Owner Pose
Black Panther T'Challa is in the study tonight. He has brought in a number of books on curiously different subjects. Geological studies. Books on UFO sightings. An archeological history of the Mayans. He has a few maps as well, plus a laptop on which he is typing. A glass of some dark alcoholic beverage sits nearby. He's dressed casually, a dark sweater and slacks, with a silver necklace visible beneath the neck of the sweater.
Nuala     Nuala hasn't moved far from the Avenger's grounds while in New York. Her ship, cloaked as always, rests in the back yard rather than the hangar. She isn't wearing her slim suit armor. Instead, she is in a casual pair of jeans and a red flannel shirt. She steps into the study, noticing T'Challa, and she smiles. "Good evening your majesty," she says politely, making her way to a nearby table. "I hear that you formally joined the Avengers. It's a gracious thing."
Black Panther Black Panther lifted his head to glance over towards the doorway as Nuala approached. When she steps into view, his face lights up in a soft smile. T'Challa rises to his feet and walks over to her. If his experience with Nuala indicates she is familiar with Earth greetings, he will reach out for her hand, though shaking it with a gentle two-handed grip, one on top and one on the bottom, like he were holding something treasured. "Nuala Duvall," he says in his cultured African accent. "Thank you. Your words are too kind. I have been the poorer for not having seen you before now," he tells her. "I hope you will forgive me for not coming to find you by now," he tells her.
Nuala     Nuala gives a wry smile. "You have far more pressing matters than to see me," she comments. "I am hardly of consequence that I could demand such attention." She sits down at the nearby table, rather than impose to sit at the same. "I for my part apologize that I did not come to greet you earlier. I have a habit of remaining a little separate from people." She pulls out a small device, which opens a holographic display of something written in an alien language.
Black Panther T'Challa follows her over to the table. "Perhaps more pressing. But none so enjoyable," he tells her. "Would you like a drink?" he asks. It being evening. The King of Wakanda isn't a noon drinker. Not /yet/. "I found a delightful bourbon, if you have acquired the taste for it," he offers.

"I hope that you have been well since we last saw each other," T'Challa tells her. He's looking fairly well. Immaculately groomed, and in the peak of health. There is a sense of serenity about the man this evening as well.
Nuala     "Your majesty," she gives another smile, "You are kind. I would love to try some." She has the same outward appearance of serenity, but she only masks her anxiety with formality. "Things are well," she lies, but lying was never her strong suit. "I understand the Asgardian children were able to be returned to their families," she says. "I'm sure that Thor was very grateful for your kingdom's assistance as well."
Black Panther T'Challa moves over to the liquor cabinet. No doubt Tony keeps it stocked in things he would like, so it is indeed top end. "Please, no formality is necessary. Two friends meeting again. T'Challa," he tells her, looking up to smile over to the blonde woman. He pours her a glass of the beverage, bringing it over and sitting down at a chair at her table. "Yes, the children are to New Asgard now. Returned to their families. Those who still have them," he says, expression just a little dour. "Thor is true friend. And it was a terrible thing that befell his people. We need to make sure we guard against the same every happening here."
Nuala     Nuala takes the glass graciously. "It is still strange to be in the company of royalty," she admits. "For years I never imagined meeting someone of your standard, and now I know two kings," she laughs a little. She smells the bourbon, then takes a sip of it. "It is quite good," she admits. "I believe that the heroes of this world will be quite capable of stopping such threats," she admits. "Not to mention the Asgardians themselves will likely enhance Earth's research a good deal into the sciences."
Black Panther T'Challa has his own glass, which did not need topping off yet, as if he had just poured it not long before she arrived. He takes a sip of the warming beverage and says, "There is a place, Kentucky, that is known for producing it. I have not visited. But I would like to. They also produce fine horses there," he comments as he looks at the glass. "If you should like to see it as well? Let me know and perhaps we might travel there together?"

T'Challa looks thoughtful of the mention of the Asgardians. "Indeed. The first such culture to settle alongside of us. At least openly. It will be interesting to see the changes that might come to the world."

T'Challa's head tilts to the side. "And how are you doing, Nuala Duvall? You say that you keep to yourself. I know this world is not the one you are most used to. But I hope you can find it a good home, if you choose to stay."
Nuala     "If I choose," Nuala echoes. "I do not know how much choice I will have," she comments. "My speech at the UN did not go over well with those in authority over my program," she says. "They have called for my arrest to stand trial. Currently they are trying to determine how to handle my 'dual citizenship.' She shrugs, "So if I can stay, I will, because I'd rather not go to prison. If I cannot, then at least I will be imprisoned for good rather than evil." She tilts the glass in T'Challa's direction before taking another drink.
Black Panther Black Panther listens quietly in his usual calm, even regal air. Though his eyes soften as he hears of Nuala's predicament. "Would they depend on Earth to extradite you? Or would your program come to take care of matters on their own, should we not accede to any requests for your return?" he asks her, dark eyes contemplative as he asks her the question. The mansion is quiet about them, it late enough in the evening that people have mostly retired back to their rooms, except for those starting the late night monitoring shift.
Nuala     "They already came on their own," she informs, setting the edge of the glass on the table, and slowly rolling it on its circumference. "Fortunately, Thor was able to at least stave them off through some quick speaking. Nova doesn't like that I exposed their presence. It was against protocol. So they would have tried to extract me quickly and quietly, rather than let your people know that they were here. However, now they are known, and the fact that I am technically human means that they have to manage the red tape. If you think a country's politics are complicated, imagine how complicated a galactic empire becomes when the policies that govern several solar systems becomes a factor." She smiles. "Never thought I'd be happy for politics."
Black Panther T'Challa gives Nuala a wry smile as if he is indeed contemplating how much more difficult politics on that scale would be. "Dealing with nations is difficult enough. I can only imagine," T'Challa says, shaking his head. "Thank you. You have remind me that no matter what one has to deal with? Someone, somewhere - even if elsewhere in the galaxy? - probably has it worse." He reaches over to gently pat her shoulder in a companionable way if the gesture does not seem unwelcome. "Would you mind if I asked you about your history? I am curious how it is you came to end up amongst the Nova," T'Challa asks.
Nuala     It's Nuala's turn to give a wry smile. "It is...complicated, I think. I do not remember most of it." She takes in a deep breath, as if considering how to tell the story. "There is a race in the galaxy called the Brood. They are...a hideous people who want to assimilate every other race into their being. Nobody on this planet knows it, but some time back, I don't know how long in Earth years, the Brood came to /infest/ humanity." There's a certain disgust in her voice, as someone might have if they were talking about Nazis.
    "There is a branch of Nova which is designed specifically to deal with parasitic threats, and a small detachment engaged the Brood at sea when they attacked a cargo vessel." She stops, and collects herself. "I was the only one they didn't have to kill to stop the Brood." She takes another drink of the bourbon. "A bunch of aliens couldn't well just drop me off at the nearest shelter, they did not even know what country I belonged to, so...I was never returned. Politics, remember?" she gives a grin and a shake of her head. "Grew up, joined Nova myself, kept doing what I lived around. Never was anyone's plan. It just...happened."
Black Panther T'Challa listens to all of this with obvious interest. The mention of this threat that came to Earth without mankind even having been aware of it causes some obvious expressions of concern from T'Challa. "And so you grew up amongst them. Did you serve in that same detachment once you came of age, fighting this Brood? Or are they no longer a threat?" T'Challa asks. He takes a sip of the bourbon, though his attention is focused closely on what Nuala is sharing with him.
Nuala     "The Brood are just one of many parasitic entities in the galaxy," Nuala says. "They were the target that day. I did join, and that's where I have served...my entire life, really. The Brood have a large empire, but most civilized races actively press against them, they have no allies, so they have several factions that will attack them on sight. My team is a very small surgical team. We try to stop parasitic threats while they are still small, so that they do not become a danger later. I think the Earth equivalent might be an exterminator." She shrugs, "It is not nearly so glorious as the earth movies of space adventures. It is what I do, though."
Black Panther T'Challa leans back in his chair. "It is both... a little terrifying to hear they are so large. And good to hear there are others that oppose them so," the Wakandan says, in his softly accented English. "How would the forces here on Earth fare against them? Should they show up? Would our more conventional military have any chance? If they landed? Or would it mostly be up to enhanced individuals? And advanced nations." One can guess which nation he imagines might have to handle a large share of that.
Nuala     "Against the Brood?" Nuala asks. "I believe that the number of Lanterns on Earth alone would give the Brood a reason to seriously reconsider another attempt to infest Earth," she reassures. "They are a hive mind, hideous creatures, but even though they individually are little more than animals, as a whole they have more than enough intelligence to know a losing battle." She suddenly stops. "I am sorry, I did not mean to cause alarm, I perhaps have spoken too much on such things," she says. "You have a country that depends on you, it should not fall to you to be concerned with matters of galactic quibbles over an insubordinate soldier such as myself."
Black Panther T'Challa is quick to shake his head. "No, Nuala. Please, to the contrary. I consider what you can tell me of such things to be invaluable," he tells her. "Wakanda has survived as an independent nation. For a very long time. Despite being small by the standards of Earth nations. We have not managed this by refusing to acknowledge and plan for threats. Not just because they are something we would rather hope another deals with."

T'Challa slides forward in his chair. "Do not worry that I will run in alarm to the UN. But I will welcome every bit of information you are willing to share with me. If it is something that could affect my people? Harm them one day? I would know all of it that I could." He looks at his bourbon. "In fact, I would go so far as to ask, would you meet with me regularly? To teach me of what else is out there. And, if you enjoy the bourbon, to share a glass now and then. I am enjoying your company as well."
Nuala     Nuala looks hesitant. "Your majesty," she says. "I broke Nova's regulations due to an injustice that was being done to the Asgardians," she says in a slow, measured tone. "But the response to detain me may not be wrong." She takes a moment to consider how to say what she is going to say, and gives a slight lick of her lips as she weighs it. "Earth is...not ready for a lot of what is out there. In fact, there is an intergalactic accord that has been signed by a number of other races prohibiting interference with Earth. I know that it is a tempting prospect, to learn the ways and technology of more developed cultures, but I think it would be wrong of me to further offend that accord. I think you to be a wise man, King, but it is not my place to say who should have an exemption and who should not. It would be far beyond my station."
Black Panther T'Challa inclines his head to Nuala. "I understand, Nuala. And it makes me hold you in even higher esteem. That you stick to your duty," he tells her. "I am still curious. About you. And what is out there. But I will try to avoid putting you in a situation your duty or your honor is infringed," T'Challa tells her. "And should we never speak another word of space, I would still enjoy meeting regularly. As friends."
Nuala     Nuala nods, and seems a little shied by the compliment. "Thank you, your highness," she appreciates with a nod. "Should God allow, I am certain we will."
Black Panther T'Challa nods in agreement. He'll offer his glass to clink against to toast that thought. And the two sit quietly and enjoy the bourbon, talking on into the night about more trivial matters.