Owner Pose
Bobby Annie, the school nurse is frowning as she looks over Bobby's injury. "I've never seen anything like this. Are you sure that you're fine?"

With his shirt off, Bobby is sitting on one of the wellness tables, glancing towards his shoulder. "If it helps, I've never had anything like this." he says with a small smirk. "And yeah, so far, it feels fine. If weird."

What's weird?

Bobby's left shoulder, which was shot up a few days ago seems to be healing - but instead of scar tissue, it is ice that is holding everything together.

"And you said that as the ice pulls away, there's flesh beneath?" Annie asks with a lift of her brow.

"Yeah. It tingles. Like you know, when you sit on your hand too long?"
Jubilee Heading down the hallway is Jubilee, who is in high spirits as usual. A piece of gum cracks between her lips with a loud pink pot as she strides. Lifting up a hand, she gives a student a high five on her way to the Wellness Center, then steps inside to spy Bobby and Annie. Aiming for the cup full of suckers, she plucks one out and tucks it into her pocket. "Yo, Iceberg. What's happening?" She says as she blows some black bangs up and away from her face.
Bobby "Well, Bobby, other than the obvious look of it, you're fit as a fiddle." Annie offers and reaches over to get a sucker, just as Jubilee gets to the jar first. There's a chuckle and a small smile. "You know those are for patients, right?"

"She can have mine." Bobby offers in response, before glancing aside to Jubilee as he reaches to pull back on his shirt. "Hey Sparkles." he offers in response to her. "Oh you know, typical week. Broken arm, broken heart, all will heal in time." There's a little wink at her. "What brings you by?"
Jubilee There's a loud 'pff' from Jubilee to Annie, giving her a grin. "Let's just say it's an IOU. I need my cherry fix. Sides', I'm sure I'll skin my knee or something real soon." She wheels around to Bobby, giving him a nod. "Broken arm -and- heart? I hope it didn't happen in the same night." She says, cracking her gum again between her teeth. "And I just came by to say hello to my favorite nurse, steal a sucker and then head out for a trip into the city. Gonna get some shopping in."
Bobby "Not the same night, naw." Bobby responds. "I mean, I got shot one night, rejected another - so totally seperate incidents." He says with a laugh as he stands up to tuck his shirt back into place. Annie, overhearing Jubilee's plans, gives Bobby a small nudge. "Maybe you should go with her, Bobby. Get out of the school for a bit, fresh air will do you good."

There's a lift of his brow at Annie, but he glances at Jubilation. "What do you think? Is retail therapy really as helpful as it supposedly sounds?" he asks, plucking a lolli from the jar to unwrap it and pop it in his mouth. "Ooh, mystery flavor."
Jubilee "You don't seem too broken hearted over your broken heart." Jubilee pops the gum out of her mouth and drops it in the middle of the trash can once it has lost its flavor. "If you wanna go, I ain't gonna say no. I'm just snagging some jeans and a new jacket. Something a bit thicker. Just don't go doing classic Bobby antics, like trying to create an ice rink in the mall's fountain again. I like this mall and it's the only one you haven't got me banned from yet." She gives Annie a high five, then starts for the door. "C'mon Frosty, let's go kick it."
Bobby "It's a broken heart that's been expected for a while." Bobby shrugs his shoulders. "And I worked out most of my frustration about it last night." At Jubilee's comment, there's a wider smirk. "Look, it was the middle of August, and those kids were /thrilled/." he points out to her as he gets to his feet and pulls on his jacket to join with Jubilee as the two head out into the hallway beyond.
Jubilee Jubilee says, "Oh? Should I ask who the lucky lady was?" Jubilee asks curiously as she plucks her sucker out of her pocket and starts to unwrap it. Sliding it into her mouth, she heads down the hallway at her usual quick footed pace. She isn't a slow stepper by any means. Always ramped up most likely on energy drinks and frosted cereal for breakfast."
Bobby "Wow, Jubilee, make me sound like such a catch." Bobby responds with a chuckle as he gives Jubilee a small shoulder bump with his good shoulder as he moves to keep up with the spritely young woman. "Anyway. Lorna. I mean, I had a crush on her since she first started here. But you know, always the good friend, never the boyfriend material." he says with a laugh.
Jubilee "Lorna? Huh." Jubilee says thoughtfully as she bumps him back along the shoulder, a bit rougher as she invokes old tom boy antics. "Well, I'm sure one day you will land yourself a hotty with some type of color in her hair. Maybe Blue next time, or Orange. Sides, what does Bobby the boyfriend look like?" She asks with a wily grin on her face. "You don't strike me as the take a girl out to a steak dinner kinda dude and pull out chairs and open doors. You're more the .. drop an icecube down the back of a girl's shirt kinda guy."
Bobby "Do that to you once, and I'll never live it down." Bobby says with a snort of laughter as he gets a little smirk and shakes his head. "Ain't sure anyone is ever going to see the boyfriend version of Bobby. I don't know if anyone even wants to find out." he points out to her before he laughs. "Fine, maybe not steak. But hey, hot dogs and drinks at a Red Sox game isn't out of the realm of possibility." he points out.
Jubilee "Okay, that's your first mistake, is taking /any/ girl that lives in New York to a /Red Sox/ game. That's like asking for an asskicking from her brother or dad, or gramps or herself." Jubilee says. "We're in New York. It's the Yankees, and if you're desperate, sometimes the Mets." She descends the stairs, taking them two at a time before she lands with a thump of sneakers on the ground. "I'll get us an Uber or whatever to drive us. I'm not taking the bus today."
Bobby "I'll make a note of that. Maybe the next time that the Red Sox are in town." Maybe he just suggested that they see a game together. Bobby keeps it vague as he trots down the stairs after Jubilee. "I'd suggest that we take the ice express into town, but that's probably like arriving in something slightly worse than your mom's 89 Corolla." he smirks slightly and then shrugs his shoulders. "I know you didn't ask - but she's wanting to concentrate on Genosha and her family."
Jubilee "I didn't ask because it's nooooone of my business my dude. Relationships and all that drama is not my scene." Jubilee rolls the sucker to one side of her mouth as he head to the front door, tapping on her phone to summon a driver. "But, what can you do, right? Family is important and I'm sure whatever they're doing in Genosha is important." She gives a loud suck on the lolli. "Your arm is okay though, right? It's not gonna melt and detach in the mall will it?"
Bobby "No, Jubilee, I'm not gonna go all zombie on you." Bobby says with a roll of his eyes and lets out a breath. "Sorry. Haven't had a chance to talk to anyone about it. Guess it's dumb to mention that to the girl that you're currently heading to the mall with." He laughs a little. "Yeah, I'm just awesome at this dating thing. Can you tell?"
Jubilee "I dunno, I figure this is something you'd talk to your guy friends about, like Angel or Hank or if you /really/ need to talk to someone, maybe Scott. But, if you wanna talk 'bout girl stuff with me, that's cool. I can do that too. I'm pretty much one of th' guys anyways." Jubilee drawls out as she gives him a lift of her thin brows upwards, then tugs down her pink shades over her eyes once they step outside so to block the morning sunlight from striking her eyes.
Bobby "Let me give you the Scott answer." Bobby says, straightening up like he just shoved something up his ass. "Well you know Bobby, your first priority should be to the team and helping out mutants. You shouldn't have time to even think about dating in the team." he clears his throat. "Hank would change the subject. And Warren? Warren would offer to take me to a club and have some fun." he points out to Jubilee. "And no, you're not one of the guys. But you know.. friend and all that." he shrugs. "Anyway. Mall."
Jubilee "Maybe you should go to the club and have some fun. Go meet some /women/ instead of girls." Jubilee cackles as she gives a loud crunch of the lolli, then lobs the stick into the trash at the front door. Stepping outside to wait for their Uber, she rocks on her feet side to side to keep her ankles loose. "And that is such a Scott answer. Hank though would probably drone on and on and on about some type of biological blah-bitty-blahblah thing."
Bobby "Well, I mean, if I'm going to date someone, I'd like someone that understands what's going on. Bad enough trying to get a date. Pile on that whole 'I'm a mutant - oh and better yet, I'm an X-Man', yeah I can see that so not going well." Bobby points out in response as he waits next to her. Instead of rocking with nervous energy, he settles his hands behind his back to look out at the grounds. "You know, when I first got here, I was terrified of everything. I mean, I had just stood up to a bully that was harassing a girl and used my ice powers - and she freaked."
Jubilee "Yeah, well -- maybe find a Mutant Tindr or something and go search for a girl that way. You don't gotta tell the girl you're a superhero. Pretty sure that we're supposed to be a secret or whatever." Jubilee says as she snaps her fingers, causing them to crackle and pop with energy. "But, maybe go poke 'bout the Avengers? Or... the Titans? Or... " She pauses in thought. "What 'bout Emma?" Her brows waggle. "If you're into women who wear their bra on the outside and will manipulate you like a puppet." She winks.
Bobby There's a groan at that, before Bobby gives Jubilee a poke at her side. "Naw. Unless someone just drops in my lap, I'm done with the dating thing for now. I just want to do my own thing and figure out my life." he admits with a sigh. Though he does glance aside at the woman and gives her a slight smile. "Although.. I could always just ask you out and see how many of my mistakes you can point out."
Jubilee There is a sputter from Jubilee at that last statement. Peering over the top of her sunglasses at him, she gives him one of those up and down looks with her eyes before she pushes the shades back up. "I can do that even without you asking me out." She grins as she waves her hand to the car that is pulling up down the driveway. "But I guess you gotta actually ask me out first."
Bobby "I guess I do." Bobby says, but then he grins. "I'm gonna stick around here and not ruin your shopping trip." He finally relents to her. "Go on and have your fun, and maybe when you get back, we'll revisit this whole asking you out idea." he gives her a once over and then turns to head back inside the mansion so that Jubilee can go do her shopping in peace.