Owner Pose
Batman     There are larger, busier, and more well-equipped dockyards in Gotham City and none of them are located on South Hinkley. Any ships that do dock here are trying to avoid the scrutiny of regulation and bring whatever illicit goods ashore that they can without a curious official causing trouble. Tonight, one such ship - a relatively small, partly-rusted vessel bearing the name 'The Falkland Prize' is docked at a rickety, sea-worn pier that juts out over South Hinkley's muddy shoreline. This particular dock is part of an old warehouse complex utilized by Cranston Multinational, but which has since fallen through an administrative loophole and out of use. The way the sailors and their counterparts on shore move in the dark with only the occasional flashlight glare is enough to scream 'up to no good' and rumors abound as to what the shipment relates to.
    Certain circles are talking drugs. A strange new concoction from somewhere in the Baltics that has yet to hit American streets. Others mention something far stranger, books and artefacts that hold dangerous secrets. They suggest 'magic' in that same hushed whisper. Enough to draw the attention of certain ageless foes looking for the next deadly weapon in an eons old war. Regardless of what lies within the crates currently being hauled off the Falkland Prize, someone let slip what was happening here tonight - and now there'll be Hell to pay.
Selene The dark of night was essentially high noon when you're a vampire as aged and experience as that of Selene. She's so used to the night sky that she has to think of daylight as though its a far away myth or legend. Even the day time sky viewed from within a building was hard for her eyes to stand to look at for more than a few seconds at a time.

In the moment now, Selene is perched upon the edge of a building with her eyes down upon the pier. She's watching the crew move about in the dark, seeing the occasional flash of light from a hand torch, she releases a light sigh and lets her gaze trace across the horizon of it all, of their ship and of where they're moving their illicit goods under the cover of darkness.
Tom Tom is on a quest, and thanks to a recent lead in the New Mexico desert and the Manse of Seven Spaces, vague esoteric divination has pointed him here. He is a bit disturbed since he normally heals any damage up to or including death as he wakes up Groundhogs day style in the house that crap built. But his foot, burned by Lex Luthors white phosphorus is still healing so he walks with a limp. Since dogdong is normally quintessenal for these sorts of things, he called in a favor with his "buddy" the hound of ill omen who looks like a perfectly harmless Terrier that is in fact a Terrorier. It has come to enjoy the mayhem that always ensues when Tom is around and from being particuarly badly mauled.
Natasha Cranston     Such things happen - when new construction is completed, existing locations can become unfavourable, leading to disuse. Sometimes demolishing or repurposing a no-longer-viable warehouse costs more than just discontinuing usage and pretending it doesn't exist; in fact, it can then become a viable "off the books" rental location for a less than ethical manager who knows to contact some people who need a discreet place to store and move some illicit goods.

    The new tenants, however, are not yet aware that CMS is back under its rightful management, and its owner has a more than casual eye for... discrepancies.

    Three days ago, one such discrepancy caught her eye. Two days ago she confirmed that the paperwork detailing the supposed disposal of the warehouse had gotten creatively misfiled. Yesterday she found out where it had been filed. And now... The Shadow Knows...

     This late at night there isn't much in the way of legitimate road traffic left, but even now the occasional lone taxi cab on its way to a pickup or drop-off isn't worth commenting on, even in the docks districts...
Richard Dragon The Dragon would rest no longer.

See, Richard Dragon cares a great deal about his community. Once one of his students had managed to catch wind of what was going down, or what was about to go down? Richard didn't even hesitate. Dressed in his fine Grandmaster robes of martial craft, he lets his hands clasp behind his back as he walks, though paying careful heed to the shadows.

It would be unwise to be seen.

Regardless, Richard now simply waits. Watching. Listening.
Batman     On the pier, a man steps out of the shadowy warehouse to approach one of the larger crates being hefted off the ship. He stands easily over six feet and seems poorly dressed for the chilly Gotham weather in a simple black overcoat, jeans and nothing else - no shirt, no gloves, no shoes, no socks. He points at the crate, at which point the two men carrying it let it down noisily on the dock. The large man produces a crowbar and pries the lid free, peering down at the contents with a pearly white grin that is obvious even in the darkness. He moves to touch whatever is in the crate before an indiscernible shout of "hands off!" from the warehouse prompts him to stop and he holds his hands up theatrically. The sailors lift the crate once more and begin to move it again. A trail of several more crates follow from the belly of the ship to the warehouse, and with closer inspection a number of tall and robust individuals dressed similarly to the large man appear to be wandering the area - propped up against a crumbling wall here, crouching atop a disused pylon there. The sailors give them a wide berth, as though discomfited by them.
Tom Tom is wearing his "villanous" uniform of long flowing black cape. wax handle bar mustache and stovepipe hat. Alas. the proximity to halloween being what is is people think this is a cool costume rather than a mark of evil so as he walks ...well...limps down tje street toward the ship with a walking staff he occasionally kicks the adorable amd totally indestructable "dog" generating levels of animosty from most observers but one thing he is not being is stealth in any way.
Selene Selene's gaze stands primarily focused on the ship crew and the happenings down below, but when she starts to see unusual motions is when she stands up and she rises to her full height. She turns toward the location in questio nand begins to run along the roof's edge with her long leather coat tails trailing behind her as she goes, black against the black of night. She leaps across a small gap in the buildings and then vanishes behind a brick wall before she re-emerges closer to whats going on down there, so that she can better hear, better observe and better prepare... She has a subtle scowl on her pale skinned face, because something feel more than a little off about this.

Selene's eyes shift from a shade of dark brown to a pale blue as she scans her vision across all the nefarious figures down below.
Natasha Cranston     The taxi slows briefly as it takes a corner, then continues on out of sight, utterly unremarkable. But a few moments later, a flicker of movement draws Selene's watchful gaze; for just a moment, it looked as if a shadow moved in the streetlight without anything casting it - but when she focuses on it, it's gone...
Richard Dragon Richard keeps along the walls and the corners as he tries to sneak inside the compound, his eyes narrowing as he tries to get a better look. Yep, looks like he's in the right place. But, he notices a few other things.

He's not alone.

Notably, he'd expect a crime fighter to be here at the moment, so he watches the rooftops. His eyes arn't sharp enough to catch Selene running across them, but he has a hunch that //something// is there. Probably a bird. That makes sense.

Eyes return to look upon the crooks moving shipments around. Heavily guarded. Probably lots of guns too. Well, this should be interesting.
Batman     "-it in the crate for?"
    As the investigators observe the warehouse from various vantage points, they hear snippets of a conversation between several gruff voices inside.
    "And what's all this other junk?" A clatter of something heavy falling onto the floor.
    Any who happen to peer through the windows observe something interesting. A group of four men, all similarly dressed as though they don't feel the cold, standing around an open crate. Inside, nestled atop shredded newspapers and various old kitchen appliances that have been thrown in haphazardly, is what looks to be a large tome bound in black leather. The group keep their distance, none of them apparently willing to pick up their prize.
    As they debate, a much shorter man dressed more sensibly approaches them: "That's what you wanted, yes? Alright, good. Now you live up to your end of the deal."
    One of the leatherclad men sighs and lifts one of the appliances off the floor, tearing the stainless steel apart as if it were tissue paper and tossing a bag of pale yellow powder on the ground at the short man's feet.
Tom Tom step, tap, step, tap, Tom isn't stealthily observing he limps right up the dock and waves,"excuse me, is there a Three Handled Moss Covered Credenza in your manifesto?" He kicks Herzog who whimpers loudly and then quietly chuckles. He loves this stuff and then pauses and sniffs. Ill Omen is something a Hound of Ill Omen senses easily and well. It growls lightly.
Selene As it happens, Selene isn't a lone avenger of Vampires. She's leader of a significantly sized group of Vampire soldiers that are fighting against the Lycans who've come to the United States to seek out its wealth of mutants and meta-humans. The Lycans seek to take powerful individuals in and convert them to their cause, to help fight back against their own extinction at the hands of the winning side... Selene's side. Under her leadership the Death Dealers have had more victories over the Lycans than any previous heads of the coven's soldiers. This is also why she's here in the US. To train the member of the American Coven.

"There are at least four." Selene softly whispers into her communications device, the ear piece nearly invisible inside her right ear. "Shouldn't be a problem. Keep a team ready however."

Her eyes do catch sight of the Shadow but its gone so quickly it could've been merely anything passing close to the light enough to cast it. Her eyes do move to the man who's approaching the gathering though...
Natasha Cranston     Unseen eyes widen, then narrow. The uncouth figures handling crates in a supposedly empty warehouse in the dead of night, the Shadow had expected. The bare feet are odd, but not outrageously so. The tome... She /had/ been tracking an artifact smuggling ring. This might be more of the same. Even the show of strength as stainless steel is shredded without effort isn't outside her expectations.

    An apparent madman babbling about 'Moss covered credenzas', on the other hand, very much was not.

    She draws her guns, but refrains from striking, opting to wait and see... For now.
Richard Dragon Richard didn't need to see anything else. He emerges from the shadows lightly, only to move into another. He takes a breath, making sure everything was in a place where he could reasonably deal with the situation, even without others there as well. Especially since he didn't know SPECIFICALLY who or what could show up.

So instead, he narrows his eyes on that tome. "What is that..?" he mumbles just softly to himself, before he takes a breath, making sure his hands were wrapped before he went out to fight a bloody fight.
Batman     "Hey, hey, hey, hey!"
    One of the dockworkers approaches Tom when he calls out, eyeing the dog warily but pressing on regardless: "This is private property, sir. You're trespassing. Please leave immediately." A practiced line passed down from the warehouse foreman should anyone show up uninvited.
    Inside the warehouse, the short man picks up the baggy and looks at it carefully. Satisfied, he tucks it away under one arm and turns his attention back to the group of four: "You boys want to give us a hand retrieving the merchandise? She's going to be here soon and she's not going to - "
    His cell rings and he holds up a finger, produces it from his pocket and answers quickly: "Madam Loiselle, comment vas-tu? Oui! Oui! Ca se passe maintenant." He begins to walk away as the three large men proceed to tear apart the kitchen appliances, producing the illicit content within.
    One of the large men pauses suddenly, sniffing the air: "You smell that?"
    "Gun oil," says another dismissively, "They're all armed. You worry too much."
Tom Tom takes the carefully prepared ritual that is supposed to be psychic paper and flashes it, "my papers." The dog audibly snickers and shakes its head as Lucky displays a coupon for A Free Big Belly Burger as if it were some port authority document. Tom does not realize this and carries on,"The Credenza in question is a stool, often like what might be used to play a piano or shorr musical recital. I am entirelt certain it is on the manifest and it must be inspected." Tom's inner mage is deathly curious about the tome that screams "please study me" and strains to look at it. Something here is not good. His demeanor changes to more dark, more villainly, a mantle he is practiced and fit for,"I can pay and well.
Selene Selene isn't a hero, she's not here to stop criminals from doing criminal activity. She's here for a much more specific reason and in that vein she's not really interested in what the man with the top hat and dog are doing down there, she's far more interested in waiting for the Lycans to reveal themselves or place themselves into precarious situations that will yield her an advantage.

Still though, she continues to slowly move into better positioning from her vantage point, her eyes do finally catch sight of Richard down there... but he, he MUST be here as a heroic type. "We have at least one extra do-gooder." Selene whispers into her mic, her right hand dips into her jacket along her chest and she pulls forth a single semi-automatic weapon, clutching it in her grasp at her hip now.
Natasha Cranston     Hidden from view, the Shadow scowls. That observation is... worrisome. She hadn't considered the possibility of an enemy tracking her by scent, and she realizes she probably should have. Still, this should be easily dealt with. She starts moving, circling the interior. Quietly at first, only permitting the occasional footstep to be audible, the sound barely heard and coming from anywhere but where she's truly standing...
Richard Dragon Richard Dragon? A hero? Nonsense. He just didn't want all this trouble nearing his neighborhood. One bad deed can affect a large number of good folk around you. So, instead of moving in though, he takes a moment to draw in and focus his chi. To focus and be prepared...and eventually, once Tom is called out at?

The Dragon moves in, as quick as he is strong, Richard attempts to strike one of the guards on the outer rim of the operation. In the throat.

With lethal accuracy. But silent grace.
Batman     The dockworker who is blocking Tom's entrance peers at the paper and frowns, brow creasing in confusion. He keeps a hand raised to stop him from moving, lifting his radio transmitter to his mouth and speaking into it: "Web? Yeah, there's a guy out here who wants to inspect cargo but he sounds high. You expecting any high Snidely Whiplash types?" A crackling, inaudible response. "Well, he's got paperwork." Another. "A CMS passcard." And again. "Christ, Web, I don't know. Can you just come out here and talk to him? Guys out of his gourd." The dockworker turns his attention back to Tom, smiling a plastered-on and apologetic false smile: "Won't be a moment, sir."
    As Richard takes out the guard, one of the men around the crate turns his head again and sniffs at the air irritably: "No, that's something else." He wheels on the short man on the phone, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye and lifting him several feet in the air as though he weighed nothing: "You're setting us up!"
    The match is in the powder keg now. High above, the dirty and cracked skylight explodes inwards and rains shards of glass down upon the gathering inside. For a moment, a figure like a malevolent bat obscures the moon and then descends heavily. He lands amidst the group of the four men, his own imposing size seeming much less so in their midst.
    The tension swells, the four men round on him and begin to ... change. Their muscle mass increases, their features seem to lengthen, their teeth become sharp, their fingers become claws ...
Tom Herzog actually says out loud "what the?!?!" How did it work? He jinxed that spell of Toms himself...
    om knows none of this and does not pay attention to the talking dog. One thing a mage learns is that they are a glass cannon and Tom is more glass. He tries something he has never tried before,"With any luck on just this ship for just an hour for anyone who really has bad karma coming they wont get a dash of my curse in some measure and see what it feels like."

The dog looks at Tom and grins ferally. Spreading the misery is not something Tom has EVER done before but already a dark cloud gathers in the sky and there is a distant peal of thunder. The sentient curse cackles with glee. Mayhem of a wonderful kind is about to ensue.

Tom frowns,"I want that damn Credunza.
Selene Selene happened to be on the same rooftop that the Batman had just smashed through the glass skylight of, but she'd had her back to him... he'd approached the skylight and smashed through it about 50 feet behind her and she'd not sensed him back there. At this point though, she didn't know who it was that just broke that window either... so after he falls through it, moments later... she appears at the top where the massive hole in the skylight is... and just peers down into the unfolding chaos down there.

"The Gotham's Bat is here." Selene says in her smokey voice, the words spoken just above a whisper as there's little reason to keep her voice quiet now. She observes for the time being, that one handgun still clutched in her right hand.

"No, keep them back." She speaks to her people. "He could be problematic if we rushed in now. And yes, they're showing themselves to him. And others. Its chaos." Selene sighs softly. "Damn Americans..."
Natasha Cranston     The Shadow raises her guns when the patsy gets grabbed, but before she can open fire Gotham's most prominent vigilante makes his trademark entrance -- and the four thugs /change/.

    She bites back a snarled curse. This was /not/ expected at all. On the other hand, this makes certain choices simpler to make.

    The roar of gunfire cuts through the sound of the monsters' growling, muzzle flashes briefly illuminating a shadow on the far wall -- and while it traditionally takes silver to kill a werewolf, the stories are a little less speficic on the subject of what happens when they take conventional rounds to the kneecaps...
Richard Dragon Almost as fast as the wind, Richard moves to strike three more men in the throat with lethal intent, before he notices the likes of Batman and Selene. Recognizing the former, Richard smiles. An old friend and sparring partner at one point. Good to still see him fighting the good fight.

But...the real fite's only just about to begin. The monsters growling, for example is quite a noticeable trait as he approaches into the open. "So...it's those kinds of enemies."
Batman     The dockworker dealing with Tom glances back over his shoulder as the Batman descends from the ceiling, guns start firing out of nowhere and four men turn into werewolves. He turns back to him and simply throws up his hand, "Look, pal, do what you like. This ain't worth it." That said, he simply runs past him and out towards the street. Let someone else deal with whatever the hell is going on. He gives Richard an alarmed look as he runs past him mid-strike, holding up both hands in a surrendering motion but not stopping.
    "Rip them apart," one of the werewolves growls as he changes, "No witnesses and get that /book/!"
    As three of the werewolves dive at Batman, the Dark Knight takes to the air again. A leap from a standing position into the air, where he turns gracefully and lands outside the group. A batarang catches the light in one hand before the Shadow's bullets impact the knees of two of the beasts, prompting them to growl in pain and falter even as the wounds appear to churn and expel the bullets.
    The last werewolf shrugs off his half-ruined coat and wraps it about his hands, fishing up the book from the crate before he leaps upwards too - aiming to pass through the same skylight Batman entered from.
Tom Tom blinks in mild suprise as everyone isnt flying around slipping on banana peels or steeping on rakes but the curse is stupid but not unintelligent. It exists to torment him or maybe Karma only cares about screwing those five particular fish. Either way he tries to take advantage of the chaos by rushing up the boat dock dropping the staff with the prepared spell that tuns the staff into a small glowing cast that doubles as a pogo stick as it will. Sproing step sproing step he considers helping Batman by getting him to hate him but doesnt immediately know how to do that. He slips as he enters the ship and tumbles about at random.

The dog laughs.
Selene "Its possible that they'll all take care of this for us." Selene says into her comms device while she stands there at the corner of the skylight, her dark hair blowing gently in the cool November breeze... whilst she watches the fight unfold below.

Her pale blue eyes center upon one of the Lycans as he's wrapping his hand in his own clothing and then is motioning to leap up toward her, he doesn't appear to know that she's up there either, so she takes a small step back into the darkness. When he lands and snarls whilst turning around to prepare to run, thats when Selene steps forward again.

With a cold and emotionless precision, her handgun is raised to the side of the Lycan's head and there's a sudden *POP POP* as two rounds are discharged from the weapon. What remains of the glass shards from the skylight above are suddenly sprayed over by the contents of the lycan's head and a second later his body falls through the corner of the skylight's jagged and bloodied glass and it tumbles back down into the building from where it'd jumped originally.
Natasha Cranston     Regular bullets appear to be having a disappointingly limited effect, although at least /some/ effect is felt. It will have to do.

    The Shadow's guns roar again and again, aiming for sensitive spots like joints or eyes to hurt and incapacitate rather than kill, the trademark sinister laughter echoing through the warehouse's confined space to further disorient them.

    When the fourth werewolf falls back through the skylight and fails to get up, the Shadow pauses for a moment to see who else is on the roof.

    This place is somewhat more crowded than I'd been led to expect," they remark almost conversationally in Batman's general direction...
Richard Dragon Yeah, well...Richard sees the fella running past him, and he promptly roundhouses kicks him in the chest! Or tries to. Depends on how fast the little bastard is. But, then he looks to those Werewolves as they come to life. Knowing quite well the enemies behind him are NOT getting up. Either because they're dead or because they are too injured at the moment to feel like moving, Richard touches the amulet around his neck, harnessing chi through his body.

In a sprint, Richard attempts to approach one of the werewolves, and with a palm strike-motion, blast the creatures with chi-energy. Not strong enough to kill it (or maybe it is), but definitely strong enough to show that the Dragon's teeth are sharper than ever.
Batman     "Thought I saw your shadow," Batman answers evenly to the darkness when it speaks to him, eyes narrowing as the werewolf corpse plunges from the ceiling and hits the floor with a thwack. He doesn't waste time in giving instructions, even if they have never actually worked together: "Isolate and disable the warehouse staff. They're just going to get themselves killed otherwise."
    He pauses a moment as Richard darts in, sending one of the werewolves tumbling head over ankle into a pile of crates: "Sensei."
    The warehouse is chaos now. One of the werewolves is assuredly dead, another is momentarily dazed amidst the crates. The other two circle Batman and Richard, unable to tell exactly where the shooters are.
    "Shadow," he calls out to the general area, unable to sense their exact location, "Keep them away from that book." The book rests atop the corpse of the jumping werewolf, open now and revealing ancient pages with what looks to be writhing, moving text.
Tom The best work by a sapient minds, even gods, angels, demons and imps cannot be perfect in their work, and even a masterwork spell has....loopholes. Tom bounces through the air as the curse, set free to play in a way it never has before is too stupid to do anything malevolent. Its like a kid in a candy store who has never had candy and instead of tricking it to do the opposite the curse is too distracted, too spread out to do anything at all.

As such, Tom feels a moment of perfect zen like sweetness that he has not felt for 20 years as for a single second, and only a second, the true nature of the clue given by the Hejjmin shows its signifcant as in perfect luck he hits the hull wall, bounces off and lands face first into the Credenza which not only exists but reveals its hidden ornate gothic key which lands in Tom's hand with a soft thwip as the credenza skitters over the dead werewolf shooting the book directly into Natasha's easy grasp if she so chooses.

This catches the curses attention again and it is angry. Very very angry.
Selene Once the Lycan's body hits the floor inside of the building anyone who inspects the shots to the side of its head will eventually come to find liquid silver leaking from the otherwise bloody holes left in the creature's skull, the devastation that those bullets left behind were clearly due to their element of choice in design.

As for now, Selene has paced from the side she deposited the Werewolf down from... to the other side at the foot of the skylight. She's keeping her eyes down and inside the building at the hectic combat unfolding down there-in.

"There's no use." She says into her comm device. "There are too many elements at play here. Pull the others back, we'll strike at them on another night." She's finding that operating in the US is far harder than she's used to back home, back home where there were much less of these powered people to interfere or get in the way. This is why the Lycans in their ward fled here to begin with though.
Natasha Cranston     Shadows seem to rise up out of the floor and envelop the book as it tumbles through the air, and when they pass, the book is gone, with only the echoes of sinister laughter taunting the wolves who sought it...
Richard Dragon After Richard knocks over that Lycan through that pile of crates, Richard Dragon stands up straight when he hears the voice of one of his students. Turning to look upon Batman, he smiles fondly. "Hello, old friend." a bow is given out of respect, before he stands up straight once again, moving back to back with Batman.

"I don't suppose you have wolf repellent in your belt, do you?" Richard asks in a very joking manner, yet the look in his eyes remind his enemies why Richard's last name is Dragon.

"Shadow....so that's who that was." he glances to the werewolves circling them, hands at his side...ready to strike at a moment's notice, however.
Batman     One of the Lycans lunges at the book only for it to slide out of his reach and disappear into mid-air with only a peel of sinister laughter. The sight of the corpse leaking liquid silver from the bullet wounds has given them pause, however, and he turns to the other two whom he seems to command: "Screw it! The Books gone."
    The Lycans, to their credit, no when the fight just isn't worth pushing - so they don't. There's /someone/ here who knows how to do them lasting (even fatal) damage. The Book will turn up. It always does. And they have eternity. So they run, turning their backs on the gathered combatants and moving with speed that far outstrips even a speeding car.
    Batman simply stands there, peering up at the skylight where he entered and where Selene had been. He never got a good look at her, but he's already pinned the werewolf homicide on her. His eyes narrow again as he turns his attention now to the drugs spilling out of the broken crates and Richard: "Seems like we won't need it. But whoever these dockworkers are, they're dealing in narcotics. Care to help me tie them up for the police?"
Tom Drugs, Credenzas, Books and ovens were not the only things on the ships manifest. One guy ordered a crate of nails. Another strange coincidence was the lack of maintenance on the ship in just enough of a hole to allow a rapidly moving human object to go through the crate of nails, through the double hull of the ship into the water. The amount of water leaking into the ship was not enough to pose any danger of sinking since a large safe fell on top of it. Over kill?

Well maybe bit that nothing compared to the shark under the ship....
Selene Away from the warehouse now, Selene is tossing her right leg over her motorcycle and leaning forward over it to place her hands upon its steering head. She activates the bike a second later and its engine is revved multiple times before she gives one more sideways glance toward the building she'd just left the roof of and then looks away. The motorcycle comes to life and is soon zipping away from the building, the book, the Shadow, the Karate Man, the Top Hat Guy and the Bat.

They Lycans? Well... she'll find them again soon enough.
Richard Dragon "It appears you are right, old friend." Dragon smiles softly and perhaps even allows an exhale to leave his mouth audibly, before looking to Batman. "If you wish." and Dragon gets to work, taking some nearby rope and wrapping up who he can. Those who he can't foreseeably tie up? He strikes their pressure points to render them immobile for enough time for the police to arrive and take 'em away.

Though he then glances to Tom's actions, lifting a brow at the misfortune the fellow seems to be causing. Not choosing to make a comment, Richard glances to the open skylight, narrowing his eyes, before he looks to Batman.

"I hope you are unharmed?" After all, Richard only found Batman mid-fight.
Batman     "Yes," the Bat says with no inflection in his voice, bending to bind up the wrists of the last dockworker. He watches Tom silently as he finishes up, weighing up in his mind just what is going on there. Interesting, certainly, but not the issue to deal with at the moment. He lets him go about his bizarre business, hoping the distant wail of approaching police launches and cars might scare him off.
    "I hadn't realized you were in Gotham," the Dark Knight says to Richard, turning back to him, "That's good. But the police will be here shortly - I think it's time to go. I trust you don't need help disappearing."
Richard Dragon Once tying up the last of the rascals was done, Dragon takes a moment to observe the scenery to see if anything was missed. Nope, they got it alright. Giving a glance to Batman, he smiles. "I was in Greece for a small time, saying goodbye to an old student." he's faintly reminded of sadness, before he smiles lightl yto Batman. "Indeed. Safe travels, my friend. I hope to see you shortly. Disappearing is certainly a pasttime of mine." he winks, before he walks towards the shadows...vanishing like a ninja.