Owner Pose
Shredder     The semi-final round. Now that there were only four remaining contestants, The fights were more readily attended. Here in the primary arena, Karai arrived, the Shredder not far away. He sat in a seat near the edge of the arena, joined by a few Foot elites as bodyguards, or for show at least. The metal plated steel armor of blades defined him like few outfits define a character.

    But this was not the Shredder's show, it was his chuunin. Karai was his granddaughter, and the first round between her and Damian had resulted in neither winning, as they had been unable to attain the 'kill' on each other. Karai wears her red scarf and sash, the far mor subtle metal shin guards and pauldrons as protection that is more actively used than simple armor.
Damian Wayne      Robin had made it through the second round.

  The Teen Titans leader is clad in his usual red and gold tunic, green armored accents on his boots, knees, elbows and gloves. The golden lining of his cape contrasted by its outer black side, and a katana on his back.

  The youngest attendee here at the tournament limbers up, or moving to stay limber. He looks over Karai, then to Shredder, then back. He bows, customary for tournaments such as these.
Shredder     Karai walks up to Robin. "So," she says in a casual tone. "It looks like we will have another opportunity to see who is better." There is a certain eagerness in her voice. She gives Robin a once over again. "Weapons? First blood, submission?" She asks. She arches one brow. "Bajutsu?" she offers. Of course, not many are versed in ninjitsu's art of horsemanship.
Damian Wayne      Robin's mask hides exactly where he looks at, but the blank white eyes of his mask are definitely weighing her up for options. "Submission. One must concede or be ruled unable to continue."

  It was more martial artist than ninja, but Damian was not going to allow for another null match.
Shredder     Karai nods, "Very well," she says. She glances back at Shredder, then to Robin. "Shall we then?" she walks casually to the center of the ring. the onlookers in place to watch the spectacle, and bows, fist on palm, before taking a ready stance.
Damian Wayne      Damian bows as well, head towards Karai, never looking away from his opponent.

  Almost immediately he gets into a ready stance, the scallops of his gauntlets pointed outwards. He approaches Karai with fists flying out in a flurry. None attempting to land with specific fervor, he's getting a feel for how she fights.
Shredder     Karai, for her part, tucks back and away from each of the blows, retreating from them to remain outside of range, as he advances, she suddenly tucks her head back, and then foot forward in a groin strike. Apparently dirty is part of how she is willing to fight, and even from the very beginning of the match.
Damian Wayne      Karai's dodging gets a smirk from the League assassin. Though the groin strike is well scouted. The kick is seen, and almost immediately, Robin flips back, exhaling loudly, but slowly. He gives a nod to Karai, he would have done the same thing.

  Robin mounts an attack soon after, jumping up and descending with his boot aimed at center mass.
Shredder     A move similar to Damian's was the downfall of Raphael in the last bout, and Karai looks to punish the aerial attack in the same manner. Knowing that he can't change direction in mid flight, she steps to the side, bringing a clotheslining arm up to catch him as he comes by her.
Damian Wayne      Damian catches that arm of Karai's, the breath leaving his lungs with a violent heave and saliva peppers the air.

  The young hero with one hand holds his throat, and with the other, throws down a smoke pellet. He retreats, the level of smoke starting to dissipate in the outdoor wind.
Shredder     Karai flinches with the smoke pellet, and then swings forward, striking into the smoke blindly before retreating. Finding that she has no target, she resets, patiently waiting for the target to reappear.
Damian Wayne      Damian appears as the smoke clears. Robin takes out a birdarang, holding it in his hand like a knife and taking swings with it towards Karai, his teeth gritted with rage at this point. He was angered he made such a mistake earlier, but without losing his concentration on the task at hand.
Shredder     Karai is taken by surprise as the batarang. It slashes her hand as she brings it up for a defense, and she handsprings back, feet sweeping up to try to kick the blade free from his hand. "Blades?" she asks, not looking at the red blood that starts to come from her hand. "You did not say blades." She sneers. "Coward." She calls to the sideline. "My ninjato!" One of the elite's starts to pull the blade from the sheath, but the Shredder raises a hand to stop him.

    Karai had not looked to see the interaction, but holds her hand out, eyes still on her opponent. "Now!" she emphasizes, but the elite does not comply, given command to stay his hand by the Shredder himself.
Damian Wayne      Karai's kick doesn't dislodge the Birdarang from the gauntlet, but the tool is put back in his utility belt.

  "Interesting morality from someone who just tried to kick me in the balls." He raises a brow, putting back the birdarang after the sword isn't sent her way. "Seems they think you are ill prepared." He comments of Shredder.
Shredder     Karai glances back at her grandfather, who returns the stare without a flinch. There seems to be a message between them, and she glares back at the Boy wonder. "We did not agree upon weapons," she says. "But clearly, I should be prepared to fight you regardless of your advantage."

    She darts forward, snapping a punch forward. It looks like a face strike, but at the last instant, it dips as a monkey punch. The collapsed hand strikes with the back of the wrist toward the throat.
Damian Wayne      Robin's open palm moves to deflect the punch, but as the move changes to a feinted monkey punch, Damian instinctively takes his feet and places one in front of Karai's legs, and one behind. The monkey punch connects, but the motion against Damian is used as momentum to attempt to give Karai a leg scissors and trip her.
Shredder     All things considered, Karai considers a throat punch for a trip to be a pretty good trade. The maneuver catches her legs, and she topples to the ground with her leg captured. She lashes out, pulling free the other leg and raises it to bring it down in a prone axe kick toward Damian's gut.
Damian Wayne      Robin catches his breath, luckily the blow was not hard enough to do major damage. The pain can be worked through, use it, make it work for you.

  The axe kick to the gut hits the armor underneath Damian's tunic, the blow softened only by spreading out the impact. A cough rings through the arena, and Damian rolls over, getting to his knees. The assassin gets to his feet, and retaliates with with a set of three punches to Karai's midsection, along with a coda of a knee to the gut.
Shredder     Karai deflects the punches as she starts to get back to her feet, , but doesn't manage to evade the kick, wincing back and then slamming forward with a headbutt toward the face. She grips her midsection, annoyed and slightly winded from the blow.
Damian Wayne      A harrowing crack from Karai's head to under Damian's nose has the Titan reel back, blood dripping from his nasal cavity. The teen is tough, he is indeed in pain, but it doesn't show nearly as much as it would on a regular person. Robin's success with the kick makes the teen smirk with satisfaction as he keeps striking with closed fists. He doesn't ask for Karai to yield, he knows that time will come.
Shredder     Karai takes another hit to the face, blood spraying from her nose, then blocks the next two shots before sliding inside one of the blows, hand slipping along the inside of the punch for pressure strike where the shoulder meets the chest, followed by a rather dexterous maneuver beneath him in order to catch his left arm and wrench it out of socket. She doesn't ask him to submit either.
Damian Wayne      The loud dull pop of Damian's left arm makes some of the audience wince in disgust. Damian himself lets his arm dangle in a macabre show of his tolerance for pain.

  He dashes for Karai, leaping backward into a backflip kick to her chin.
Shredder     There's a curl of satisfaction, and Karai wipes some blood from her nose. "So tough," she mocks his display. She charges as well, but is unprepared for the backflip kick, going for a finishing palm strike to the throat. The result is that she ends up in a backflip of her own, the fet finding their mark, and spinning her over, landing upon the grass face first with a dull thump. She's still for a second, and the fight is called. Damian is the victor.

    Karai rolls onto her back slowly, dazed and only semi-conscious of the fight. The Shredder stands, and quietly walks into the circle, bowing in her stead. He still says nothing, but the wave of his finger brings the two Foot elites rushing to her side to help her sit up, the blood still running from her nose.
Damian Wayne      Damian's kick did exactly what it had meant to do. The Titan lands on his feet, blood dripping from his face.

  Karai had been defeated, unable to continue. With Shredder bowing in her stead, he answers with a bow of his own, holding onto his dangling arm as he does so.

  "She fought well. You should be proud." He comments, some bit in the back of his mind seeing parallels to himself in her.

  Being the victor, Robin makes his leave, popping that arm back in as soon as he can, wherever that is, his yell would be enough to raise the dead.