Owner Pose
Kaydin the rec room was busy. Blurs with blue lightning blasts amongst the room moving from the soda fountain to the snacks and soon the blur stops with kaydin is seen laying on the couch with the snacks on his chest, a package of chips opened and being thrown in the air and caught easily enough. He seems to be chilling as he looks around. Half expecting someone to turn up.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir pauses in the door, in red and white plaid flannel overshirt and tight black T-shirt, excessive black eyeliner and mascara, dark blue jeggings, studded belt, and converse. On her hands are tight black leathery gloves. She has a couple of silicone wristbands on, and a black shoulder bag.

She leans on the doorframe a bit. "So is it safe to come in yet? Or is there something about to happen that I'm interrupting?"
Kaydin     Kaydin looks up to see the girl. "No you can come in." Kaydin says as he throws another chip into the air and catches it with his mouth. "Kinda glad you arent Andrea. She is a little...annoying." Kaydin says as he watches the woman, sipping his soda.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir ohs and nods a bit. "Well.. yeah, sometimes. She's super bubblegummy." She wanders in and looks in the trash cans, frowning a bit before looking around the corners of the room. Hmmmm. "I mean, I guess she's sweet, but, you know. It's totally a job skill for her."
Kaydin     Kaydin nods as he watches Erika. "We met a while back, you were running in the rain...Erika right?" Kaydin asks as he throws another chip up and catches it again with his mouth. "You know this is kinda easy considering how slow everything seems to me." He says with a smirk.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Yeah. Like, I have a cool name, but nobody takes me anywhere I would need it." She tilts her head some. "I guess? I don't mess with stuff like that. They barely even let me do cool stuff here. Like, I can do neat stuff but noo-oo. Anyway." She digs around behind stuff, looking for forgotten things. "Hmph, why does everybody gotta be a neat freak, anyway?"
Kaydin     "No idea. My room is how I left it, thrashed." Kaydin says as he smiles at her. "I been away on personal stuff...My grandpa died about a couple years ago. Learned he gave his life to give me the gift our tribe was renowned for: speed." Kaydin says as he gets up and offers her a chip. "I think your pretty cool. Dont know what sorta powers you got but powers dont need to make someone cool." Kaydin says calmly.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir takes the chip and smiles, then pops it in her mouth and munches. "Awesome. Well, it doesn't matter what I do, they don't like me doing much of it." She flops into the chair. "I'm a psychometrist. Usually I copy skills and stuff off things." She hmms. "I can totally do the matrix thing with kung fu. But they don't like it if I do."
Kaydin     "Nothing wrong with it in my opinion." Kaydin says as he watches her and smiles. "So Erika, have many friends? I used to have a few with professor scott summers but ever since emma frost came with her new mutants my group has been cannibalized and put into the new mutants. Not even sure I count as a mutant."
Erika Kristasdottir "Neh, people keep leaving and stuff." She shrugs. "So sick of it. I get along with Laura pretty good when I see her. And I don't think that other group went far, anyhow."

She shrugs some. "I mean, I need to get out and about some, I guess. Not at home though, it's a long bus ride and there's vampires at night. Especially in winter."
Kaydin     "If you want to go anywhere, just hit me up." Kaydin says as he blurs and comes back with a pizza from metropolis and offers her a slice. "Super speed. Can run anywhere on the planet. Also can include anyone into my own personal bubble of amplified speed so we can run to places together." Kaydin says as he smiles at her.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir blinks. "Oh, *awesome*. Yeah, I would totally love to get out of the house. I just have the one bed I can sleep on, so I can't get far, and now my mom is sick. I'm cooped up and ugh."

She tilts her head. "Where would you even *go*? Like, I don't get out much, so, you know. I don't see much."
Kaydin     "I go whereever I want. I can go back to my home near seattle. Can come here. Spend most of my time in metropolis and gotham trying to do the hero business with little success." Kaydin says as he smiles. "Pick a place and we can go there. Wanna see the pyramids in egypt? boom!" He says with a happy tone.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir ohhhs. "Holycrap. Ummm..." She thinks a bit. "I don't even know. I mean, I guess that's why I asked you? What's good? Surprise me, I guess?" She shrugs a bit. "If you wanted to, I guess. I mean, I didn't ask yet, right?"
Kaydin     "Best place to get chinese food is this place in gotham. They had an all you can eat buffet before me and a friend ate them out of it." Kaydin says as he scarfs a pizza down. "The disadvantage to this speed is I get wicked hungry quick." Kaydin says as he watches her. "Well I been to france...Germany...Even been in canada for a day." Kaydin says as he shrugs to her. "No just pick a spot and I will take you there. We can both explore it, together." He says as he raises a fist.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir ohhs. "Awesume. Uhm..." She pulls out her phone and checks the time. "Hmmm. So like, scenery?" She frowns. "I hate when I get a chance to do stuff I didn't think was possible. I never know what to do."
Kaydin     "Its okay. Means we will have fun together." Kaydin says as he smiles at her. It is then that his phone chirps and he pulls it out to check it out. "I better get home and see what mom wants. Here is my number, send me a text or whatever when you decided on where to go." Kaydin says as he watches the woman.
Erika Kristasdottir Erika Kristasdottir gives a thumbs-up. "Sure! That rocks. Let me.. wait, I'll have to explain that more. I'll tell you later. I'm gonna crash out, and I want to get a shower before bed too. I was jogging a bunch and punching trees and stuff earlier."
Kaydin     "Understandable." Kaydin says as he nods at the woman before blurring off out the door with his snacks and soda, blue lightning arcing around him as he moves around before vanishing out the door.