Owner Pose
Caim     Caim had been busy with his affairs when several people he relied on fell into this black sleep...So he brought one of the people investigating it to his estate. It was an apartment in Gotham to be honest and he sat at the table eating some food when she comes. "Welcome." He says as he watches the woman. If she knew of nazi propaganda then she would recognize him as the nazi super soldier which the axis used to counter the captain america for the allies.
Nina     The only reason she had agreed to come here was because he had told her it was about the people effected by the Black Sleep. When she arrived, she looked him over and stated simply enough, "So, you were with the Nazi's?" She asks him and idly rests a hand on one hip, "Cause, that isn't really giving you a lot of credibility as to why I should even talk to you. I just thought you might know something useful or be of use."
Caim     "I served the axis because their evil would better humanity...to give humanity a monster to destroy." Caim says as he finishes eating and stands. "I am genuinely interested in this black sleep. I want to help fix the problem, before all of humanity suffers the same fate." Caim says as he gets his cane and leans on it as he approaches her. "While I confess our idealogies are different, the ends are the same...WE both seek to better humanity." He says calmly.
Nina     "Yeah, sounds like something one would tell oneself in order to justify terror." Nina shakes her head, "I'm not gonna ocme here to debate something that happened decades ago even though frankly I feel like it should be brought up. What do you know already about this sleep? I have found little since I myself woke up." She points at him, "And people here have been less than forthcoming, even the one knwon as the Supreme."
Caim     "I have sought to learn magic so I would not be weak against it...yet those I approach to teach me blow me off." Caim says as he shrugs. "So do you know if this is magical in nature? I am a master when it comes to genetics. My mutant ability allows me to control my genetic make up. So when I say I know genetics, I know it better then these normal scientists." HE says calmly.
Nina     "This is magical in nature, of that I am certain." She nods he rhead and then looks at him, "As for teaching you, do you really wish to learn magic? I mean, it hardly seems like a good idea to teach someone I just met who used to belong to the Nazi party magic." She shakes her head, "Hardly seems like a good idea at all."
Caim     "Then dont teach me. I will learn eventually, Someone will be willing to overlook my past." Caim says as he walks over to the woman. "So this sleep is magical in nature but you have no idea who or what is doing it...Have you thought to investigate the woman overseas claiming to wake up those asleep?" He asks as he watches her. He then shrugs. "I want to help...You have access to my vast wealth in the event it is used to put this thing down." He says calmly. "If it doesnt help, then I am afraid I dont know what else to do."
Nina     "I see." She states and looks over at him, "There's a woman with knowledge on waking people up." SHe considers, "Interesting." She then looks carefully at him, "As for your wealth, I appreciate that much. I might be willing to teach you if I get to know you. Not before." She then turns her gaze, "I am Nina the Conjuror." She then looks to the side and considers, "How did you find out about this woman, by the way?"
Caim     Caim nods to the woman. "I found out via news reports...the news claimed that there was a woman in norway was waking people up but that the reports ended up being bad after a while." Caim says as he shrugs. "I wish I could help you out, Nina. I am Caim Kataras, Atleast thats the name I go with now." He says as he offers her his hand to shake.
Nina     Taking the hand, she shakes it idly and nods her head, "Well, I woudl like to say it is nice to meet you but you helped kill a lot of people, Caim Kataras. It is not for me to pass judgement but..." She frowns before turning her gaze to the distance, looking as it were in the direction of Norway, "And I see. The new TV seems to have a lot of news reports." SHe nods her head, "I suppose I am going to Norway then."
Caim     "I will provide you transportation. I will also go with you, so I may learn for myself what happened to this woman." Caim says as he sighs. "In the time period I grew up in, I killed people to defend my home and my nation. I also killed monsters and have discovered that I cant stop killing...trying to stop only makes me more violent...Surely someone like you understands that karma has a habit of coming back...The world isnt as clean cut as it was in my time peroid...And I am a monster playing at a man...I only hope my resources can be used to better mankind."
Nina     A look at him and then she shakes her head, "Karma is one thing, will is another." SHe then looks forward, "As for transportation? Hardly necessary." SHe states as she idly pulls from her pocket a simple stone, "I can get us there quickly enough...but not this moment. I will meet with you again when the chance arises." She nods her haed, "And we will head there. I need to check on something before I go."
Caim     "Very well Nina." Caim says as he moves towards the windows and looks out them. "I guess I am arrogant to think I may be able to solve this when introduced to magic. A good enough reason for me not to learn." He says as he leans on his cane. "I will await until you are ready. This card contains my own personal number to contact me. Contact me any time." He says as he gives her a black card with white numbers and letters on it.
Nina     Taking the card, she looks at it, "Sounds good. I shall try to emulate or get one of those phones that do not need wires that people have spoken of." She nods her head, "Until then, be well and stay out of trouble." She nods and then heads for the exit.