Owner Pose
Kitty Pryde Kitty had not given any advanced notice of her visit back to the school. She's been away for the past year, attending college at Oxford. There was a social media post yesterday by Bobby, showing a picture of her with a pancake on her head, asleep from jet lag in the school's kitchen though.

More fully rested, Kitty sets out walking the grounds that next evening. Lockheed flies about around her, weaving in and out of the trees, seeming to also enjoy being back. Back home. That's what it is for Kitty. She stuffs her hands in her pockets, thinking maybe she should have worn a little bit heavier of a jacket for this walk. The February air a little more chilly than what she'd gotten used to in England.

Seeing the boathouse ahead, and a light on inside on the second floor, Kitty changes course, letting her steps take her over to it. She reaches the door to the second story and knocks on it a few times to see if the man making it his residence is at home.
Remy LeBeau Wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt proclaiming his loyalty to the Saints, Remy opens the door, then grins even wider when he sees who is there knocking. "Well Ah don' recall orderin' a beautiful girl, but Remy nevah been one ta turn down free gifts." He says playfully stepping out of the way. "Come on in chere, Ah was jus' fixing breakfast. Yah 'ungry?
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde's face lights up at the sight of the Cajun man. "Remy," she says warmly. "You didn't place an order?" she asks. "Well, this is awkward. The shipping costs from the UK are something fierce. And now double if I've got to be returned?" she says, the brunette breaking out in a soft grin for him. "Breakfast sounds wonderful," she agrees. Left to her own devices, she'll be having cereal otherwise. As Remy moves to give her room to pass through, Kitty enters and looks around the boat house. "So are you living out here permanently now?" she asks.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods slightly, running his fingers through his sleep tousled hair, which at the moment is hanging loose around his shoulders. There will be no cereal obviously from the smell of fresh biscuits and creamed beef cooking, not to mention the rich aroma of coffee strong enough to qualify for Danger Room Training. "Ah was gonna make some bacon an' eggs too... but Ah fohget if yah eat pork. IF yah wanna feed de toaster 'owever.." He nods slightly and shrugs, "Oui, basically Ah jus' moved all mah stuff in and claimed it by virtue of no one else being 'ere."
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde draws in a deep breath. "Oh yes. Pork is wonderful," Kitty tells him. "I just don't normally take the time to make it for myself." She turns to look Remy over. "You don't seem to have changed a bit," she tells him, eyes going to the man's curious black eyes as they often do.

Kitty has changed though in some ways. Lost more of her youthful look. The young woman's cheeks are a little more sharply defined. She looks more like she fits into the college scene now than having that youthful high school senior look that she left with. "Wow, can't complain about the view, can you?" she asks as she goes over to look out the triple windows, becoming a silhouette against the morning sun. "That must be a pretty amazing sight to wake up to each morning."
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau grins just a bit, "Woul' be, if day weren' a west facing window." he says playfully and grins and smiles, "Get some amazing sunsets 'owever." He nods at her comment and starts frying bacon and eggs. He remebered that she was Jewish, just not /how/ Jewish. "So what bring yah back ta de States chere? Ah don' recall anyone mentioning yah were comin' in. Ah'd 'ave gotten yah a welcome 'ome present at least.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde turns back from the window to move over to join Remy. "I didn't tell anyone. Somehow Bobby sussed it out though. He wrapped everything last thing in my room in tinfoil. I mean, paintings. Penciles. EVERYTHING. I might have mentioned I was packing, now that I think about it," Kitty says. She'll have to double check her direct messages again.

"I... um... just thought I'd come back home for a bit," Kitty says, not sounding entirely convincing like that's all it was. "Also.... present? Really? I mean, just because I'm already here doesn't mean you still can't..." she says with a lighthearted smile.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau grins a bit and smirks, "Ah see what Ah've got laying around." He says with a playful grin, fixing her plate and slipping it onto the table in front of her before making his own and bowing his head for a silent word of grace. After that he reaches for toast and hot sauce, "Well it's Bobby. He migh' 'ave done dat months ago, jus' ta get yah when yah /did/ come back.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde moves over to take a seat at the table. "Thank you," she tells him. She bows her head while he does, respectful of his faith even if she doesn't normally observe that part of her own tradition. "That's true. He'd probably walk past every day, snickering as he thought about it," Kitty says. "I saved all the foil. I'm going to turn it into hundreds of origami cranes which I'm going to leave everywhere in his life for weeks to come," Kitty says. "Actually, I'm going to see if Kaydin, the one super fast kid, will help with the folding."
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "Well if yah need 'elp placing dem, Ah'm pretty sure Ah could slip dem inta 'is room while 'e still sleeping... actually Ah migh' even know someone else dat coul' do it even bettah.." He says, a slow grin crossing his lips as he considers it. He liberally adds hot sauce to everything but his coffee and says, "So yah gonna tell me what really bring yah back? Yah know Remy a good listener petie. Ah don' judge."
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde stirs at her food with her fork, more so than eating for a few moments. "I don't know. Been away too long? Some things that have been on my mind just a little bit now and then. Maybe," she says. She takes another bite of her food finally. "I thought, I might see if it's ok if I stay for a semester, before I go back. I need to talk to Jean or Scott. Or the professor."
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods a bit. He assumes there is more to it then that, but he's not going to pry. "Well it's gonna be good ta 'ave yah back. Actually yah may be able ta 'elp me wit' a lil project Ah've been trying to outline. If yah were interested dat is."
Kitty Pryde "You know me. If I'm able. And it's not something that's going to get me in /too/ much trouble," Kitty tells him. "I've been trying to keep the hacking down to a minimum. Figure it won't take too much to get kicked out of Oxford, so... but, what is it that you're trying to do?" she asks him. She takes another bite of the breakfast, motioning with her fork to indicate how good it is.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods and gets up from the table and comes back with what the Oxford student would recognize as a very well orginized presentation packet. IT looks more like something Scott would put together, which makes sense since Remy was putting it together for Scott's consideration and approval. THe title page says simply "X-MEn, Black team." The presintation has the basic core concept that while the X-MEn excel at blowing things up, they would be better served if they also made use of the covert infiltration skills many of it's members have.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a soft, "Ooo." She begins looking it over. "You know, I met a new student. Or, new to me at least. Souvenir. She asked me about my mutant power, and when I told her, she made a comment about I probably get left at home a lot." Kitty gives a gentle sigh and says, "I told her we'd talk later. There's plenty of ways to help the team, and I don't get left at home because I do them. Something like this would suit her psychometric powers." She looks up. "Saying, yes, I think there's a group of us that this makes great sense for."
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Ah know 'er. Been actully working on some projects wit' 'er. She was who Ah was t'inking of when yah mentioned yah cranes. Yah make one, 'and it ovah ta 'er, an' she be able ta make more from it." he nods a bit, smiling as she apparently approves of his little side project. "Course it's an excuse ta teach a bunch of kids, an' X-men too, a bunch of t'ief skills and force Scott ta give me 'is blessing ta do it but still.."
Kitty Pryde "Oh, I hadn't realized she could make duplicates of objects," Kitty says. "Was just going to get someone to fold them really fast, if he's willing. But that's good to know. I'll ask her. Give her something else to help her realize she's got useful skills. Even if it's only for a prank. It doesn't hurt, that positive reinforcement, right?" Kitty motions to Remy's presentation. "I think it's a great idea. Anything I can do to help you with it then?"
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau shakes his head emphatically, "She doesn't make duplicates... What she does is touch t'ings and learn..stuff associated wit' dat t'ing... Like if she picked up a deck of cards and de last person to use dat deck was me, she'd be a fair ta meddling poker player. Ah just meant yah 'and 'er a crane and she'd know 'ow ta 'elp yah fold dem. Yah want dem done fast, or done right?" he asks with a playful grin.
Kitty Pryde "Oh! Well, that's probably even more useful of an ability, really. She could pick up my computer skills," Kitty says thoughtfully. "Or your witty charm. Though I'm not sure she would be as interested in wooing every girl in the night club, like someone I know," Kitty says, flashing Remy a soft, teasing look. "I noticed she goes about with gloves on." Kitty looks down at her meal, taking a small bite. "So, how is Rogue?" she asks without looking up.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau smiles that slightly school boy smile that says things in the of tumultuous Remy and Rogue dynamic are at least currently on the upswing. "She's pretty good... We 'ad some sort of doppleganger clone of 'er in de basement foh a while dat Bobby 'ad put on ice. DAt 'ole t'ing was an ordeal, but it meant Ah got ta meet Captain America." he smiles and takes another bite of food to hide his fanboying. "What about yah, leave a trail of broken 'earts across Britain?"
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde takes a few more bites of the biscuits and gravy. "Not really. Or... gosh I hope not," Kitty says, stopping to think. "There were a few dates. But I was pretty focused on school. And no one really caught my eye that much, to be honest," she says. She returns to stirring at her food, pushing it about her plate after that. Kitty gives a little shrug. "But you never now. Maybe there's someone out there for me," she says.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau smirks and reaches out giving the younger woman's hand a gentle squeeze. "Ah'm certain of dat part chere. If someone like me c'n find someone out dare, cen Ah know dat yah c'n." He finishes his plate and takes a long drink of his coffee. "So if Ah c'n put dis black team toget'er, yah wan' in? Might be we end up doin' t'ings dat fall more in de grey area den yah used to."
Kitty Pryde The brunette young woman gives Remy's hand a squeeze back as she flashes a grateful look to him for his support. Kitty gets to her feet, picking up his plate and hers, moving over to the sink to begin washing them. He cooked. The least she can do is clean up. She'll get the cookware as well. "I think... it might depend, Remy," Kitty says. "Obviously my power is a perfect fit for it," she says. Though he can tell there's something else. Some hesitance. "Just how grey would we be talking?"
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau shrugs a bit. "Breaking an entering," he says after a moment. "What could be described as corporate espionage. Sabotage. No killin' if dat's what yah worried about but allot of t'ings some people would find objectionable.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod of her head to that. "If it's for the right cause. I just... don't want to go back to some things I had in my head before. You know?" Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't. Psychotic ninja mind-controlling her. Her attempt on Logan's life. It all happened in Japan. But stories get out. "But I mean, breaking and entering? Phhbt." Kitty says, grinning. "That /is/ my power. Well, minus the breaking part."
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods a bit. "Ideally, de bad guys will nevah even know we were dare. But being able ta get inta FoH 'eadquarters an' find out 'ow dey plan ta false flag dare own rally, or get a copy of Senator Kelly's speech an' give it to de professor before dare debate.."
Kitty Pryde "Yes. Those would all be useful things to do," Kitty agrees with Remy. "Any idea what Scott's feelings are on the matter to start with? Does he need a lot of convincing, or is he open to the plan?" She finishes up the dishes, drying them and putting them away. Now time for the pans. "Who all did you have in mind for it to start out?"
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau stands and dries the dishes and puts them away. "Mahself naturally. Betsy. Yah were on mah short list from de start if Ah could get yah back 'ere. Same wit' Kurt. Logan Ah'm kinda leaning away from? He c'n do subtle but 'e's not good at it. De girl yah mentioned before, Erika.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde finishes up the pots and pans, putting them away. She moves back over to the table, turning her chair around backwards and sitting down on it. Hands on the chair back, head on her hands. "Probably a smart idea, about Logan. If it's important enough he can be quiet. But, yeah, the problem is getting him to believe that's what's needed in some situations." Kitty smiles. "I haven't seen Kurt yet. Is he around the school?"
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau headshakes slightly, v"'Aven't seen 'im in mont's, but since de whole t'ing is pretty 'ypot'etical right now anyway, may as well put mah dream team toget'er, non? Anyway Ah figure Scott's knee jerk reation is ta say non, dat's why Ah put it toget'er like dat." he says gesturing to the papers.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde looks over the presentation again. "I think examples are a great way to go. Not just hypotheticals. Find a Kelly speech we would have liked to know about in advance. Find a mission we went on where the intelligence we needed was there, had we gone about it the right way. Lead with those? Show that our history shows there is this need," Kitty says. "And then, once he's biting on that? Then move on to how we could have addressed it. Tangible real examples. How we might have gotten Kelly's speech. Match our abilities to those examples. Finally then you can get to the hypotheticals?" Kitty's tone is making it all suggestion. She sits back to see what he thinks.
Remy LeBeau It's not exactly a long wait since Remy is pretty much nodding along with her beat for beat. He'd had a similar idea on how to approach the X-Men's Fearless leader. De biggest problem dat Ah forsee is 'e's gonna want oversight. Want ta mirco manage. Wanna send in backup at de slightest 'icup... Dat's not somet'ing dat an infiltration unit like dis c'n afford.
Kitty Pryde "He probably will. And I'm not sure how to get around that. Maybe let it start that way. Then we can begin dropping some comments in his ear about building up leadership in the team? Delegating?" Ok, when did Kitty turn from the teenage hactivist into someone who thinks about these sorts of things? It isn't a question for Remy so much as one that Kitty might find herself wondering at on her own tonight while she's staring at the ceiling before sleeping.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau nods slowly and considers. He was never one to really treat her like a kid. He always respected her intelligence and would always give her opinions a fair hearing, even when he disagreed with them. "Or alternatively, Ah could jus' try ta get Jean on board and let 'er snap 'im inta line." He says playfully.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde lets out a warm laugh. "Having her on your side is never a bad idea. Not if you're a smart man," Kitty tells him. She reaches over to pat his hand. "And I've always thought you were a smart man. Unless you got your head turned around by a woman at least," she says teasingly.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau gives her a wicked grin, "Oh Ah'm smart when it comes ta women too," he says playfully, "De trick is ta make dem more flustered den yah are. Ah'd offah ta show yah...but Ah'm kinda dating someone who c'n rip off mah arms an' beat me wit de wet sidea.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde lets out a warm laugh and says, "You're too much man for me, anyway I'm sure, Remy LeBeaux." Kitty's pretty brown eyes twinkle at him as she delivers the flattery. "And I like having my own arms attached just as much as you. I imagine I'd be next." Kitty smiles and returns her hand to playing head rest for herself. "It seems like everyone on this team, and in this school, is all paired up. Did Cupid come through here while I was gone?"
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Well it is Valentines day season comin' up, so maybe." He says with a laugh and gives her a look that is absolutely sinful. "Maybe Ah too much foh yah chere, yah likely right. But Ah c'n promise yah, if dare were evah gonna be an experience wort' dieing foh... Ah could be de one ta give it too yah." He then gives her a teasing wink. He doesn't normally use his silver tounge power... but it can be fun sometimes.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a warm laugh. She opens her mouth to give a retort, but it seems to die on her lips before the words make it out. A little of the mirth leaves her expression, but not all of it. "Rogue is a lucky woman, Remy," she says to him simply. "But who knows, maybe I'll keep my eye open. And if she's foolish enough to let you go? She couldn't blame me for going after the experience worth dying for, right?" she asks. By the end of that, whatever it was earlier seems put out of her head, her previous sassy warmth back fully.
Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau gives that same rich laugh and shakes his head, obviously enjoying the banter. "Well chere, if yah like, Ah t'ink Ah c'n put yah on mah list, non?" he asks playfully, taking a long slow sip of his coffee.