Owner Pose
Jean Grey A polite knock comes on the door, followed by the familiar voice of Jean Grey, "Kitty...? Do you have a moment? I heard you're back..."
Kitty Pryde "Jean! You bet!" Kitty calls through the door. A few seconds later it opens up to reveal the dark-haired young woman. "So good to see you," Kitty says, and will give Jean a quick side-hug if allowed. "Please, come on in. I was just... working on a project," Kitty says motioning into the room.

The room is much like she left it when she went away to Oxford a year ago, without having been back since. Thought here is an ENORMOUS pile of used tinfoil in a corner of the room. And many more sheets of it on the bed, along with about a dozen origami cranes made of the shiny material.

"How are you?" Kitty asks in an upbeat tone.
Jean Grey "Hi Kitty Kat," Jean says when the door is opened, but she doesn't wait long, she just forces Kitty into a tight embrace the moment she sees her. "Give me a hug already!" She holds that embrace for a few moments, before eventually letting Kitty go, "how was England? Come on! Tell me!" She then finally walks inside, "what project is that?" She askss while looking around the room, before stopping as she spots the one thing which is not like the others. "What's with the pile of tinfoil? Is that your project?"

She very smoothly manages to not hear Kitty's own question about her well being.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a joyous laugh, and with it, a long tight hug for her friend. "England was good. I liked Oxford. It's challenging which is good. The food isn't the best," Kitty says. Like she wasn't eating cereal for two out of three meals anyway? "But they have some good chocolates. Oh, and the coffee from Europe? Fantastic!"

Kitty waves Jean the rest of the way into the room, moving the unfolded sheets of tinfolk back to the pile, and adding the origami crane ones to a box that holds a few dozen of them. "The tinfoil was wrapped around every last item and fixture of my room here when I got back. Even down to individual pencils, paintings, you name it," Kitty says.

She gives an exasperated blow of air to push some stray brown hairs away from her eyes while expressing what it was like unwrapping everything. "So I'm going to make cranes out of them and have them turn up everywhere in Bobby's life," she says, grinning. "I kind of hope I can get Kaydin to fold them all for me in a few minutes."
Jean Grey "I wish I could go with you, I was very proud when the Professor left me in charge as Headmistress, but I didn't realize it came with no days off," Jean laughs and reaches to give Kitty another smaller, shorter embrace, truly happy to have her back at the Mansion. "I actually heard that about England, was wondering if it's just rumors...so sorry it's true, about the food that is."

"Really? Hope you brought some to share," Jean coos at the promise of good coffee. "Wow...it was?" Jean can only imagine, and shakes her head, "give me one guess, Bobby Drake welcoming present?" Jean giggles, despite knowing what horror it would be to walk into, "look on the bright side, after the fact it makes for quite the story."

Jean giggles even more at Kitty's planned payback, "that's actually a great idea, and I think Kaydin would love making a game out of it. Good on you, Kitty," Jean offers, before adding, "and congratulations on the willingness to take up a position at the school, get a small taste of the horrors I have to deal with," she notes with a friendly nudge against Kitty.
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a soft laugh at the last part, and nudges back. "I stopped out at Jubilation's cabin. She's on board with it too, but said I have to play bad cop when we get in those situations," Kitty says with a soft grin.

Kitty motions to the bed for Jean to take a seat, even going so far as to take the other woman's hands in both of hers if allowed, and pull her onto it, where Kitty sits cross-legged then, letting the hands go. "So how are you doing? Everything good with the school? And with you? And with... other people in your life?" Kitty asks, the last part said with care. "And, I met Rachel. She kind of tackled me actually. It was all really sweet. And heart-breaking, once I understood what was going on."

There's a memory that runs through Kitty's mind. Rachel telling her something. Kitty's eyes filling with unshed tears as she struggles to not lose control of her phasing. But the moment passed safely.
Jean Grey "To be honest, I think Jubilee is just taking advantage of your help, she sucks at being bad cop, and you're just...well...more mature?" Jean offers the obvious, albeit she may have picked another word if Jubilee was there.

Jean joins Kitty in sitting on her bed, before asking, "where's the little one? You did bring Lockheed with you, right?" Jean asks, spying her eyes around the room.

When Kitty forces the issue, Jean sighs, "it's been...eventful, would be a way to put it. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to talk just now, I only came to check on you and say hello. I promise I'll make time to catch up more properly, Kitty."
Kitty Pryde "Yes, Lockheed is probably down in the kitchen. Hunting for bacon since he knows I'm not likely to cook any pork for him," Kitty says with a little good-natured hrmph about that. "I'll bring him by to see you though," Kitty promises.

The reaction from Jean brings a quick, understanding nod from Kitty. "I can only imagine. If you do want to talk about it, whenever? You know I'm here, whenever you need me," Kitty says. And she'll follow up that offer with a big warm hug to make sure Jean knows she's got support here if she needs.
Jean Grey Jean gives Kitty another hug, and on her way out, she coos, "I'll go see if I can sneak a Lockheed snuggle, hope he lets me...I know he prefers you and Illyana, but he's so adorable! I missed him!"