no longer bounces up and down and instead splays out. The world shoves away. WHOOM! The two girls shoot into the air. Up, up, up.

"So. Where do you want to go?" It's actually rather pleasant. The wind inside the gravity bubble isn't too harsh and the weightlessness means that their acceleration isn't wreaking havoc on internal organs. A few passing birds go wobbling out of the way, dropping toward earth several meters before righting themselves."

Tori holds onto Trouble's hand rather tightly. She isn't terribly strong, however, so it's unlikely to be uncomfortable. Her hands are warm, which is good since it's a little chilly in the clear blue sky. You can see large portions of Metropolis from here! The sprawling city is too large for a bird's eye view.
Trouble Trouble's hands are behind metal-reinforced gloves. Not a lot of warmth, and you can squeeze pretty hard before anything bad happens. "Well, I -was- going to just keep patrolling around and fighting crime because that's literally what I was born and trained to do. That's why I'm not too phased by the police. They know I'm on the winning team."
Victoria "You were born to fight crime? Like... A robot or something?" Victoria asks, blinking. An eyebrow lofts and then she turns to look Sierra over more critically. She shakes her head slowly. "Not made of metal, you don't have enough mass," Tori adds after a moment, tilting her head. "But, like. You know, there isn't that much crime today. You could do something else. Like... I don't know. Have you ever played roller derby?" She keeps a hold on that hand like it might feel something. Maybe she's wrong about Trouble being a robot! You never know. Regardless, the two young women float above Metropolis somewhere between plane height and the many buildings below. It's rather peaceful, really.
Trouble "Ha! No, I'm not a robot! Well I'm not entirely machine. More like just... enhanced," Trouble explains. "Also there is always crime going on somewhere. There's millions of people down there, you think they're all law-abiding, upstanding-types?"

At the suggestion of roller derby, Trouble's visor makes a XP emoticon. "Roller derby. Yeah, going around in circles sounds like a lot of fun. Like NASCAR, but with fewer explosions to make it less mind-numbingly dull."

"Also how are you flying."
Victoria "I don't know, getting body slammed through a wall usually takes your mind off of whether or not there's gonna be explosions," Victoria responds, rolling her eyes as she does so. "And no, I don't they're all law-abiding. But that doesn't mean thatright this second someone is actually DOing something."

A shake of Tori's head follows and then she gives a shrug of her shoulders. "How am I flying? How are you running around at Mach 5?" There's a brief pause before Tori asks, "I mean. Because you have mechanical parts, because that suit is awesome...? I, you know. Control gravity a little bit. Flying is the easy part."
Trouble "I run as fast as I do because my body just does it. That part of me isn't machine at all. It's all one hundred percent grade-a Superhero Meat, choice cut," Sierra quips. "Suit's just there for the same reason Batman wears a cowl."

The admission of powers is interesting to Trouble. "Gravity, huh? That explains all the floating. And the stuff that happened back there with those thieves. Were you born a hero too?"
Victoria "Born a hero? I guess. I mean, you can't really be born a hero, can you? With powers, sure, but heroes have to do heroic things..." Tori responds, shrugging her shoulders as she does. "I wasn't made for anything. My parents just wanted a kid." Tori arches a brwo a this before giving another slow shrug of her shoulders.

"That makes sense. About the suit. Anyway..." The blonde-ish heroine is reaching into her pockets now. She comes up with a kitkat bar that had been preserved against the inside of her hoodie to this point. "Carbs always help me out after heroing. You want some? I'll give you a break." There's that bright, nearly perfect smile again, the one that lights up Victoria's wide eyes and highlights her youth.
Trouble "... is that sugar," Trouble asks, half with bated breath.
Victoria "Woah. You really like sweets," Victoria observes, blinking slowly. "Here. You can have the whole thing. I can get more at the supermarket..." She tilts her head as she carefully adds in a voice nearing a murmur, "I bet they have twix too."
Trouble "I.... I... IIIII....!!!" Trouble reaches for it, and then pulls back her hand. And then reaches. And back. And reaches. And back.....

"No, no, I better not. I'll just need to run like crazy, and besides... that's yours. I can get my own. I don't wanna freeload."
Victoria "Run like crazy? How fast can you run? That actually sounds like it could be fun," Victoria responds, grinning as she does. "And it's not freeloading. Seriously. We're hanging out, right? So we can share candy. It's fine." Tori presses the candy slowly closer, until 'back' becomes harder and arder to manage convincingly. "Could go someplace kind of empty and just run around all you want, right? One way to burn calories, I guess. I know you want to..."